in summary, this 'game' is a legal scam, like in a casino, where the only real 'winner' is the house, always, i've played for over a month now, just to be fair, so in the end my advice would be, don't try it at all, simply it's just not worth it...
more specifically, i cannot get a skywing, play icefire, national treasure, or awake equipment, also skip battle'd been nice
i don't mind being killed in a fair way, but all this is just masochistically stupid, only an imbecile would think s/he has a chance against these 'players', wether paying real money or not, so in general this is a decent game, yet it could still be improved since...
there's no easy way to get the required yet elusive first skywing, not even buying it with diamonds, like with a metamorph, let alone with skyfires, because again...
i cannot play icefire, nor national treasure for that matter, at all because i need an actual team, but whenever i make one everybody always left, and if i try to join one i get kicked out, always, needless to say that means i'll never awaken equipment
for some odd reason soul chests only make type magic defense and element soul remnants, which obv self-defeats the purpose of having a selection item
other basic missing the mark funcionality like a skip battle (forward) button, or equipment items like light stones being also too hard to come by, specially considering you'll need ungodly amounts of them
city defense could use a better auto mode a.i tweak, i mean it's not that hard to guard a crystal pillar, just wait for the enemies to come to you, opening the chest is a foolish waste of time, not only because the location is not shown on the map, but because the rewards are ridiculously low, both on quality and quantity
in summary, the graphics and levelling-up campaign were ok, yet every online interaction with other 'players' was invariantly negative, so 'games' like this one make me miss the good old days of a mainly solo offline experience, hence gfys1