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3 Most reported problems 😔💔

4.7 out of 5

It was amazing…but.


by Kittykat_loverr

Oh my god this app is amazing it helped me find motivation to do things and as someone with extremely low motivation who gets easily distracted, this is amazinggggg!! I love the interface, it’s simple and perfect. BUT. I stopped using it for one reason-there aren’t enough plants. I don’t know, but for me, I was working towards unlocking them, and when I got them all, I lost motivation with this app. Just adding a seasonal plant isn’t enough, pls make many more plants, that look different or unique, that are colorful or weird or something. My goal was always to get coins to spend on the plants. Now I haven’t used the app in about a year… yeah. That long. And there has only been one more plant added since then. I understand that this is not an easy request and would take more time and effort, but I realllyyyy think this would make me more interested and keep me and others using this app!!! :)))) ok sorry it’s so long, I hope y’all take this into consideration

Amazing app but one little suggestion


by A Productive Learner

I love this app, it helps me focus and stay on task but The first time I was using itI wanted to test out what it would do if I switched the app or it’s on my home screen nothing happened so I assumed that there was no notification then the time I was using it for real I’ll stayed productive for about 45 minutes and at the end when I went to check on my tree it’s at the task had been disrupted .A suggestion for me would be that maybe you guys could add a notification when I switch an app and go to the home screen. Otherwise this app is really really cool and helps me stay productive for a long long periods of time thank you!

Consider this!


by MrsGIS

I really like this app and I don’t have any complaints, just a suggestion. What if I could leave the app, and have the way Plantie works apply to a different app. So let’s say I’m working on my phone, not somewhere else. I wish to be able to leave the app and work within another app, but if I were to try to leave that app, Plantie would stop my task or give me 30 seconds to switch back.
I think this could be a really cool feature, just a suggestion!!

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Why should I report an Issue with Plantie - Stay focused?

  1. Pulling issues faced by users like you is a good way to draw attention of Plantie - Stay focused to your problem using the strength of crowds. We have over 1,000,000 users and companies will listen to us.
  2. We have developed a system that will try to get in touch with a company once an issue is reported and with lots of issues reported, companies will definitely listen.
  3. Importantly, customers can learn from other customers in case the issue is a common problem that has been solved before.
  4. If you are a Plantie - Stay focused customer and are running into a problem, Justuseapp might not be the fastest and most effective way for you to solve the problem but at least you can warn others off using Plantie - Stay focused.
