Verdict MMA Picks & Scoring

Verdict MMA Picks & Scoring Software

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Verdict MMA Picks Scoring Overview

Ever wonder who your friends think will win the upcoming fight? How you or your friends scored a fight? How the world scored a fight? Verdict brings this information to your fingertips.

Verdict is the MMA platform for live scoring and sharing your fight predictions.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

Join the largest MMA community on the planet. Verdict MMA is the #1 MMA platform and community for scoring, fight picks, and now real-money Tournaments. Ever wonder who your friends think will win the upcoming fight? How you or your friends scored a fight? How the world scored a fight? Verdict brings this information to your fingertips. Verdict creates a leaderboard every fight night and whoever gets the most picks correct places on top. We've taken the leaderboard to another level with Verdict Tournaments where you can use your Fight IQ within a real-money game to win prizes.

Top Reviews

By Trav-1

If you’re an MMA fan, look no further

This is literally the perfect app for any fan of Mixed Martial Arts. It’s like free, fantasy MMA, with an innovative twist on gaining XP points! I’ve had Verdict for a few years now, and I’m currently a Brown Belt. Since I’ve downloaded the app, I haven’t missed a single event. Not only do you get to choose which fighter you believe will win, you choose how (KO, tap, decision) and in what round! Then with all the experience points you gain over one event, you get a bronze medal, silver, gold, or a belt. Then those points per event are collectively added together to determine what “belt level” you’re at. Seriously the best app on iTunes or Google Play, I use Verdict more than Facebook!


A great app for UFC fans

Verdict MMA is essentially a commitment-free fantasy booking for UFC fights. You predict each fight for each event, and earn XP to level up and acquire belts/rankings. The more belts you have, the more bragging rights. The app also collects data from users and allows you to score rounds live as they happen. When many users participate in this, you get a pretty unique view on how fights are scored! The app is growing and there are many unique features on the way

By Jon_Orlo

A must for every MMA junkie

This is a fantastic app because it gives incredibly accurate data across large pool of it's users. Removing the biased judging of occasional extreme fans through thousands of users. It is a much better way to score than three people with no experience in the sport. If an upset decision happens, you can reliably check Verdict MMA to show a more reliable representation of the fight.

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