ASVAB Mastery | Practice Test Reviews

ASVAB Mastery Practice Test Reviews

Published by on 2024-10-30

🏷️ About: The ASVAB Study Guide & Test Prep app is designed to help individuals prepare for the ASVAB exam and join the US Armed Forces. The app provides access to over 1000 ASVAB test-like questions, practice tests, and content review of all 10 subtests. It also includes frequently reviewed ASVAB exam questions, an ASVAB quiz builder, free AFQT practice tests, e-book content, math videos, and a daily goal tracker. The app offers a free trial and subscription options for access to all features.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 8,603 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- The app has a lot of great content for studying for the ASVAB.

- The app is easy to use and convenient for studying on-the-go.

- The app helps users identify their weak areas of study and provides practice problems to improve.

- The app has helped many users improve their ASVAB scores and qualify for their desired MOS.

Read 27 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.8 out of 5

New update on iPhone


ASVABMasteryPracticeTest has a lot of great content, and it use to work great for a few months. A recent update has made it to where every time you log back into ASVABMasteryPracticeTest it will show up with a white screen, and you need to delete ASVABMasteryPracticeTest , download it again for it to properly work. If they could fix where you don’t have to delete ASVABMasteryPracticeTest every time to use it; then it would be a 5 star review again for me.

Amazing and Useful App


I needed to study for the asvab urgently and none of the free apps were getting the job done; however, my recruiter recommended ASVABMasteryPracticeTest and I decided to try it out. Very useful and resourceful app. There are reminders to study, it is very organized, etc. Only concern is that there is a time when the answer explanation is very vague. Other than that, wonderful app. Highly recommended!

A Good study guide but


I’m prior service and the last time I took the ASVAB was in 2000. When 21 years go by you become quite rusty but let me tell you it’s doable. I did use the premium subscription version for 2 months

What i liked: it really helped me understand my weak areas of study and at first looked very discouraging. ASVABMasteryPracticeTest breaks down and shows you your weakest sub category. ASVABMasteryPracticeTest is easy to pull out and do a few practice problems when you have some down time. Most questions were similar to the ones I took on the test but none of them were the exact same question. So make sure you understand the concept.

What I didn’t like was that the questions never changed or refreshed. After a while you knew which were the correct answers.

Overall ASVABMasteryPracticeTest helped me take my original AFQT from a 53 to an 83 and my kind scores are M: 92. A: 85. G: 81. E: 92. I’m very impressed

Its good! But…


ASVABMasteryPracticeTest is really good! But definitely needs improvement on showing step by step on how things should he done. Like arithmetic reasoning after trying it out ive noticed that after answering a question wrong or right there is no structure on how to actually solve the problem. It just shows a quick un detailed version of it which still leaves questions in how things are done.. besides that app is really good just needs more details on how to solve things! Im still confused on so many its no joke… best of luck to all who are trying to serve! Keep practicing and do not quit!!!

Most Helpful App!


Before I found ASVABMasteryPracticeTest, I was studying books in the library for almost 6 months, and I took a practice test and I still didn't pass. Then when I got ASVABMasteryPracticeTest. In a week, no joke! I'm one week, I went to MEPS to take the ASVAB and I passed! I would highly reccomend ASVABMasteryPracticeTest for anyone who is struggling to pass this test!

Worth subscribing🤘


Learning a lot off ASVABMasteryPracticeTest, I feel these questions will really help you on the test or just in life in general. Over a 1000 questions, just put in the time and study and you’ll do well. Best of luck and God bless.



I just paid 9 bucks for the one month subscription and it’s still telling me everything is locked on ASVABMasteryPracticeTest ...and there’s nothing I can do about it because there’s no way to constant them during the weekend. Very disappointed

Score improver


ASVABMasteryPracticeTest is totally worth the 8 dollars a month I went from getting a 30 on my first time taking the ASVAB which means I didn’t qualify for the mos I wanted or couldn’t even get in the Army then my recruiter recommended me to this amazing app and went from a 30 to 55 after 2 months of studying from the questions and enlisted yesterday with the mos I wanted which was 91D tactical power generation equipment repair also the real practice ASVAB’s they are also really easy to contact if your having any trouble with your account I highly recommend ASVABMasteryPracticeTest THANK YOU ASVAB MASTERY

Great helper to pass the asvab


ASVABMasteryPracticeTest/site is extremely great to use in preparation for the asvab I studied on it for almost a month and decided to go take the asvab and I scored a 50 ... it was a ton of help by reminding me everyday to do a certain number of questions and it also explained the ones I didn’t understand! Thanks Asvab Mastery next step off to MEPS 🥰

My Rating


Well worth the $15 I spent on ASVABMasteryPracticeTest.
I was definitely hesitant, though now I’m very grateful I bought it. My score has went up within the past 5 Days. Looking forward to serving this great country, and I owe a big thank you to ASVABMasteryPracticeTest and getting the preparation I need from the practice question this apps supplied me with.

Great app


To whoever is reading this if you’re trying to get a good score on the ASVAB, ASVABMasteryPracticeTest works/ as long as you put the time to review the 1000 ?s you’re set. I personally did it within a month and a half, and was able to obtain a 92 on the picat. Again, to whoever reads this, you got this :) Angel.



If you’re looking for a studying tool to get a good score on your ASVAB or looking to bump up your score by even just a few points more, this is ASVABMasteryPracticeTest to download!!!! Has great learning tools and prepares you for the real test! Bumped by scores by almost 20 points!!! Satisfaction guaranteed (((:

If your future job depends on high scores, buy it!


Honestly, I’m not the type to purchase apps. I’m glad I purchased this one though! I could write a long detailed review, but I’m going to keep it short and sweet. Buy it! Not only does ASVABMasteryPracticeTest have questions of varying difficulty, it has a review guide which helps a lot, if you do not know your current weaknesses!

Great App for Asvab Prep


The ASVAB isn’t a particularly hard exam to begin with, but ASVABMasteryPracticeTest helped familiarize me with the way questions were posed, and helped a ton with the electrical and mechanical section, which I am not experienced with. Well worth paying for the full version, even if I only used it for about a week. I would not have scored a 99 without ASVABMasteryPracticeTest. I highly recommend using this for your ASVAB prep.

Helped more then i ever thought


I was super nervous when taking my PICAT for military entry. And did a practice test only got a 37 i believe, didn’t meet the requirements needed for the field i wanted . Ended up studying everyday for past month answered almost every question in ASVABMasteryPracticeTest and repeated . Once i took the actual test i got an 84, never would i of thought that i could do it ! First time giving a app a review too!



Honestly I made the payment of 15 bucks and I’m glad I did, there are no problems and it’s working fine, I honestly don’t enjoy studying but you have to see it as your career and I know it’s working very well, I hope my career in the airforce succeeds, thank you for creating an amazing app to help me with my test. And remember if you actually get ASVABMasteryPracticeTest , take time to take out a notebook and study for it if the military is the job for you. 👌 10/10

Seems Hepful


I’m soon to take my first asvab test this upcoming Wednesday, i’m 17 and a junior hoping to qualify for special forces, it’s been my life long dream to become a SEAL. I was taking a bunch of asvab practice tests and would just be completely lost on a few things about mechanics and electrical, this has helped me a lot, i now get very good scores on full practice tests and its helped me gain a lot of confidence about what my score will come out to be.

FANTASTIC ASVAB studying resource!


I downloaded ASVABMasteryPracticeTest a few weeks ago to study up for the ASVAB. I’m older than most recruits and I haven’t seen half the information in years. I was able to download ASVABMasteryPracticeTest and study any time I had time. I felt confident I knew most information on the test before taking the real thing. I improved my score by ten points from years ago and qualified for my dream job. Highly recommended!!!

Good app!


I started studying for my ASVAB one week before my test which, yeah I know, isn’t smart, but working part-time and going to school full-time sometimes it really do be like that. However, ASVABMasteryPracticeTest made it so easy to study the subjects I didn’t feel comfortable with in between my busy day-to-day schedule. I completed 100 questions a day for about 2-3 days. I took the ASVAB this morning and scored a 92. I am satisfied with this and am going to enlist in the Air Force Reserves. If you’re like me and procrastinate, ASVABMasteryPracticeTest will accommodate your study habits well.

Really works


ASVABMasteryPracticeTest was great. The subscription is totally worth it I studied for a week and was able to pass. What I really liked about this was the videos that it has, I’m not good at math so I cannot just learn from books so the videos was really helpful. I definitely recommend ASVABMasteryPracticeTest for everyone taking the asvab.

Good practice

Only complaint is having to click the link to see the examples of the problems. I would request the link would be removed and the picture be shown along with the problem. I don't mind scrolling down to see the full problem. Other than that, great app!


I love ASVABMasteryPracticeTest it’s very helpful. I think premium worth the the price the only issue I face is I wish it gave you more help on the math. It’s helpful, but for people like me who need extra help I wish they had videos as well.

Super helpful

I’m joining the Air Force soon and absolutely love ASVABMasteryPracticeTest. It so easy to navigate and I like that you can stop and pick up where you left off.
Definitely recommend if you are planning to take the ASVAB.

Good so far

Just need to fix some bugs here and there. When showing the answers, it’ll only show half of the explanation for the work of the problem randomly.

Great study tool

ASVABMasteryPracticeTest help me get the score I desired. For one week I did a goal of 100 questions a day and study time of an hour and it paid off. Not same questions but prepares you for what your going to see

More & more

One thing I would like to have is more questions. I take the asvab next week Tuesday and not really nervous at all. Cause I know god will help me and not desert me. Enough about me but more about ASVABMasteryPracticeTest. Various would be helpful!!!!

Kimberly Walley

So I made a purchase on the ASVAB mastery but now it won’t let me access any of the material

Is ASVAB Mastery Practice Test Safe? 🙏

Yes. ASVAB Mastery | Practice Test is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 8,603 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for ASVAB Mastery Practice Test Is 38.3/100.

Is ASVAB Mastery Practice Test Legit? 💯

Yes. ASVAB Mastery | Practice Test is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 8,603 ASVAB Mastery | Practice Test User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for ASVAB Mastery Practice Test Is 52.1/100..

Is ASVAB Mastery | Practice Test not working? 🚨

ASVAB Mastery | Practice Test works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
ASVAB Mastery AFQT - 1 Month $11.99
Unlimited ASVAB Questions $15.99
ASVAB Mastery 3 month(Mastery) $35.99
ASVAB Mastery AFQT - 3 Months $26.99
ASVAB Mastery - Weekly $4.99
ASVAB Mastery $10.99
ASVAB Mastery AFQT - 12 Months $89.99
ASVAB MasteryYearly(Mastery) $119.99
ASVAB Math Add On - 30 days $4.99
ASVAB Mastery $23.99

How was your experience with ASVAB Mastery | Practice Test? Post a Review


- Access to 1000+ ASVAB test-like questions with detailed explanations

- Content review of all 10 subtests: General Science, Arithmetic Reasoning, World Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, Mathematics Knowledge, Electronics Information, Auto Information, Shop Information, Mechanical Comprehension, and Assembling Objects

- Frequently reviewed ASVAB exam questions

- ASVAB quiz builder

- Free AFQT practice test with 2 full-length score predictors

- E-book content

- 60+ math videos to help prepare for the ASVAB test

- Daily goal tracker to set daily challenges

- Free trial for ASVAB Mastery Test

- Subscription options for access to all features: 1 month auto-renewing payment of $12.99, 3 month auto-renewing payment of $29.99, and yearly auto-renewing payment of $99.99

- Helps identify strengths and weaknesses in all challenge subtests

- Allows comparison of US ASVAB test performance with other students

- Prepares individuals for further education in the military career.

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