clickworker Reviews

clickworker Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-06

About: Earn money easily with your smartphone, at home or on the go. People from all
over the world can become part of the Clickworker community.

About clickworker

What is clickworker? The Clickworker app allows people from all over the world to earn money by completing micro jobs using their smartphone or PC. The app offers a variety of tasks such as surveys, online research, app testing, making audio and video recordings, mystery photography/store visits, writing and proofing texts, categorizing data, and many other micro jobs. Becoming a clickworker is easy and involves registering online or on the app, filling out your profile, and getting started with your first online jobs. You can have your earnings paid out weekly to your PayPal account.



- Access to a variety of micro jobs

- Ability to complete tasks using your smartphone or PC

- Easy registration process

- Weekly payouts to your PayPal account

- Option to take tests to become qualified for additional jobs

- Clickworker forum for support and connection with other clickworkers.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 5,452 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of clickworker

- Easy to use and understand jobs

- Step by step process for completing jobs

- Can be completed in 1-2 minutes

- Higher paying jobs available with more experience

- Easy and mildly entertaining or interesting jobs

20 clickworker Reviews

4.4 out of 5


Very interesting work, but the pay is laughable

Sadly, I quickly realized that I was not going to make much money as a click worker. I used to spend hours and more hours qualifying for different jobs and taking notes on how to do the task correctly just to have my work rejected or not paid for whatever the reason was that day. It’s really hard to improve when you have no idea or any explanation as to where you went wrong!! I would feel really good about my work and then it would be rejected and jobs I felt were subpar I would get credit for. I would plan to work a few hours and when I would sign in to work my account would show suspended or account disabled or account expired or some unexplained issue. Some days they could fix it the issue right away but, many times I would lose out for the window to work while waiting for the help team to reset my account so I could log in. I don’t think it’s a scam, but I do think they are getting work from us for very very low pay and never explain why work is rejected. Frustrating but interesting 🤔


Not a bad app but

Not many jobs to choose from and those that have high payouts aren’t even worth it. The mystery shopping is one that I won’t recommend anyone doing especially when we are in a crisis that’s getting worse(why go out in crowded shops when you don’t need to be out?!) I recommend but there should be more options for work such as editing or just typing or rating something. clickworker not a scam it’s just a hassle to make money to support yourself and family. I don’t like the photos because of not knowing if whoever is using the photos for other stuff without your consent(baby photos should be taken off because a lot of people are thinking negatively but can’t blame them because a lot of that is caused by things that happens in real). As for the social security number thing I’m not sure of because I haven’t been asked that but common sense is to not share anything personal 🤷🏽‍♀️but the form you have to do for payout you do have to put your ssn on


Can’t receive my payment

I was excited to do the tasks when I first downloaded clickworker , but once my payment was made available for me to withdraw it’s been about 2 whole months and I still haven’t found a way to cash out. I can’t get a PayPal account verified, but this app says I can cash out through Payoneer, but I don’t have the option no where in my account, and anytime I write support I get the run around and my problem still exist. It’s frustrating that I did the work but this app customer support makes it rudely clear that without a verified account with PayPal they are not obligated to pay me, but they say nothing about that until it’s time for them to pay. They shouldn’t even allow people to waste their time and do any assignments until everything is verified first, I have independent contacts and do a lot of gig work through multiple apps and this is the only one I am having payment issues with!


Do NOT believe their hype

This is the very first time I've been deceived by a SO CALLED work/gig institute. Be aware Do Not wast any time taking videos/ photos of you or your children doing ANYTHING that they ask you to provide for them or the lies about AI Training! you get through ALL of the prompts up Until it's time for you to actually submit your videos/ photos that you took time out of your day to do ( wasted time) and then you have ALL 3 or however many they ask for , the submit button will stay unavailable... The customer support is probably Fake along with this entire project co. NOTICE this app asks for you to provide very personal things from you like your pictures of your ID or D.l, pics of your personal license plate, videos of your family and more and on the other hand they might have an underhanded motive so WATCH OUT!


Hard getting started

It’s a little difficult to navigate and understand some of the guidelines and directions for the HITs. Also, I have several hits I can’t do because I have don’t enough for 1 month but the limit is 4 per month and it’s only .32… no other actual hits on the site. Have to complete jobs from other pages within clickworker , and that has even been hard to find work and complete. I am sticking with it for a while longer. Also I have been doing it over a month and yet to receive a payout. Hard to find help in figuring out when I will get paid. Forums hasn’t approved me yet either and it has been close to that month.



I took a job shooting videos of me and some family members completing prescribed actions. It took us about three hours to complete. When I tried to upload the job, the upload failed... over and over again. I checked my connection and my transfer speeds were around 40mbps. Over and over I tried, but it wouldn’t work.

I tried to contact support from within clickworker and it said, “Not supported.” What??? Multiple attempts, but no luck. I contacted them through the website. After my third attempt, I received an automated reply asking for some trivial piece of information. I replied and provided it, but, no response. I received a notification that my task was expiring in one hour. Sent one last desperate email asking for help. Nothing. The job expired and received nothing.

I suspect that this was a scam. I suspect that this app actually did receive my videos and collected the pay from the client. I was supposed to receive over $70 for this work. They never even bothered to email me a response, an apology... nothing.

Shame on you for taking advantage of someone in this time of crisis when people are desperately trying to find ways to feed their families. Shame on you!


I really enjoy this app!

I actually really like clickworker, it’s very easy to use and to understand jobs. The prices of jobs are kinda low, however some of these jobs can be completed in 1-2 minutes. The more jobs you do and assessments you take the more higher paying jobs you receive. clickworker does a very good job at explaining how the job is to be completed with using a step by step process.
Great app! I look forward to seeing what else clickworker will offer in the future.



I originally signed up because it states you can make up to $25/hr doing editing and other website work. After 2 hrs just to sign up and complete an editing tutorial, instead of finding editing job, I’m only getting offers to compare ads for 2 CENTS each or post photos/videos of my family for a dollar?! The minimum to withdraw money is $10, but not only would it take literally a whole day to make that much from constantly clicking to visit a thousand websites, I’m also constantly finding my money DECREASING!? I wish I could post photos on these comments so I could show how my total dropped from almost $4 back down to ~$1.50 when I logged back in a couple hours later?!?! WTH?!


Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover

The few jobs I’ve worked on clickworker are, if nothing more, easy and mildly entertaining or interesting. However, haven’t been able to log in because it opens to an “Update Required. Press Here.” This button takes you to the Apple store, where there is no “Update”’option. It’s fairly redundant as this isn’t the first time it’s caused such an issue. The last time was after i had completed a $5 job. Needless to say, that was a lost $5. Now, same issue, similar losses as a consequence.



I was excited when I first downloaded this until I realized that the money you earn stays PENDING and it takes days before it becomes available to withdraw.. but WAIT there’s more! You can’t withdraw your funds u til you upload a tax form. Then once approved THEN you can withdraw .. it’s been TWO MOnths. It keeps telling me to put in a tax ID number but from where? Then it tells me I need to confirm my account before I get paid. I did that still can’t withdraw. If I’m told to check my email I’m done. This is not all it’s cracked up to be. Why would I do these tasks that I can do on five other sites and be able to withdraw cash to my PayPal instantly, or wait 2 months plus. Waste of gigs


cant even sign up [UPDATED]

UPDATE: they fixed it and now it works fine.

i saw clickworker on a site with ways to make money, and it seemed cool so i downloaded it. it asks if you are a this app, and when i click no, it tried going to the next page but then automatically exits clickworker . please fix this as clickworker seems fun



my earnings from one gig were reversed after being reviewed, because I said one word in two different ways (because they didn’t specify which pronunciation they meant), so they reversed my earnings for that one gig based on their own mistake, saying that I said it twice. BUT they’re probably still gonna use my recordings for free, and there doesn’t seem to be a way for me to report what happened on clickworker . sus if people can just reverse earnings like that that have already been added to someone’s account. for starters, don’t add money to people’s earnings / account balance until the gig is reviewed.


Your tax info is required to make ANY money

I was fully excited to use clickworker but when I found out that you have to not just give them your social security number but also fill out tax information I said NO and I deleted clickworker . They’re Plenty of others apps you can earn the same amount of money or even MORE money then clickworker and they don’t require any tax info or even your social security number. I guess that’s why very few people have downloaded clickworker compared to all the other money earning apps. Government is not the solution to the problem government is the problem.


Unable to use iPhone app for jobs

I am unable to perform any job duties through the mobile app. It just keeps saying loading but never brings up the page. This is a great work queue however it is strictly supplemental income, not a full time type thing FYI. I have given this app 4 stars based on their actual website which requires a computer but it helps make a little extra money on the side.


SCAM!!!!! Dont give your info here!!!

I tried this out and attempted to register (registration consists of you name, email, address, date of birth and address.) 24 hours later and still no email verification so i can get started... i sent “customer support” an email asking for help and they replied “Based on results of routine security checks we discovered a discrepancy between the data provided on registration and your connection data.” They said i was an illegitimate use of the apps platform and are requesting more info including my social security number! ??? Deleting clickworker this moment and warning others.


Not respecting privacy

Seems like data collecting app. Ok I understand you may need my address and phone number for legal purposes, but then you request access to my Paypal account for no reason and the jobs are asking from me to upload my ID “to train AI”, to take videos of me or my kids doing some activity, to send photos of myself from the last five years. What is wrong with you, I am ok doing tasks like proofreading, reviewing websites or apps and similar tasks, but not handing all my personal info to you. There is not one task for me that does not include me giving out info about myself.


Not much to choose from

I’ve been on clickworker for a couple months, and they have the same jobs posted all the time. Some jobs are confusing because the instructions aren’t clear. They have the same jobs posted for the longest time, and hardly ever post new jobs. They also deactivate my payment saying that I changed my email (which I did) and still don’t have an email confirmation to enable my payment. So not only do they not have much to choose from, they give you the run around about payment. I have money ready to cash out and I can’t get paid.



Do not download or put any information! They are scammers! Do not do the secret shopping for $20! They will not pay you a single penny! Please do not waste your time on this application. I wasted gas and time taking several pictures of different fragrances and they did not pay me anything! I emailed them and they said the pictures were not taken the way they wanted it. I took several pictures, so something like this would not happen. I did both male and female. I should have received $40 total and I did not receive a single cent! Such a waste of time. Scamming app!


Don’t Download SCAM SCAM SCAM

I came across clickworker and took a job to photograph some fragrances at Macy’s. I followed all the directions and submitted everything. Day for them to pay came around and nothing. I messaged and it took them weeks to respond for them to say oh you were supposed to photograph all the fragrances for the brand... that was not the case when I took the job. They got their images, and hour of my time I’ll never get back. Don’t do it. Currently they have a job listed that pays you $6 to take pictures of your ID/Drivers License... pretty sure that’s calling for them to steal your identity!


I enjoy working on clickworker

I really enjoy using the this app app, I got a chance of starting with UHRS and now I’m getting enough extra money because of this app, the support is very friendly, I sometimes get answered in no more than 1 hour if I’m facing a simple issue. I highly recommend this app if want to make some extra cash


Don’t waste your time

clickworker just make you lose your time taking photos and then just reject your work so they just probably steal those photos and don’t give you any compensation.
I literally follow every single step & instructions of requirements for the food & drinks photos and they just rejected my work without a reason not to mention that clickworker crashes a lot and while I was in doing the job work the page turned into black and didn’t let me to send the photos I tried a lot to re do it again without the page crashing and still didn’t get my compensation.


App Way Too Slow

clickworker seems very interesting, many of the jobs involve taking photos or videos to be used in AI databases which I think is really cool. I would love to do some jobs on clickworker but the loading screens are impossibly slow, often lasting three minutes or more just for trying to filter results. Recently I haven’t been able to open clickworker at all because the loading screen takes so long, it’s unacceptable:(


Not Enough time

I click on a job and it told me a little what I supposed to do but when I accept the job it told me more saying no Animals and have to be someone 18 or order and a lot more rules wish it had told me that sooner before excepting the job so I would of had been ready then I don’t get to save it to try it out some other time it times you and take the job away and you won’t get to go back when your ready to do the job It will be expire make you to remove it


App update ruined the app

clickworker always worked fine for me, but with the latest update now nothing will ever load. I just get error messages left and right saying that my information can’t load. Wish they would fix it.


Technical Issues

I am not able to use the microphone or camera which takes away from a lot of what’s available for me at the moment. Tried everything to make sure access was allowed on my phone. And when I tried it on my significant others phone — it worked for him. Please fix! I have an iPhone 7 and it has the most current update.


Not loading???

A lot of jobs require you to use clickworker which is fine but the job page NEVER loads. It keeps spinning until it says error. I enjoy this company and like everything I’ve done online I would just like to continue enjoying it on my phone where most of the jobs seem to be.


Wow a scam and a disgrace that apple ever let it on clickworker store. Its either too little for the effort or an obvious scam asking for your ID or an itunes cards. The only reason im giving it a 5 star is in hopes people see this with all the fake reviews.



At first it was cool and fun to do the little jobs. Surveys ects but if you don’t like getting chump change then this site is not for you! To be honest I experience a lot of crashes on clickworker so I wouldn’t be able to submit to half the jobs. Reporting to help line about doesn’t help at all ! I really tired to give them the benefit of the doubt but nawwww don’t even waste your time by making a profile , downloading clickworker etc , it’s all BS!


Click to work!

Easy to use, fast jobs, pay adds up quick. The only problem I have is sometimes the loading screen doesn’t load properly and I have to close clickworker and reopen it.


This Is Probably A Scam

I worked for a couple days and then it locked me out of my account. It says my login information is wrong when I know it isn’t because it’s stored in my passwords cloud on my phone. When I click the link to reset my password and put in my email in it doesn’t send me an email, I’ve checked all folders including spam. I can’t contact support because it says email is not supported.


Do NOT Download!’

Send video of every aspect of your face and head as a selfie? NO THANK YOU!! This is extremely creepy. One is asked for video of your door bell? What? So they can see if you have a recording door bell to break in your house, steel your children, etc,. This is app is nothing more than a doorway for people to have video information about your life. You can keep your $0.07 per job, if u can even get that. This is a SCAM!!!

Is clickworker Safe?

Yes. clickworker is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 5,452 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.4/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for clickworker Is 27.1/100.

Is clickworker Legit?

Yes. clickworker is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 5,452 clickworker User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for clickworker Is 43.6/100..

Is clickworker not working?

clickworker works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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