SportsEngine Tourney Reviews

SportsEngine Tourney Reviews

Published by on 2023-12-05

About: The #1 app for sports tournament schedules, Tourney Machine simplifies your
sports life all weekend long. Track your team's schedule, find game locations,
get directions, view pool standings, and follow brackets.

About SportsEngine Tourney

What is SportsEngine Tourney? The Tourney Machine app is designed to simplify the sports life of users by providing them with up-to-the-minute schedules, instant scores, timely notifications, driving directions, brackets, and standings. The app is ideal for tracking team schedules, finding game locations, and following brackets. It also offers an auto-renewing in-app purchase to remove ads from the app.



- Up-to-the-minute schedules

- Instant scores

- Timely notifications from the tournament director (delays or reschedules)

- Driving directions

- Brackets and standings (including tie breaker info)

- Follow your teams' schedules all season in one app

- Auto-renewing in-app purchase to remove ads from the app

- Requires a persistent internet connection

- Includes in-game advertising

- Collects data through third-party analytics technology

- Requires acceptance of Privacy & Cookie Policy, TOS, and EULA.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience


Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 385,456 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of SportsEngine Tourney

- Keeps track of schedules

- Allows users to check if their child won or lost

- Follow teams and see updated stats and brackets

22 SportsEngine Tourney Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Very Lacking for Parents

Tourney Machine is fine when you get into a tournament. You can follow your team and see updated stats and brackets. However, SportsEngineTourney is tournament-centric so you can’t follow your team across all tournaments and seasons. When you have a regular season plus tournaments, you have to find every tournament separately. It’s like having 15 different calendars to check.

The search feature is very poor - you can’t search by name or org, you have to scroll through by month and state. We love on the border of two states so we have games in both states, so you have to know which state the tournament is set up under even if there are multiple locations.

There is also no feature to subscribe/sync with your own calendar, so you have to add every game to your own calendar and continually check SportsEngineTourney to see if games schedules have changed. It really is cumbersome as a parent and I only have one child. There are other apps that have all the features I’ve mentioned that are much easier to use as a parent.



How can I be the only one star review? My whole family has SportsEngineTourney to track my sons basketball games and it is the absolute worst to try and use. SportsEngineTourney is super buggy, every time an ad comes on the whole thing crashes. The tournament search is a joke. It narrows it down barely, why can’t I just search for the name of a tournament if I know it. I follow teams all the time, but it erases my team every time I get off of it. One would think I was using some outdated piece of technology and it was my fault...nope, iPhone XR for me, wife has an 11 and neither of them have ever been able to use SportsEngineTourney with any amount of reliability. I know the only way for it to work properly is if I pay a then to use it, but why should I have to? That’s why they sell ad space, I’ll check em out, it’s a win win....just wish SportsEngineTourney was a win and not a depressing failure.


From a 5 star to a 1 star

We have used SportsEngineTourney for many years for lacrosse but something has happened in the past several months that has made SportsEngineTourney impossible to use and there is nowhere to report an issue. The font overlaps itself so you cannot read anything. You have to hunt through the tourney pages and use the general schedule and bracket to actually be able to read anything. The standings page and any page associated with following a particular team are unreadable. My app is updated and I’ve tried closing and reopening SportsEngineTourney and completely uninstalling and reinstalling SportsEngineTourney . I really hope the developer reads these reviews and fixes this issue as it seems based on these reviews that many others, including several of our other team families, are having the exact same issue.


Great but room for improvement.

App is great, but has plenty of room for improvement. Text for date and time is light grey, SO tiny and hard to read and not able to zoom into it.

Home/Away are not easily identified or marked so we may distinguish jersey colors, etc. Our league uses the first team as home team and many tournaments use the second. It’s not always clear.
We always have to double check and often have to change anyway since both team come wearing same colors.

Also, it would be nice to be able to sync to your calendar or subscribe somehow, so you have access to live updates when organizers change game times and places. Or if they cancel due to weather or venue issues. As well as to see when scores are posted. There is also not a clear way to know if the schedules are final. Many tournaments post schedules early and give coaches a timeframe to request changes or to fix errors, if they do make changes it’s not always known.

Nobody likes ads - we don’t want them, but I get it. There is always a delay to bypass them.
Even worse is a subscription type fee. I’d rather just pay once and be done.


Final score???

Here is what I like about SportsEngineTourney . I think it’s organized well, it’s easy to see who you play, field locations, brackets, tournament notifications & the like.

I don’t like the ads, that you have to spend a stupid amount of time finding out how to close them & them requesting 99 cents a month for what was previously ad free (I think?). As far as the operation of SportsEngineTourney , I wish that there was a way to finalize a game. I post the score as it happens but then it shows as “live” until those running the tourney finalize the game. I think there should be a way to indicate when the score is final by those reporting it, even if it’s not official yet. At least people would know the game is over.


This app is garbage.

Unfortunately I have to follow my kids tournament games on this joke of an app. I made the in app purchase to eliminate ads (and I have been charged for it) but they still continue along with a full page banner asking me to purchase the removal of ads! The ads themselves are not only continuous banners covering content, they also have full screen videos which cannot be dismissed. Just what I need when I am at a tournament with my kids and trying to find out where and when we need to be. There is no way to contact SportsEngineTourney support team in app or otherwise. I have essentially been robbed. Functionality of several of SportsEngineTourney features does not work at all even thought they are clearly intended to. Did I mention there is no way to get support? I think my grade school kids could produce a better app experience.


Love it until..:

SportsEngineTourney was wonderful I have four children that I’ll pay travel sports. However about a month ago there was a glitch in SportsEngineTourney where you can only see half of the words on the screen so I can’t tell what team is which. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it still didn’t work. There are several parents on the team that I’ve had the same issue where they can’t read the names of the teams because they are cut off halfway across. This happens on every screen making it impossible to find my team. :(


Love it!

I really do love tourney machine!! When we are away we have enough to keep track of and it is awesome to have tourney machine keep track of schedules for us. I do wish I could search for past years of tournaments tho. I had them on my last phone but the past tournaments did not save to my new phone. I wish I could look them up again and have them on this phone.


Paid Twice - Still Bombarded with Ads

I’ve paid for two different tournaments this weekend, $1.99 each. Now I keep getting popups offering an ad-free experience for $.99/month. When I decline that offer, I watch another ad. If I try to accept the offer, and throw away additional money, nothing happens. Clicking on the button to purchase doesn’t actually work. Then I close it and get hit with another ad.

Beyond getting ripped off, it would be great to have some way to know which tournament messages came from, without having to try the inbox for each tournament. Perhaps a unified inbox with a designator for the source?

There’s a ton of potential, but the execution falls woefully short of expectations.


Words show up on top of each other

I have tried to download SportsEngineTourney so many times I’ve lost count. Every time I do it’s like I get a half line of text and the top of the word doesn’t even show up. Then when you go into the actual teams the words are actually superimposed on top of each other so when you click on something you never get what you’re actually clicking to go to. I don’t know how else to fix this. Other people seem to be able to use it without a problem. Help. I have deleted SportsEngineTourney and attempted to download it again many many times. It keeps happening every single time.


Tourney has helped very much

Tourney has helped a lot! From things to like not always being able to be at my child’s game due to my job. But with tourney I do not have to worry about that. I can see whether my child won or lose and that makes me feel much more comfortable with not being able to be there. And I have to thank SportsEngineTourney for these particular reasons.


App won’t work

I have had SportsEngineTourney for a few years and currently we are in basketball season and it won’t work! The same thing is happening to my friends. It will let us open SportsEngineTourney , search the location and date but when I go to put in sport it says network error. Every time! Sometimes it won’t even let me pick a date or location. Always error! I have searched for help but nothing!!


Paid for ad-free subscription, but still seeing ads!

Developer was very responsive. App is currently working as it should. Thank you!

Original Issue:
I paid for the ad-free subscription, but I’m still getting ads. I’m not seeing anything in SportsEngineTourney on who to contact for this issue. It’s very frustrating!!!!


Poor UI experience.

Once I select a possible tournament from the list in the search I cannot get rid of it. It’s now my default tournament even if it was the wrong one and the tournament we are supposed to attend has not been posted. Sometimes it takes a while for a tournament that we have entered to be posted and I don’t really want to be stuck viewing one I randomly looked at while searching. The only way to get rid of it currently would be to select another tournament from the list of tournaments we aren’t attending. That’s just dumb. The user should be able to remove a tournament and set SportsEngineTourney back to default of having no tournaments selected.


Hate Hate Hate!!!!!!

I can't tell you how much I absolutely HATE SportsEngineTourney, but I'm stuck at the mercy of the tournament adims who use SportsEngineTourney for the basketball tournaments we play in. I've used SportsEngineTourney for about 3 years and always curse #*%$ when I have to use it. I HATE the ads!!!! I don't want a month subscription!! I just want to purchase SportsEngineTourney one time to get rid of the horrible adds. Another issues is you can't search for a tournament by name. All I can do is scroll through all the tournaments in the area. Really????? You can't search for an event by typing in the name?????? Isn't that a basic feature???? Again, this is a horrible app and I wouldn't use it unless I had to.


App sort of works, but has extortionate add interruptions

You are probably going to install SportsEngineTourney because it is the only way to get the information you need for a tournament you already paid an entry fee for. So you are forced to use it. When using it. It will pop up random interruptions, forcing you to find the hidden close button to get back to what you are trying to find. So they will try and annoy and badger you into the $1 per month subscription fee. All in all, kind of the worst of the worst slimy and manipulative and dishonest business model. Enjoy it while you are trapped in the “mandatory hotel” the tournament organizers forced your team to stay at..


Poor Functionality

Look- if I told someone “I need you to create an app that downs exactly one thing poorly, lacks basic functionality that you would just assume would be included, and also please make it hard to use, and then to cap off the poor user experience, put in a ton of intrusive ads” and they gave me this- I’d rate it 5 stars.

But I want two things from a scheduling app- I want to be able to find the schedule I’m looking for, and I want to be able to sync it to my calendar. SportsEngineTourney mostly fulfills one of those requirements- I left my earlier review from a couple years ago below… search function hasn’t improved.


Pretty frustrated with SportsEngineTourney- downloaded to follow my son’s tournament this upcoming weekend and can’t find it on SportsEngineTourney . It came up on the website, so not sure where the disconnect is. Not much of a point to SportsEngineTourney if it doesn’t have the tournaments in it.



I have used this site many times but this week was the last straw. We like to follow our grandson’s tournaments but this week SportsEngineTourney let us down. There are no scores, either from yesterday or today, no standings and no brackets!! The game that ended an hour before, it says the it’s still being played and it’s in the first quarter!!! It does that for every game!
Extremely disappointed!!


Cannot zoom on screen

Type font is minuscule and unbolded for game times and cannot be enlarged with a zoom feature. Works fine in WiFi, but has failed to open correctly and work at the fields over cell data for three tourneys now. Doesn’t even show the page I had up in WiFi without updates. Shows no information at all. Nice to be able to see scores later and bracket but at large tourneys hasn’t got a good format to get a feel for large brackets.


Loved it, then...

I love the concept of SportsEngineTourney, and so far it’s been great 90% of the time. However, I ran into a glitch this week where weather dictated changes to times and field locations. Everyone else’s app seemed to update but mine. It still had original info. I tried shutting down my phone, closing and reopening SportsEngineTourney , nothing worked. Finally, I deleted and reinstalled SportsEngineTourney ...that fixed it. Gotta take a star away for that.


Tournaments don’t always show up

I can see a tournament on my phone but my husband or friend can’t find it on theirs...we confirm we have the same filter options selected, no updates needed, power device off - still can’t find it! This happens about once a month, and it has happened to all of us, so it’s not a one time glitch.
When I can find the tournament, it is a useful app to see all the schedules, brackets, standings, etc. Great to have it all in one place - but would really like it if it always worked!


App is nice, but searching for a tourney not in your Immediate area needs improvement

I like SportsEngineTourney overall and really the rating is for the application search feature. I will be attending a tourney 60 miles away but I cannot pull it up on SportsEngineTourney because the search will not see anything outside of 10 miles. The other feature I would like to see is a subscribe to your calendar button. This would allow you to sync the schedule to your phone so you don't miss a game.


Charge to remove ads?

It’s unbelievable that they are charging app users to remove ads. 1st, they charge the tourney organizers (which you are already paying because it’s your sports fee that is being used) just to use SportsEngineTourney for their tournaments, then turn around and charge users to remove ads? If anything the tournament organizer should get that money as a way to recoup the fee they paid tourney machine! It’s outright double charging and tournament organizers should be upset! Users - do no pay to remove ads, they are already paid by very well by your organization!!!


A terrible app for youth sports teams

One critical element for youth sports is the schedule. Even though it put the schedule on SportsEngineTourney , YOU CANNOT EXPORT THEM to your main calendar in the smart phone! The developers have no ideas that for most parents, you have to have a centralized calendar to keep track of all the kids activities. It will be a NIGHTMARE that you have to jump among different apps to get the kids schedules and then enter MANUALLY to your main calendar! If I am the head of the software company, I’ll regroup the product management team to obtain a better user experience.


Super App!

Invaluable during long hot days at lax tournies. We know who and where we’re playing, keep up to date on how the competition is faring, and keep tabs on how friends in different age groups are doing. Great stuff. I can envision a future version where you can upload a video highlight from the games.



I used to use SportsEngineTourney for my fall basketball season, and it was great, and then i deleted it after that. for my spring basketball season I redownloaded it, but it’s only letting me view high school boys teams when I need another division that won’t show up for some reason. it worked fine last season but this time around I am having a lot of difficulties finding my own team. it’s very frustrating that i can only view one division.

Amy Hart   3 years ago

The app is not readable. The words look scrunched. Contacted late last summer and was told it was hopefully to be fixed soon. Still the same many months later

Jus   3 years ago

My tourney machine app is posting the schedule with team name and field numbers on same line. One on top of the other. I deleted and reloaded app but same issue.

Is SportsEngine Tourney Safe?

No. SportsEngine Tourney does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 385,456 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for SportsEngine Tourney Is 15.4/100.

Is SportsEngine Tourney Legit?

No. SportsEngine Tourney does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 385,456 SportsEngine Tourney User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for SportsEngine Tourney Is 39.2/100..

Is SportsEngine Tourney not working?

SportsEngine Tourney works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Ad Removal

- Cost: $0.99 per month

- Details: Removes all banner ads and interstitials from all tournaments viewed in the app. The subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period. The user can manage the subscription and turn off auto-renewal by going to their Account Settings after purchase.

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