RocknRollRunningSeries has a latency issue that can equal a 1/2 mile delay in data retrieval. Additionally why are we limited to searching only by race vs. the participants name. I should be able to search my last name and see ALL the races I completed; not the most current. Not to mention, I am running the New Orleans RNR and RocknRollRunningSeries doesn’t have the New Orleans race loaded and it is 4 days away; really?!?! Lastly and certainly not least, why aren’t future races available? Washington is 5 weeks away... come on! I spend several thousands of dollars a year running RNR races and this is the product that was tiled out.
Not sure who the Research and Development office used to beta test this but focus groups couldn’t have been part of the planning process and the feedback had to be internally biased.
Product is Lacking basic features; real time tracking, historical data, future races, complete search capability via repository of stored I formation.
I do believe this is my last race. The National Park Series is Much Much better.