Litsy Reviews

Litsy Reviews

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About: Where books make friends. The only thing that matches the joy of reading a
great book is sharing that joy with friends.

About Litsy

The Litsy community is a groundswell of passionate readers, authors and influencers creating short posts about their "reading moments." These posts are made of blurbs, photos, quotes and reviews, and each post is linked to one book.

When you find your next book, it’s easy to add it to your stack for future reading.

Litsy is the place to share and discover your favorite books with your favorite people.

Since enjoying a book has no end, Litsy is 100% mobile and allows you to capture whatever bookish thoughts you have, whenever you have them.

As readers, our favorite books are recommended by people we respect, not algorithms.

The only thing that matches the joy of reading a great book is sharing that joy with friends.

Litsy also makes it easy to “go down the rabbit hole," browsing your feed while on the go.

And it’s all about the book.

To recognize this, we thought it would be fun to invent the world’s first “Litfluence” scoring system.

Litfluence is our way of showing that what you say about the books you read matters.

It’s spoiler-free and free to use.

Talking about books is a feel-good activity.

That’s why we created Litsy.

It’s simple.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 325 combined software reviews.

580 Litsy Reviews

4.3 out of 5


Like it a lot so far...

I’ve just started using this app, but I like it a lot so far. It’s visually appealing and pretty intuitive to use, so I was able to use it without any tutorial. I’ve enjoyed it and interacting with the this app community. I’ve been able to make a recommendation for a newly released book and also have appreciated the multiple views about new books I was considering purchasing. It’s so nice to have more input than just the book jacket!

There really do need to be varied levels of recommendation, however. This is the reason I cannot give this app 5 stars. For instance, if you really love thrillers, you may be unwilling to say a thriller is “so-so” even though the plot is a bit derivative and none of the characters are very well developed. If it’s a great page-turner by your favorite author, you’ll still recommend it, but it certainly won’t please a classical literary fiction enthusiast. So, there should be at least one all-out blockbuster recommendation and also a “recommended with reservations” option.

Otherwise, it seems like the friendly this app community has found ways to welcome newcomers and overcome the awkwardness of a new App by just being themselves.


Shows Potential

I have recently downloaded Litsy, and am enjoying it quite a bit, but there are some things I have seen done better elsewhere. One is statistics. It tracks books and pages read, etc, but there are different versions of books, so the page count is going to be different. I always look up titles by ISBN number. The search only brings up one version. Page counts can be off by hundreds of pages. I think I'll use this for the ease of tracking my reading, take a photo of the ISBN, and get my page count elsewhere.


Pleasantly surprised!!

I heard about this app via a Facebook group and I got Litsy a couple of days ago, only to discover that it’s really entertaining, informative, and fun. Others have said it’s kinda like combining Instagram and Goodreads and that seems like a solid assessment, from what I’ve seen. It’s easy to sign up and use. I kinda like the “influence” statistics that you receive based on others’ interactions from what you opt to post. I believe this is how that aspect of Litsy operates. It’s not something that’s imperative for readers to know, but some might view the “touches” received by a post to be interesting. Thus far, I feel very comfortable recommending Litsy and the opportunities it provides. I understand that the developers are working on enhancements so I’m eager to see what those will be. I can go for months without checking Goodreads, but I find myself foregoing doing other things that I’m supposed to do so as to check this app!!! 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️👍🏻😄


Litsy is the BEST app for book lovers!

I’ve been on this app for about nine months, and is is by far the best app out there for avid readers! Unlike some other social networking sites, this community is extremely friendly, and the entire focus of Litsy is books; what’s not to love about that? I only have a few recommended changes: (1) a tad more characters for allowed posts (451 is just a little too short for reviews - 600 would be better!); (2) More stickers and more colored options for the stickers please?( (3) sortable TBR and read lists - it would be great if they could be alphabetized; (4) the ability to tile posts instead of scroll; and (5) a separate list for books you own but haven’t read (bc so many times Littens want to surprise you with a book from your TBR - but you actually already own it!

Bottom line - if you love to read, talk about books, and get recommendations from other book lovers, you need Litsy!


Great concept

I love the idea of having an app just for readers, one that combines photo sharing like Instagram with the book reviews and quotes like Goodreads.

The point system is okay. I think it may be fun for lots of people, though I don't see the purpose in it myself. My favorite is the quote feature, as I love to share my favorite quotes from books, and now I can do so as I'm reading.

The rating system is interesting. I am not a fan of star ratings, so I like that it is different on this app. It makes you think about whether you would recommend it, whether it was just okay, you didn't like it, or didn't even finish it. To me, this is much more efficient.

I like that it is focused on the reading experience, and on sharing the love of reading with others.
I like that before you make your most, you must select the book you are posting about first. This in theory would help to make sure users are keeping it about the books.
Unfortunately there are all too many users who will select any book only to make a personal post that has nothing to do with the book (often it is photos of pets and even food). This is not a flaw of Litsy , it rather an unfortunate behavior of people misusing Litsy .
If more people would just keep it about the books instead of using it as another Instagram, I think this app can be a great experience for book lovers everywhere.


Not like it used to be

I have had this app for a year now and when I initially started using it, I loved it. Everyone was using it for the way it was intended. Posting their recent reads, quotes from books, and adding reviews.

Within the last few months, the community has taken a turn and now just treat it like Instagram. I have to hunt for review posts. I love the quick review posts Litsy offers as it’s a quick and straight to the point and has helped me decide if I want to pick a book up or not. But with so many in the community using it has a hangout platform to host games and challenges and no way to actually weed these particular posts out, I no longer see review posts anymore.

I have been utilizing the heck out of the block/mute feature but it gets tiresome having to update it all the time.

It would be wonderful if there was a way to view posts based on what type: quote, blurb or review, since those are the three types the platform lets you post under.

I have met some amazingly nice people on there and I like to use it for how it was intended. I just wish there was an easier way to navigate it to find what I want, since it’s community has grown.

It’s just heavily overrun with game posts and monthly photo challenges. I just want quick reviews and blurbs about books, and conversations about books.


Beloved Bookworm

I first noticed Litsy in Litsy Store when I was looking for related apps similar to Goodreads. After installing Litsy I was immediately hooked. I love how it can keep track of books you want to read, books you have read and you're able to choose a quote(s) from the books you're reading orleave a review on the book ( giving it a thumbs up or thumbs down rating and writing your thoughts on the book what you liked and what could have been improved on). I enjoy the social media aspect of it where you can comment on people's posts and like them as well as adding their want to read books to your own list definitely a MUST for Bookworms/ avid readers solid five stars!!!!


Great Site for Book Lovers!

I have been on this app for almost a year now and absolutely love it! It is a community of book lovers—but what a community! Welcoming, friendly, generous: these are just a few words that describe the Littens. There are always things going on—photo challenges, giveaways, buddy reads, swaps. All enable you to meet and mingle with other book lovers. Its book cataloguing capabilities could use some work, but this app is primarily a social platform. If you’re looking for a fun, friendly site that celebrates books and book lovers with none of the critical, easily-offended tensions that plague other groups—you’ve found it!


Love this app!!

I’m so happy to have stumbled on Litsy. After a bit of poking around you can get a feel of how Litsy works but it could benefit from a quick tutorial so to speak.
I love the stacks, the social media/blogging feel, and the community so far. I’ve already found many new books to try! I can only imagine the greater the community grows, the better Litsy will become.
But I feel the best part is no-ads and no-algorithms on the posts. I’ve already gotten a couple friends to join!


Perfect for Booklovers

I’ve been on this app for about 3 years now, and I have to say it’s my favorite book space/social media. Everyone talks about books, bookish things, and sometimes other things going on in their lives that makes you feel more connected with a person than on other sites. Everyone is very friendly and it’s fun to have a debate on a book, passage, or discussion. Some even post buddy reading days, readathon weekends/holidays, and book club reads! Overall it’s my favorite safe place.


Books and Community FTW!

I like to read and I like to talk with other readers. I’ve tried bookstagramming on IG and writing long reviews on Goodreads. I like them both, but even better this app combines the two perfectly. The rating system is simple. The photo editor has some fun features I expect like stickers and filters.

Litsy is solidly built, and works consistently.

Best of all, the community of people on this app is open, friendly and everyone likes books as much as I do. This is my go-to social media. Highly recommended!


Came for the books, found a family

this app is my favorite app. I’m surrounded by fellow book lovers and people who’ve become such good friends.

Litsy has reviews, blurbs, quotes as the basis for its posting - you don’t have to attach a picture but most do. But it’s so much more than that.

It’s organizing to send books to a penpal and his niece and nephew in the Philippines. It’s getting a secret Santa swap from someone from anywhere! It’s checking in on friends in Puerto Rico. It’s sharing book clubs. It’s doing met-ups all over the globe. It’s giveaways and passing books on to new homes. It’s cheering someone up when they need it. It’s family.

You choose who you follow - it’s tailored to what and who you want to hear about in that aspect. It’s such a positive place and I’m always happy when I scroll through my feed.

Do yourself a favor and try Litsy out ♥️


Great community for book lovers

this app is the only social media that I use - it’s a great, supportive, kind community centered around (obviously) a love of books; but people also share their pets, their vacations, fun quizzes, and other less-bookish things without taking away any of the charm of the community. There are also virtual book groups, buddy reads, and fun postal swaps with bookish themes. The community is also a wonderful way to find new books that are outside of your comfort zone and I’ve really expanded my reading since joining.


Great concept, still young

I'm very much here for the concept of this app, like combining the best parts of bookstagram and goodreads. Now if they can get Litsy to be as awesome as instagram without the horrible design and hang ups of goodreads, they'll have it made!

I'd really love if the following features could be implemented:
1. I'd like to import followers/friends from twitter
2. A way to share quotes that is dynamic without a picture. Think Snapchat/Insta-story with different fonts or "paint" or whatever
3. Book suggestions based on your read/tbr shelves ("people who picked this also picked" or something)
4. A cleaner interface that's a bit less clunky and takes less taps/steps to do the same actions (and less colors. Let the images/books speak for themselves without all the color)
5. Some way to mark author accounts as such when they join
6. A way to connect to my kindle (that'd probably be hard because of certain companies and such but a wishlist is a wishlist)


Great place for readers

this app is a fun social app for readers to post photos and to talk about books and topics related to reading. I enjoy sharing my reactions to books I am reading, have read, or would like to read. There are also members who host photo challenges each month and it is fun to find books and photos that meet each task. It's a friendly community of readers. this app, unlike other social networks, is a chronological feed, which is great! Give it a try.


Hate the Rating System

this app is an interesting idea, trying to combine Instagram with Goodreads, but I don't particularly love the overall format and only having room for very short reviews, the character count which also has to be shared with hashtags and adding your own star rating. It basically leaves no room for any substance. And I absolutely hate the rating system they have integrated into Litsy . It gives you four options to choose from, one is essentially "love it" and then three others which all sound like varying degrees of "bad read". It doesn't feel like a productive way to rate books or accurately convey your thoughts.


New to Litsy

this app was recommended by LibraryThing. I’m an author and I’ve been looking for a social media platform made strictly for literature, and not as complicated as LibraryThing and Goodreads. I’m only getting started but so far I’m pleased with Litsy. It’s nice to connect with people who love books as much as I do. It’s easy to use and understand.

My only suggestion is to be able to add a book cover directly from the source rather than taking and saving a screenshot.

Otherwise, I really like Litsy.


Just like Bookstagram but BETTER!

This little app is fun because it's short, simple, and to the point. Connect with people all around the world who are into the same book reading hobby as you like FB let's you, but it's literally ALL about books! You're not allowed to talk about politics, current events, or what dress JLo is wearing. Stick to what we all love and everyone is happy. It's also a great way to keep track of what you want to read in the future!


Awesome Community for Bookworms!

I love the idea of Litsy so much! I'm already more active on this app than I am on my other social media accounts. It works well and looks nice, and so far I don't have any complaints. My one suggestion is that it would be nice to be able to private/direct message other people. Does that exist and I just can't find the option anywhere? Otherwise that would definitely be a good feature to add!


One major wish

this app is great, and I love a lot of the improvement suggestions in these reviews, but to really be functional it only needs ONE THING--the ability to tile posts in addition to seeing them as a long feed (a la Instagram). Are there plans for this to happen? There is a lot of great stuff going on on this app that is difficult to take part in if you miss a post and the lack of this feature makes it almost impossible catch up.

Is Litsy Safe?

Yes. Litsy is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 325 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.3/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Litsy Is 69.6/100.

Is Litsy Legit?

Yes. Litsy is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 325 Litsy User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Litsy Is 82.4/100..

Is Litsy not working?

Litsy works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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