Pet Parade: Cutest Pet Game Reviews

Pet Parade Reviews

Published by on 2024-11-06

🏷️ About: Pet Parade is a mobile app that allows pet owners to upload and share their cutest pet photos, compete in live pet pic tournaments, and win gift cards for pet supplies from popular retailers like Chewy, Amazon, Petsmart, Pet Supplies Plus, and Petco. Users can also earn coins by voting for other people's pet photos, create their own pet pic match-ups, and join live pet tournaments and competitions. The app also features a Cuteness Challenge where users can face off head-to-head against another pet and see their votes and treats tally up live. Users can level up to unlock special prizes, coupons, savings, and gift cards from Petco, Chewy, and Amazon, and redeem their prize tickets for exclusive savings on pet food, dog treats, dog collars and leashes, and cat bowls.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 19,673 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Fair gameplay

- Exciting to see pets move up in place, get treats, and win face-offs

- Cute and fun app with adorable animals

- Barely any ads

Read 21 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.7 out of 5
Great at first.... BUT YOU RUINED IT

So... Hello readers/pet parade PetParade was amazing at first I could post photos of my dog (Twiggs) BUT YOU RUINED IT!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 So now whenever I try to post a photo I have to spend my silver coins 50!!! That’s to much I hate the creators because I don’t have 50 I have 40 so you NEED to fix that and btw if ur
Looking to get pet parade I would have recommend unless you wanna spend money on PetParade just to get coins to post a dum photo. I AM REALY MAD AT THE CREATORS SO MAD 😡!!!!!! And btw we got a new dog well we haven’t got it yet but I wanna make an acount for her so I can post photos of her too! Oh and btw the new dogs name is willow. And I read other reviews about PetParade all the creators say is..... “I am very sorry for your issues we will get working on it right away” yeah right you never do ANYTHING!!!!! So I hope this is helpful for readers to know that if you don’t wanna spend ur money on an app then I DONT RECOMEND!!! I hope the creators read this AND CHANGE THIS!!! Oh and btw I wouldn’t even given this a star ⭐️. MAD AT CREATORS VERY MAD AT YOU!!!!wpuld not recomend unless they change or want to spend money on a stupid APP!! Goodbye readers and mean creators I HOPE YOU READ AND FIX!!! And don’t say the stuff I said earlier in this. Good bye and not sorry for how long it is except the readers. I ALMOST WANNA SAY I HATE THE CREATORS abut that’s to mean SO BYE!

Awful changes with the prizes

I saved tickets for over a year to get a prize I really wanted for my dogs. Then, I go to look at the prize spot on PetParade and all of the sudden the prizes I saved up for (for over a year) are gone. Not only that, but there’s very limited prize choices now. On top of that, I have plenty of tickets to get my dogs something nice from the only prizes available now, but PetParade claims that I need to be on a certain level in order to get the prizes I want. Then, I went to cash in my tickets to get some stuff because apparently there’s expiration dates on tickets now & PetParade tells me I can’t get more than one prize today because I have to wait 30 days to choose another prize. So, tomorrow I’ll be losing over 10,000 tickets that took me OVER TWO YEARS to save up because now there are “expiration’s” on tickets. I only waited until the last second because I was trying to “level up” to get to the prizes I wanted for my dogs. This is very frustrating and upsetting. I’ve been using PetParade for over 2 years & now can’t even get my pets anything. Very disappointed in how downhill PetParade has gone!

Same exact winners month after month and now year after year!!

It never ever changes and developers don’t care!! Its been the same winners since Ive been on for over a year now! I don’t even try to make it near the top and if you do the players that have been winning time after time will make sure you never do again! Many but not all of the same top winners pull together and knock everyone else out of a chance to even get one of the top prizes! The top prizes just rotate between the same people most of the time. Its the same people with different pets or sometimes just the same pet over and over again! The people at the top also get faster boosts for a chance at more face offs and points so it never changes! All they have to do is erase the pictures they already posted and repost them every day and their face offs sky rocket faster than everyone elses! They also have extra accounts with no pets on them so they fully boost them in the middle of the night while not many players are on and continuously vote for their own pet!! Nothing ever changes!!


For those of us who spent countless hours on our phones, working hard at earning tickets before the update, if we want to get a prize, we should be able to get one, not have to re-earn it! I wanted a 7500 ticket prize and had just hit 7500, I purposely did NOT update because I was working on ordering my prize, when suddenly my app updated. Now, I’m supposed to re-earn it? That’s not fair! I’ve already put in the time! I’d like to get my prize and leave.

Even though the game has been updated, the cheater and her bullies are still in the game. This says it’s for the family, but it takes a few to ruin it for everyone else.
* What’s the purpose of a block button when the bully you block can still see you?
** We can’t curse in correspondence with each other, in fact, a box states if we continue and send, we’ll be removed from the game. Yet, someone can take a photo of cuss words and put it in their dog’s photo and it’s ok...SMH.

Took everything away!!!!

This has always been one of my favorite apps. I would tell everyone I knew about it. Before the 2.0 version it would take forever to win anything. When the 2.0 version came out it made the game worth playing. I was finally able to win some nice stuff for my dog. Now after the update you have taken away everything that made this game worth playing away. Less coins for winnings contests. Less tickets for entering tournaments. They took away almost all the prizes AND you can only redeem a prize once a month and the tickets expire if you don’t use them for so long. Now you can only use a photo up to 5 times in a tournament but yet all these fake accounts that you guys allow to play can easily just google a picture of a cute animal and post it and win! PetParade is just not worth it anymore. You just lost a loyal player of 2 years.

Could be better

There is definitely a clear pet bias which makes PetParade less fun. There almost *needs* to be voting categories for different species of animals so dogs don’t win by default. It’s a little ridiculous, the hashtag could be winter and some half a pixel maybe dog sunbathing in the grass will beat a well captured winter photo of any other non-dog animal. A cute picture of my horse sleeping will never beat a wide awake standing dog in the #naptime. If you upload the picture into PetParade with a specific hashtag, then that pic should only be allowed to enter tournaments under that category to keep the same 7 dogs from winning each time. It’s so frustrating making the effort to get a quality photo of my cat, only to lose time and time again to a dogs shadow caught on camera with a dirty napkin because all doggos are the goodest bois

Kinda sad.

I used to play this all the time and received some really nice stuff for my cats. Loved PetParade. Unfortunately, after awhile I had to delete PetParade because life changes and gets busy and had a lot more going on with my moms cancer and there also just wasn’t enough space for PetParade on my old phone anymore and I planned to add it back once I got my new phone. So, I ordered something with the tickets I had left over and after a month deleted PetParade . The prizes take a super long time to come and I knew that, but my prize never came in the mail and once I redownloaded it on my new device, I noticed all of the tickets that I spent on my prize that never came expired. So I’m actually upset about this and a bit disappointed:(


The idea behind app is fun, but I keep seeing the same pets in face-offs over & over, sometimes more than once in the same round! The same pets keep winning, no one else stands a chance. My pets get very few face-offs unless I pay to boost them. I’m working hard at accumulating enough coins to boost my pets in order to make some headway & earn a prize. The algorithm needs some tweaking to give everyone who actively plays a fair shot at having their pets get votes. A friend who plays at least once or twice a day has never seen my pets in a face-off (even when I do boost them) & I’ve never seen hers. I can rattle off names of pets who get constant exposure, though. That said, I have earned some prizes & they have all been quality items.

Great App, But...

This is a super fun app if you are looking to see some cute animals! I love the little mini games, the ability to donate to charities, and the mini-match ups against other animals. However, I am not a big fan of the new update in which you are required to pay a decent amount of money to even join a tournament. It would be nice if you could buy the keys that are required with the gold tokens you earn in game from winning one on one matches so more people could have access to the tournaments. I feel like this could solve a lot of the negative problems surrounding PetParade as of the current update. There are the “non-premium” tournaments, but they tend to have pretty mediocre prizes that kinda take the fun out of competing. Of course, you could still keep the ability to buy keys as well for those who want a short-cut. I understand the keys are most likely there for revenue purposes, but I feel like there might be better ways to implement that aspect.

Fun but....

PetParade is such a great idea with genuinely great rewards! I explain it to family and friends as “tinder” for cute animals. Haha. But I seriously have to complain about one thing. DOGS on PetParade. If you have the literal cutest picture ever of a kitten/cat and I picture of a big ugly dog that looks like the photo was taken with a potato- the dog will still win. And like win big time. It’s obvious to me people vote WAY more for dogs which is not only unfair but besides the point. I personally vote based on category, and then quality of photo I’m given. I hate pit bulls, but I’ve personally voted for many myself on PetParade when it’s a genuinely cute and well done photo. I’m seriously sick of having really relevant to the category photos be entered, and than I lose by round 2 or 3 cause someone entered their smelly irrelevant dog. I freaking love dogs and PetParade is making them annoying to me. So be warned if you have cats and are trying to win things with cats... dogs will almost always win.

Well it would be good

It’s so close to being a good app. Nearly everything is good except it’s very annoying how many ads there are. It honestly makes me want to delete PetParade sometimes. I also really wish there was a way to edit captions after posting. Captions don’t cost anything so it shouldn’t be a big deal. I tried to post a picture of my dog with the caption “haircut! 💈” but it made the emoji three question marks, which made me unhappy. It should just get rid of the emoji if it doesn’t know what it is. Now my caption is stuck as “haircut!???”. Also I wish there was better photo recognition or a way to report content or accounts. I’ve come across several accounts with stock photos or pictures I’ve seen a million times on Pinterest. Something is also messed up with the voting. I’ll get the same pair several times. Most of the time I’ll vote for the same one. That definitely messes up voting. There also really needs be a system so it’s animals of the same species going against each other in the voting. There is always a bias. I also really think there should be more hashtags/ categories. There are so few and most of the time the pictures in them don’t even make sense. I’ll want to vote for one but end up voting for the other because it was in the wrong category. To go along with reporting, there should be something to say a picture is in the wrong section. It’s so close to being good. C’mon

Lacking certain features

While I do enjoy PetParade , the lack of some features are frustrating.

1. You cannot edit a photo after it’s been added

2. Many really cute and good photos are blocked from being added because PetParade ’s algorithm is unable to recognize it as a pet. (It has to ‘see’ the face clearly) if toes obscure the nose or paws cover the eyes or it’s a side view and the pet has on a little sweater PetParade won’t allow it to be uploaded. You have to submit the photo for review via email, which is a bit odd. I understand the need to ensure the photo is of a pet but it seems that the algorithm that ‘looks’ at a photo that is in the process of being uploaded is a bit primitive if it has that much difficulty in recognizing animals.

3. If you see a tournament you want to vote on, you can’t simply click specific pets and vote. When you click the vote button you get 10 random vs photos and have to toggle through those, and it’s rare that you are actually able to vote on the pets you WANT to vote on.

Perhaps in the future these things will be fixed and will become more user friendly. Other than these frustrations, it’s fun to look at everyone’s pet photos.

Love this app

PetParade is awesome. But, there are a few things I would change. Such as, being able to use the same photo over and over again. You shouldn’t be allowed to use the picture multiple times and one that was uploaded months ago. Also, you should be allowed to post photos of more than 1 pet in the photo. Each profile is created for 1 pet not multiple. Of course people will vote for the multiple pets together verses the ones who actually follow the rules and post the photo of 1 pet per profile. These both should he regulated and people should he disqualified for not following.

Was great, now good

So, I have been playing this game for years! My first prize, I saved up for and won the huge cat condo tree that is no longer offered. I wish they would bring back the higher end, bigger toys, even if it's double the amount of tickets it used to be. They used to have the electronic water fountain too, now that's gone as well. Don't get me wrong, I still love PetParade, and still play, but I seriously wish they would bring back at least a few, bigger toys and prizes. I hope they read this, and bring some back. The reviews on here complaining about shipping, don't listen to those-they're lying- I have NEVER paid for shipping! If they ever started that, nobody would play. That's a huge bonus to people like myself, who don't have the means to buy kitty toys. At first, I was a little butthurt at the update, but now I see, they were trying to get rid of the cheating, and they honestly did a GOOD JOB at that! Now please, PP, bring back the bigger toys! Please please please! I do occasionally spend my own money on here, and I did pay the $10 to get rid of the ads because..annoying lol.
So, I do spend money. Even if the bigger toys are 20,000 tickets, please bring them back! Please! Also, they used to give huge heavy trophies to the big time winners, I was so hoping to have one with my cats name someday, they got rid of that too. I understand, it was getting too expensive-but please, bring some of this back 🤞🏽😻

Great app but...

I love pet parade it’s really cool 😎! I can save tickets 🎫 and buy cool 😎 prizes. My dog even won a regular contest. But..... the only way to enter the special/premium contests is to buy a gold key 🔑! Ummm 🤔, NOT FAIR. I understand they are trying to make money 💰 but I’m pretty sure the adds pay them. And I bought a prize and PetParade won’t let me buy another prize for the next thirty days! HELLO! Tickets 🎫 expire! In like 160 days! So now I’m gonna say good things. Pet parade has so many nice 👍 people. This is a social app, but everyone is very nice 👍! Pet parade has contests that cost 100 gold coins to enter. The contest are different, so you can choose what best suites your picture. Getting gold coins is easy all you have to do is spin the crank thingy find an opponent and then people vote 🗳 and if you win you get gold coins to enter a regular contest. You can also get gold coins by voting! Which is extremely easy and only takes like, 2 minutes! I recommend PetParade for people who need things for their pet and people who have patience. (LOL 🤣) And it’s also really cool 😎 that Pet parade has things for all pets. (Cats, dogs, horses, goats, etc.) Thanks 😊 Pet Parade!

Help with uploading my receipts!

Hello so I have been on PetParade for almost a year and I never had any problems with uploading pictures of my receipts so that I can collect my tickets for the prizes offered to us, but for some strange reason now all of a sudden I can’t find the option to even press the icon so that I would be able to upload them anymore! Making me not able to collect anymore tickets to save enough and be able to get a more expensive card instead of just a $5 one.. Extremely disappointed because I only needed about 1000 more points to get a $20 gift card instead of the lesser options. I have tired everything I could think of to try and fix the problem and i even just waited to see maybe if it was a problem with PetParade and it would end up being fixed on its own but still it remains the same. I lost some tickets now because the receipts I have saved are running out of time from the date on when I got them making it to far away and outdated to use. Just hoping maybe someone on here could help or give me an idea on how to maybe fix the problem myself. I would really appreciate it! Thanks in advance!

- Alyssa&Tyson🥰🐶🐾🦴 xoxo

Fun App

Hi, long time Pet Parade player here. I definitely like PetParade. The concept is adorable and I love that you can win real-life prizes. However, I’ve been playing it off and on for like two years and the bugs and glitches haven’t improved all that much. For example, sometimes the cuteness challenge doesn’t refresh from the last round even though I’ve started a new one and I have to exit and re-enter PetParade .

One of my biggest pet peeves is that tournament rounds don’t disappear when they’re over and I wish that they did. I wish it only displayed active rounds. The “My Scoreboard” tab feels very cluttered.

I also kind of wish you would bring back the leaderboards according to state. I really enjoyed seeing the cute pets in my area and competing with them.

Love it!

I love PetParade. I'm super new to it so I have not been exposed to many issues as of yet. I love everything about PetParade , I get excited when one of my kitties moves up in place, gets treats or wins a face off :)
The only little glitches I've noticed so far is PetParade seems to freeze or slow down a bit upon feeding treats to other pets and I will receive notifications that I won something or have had X amount of face offs with other pets, so I open PetParade and I have won nothing and the number of face offs is incorrect. Not a huge deal, just thought I would point that out.
Thank you for having such a fun and cute app filled with adorable animals!!!!

Pet parade

I love it I love pet prayed! There’s barely any Ads!!!!!!! It is so much fun tell your friends that have pets to get it you can text each other by pressing the private conversation in the comments little Lock button and so much more you can buy things for your pet and earn things for your pet you can donate your tickets for charity by posting and going in competitions on your phone you can earn tickets compete in the competitions and donate the tickets and buy things for your pets and earn things for your pets all on your little device!!!!

I love it!

I really love this app...I’m honestly addicted. It’s a fair game for the most part. You have to pay for keys if you want to get into an expensive prize tournament, which is perfectly fair because they need to gain money. You can still get prizes by winning tickets for coin tournaments which you can earn by voting.

My only problem is that I just updated PetParade and now there are ads. I understand needing to make money but it was so much more enjoyable without having to close out of a voting session to see a pop up that you’re struggling to close. I really love PetParade despite all. The update with the pop up ads are what make it annoying, though...


I feel there are some cheaters. Example - my cat is against 3 puppies. Well the pic of the 3 puppies looked perfect and staged. Then I found that same picture on-line. The voting hasn't started yet but when it does, I bet that "fake" picture is going to ruin my cats cuteness score. And it's the only picture of any of my cats that made it to the finals but of course lost to a dog at the end. There are groups that continuously vote for each other but if you don't have any allies, fake accounts, or friends on this game, there's no chance! Especially when you're up against a cheater! Also, you shouldn't be allowed to play unless you have 'actual' pet photos posted! Seriously?! Of course they're fake accounts of players voting for themselves!

Is Pet Parade Safe? 🙏

Yes. Pet Parade: Cutest Pet Game is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 19,673 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Pet Parade Is 38.9/100.

Safety Analysis

81.0% of users say app is Safe 👍

16.4% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

2.6% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is Pet Parade Legit? 💯

Yes. Pet Parade: Cutest Pet Game is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 19,673 Pet Parade: Cutest Pet Game User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Pet Parade Is 51/100..

🔏 Privacy & Data Safety

Pet Parade collected the following data from you:

  • Data Used to Track You:
    • Contact Info
    • Identifiers
    • Usage Data
  • Data Linked to You:
    • Purchases
    • Contact Info
    • User Content
  • Data Not Linked to You:
    • User Content
    • Identifiers
    • Usage Data
    • Diagnostics

Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
Pile of Gold $2.99
Pile of Silver $2.99
Bag of Gold $4.99
Sack of Gold $9.99
Bag of Silver $4.99
5 Keys $4.99
Box of Gold $19.99
500 Gold - Special 30% off $6.99
Sack of Silver $7.99
10 Keys $9.99

How was your experience with Pet Parade: Cutest Pet Game? Post a Review


- Upload and share your cutest cat and dog pet pics

- Enter live cute pet pic tournaments to win gift cards for pet supplies

- Play fun dog games with your dog or cat games with your cat

- Win prize tickets by submitting cute dog pics and cat photos

- Vote on pet pics to earn coins

- Create your own pet pics match-ups and join live pet tournaments and competitions

- Take the Pet Parade Cuteness Challenge to see how cute your pet's photos and video are

- Compete in live pet cuteness picture tournaments

- Level up to unlock special prizes, coupons, savings, and gift cards from Petco, Chewy, and Amazon

- Redeem your prize tickets for exclusive savings on pet food, dog treats, dog collars and leashes, and cat bowls

- Follow Pet Parade on Facebook for updates and news

- Visit the user guide on the app's website for help and support.

  Contact Support
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