TO THE CREATORS OF EseeCloudIPProVRCam: please please please DO NOT UPDATE EseeCloud. It is working very well. If you update it, it may stop working. For example, programmers from other companies have updated their P2P monitoring app and they have either all stopped working altogether or contain countless bugs in them. These apps include: P2PWIFICAM and FREEIP and XMeye. After their update they became really lousy. As a result, people have stopped buying 4CH/8CH CCTV NVRs that are associated with these apps. If you update EseeCloud and it stops working, people will STOP BUYING the NVR that uses EseeCloud. And that includes me. (For users, if EseeCloudIPProVRCam works, do not update it should there be a new version. Also try not to upgrade your iPad from 10.3.1 to 11.0.3. Plus you can also download apps similar to EseeCloud like IP-PRO and CORSEE). Finally, a tip to the programmers: If you feel the need to update EseeCloudIPProVRCam, leave EseeCloud in the apple store to let users download the old version. Then when you create a new version, call it EseeCloud2 or EseeCloud3 or EseeCloud4...etc. This gives users a WIDER CHOICE OF APPS that fit their system. Lastly, your current app is already good enough for most users. No need to update it to a new version. You have done a good job (25 October 2017).