RISK: Global Domination Reviews

RISK: Global Domination Reviews

Published by on 2024-02-28

About: Battle opponents in strategic warfare in the official digital version of the
classic Hasbro board game loved by millions. Fight against the Axis Powers in
WWI, survive war games against undead zombies and battle on fantasy, futuristic
and sci-fi maps.

About RISK

Battle opponents in strategic warfare in the official digital version of the classic Hasbro board game loved by millions.

Fight against the Axis Powers in WWI, survive war games against undead zombies and battle on fantasy, futuristic and sci-fi maps.

RISK is a trademark of Hasbro.

© 2021 Hasbro.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 167,751 combined software reviews.

360 RISK Reviews

4.7 out of 5


Good but deteriorating

I first downloaded RISK back around 2015 or so, and it was exactly the game I was looking for. I enjoyed playing regularly enough, but when the first pack of new maps came out, it was game changing. I was especially fond of the USA and Europe maps. I had since downloaded several different series of maps, and purchased the game twice when my original Apple ID was lost. I was happy to do so for the quality of gameplay. Over the years I have gone for periods without playing, but I somehow always come back and keep going. I understand the need to keep cash rolling after all these years, but the game is started to turn into every other gems for items game. The purchasable emotes and figures are annoying having felt the purity of the game in its early days. I shouldn’t be surprised, and am always excited to see the new maps. I wish you’d go back to world maps and regional maps. I always enjoy real world scenarios more, personally. Also, with all the changes, I keep needing to login with my ID. It’s really annoying, and has created at least 4 different characters over the past few months, as well as making an entire map package I purchased no longer available. I didn’t mind rebuying the game when I lost my Apple ID, but I lost one of my favorite maps in one of the character changes.



I love playing this app and an always looking to do more of it, but unfortunately none of my friends share my enthusiasm, as the game has a playing time of upwards of two hours. However, when I found this my friends suddenly got more intrigued. With a colorful scheme and a game mechanic called “blitz”, (a new way of attacking) you can do away with the tedious dice rolling that stretched the hours of regular this app. This, along with auto setup(optional) did away with the boring parts of this app and got to the fun stuff quick-world domination. (And there are multiple maps too so you could dominate Boston, the United States, and Europe in loads of different maps) This game solves my passion for this app in two ways: gets my friends to play with me and gets totally random people to play with me so there is never a shortage of games to play.

P.s. If your an obsessive this app player like me you’ll wanna get the 7 dollar thing which allows you to play an infinite amount of games without having to wait for your tokens to return(also gives access to multiple more maps) but if you are playing two games of this app or less per day then I’d say don’t but it and just wait for your tokens to regen.


Don’t bother with support

When you send in a comment, complaint or even a suggestion to them is a waste. First, when trying to contact support you are directed out of the game to send an email to them. Second, after typing everything up and sending it in you will get a return email back. Third, now the email wants you to go to this site they highlighted and now you have to re-type everything again. ??? Why ???
Oh, that way they do not get complaints or anything they would have to do something then. Maybe, they can say they get any complaints because people are NOT going to sit there and re-type everything again when it was already done and sent to them. This way people just say the heck with it as they can tell that nothing will be done so why waste my time again.... I enjoy the game of this app but this is not this app as the game is fixed against you to make you spend money, money, money to play.
Playing this app is supposed to be a game a this app and reward. But, this game is not a game a this app when it is fixed against you. Play global with supposed to be other real players but it is not. The same name playing single player as when I played global. Also, both players (computer) would only attack me and not the other computer. So it is 3against 1 and this happened 7 straight games. What this app? When you have already loss before starting, how many times have you gone first when playing?? Nope, usually 4,5 or 6 to play out of 6 players. What a joke !!!!!!!!!


Great, but dice is not random

I really enjoyed this game. It looks great and works beautifully, but the dice is not random. The game places an advantage to one player from the beginning, at times sympathy to losing players, and at times purposely preventing players to gain territory on a given turn. I have been playing this game every day for two weeks and it’s a continuous trend. The advantaged player has an easier time taking over territories while not losing many points, if any at all, and this is felt throughout the game. Once in a while justice is served, but the advantage continues. On the other hand a player that is losing, including myself, is given sympathy by winning unbeatable odds. Worst case scenario, one game I attacked the same territory with a 6-2 odd from multiple territories for 4 full turns and lost every battle never obtaining it. Seems like bad luck, but I defended a similar situation, for not as long, and even still questioned the “randomness” of the game. After playing the game for some time you can predict some battles especially if one player is losing or you lose a battle that is clearly in you favor, so you learn to not attack because you will continue to lose for that turn. It seems like the idea is to drag on the game or make it more fun, but it just becomes frustrating. If this algorithmic sympathy/advantage is fixed, the I will re-download and play, but for now I’m done. I’ll stick with the board game.


Horrible “random dice”

There is fun to be had playing this app regardless but when you’re losing purely due to impossible dice outcomes it loses its appeal. I’ve played dozens of games of real this app. Hours long to fight those giant battles and rolled tens of thousands of dice in doing so. Yet in those experiences I have 2 memories of the completely lopsided outcomes that you’ll find in every game here. I always pick “True Random” when I look for games because it automatically skews to some other option if you don’t. Regardless no matter where I am in my games my dice rolls are always a perfect 16% for my overall stats. This started after my first game. Each game You will see multiple massive defeats that hate statistically improbable. I’m talking someone attacking with 20 against 3 and killing only 2 guys. Or attacking through 10 counties with only single defenders and Losing 20 troops to do it. That’s a defender winning 2 times before losing when he’s rolling 1 die against 3 10 times in a row... If you’ve played with real dice you know these things can happen but the frequency that it happens here is insane. But don’t worry. Once you’ve lost you’re whole army on a single attack that should have been a guaranteed victory the enemy will lose some extra troops here and there so the numbers don’t look skewed at the end of the game. I’ve got pictures of the battle logs that I took out of frustration but of course I can’t post them here. Deleting app.


Gives unfair advantage to AI

At first I loved the game but the more I played I noticed that the way it is set up it is unfair if you play the AI. For example in just one turn I took 5 against 3 and AI won they still had 3 and I had 1. In the same turn I went 9 against 5 and I lost they had 4 and I had 1. Another example is that I had all of North America, South America, Australia, and Africa and about a third of Europe, but somehow when the red AI player recruited who only had 4 European countries they somehow got almost 30 troops, but I only got 21. They could have traded in cards but even at that there is no possible way they should have come up just a couple of troops less than 30. I have also noticed numerous times that for instance I may have three sections of South America, but it will give me only 1 troop in each of those three sections and it gives one of the AI players one section, but gives them 6 troops in the one section and they will get to go before you so before you even get to make a move you lose those 3 troops and they have that continent plus because they had so many troops there they used their recruits elsewhere to take other sections as well. I have literally had times that before I got to move I was already down to about 20 troops and never had a chance because I got three recruits and by my second move I would be down to about 10 troops total left on the map.


Bad Updates

This game is one of my favorite games to play, but after the last update it ruined how I feel about the game. I was a master rank, but after they updated it this last time I went all the way back to a novice rank. The game constantly glitched; kicking me out of the game, it would redo all of my moves that I had already made but take away all of my troops. I lost so many games in a row because of this. The developers keep worrying about adding features instead of fixing this and that is why I rate the game so low. I have spent a lot of time playing this game and have learned all the of the tricks to winning the game. I understand that I will not win every game but when these glitches keep me from winning while also knocking me down in the ranks, I do not enjoy playing it. I in fact have just become irritated because this happens every game. Also with the new update everything is just a jumbled mess and is completely unnecessary. The logos for the type of game being played is also less appealing.
And with the alliances, there should be a way to communicate with your allies. This could be a separate game mode. The game is also full of cheaters and that should be worked on as well to make the game more fair. I’m more unhappy with the new update than the game itself. Because the concept is great.



I really enjoy this app, and the game is this app... kind of. The game is coded to encourage use of certain armies or create a certain win/loss ratio rather than giving you the autonomy that makes this app... well, this app. If they made it a true random number generator for each dice roll, this game would be exactly what it should be, and would be great (5 Stars). You might be saying “sounds like sour grapes...” but when I frequently attack a location with ten plus armies and the enemy square does not lose a single army? Granted, it’s mathematically possible, but not to the point that it should happen 4+ times EVERY game. I have NEVER seen it in the board game with actual dice. In my last game, I attacked one map piece containing 12 armies with 4 different map pieces each with 7 (24 total attacking armies), and lost all but the occupying army, while doing 4 total damage. Would appreciate the developer fixing the game to make each individual dice roll based on a RNG 1-6. This would make the game far less frustrating. At this point, I have enough of a handle on their algorithm to determine when I should stop attacking to avoid losing all my armies... not that quantity matters anyway 😒


Amazing! Only a few issues.

I’ve been experiencing an issue with online matches and haven’t found a way to get it fixed other than closing RISK and restarting it. The problem is when I receive a text/notification and it’s banner drops down at the top, if I peak at the message it freezes my territories. I’ll be able to press everywhere else, emojis, text, settings, ect., but I won’t be able to press the territories to add troops/attack/fortify. It’s really frustrating because when I leave mid game, by the time I can re-enter the match, the AI takes over and spreads my troops everywhere making it impossible to win.

Please fix this issue, I’ve never had my notifications mess up any of my games before and it really dampens the experience of playing a fair game.

Everything else is done really well. I enjoy all of the maps and challenges brought to this game through it being an app. It has magnified the experience of this game compared to the board game I played growing up. I can always find matches, even on the slower days. The rotation of free maps is perfect for me to try before I buy and there is so much content. I don’t feel bored.


Love the app.

Great app. The ads get annoying but it’s only $10 for it. I have the board game too so I already appreciate the game but RISK keeps it fun with lots of different maps, they alternate 2 premium maps for all the play and anyone can host any map on multiplayer. The multiplayer can be really enjoyable, I play this a lot, but I prefer the rule of “no more than 12 units on a space” cos having to save up on one spot just match the highest Army that one of the other players have. I get it’s a waiting game, it just gets boring after awhile. Lots of customization, UI (I did prefer the old UI as apposed to the new one) now is very user friendly so anyone can understand. Overall, 5 stars if you love playing this app and if considering premium, not having to worry about coins with premium I believe to be worth it. You can play an unlimited amount of games and get a couple new customizations with it plus NO ADS 😂 also, I find it pointless to be able to add friends since these are usually lengthy games and the invite timing can be weird but it’s cool for memories sake.


Messed Up Dice

I’m not going to be like some people here and claim that everything is a conspiracy and the dice are no exception. However, I’ve noticed a few trends when rolling:
1. A 4v2 in the attackers favor almost always ends in the attacker losing all troops and the defender losing none, or occasionally one.
2. Attacking with 4 against another 4,5, or 6 generally results in a low casualty victory for the attacker.
3. The last very noticeable trend is that of troop battles where both sides have troops in the numbers between 10 and 15ish. When clashes like these happen between armies of similar size, the attacker usually comes out on top with just a few casualties.
Again, I’m not going to claim conspiracy or anything weird or rant at what I’m sure is a relatively small team of devs to “fix the problem immediately”. I just thought I’d point out that it can be very frustrating for players and I myself have rage quit quite a few games in which this happens often. Not trying to be a toxic player but in some instances, logic would show that rolling dice in the above scenarios multiple times is extremely slim, and happens more than the odds would suggest. Hope y’all see this, and, other than this, the game is great. Just the dice taking the two stars away.


Complain enough and they leave you alone.

2023: update not in App Store. Looks like a phishing scheme. They say give us you personal data so you can play safer? Quite the opposite. 2022 review: The game was unfairly rigged against normal single player play & forced me to see ads. But if I play on stupid level & complain in reviews regularly enough they leave me alone. Hit replay every game. No ads and it’s mostly like playing against idiot AI’s that occasionally become geniuses. Get to play about 10 games a day AD FREE & when they start to screw me, I take a break & later it gets stupid again. 5 stars because I can avoid cheaters AND advertisers. Perfect. 2021 review: … when I turn it down to stupid level it still beats me 10% of the time. The purpose of this game is to sell ads. Skill, competition, reality? Don’t expect to encounter them here. No matter how well I play, it HAS to beat me 10% of the time. Tell me that is a legitimate game? Minus 10 stars not being a possibility. One damned star. So I write a bad review and usually the game works better for a minute. But now you have no legitimate response so I lose game after game solo against the computer on Novice when I have been playing this app for 55 years. Amazing you can flip a switch & make the game better or worse but you won’t just let it be better b/c that would mean less ad views.


Dice being rigged & ads

This game isn’t random at ALL it is just rigged for the people then let’s then win almost anything with ease and the people that got left behind just have to deal with it here is a little story I got a garbage start and then worked my way up and as soon as I got slight success the tearing my army up twice I faced a 2 with a 6 and twice they failed and died then I attacked a 7 with a 20 and lost 14 troops and then attacked a 10 with a 20 and lost 2 then the enemy came in with a 8 against a 19 and win only losing 2 troops and destroyed my game I am better than the average player and it is infuriating to work up and out play everyone then once you start winning to have the dice start to totally mess you up and several other people have said the same thing and the developers even put in a chat saying and I quote “the dice hate me” they acknowledge the dice issue but they only put a chat in and not actually fix the problem. Also there are ads like every time I click out then go back into the online to reload the games. Also I think it’s a bad idea to make people wait to play your game because then you are missing out on ad money and also in app purchases and yes they make you pay for infinite tokens (which are the things you need to play games).


Good version

It was very chaotic on how you bought the premium edition that you had to buy tokens, and then exchange tokens for the premium edition. Afterward, the game was much more enjoyable without frequent ads for games that I had no interest in playing if they are going to continue using ads as a income stream for different games it would be at least nice to have targeted ads instead of showing the same garbage over and over again. Oh no, the game plays very well. I have had a few issues of sound disruptions, but these are have been minor and just changing menus can’t often fix it. the game allows for quick play, which is nice but he just want to get through and not deceive dice roll over and over again lots of different mass make changes in the way that you play and some of the map add-ons do help keep the game original and interesting so for these reasons, I do get this a five star review. It was frustrating in the beginning of the game is designed and plays very well. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


Coin collecting

It’s a very addictive game. Really like the different versions/skill level of the games. The different versions consist of different continents to conquer. Not sure if it is or not, but I think each computer avatar should have a different battle plan. The different game packages they have I have not bought one yet. I may have to buy one once I get bored with the current continents. The coins that we earned in the game should be allowed to be put towards buying a game package. That probably won’t matter anyway because the coins you earned cannot be received pass the next amount ending in zero. For example. When you finish a game and you have 57 coins no matter what you do it will not let you pass 60 coins. It says if you watch this video you will receive five coins. I have never received five coins for watching any of the videos. If you have anywhere between 56 to 59 coins it will not let you receive past 60. Then all the methods to receive coins are removed until you spend more coins. It would be nice option where you can have an alliance with any of the other computer avatars until the alliance is broken by one or the other. Or if you conquer one of the avatars you can receive coins.


Love most of it

I love the game this app and I love RISK, Usually. RISK does tend to crash a lot, i just finished playing a multi player game and I won! But it does not seem to matter it took forever to process the results, so I waited patiently for like 5 minutes, then I waited very annoyed for another 5. I turned on airplane mode to see if I could discount and reconnect it would help at all. And then it allowed me to keep playing and taking my turns, after I had the whole world concurred and then my turn timer bar did not stop moving as I tried to take some turns and then I had like 800 Troops built up just cause it let me keep playing by the time the timer bar finished it just sat there when my turn should have ended. I should also add that in a previous online game when I was very close to winning the opponent had 3 territory’s the game froze when his turn timer ran out and just sat there. This in now 2 online games I have “lost” because of this. While I would still recommend RISK it gets very frustrating how often the game does stuff like this. Never as bad as this time and even as someone who has only left one app review I felt the need to let people and the hopefully the creators know.


Great game -

This game is awesome , i play on i phone and it is easy to play, the only problem i have is that i got banned for winning to much i guess, a lot of players report other players sometimes for really no reason at all other then just to be a jerk just because they are loosing or lost in a game, i play on i phone and have spent money on the game. I had to make a new account and start all over becuase i guess i got reported to many times for making other players mad because i win alot, so i lost all my previous purchases for no reason at all, As far as i know it is impossible to cheat playing on a i phone and you cant talk to players so there is no way to bother other players so i still do not understand why i got banned before, i even sent in a message to the developers and got no response back, So all i can say is if you are good at this game watch out because you might get reported for no reason and might have to start all over again, but other then that this is a awesome game for sure.


Absolute waste of time

This game is an abomination of the classic game. The dice rolls are the worst. Now the maker of the game will come on here and tell you how they are random and you can go look at the way the dice work, blah blah blah. The fact is they are the most unrealistic thing Ive ever seen in my life. Here are a couple examples of what I mean to save you the frustration this game causes after spending an hour playing good and then being ready to attack.

I just had a match that was the last straw, I had several territories and built up accordingly on the perimeter to attack. After about 45 minutes of play with 5 other players I was ready to attack. The first one was 10 of mine vs 1 of theirs. I lost all 9 soldiers to their 1 and they defeated that roll with one dice against my 3-10 times! Yu know how impossible it would be to roll 30 dice and never have a since number above their one die? Unreal, if not impossible.

In this same game, on the other edge of my territory I had 34 soldiers attacking an opponent that had 4 cards but only 7 soldiers left to obtain their cards and take them out. Their 7 took all my soldiers to where we each had 1 to 1. That was it for me, I quit that game and deleted RISK . Dont waste hours of your life like I did on this disaster.


Game scoring needs transparency

Okay. So it may take up to 24 hours to score your game. So if you play 5 games in a day you won’t know from which game your scores are going up or down. You will never know how much you win on the matches you win. And how much you lose on the matches you lose. For example, you win a game in 10 minutes, and lose a game within 10 minutes also. But your score isn’t changed yet… So you play another game that lasts for 75 minutes. When you exit your score has now changed. Okay so what caused what? And do you even know if the just finished 3rd game was factored? No you don’t. You will also never know if you are barely gaining vs novices, or a slight gain. If you knew this you could actually determine a minimum rank for your games. This game needs a game history, not that dang hard. Time of game, win/loss, maybe position of finish, and the plus or subtraction at the end of game. Even if it’s delayed How helpful! Would be good to know if I lost 600 points in 3rd position vs losing 250 points in 2nd. Even position in losses have to be managed for ranking. How many players in the game when I gained the most. How many when I lost the most. Anyway leaving the 1 star review till they make this much needed update. They are wrong on this issue.


Everything is so expensive

The game is fun, because of how I need to plan out each turn. It's a game where you need to think about every move you make. But, everything is so expensive. All customizations need so many gems to buy. You only get a few maps out of about 100 maps, most being scenarios and some being so difficult! Customization is cool, but nothing is automatically free except for profile frame colors. Usually some things will be free when you start, but this game doesn't care! Heck, I can't even change my name without signing in. However, some levels will give you a prize, such as a dice design, or a different figure for your army. Even so, leveling up takes a long time to do. Map packs are about 300 gems, and you start the game with 40. Does this game want you to play forever to get even a few coins? This game might be the most greediest game ever! I'm so disappointed with this game! It has so much potential, but everything is so expensive. So unless you want to go broke by playing a phone game, don't buy it! However, I still play the game on the 9 of 100+ maps in the game because the game is still fun.


Risk with an awkward cashgrab on top

The basic game works fine, but the fact you have to pay to play each round and only get 8 games worth of tokens per day limits your ability to enjoy the game without buying the 12$ premium version. The alternate maps are mostly trash, and cost 5$ a bundle, and you can't favorite or filter maps, so you always have to scroll through all 100+ if you want to play a more recent map. Also, why aren't tamriel or westeros called that? Did Hasbro not license the rights? Did they lose the name rights? Why doesn't the pirate map pack include a caribbean map? It's this app with a bunch of messy slop on top.

Update: Devs tried to explain to me how the mobile game revenue works -- I get that. But they didn't comment on my actual point. And I get the indie studio is different from the Multibillion megacorp that owns the game rights. But in that case, they need to have a chat with Big Daddy Hasbro about their legacy products. It's this app, if you're the type to play this app you'll spend the 12$ to get unlimited plays, and you'll have enough Gems left over for 1 map pack. After that, let them hang. If they're gonna call it a F2P game while you spam ads to get enough gems to play, then the can call this a 5 star review ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Is RISK Safe?

Yes. RISK: Global Domination is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 167,751 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for RISK Is 65.5/100.

Is RISK Legit?

Yes. RISK: Global Domination is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 167,751 RISK: Global Domination User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for RISK Is 93.2/100..

Is RISK: Global Domination not working?

RISK: Global Domination works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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