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  direkt für Support kontaktieren

Wir verstehen, dass einige Probleme einfach zu schwierig sind, um sie durch Online-Tutorials und Selbsthilfe zu lösen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es einfach gemacht, mit dem Support-Team von Sergey Astakhov, den Entwicklern von Happy BirthDay Cards Maker in Kontakt zu treten..

About this app

Due to the simplest and convenient UI, "BirthDay cards free" will help you to create an exclusive greeting eCard in a blink of an eye. * preservation of initial quality of images and of scaled text. iDeas gallery grants you use a ready-made design of eCards as the templates for further re-design and reuse.  "BirthDay cards free" includes several editing options with which you change letters scale, make them shadowed; choose font type, color, transparency and alignment.  "BirthDay cards free" is an eCards editor contains lots of birthday themed photos and images.  Just remember yourself on your birthday how it was wonderful to get lovely cards and kind wishes from people around you. Now it’s your turn!  And "BirthDay cards free" will assist you in it.  You can choose between funny kittens, delicious-looking birthday cakes with candles, present boxes and guys in holiday caps.  "BirthDay cards free" is absolutely for free, but with ads.  Our main goal on someone’s birthday is a greeting.  The app also allows you to compliment pictures with wishes, funny messages, poems and greeting texts.  "iSmartMMS" has a huge Gallery of photos and images for any occasions.  Everyone has a very special day in a year - BirthDay!  Greetings can be shared via all available messenger apps and social media services.  If you like the app then you might be interested in its full version - "iSmartMMS".  On that day we finally get a chance to show ourselves as thoughtful, caring and loving person.  You turn to make people happy.  And unlike the birthday version "iSmartMMS" allows you to use your own photos and pics if you’re not satisfied with the standard gallery.