This game is pretty good, except that I don’t like that they have the same trophies, a lot to higher on level. Also, I’m hoping that you can add Hot Wheels back on, they have one of my favorite cars, the Shark Bite! But since we have to level the car up, and I have no car parts, I’m stuck at it being on level 6, it’s not that bad, but i would like to have it for the limited time cars, you can BUY their car parts with the RIFT BOLTS!!! Ex: Hot Wheels, Rift Riders (when they leave the game, if they leave at all). Another thing, I like the way that this game is turning out, I just wish that the old “Fighting the bosses” be normal. I mean, it’s harder if you have like a level 7 level 9 and level 6. Because the level 6 would get killed in like 2 hits. I would like this game a LOT better if there were no health bars on the boss games just for the rift riders or the hot wheels if they come back! Please consider this.
Last thing, how do I send a video to you? I have a lot of drive ahead videos that I think can make it on the “top 10”, or “best replays of the week!” Thanks for reading this far!