Drive Ahead! - Fun Car Battles Reviews

Drive Ahead Fun Car Battles Reviews

Published by on 2024-10-29

🏷️ About: Watch your head in gladiator car fights! This game really is the best of head-to-head battlers - knock your friend in the head with a stunt driving car to score. We guarantee crazy multiplayer motorsport fun with friends.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

😎 Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 139,177 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

-The game has a lot of new events and cars that make it exciting and challenging.

-The game has a massive amount of vehicles and accessories to choose from.

-The harpoon motorcycle is a fun vehicle to use.

-The game has a lot of fun vehicles.

Read 24 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.6 out of 5
Big shame

So I downloaded this game a few years back, around the time when it first came out. Back then it was great, and I would have had to review it back then, it would’ve gotten 5 stars, easily. I really enjoyed playing with my friends on the bus home from school or when we would go out.

After this I left the game for about 4 years, and as I was scrolling through my purchased apps, I decided to download it again. They’ve completely overhauled the entire game and not in a good way. The developers are extremely greedy, spamming you with ads after EVERY GAME in addition to constantly asking you to buy their offers, etc. The game now has a health and damage system (whereas before it was simply whoever hit the other’s head first), which plays into the fact that you have to upgrade your vehicles in order to deal more damage and have more hp. But for this you need car parts, and the only way to get them is from either the coin store (which seldom has any pars for vehicles you actually want to upgrade), or a loot box, or you can purchase crystals with real money to buy parts in the crystal shop (which conveniently has parts for every vehicle I want to purchase).

Big shame.


Why would y’all… just Why… I’ve played this game for a very long time and now y’all add upgrades… I wouldn’t care if y’all added like a one shot mode where you can play it like the classic game. But now it’s very frustrating when I go up against level nines and mine are all level ONE like… bra 😑. But I didn’t really play the game a lot in 2017 some where around there but anyways it was a lot of fun playing with others and battling them with skill (instead of upgrading your cars!!!). But I understand why y’all did this because the game gets boring after you’ve done everything and got all the cars so you just stop playing after a while until the next update which I’m not gonna lie I do that to😅. Another thing is there should be online multiplayer so you can play with your friends from far away because I play this with my friends but only at school. Also I hate to break it to y’all but the ship is broken because I was just playing and well the ship can float and it fires bullets so it’s an afk car anyways he broke the map by firing a bullet and we just flew off and sence it’s the motor dome and there’s acid pool below I die while he just sits there floating. But just wanted to bring that concern to y’all love the game just think it needs some work😁😁. Oh by the way y’all’s matching system isn’t very effecant because I’m 1,000 trophy’s while I go against 1,890 trophy’s.

Thanks for reading!!! 😋

Stupid game DO NOT GET

All right let’s just get right to it. Game has WAYYYY to many ads, constantly is glitching or if you are watching an ad, the game will start without you so that the enemy already has the upper hand. When there are objects on the course at LEAST 50% will be bumped around turning them into flying projectiles. On top of that, most of them kill you or try to kill you as they are flying by. Also, whenever you are standing still and then you go full throttle, the car is CONSTANTLY trying to do a wheelie. Then you have to get your car back onto two wheels, but by then some over-powered car is already smashing your head in. Also, whenever somebody hits your car hard enough it will flip backwards, when you are trying and struggling to get up some dumb car is running you over smashing your head. AND, it is extremely difficult to get regular bolts in this game. And this part is specially for the creator:
Next time you think about making some decision you think is smart; do the exact opposite. Why am I saying this you ask? Because if you thought that making a game with too many ads, too many glitches, and is too hard to beat was a smart decision, then you really need to listen to me. Go back to school genius. Oh wait. You obviously never went.

This game is good but some parts are terrible

So basically I’ve had this game for a while and I only have 1 more hardcore mission to complete until I have completed every mission. It is the hardcore robot stadium level 24 and it is so impossible I have no idea why the develops made it this hard and I would be surprised if they have actually play tested this level. Secondly, this game is literally broken after the most recent update and they have done nothing it keeps asking me if it can record the screen and if I click no it will not lag and after each time I die it will ask again if I press yes it will lag and be running fine then suddenly lag and then I usually die when it freezes. When a mine blows up the screen gets permanently stuck down a bit. The game randomly pauses. It’s horrible and also why 18 dollars for 2 vehicles and 5 arenas? Btw when I let the thing record my screen it drains my battery so much. The version before of automatically recording didn’t do this. Why haven’t they just released an update or something to go back a version where everything wasn’t broken. I have an IPhone 6S and I mean it’s not that bad I should be able to run this. I could run this before. The game was great before this now literally none of my friends play it because of how broken it is.

Used to be good

This game used to be fun. Short games against friends or AI, with basic progression. Get coins, and open a loot box with cosmetics or new vehicles. There were also fun challenges. But they completely changed the entire game. The gameplay and the progression have been completely overhauled, and they removed many elements of the game that I found way more fun. Upon opening the game for the first time in a year, everything has been overhauled. And as I joined a game I was very surprised to find out there’s a health bar, which, that alone discourages me from ever playing again. Turns out they also added ways to upgrade your vehicles, which is a much worse way to implement progression than what they originally had. Getting new, fun vehicles to use was awesome. You would pray to get something good, but even if you got a terrible vehicle you’d still have a ton of fun with it. Opening the loot boxes was always exciting. It was a casual, short, fun arcade style game. I just don’t get why they changed everything in the game down to the fundamentals instead of just making another game. I would still play that game, but I don’t want to play this one. Bring back the old game, and publish this as an entirely different game on the AppStore since it is an entirely different game.

Edit: Matchmaking is also terrible, favoring those who pay for better vehicles. And the developers are just greedy and taking advantage of their popular game, spamming ads and in-app purchases.

A drive ahead long time user’s opinion

I recently reinstalled this game and enjoyed the gaming part of it. It’s fun and mobile but has many changes that I had to get used to. The first is the “sponsors” I sign. There are many “sponsors” I get claiming to give me 10 gold for me watching the video, where some of the time it’s inappropriate, forcing me to be hesitant to play game around other people. Also, I’m not sure if I’m even getting the gold. In my opinion, if we’re forced to sit through these adds, give us 20 gold. Another thing that I think that should be done to make peoples’ experiences more enjoyable is making the rarity of the cars not effect the health and damage that they do, because legendary cars already have an advantage over other cars, and some people have preferences of what cars they want. The final thing I’d change is to choose whether or not we want our cars to be able to do their current abilities, like I’d rather not have the t-rex not have the bite, because cars can then get over me. I mostly just want the videos more appropriate and the other stuff is just suggestions. Thank you for your time.


Probably my favorite game that has been installed the longest on my phone because of its repeatability. Really fun with different game modes and such. One thing though, sometimes now if a mine explodes or the doombot fires, my screen jumps upward so that I can see higher in the map and less at the bottom. If you could fix that Dodreams it would make this game a complete ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. Other than that it is amazing and keep up the great work. Also love the new arenas but would like to have them available to buy with bolts. Also maybe think about making the effects in the new arenas available to be a game mode applicable to many maps. Just a suggestion.

Update as of November 24, 2017: Now I’m lowering my rating to 3 stars. Whenever I play now, the controls while playing DO NOT WORK. This was before the winter update and during the winter update now. My arrow buttons do not register. I am on an iPhone SE and iOS 11.1.2 but I don’t think that matters. Dodreams please fix the problem registering and I will bring my rating back up to five stars. I’ve had the game for at least three years and this has never happened. I’m not mad, just really confused.

The truth

I downloaded this game when it had just been released in DriveAheadFunCarBattles Store, and if I had to give it a rating back then, it would be 5 stars without a doubt. But this game, the developers of the game actually, have changed. Anyone who played this game from the start can see the greed that has grown in the developers. When this game first started, it was simple fun, you hopped into a game or a mission and the first person to bop someone on the head won. Now however, the gameplay is health and damage based, which encourages the usage of screws or bolts or whatever they are called, to upgrade your car. Here’s the problem. There is an almost non-existent matchmaking system in this game, so when you start playing, you are pitted against players that have insanely good cars, at insanely high levels. The reason this happens is because even though you are supposedly fighting people at around the same trophy amount as you, the game doesn’t account for people that spend money. You can easily buy very good cars and level them up easily with money. So now that battles aren’t just about one hit then you kill the other enemy, they are extremely one-sided. This game is a perfect example of greed overcoming the mobile gaming, or just gaming industry in general.

3.0 is a mistake

You had a perfect progression system and then threw it away. To get far in the battle arena you need upgraded cars, I’ve had the game for awhile so I have quite a few legendaries. A was lucky to get some to level four last week before you made it impossible to upgrade them. If you want to upgrade cars you now need a duplicate. To get a duplicate legendary you probably need to open about 500 loot boxes and you don’t even get enough parts to upgrade it to level 2! The coin store never has what you want and the only was I know of to get gems is paying real money. You guys get enough revenue from the 50 ads you force on us every day, I don’t understand why you needed to do this. I know it’s probably irreversible at this point but if somehow you could bring back wrenches and remove this dumb new system that would be amazing. Also you used to be able to get whatever you wanted if you played long enough using bolts. You decided it would be a good idea to remove those and make everything entirely luck based. Getting bolts was already hard enough.

One week ago this would have been a five star rating but then you did this. Why, why did you do it?

Great game but... (PLEASE READ)

I like this game a lot and I hope you see this, the one thing that I think would make the game a lot better would would be if you could play a quick match to test out cars. I know I have and it seems like could happen where I had a lot of screws, then proceeded to buy a car I regret buying. I also think the car’s names can be misleading(such as rocket launcher, a car that doesn’t even shoot) and lead to a regretted loss of screws, which can be hard to gain. This seems especially important for rift rider cars because you almost never encounter them in a game, and although you can try a few out, you never really know what to expect. This makes each purchase using rift bolts seem like a gamble, which I, who likes saving up recourses, strongly dislike. I think it would lead to a lot better and more satisfying if you could test the cars before you made a purchase, and it would make people happier. I am only twelve and still would play the game without it but I greatly hope you can add this feature. Thanks for a great game!

P.S. this review would not send idk if that’s on you or DriveAheadFunCarBattles Store, but it was pretty annoying

Edit:how come game modes like king of the hill and missions now need WiFi? They never did before and it makes me mad because it used to be my top game to play without WiFi. It is kind of infuriating how they now need WiFi. They aren’t playing with other players or anything, so why do you need WiFi!

Pretty good game, one question, some complaints

This game is pretty good, except that I don’t like that they have the same trophies, a lot to higher on level. Also, I’m hoping that you can add Hot Wheels back on, they have one of my favorite cars, the Shark Bite! But since we have to level the car up, and I have no car parts, I’m stuck at it being on level 6, it’s not that bad, but i would like to have it for the limited time cars, you can BUY their car parts with the RIFT BOLTS!!! Ex: Hot Wheels, Rift Riders (when they leave the game, if they leave at all). Another thing, I like the way that this game is turning out, I just wish that the old “Fighting the bosses” be normal. I mean, it’s harder if you have like a level 7 level 9 and level 6. Because the level 6 would get killed in like 2 hits. I would like this game a LOT better if there were no health bars on the boss games just for the rift riders or the hot wheels if they come back! Please consider this.
Last thing, how do I send a video to you? I have a lot of drive ahead videos that I think can make it on the “top 10”, or “best replays of the week!” Thanks for reading this far!

I genuinely love everything about this game.

I have played Drive Ahead for a couple of years ago, and had neglected it for couple of months when I thought I had seen everything the game had to offer. But then an update hit that I was completely unaware of, and when I did randomly return to it, I couldn’t have been more delighted. All the new events and “cars” ( including death laser shooting rocket ships ) hooked me back in the game. I fell in love with the new mechanics in multiplayer and immediately crushed the competition with the old legendary cars I had. Eventually it did bring a challenge, but not too much so that it didn’t become a fun, casual game. The only tiny problem I have with this game is that I still don’t know how to select my head. I don’t know if that feature is gone, or i’m just plain stupid, but I seriously cannot figure out how to change my head in the multiplayer mode for my life. I see that opponents have different heads, but I just can’t figure it out. This probably is just my error, but nonetheless this game is plain fun. I have now played this game for several hours and the satisfaction of crushing your opponents face and watching their vehicle explode has never grown old. Thank you!


I played Drive Ahead for about 4 years (I think idk) and I stopped playing in the update where they added the rocket sleigh (I think they had just added it cause it was just randomly sitting in my garage) and when I came back a month ago, I was blown away by all the new things added. I did play a little before that when they had Boss Fight (is that still in the game?) but I loved how all the previously trash cars now had abilities, and that there was a multiplayer. I still am trying out all my cars to figure out their abilities. Devs pls if boss fight doesn’t exist put it back, and also I think we need a way to earn rut tickets like the way u used to. I also liked the hot wheels update and I have the carbonater (I think that’s how u spell it) and the gotta go, but if u guys can’t bring back hot wheels (I understand if u can’t) just bring back the cars in the craft section pls cause I loved the cars. Overall I think this game has really improved and I hope more stuff is added soon!


Whoever the devs are... I LOVE U. This game is perfect and the fact that u smash into the CPU’s head (or ur friend’s) is PERFECTION and hilarious 😂🤣😂🤣 XD. This is my favorite game on my iPhone and is very very original. I mean what other game features smashing heads with cars. Nothing wrong and never had any issues/ problems. Suggestion: PLZ make it so that it is easier to get the things to make cars because there are cars with bolt prices of over 1,000 and there r only three ways to get them: 1 getting replica cars, gives five bolts, 2 : spinning them on the prize wheel between 5-50 and about 40% chance to get 1, 3 : buy them, which I cannot do saying as I am only in 6th and are 11 :( it would be noice if I could get bolts faster :) this took time to write so plz ezer bolts. That would make my day if u even read this and respond saying “Thank you for rating 5 stars” I hope u will consider both the bolts and responding. Thank u devs for making such a great game and have a good day, evening, or night depending on when u read if u read. Bye!

I love this game, but...

As someone that’s been playing this game for almost 100 total hours, I’ve seen this game change a lot. I’ve played it a lot and like the game very much, but I think there’s two things that the game is lacking that would make it much better. One of these things would be a way to save you game data to a cloud of some sort so if you lose all of your data, which for me would be unfortunate seeing that I’ve unlocked almost everything that’s unlockable, it’d be pretty bad and I don’t think I’d have it in me to go back through and unlock everything again. The second thing is a way to unlock things that were only obtainable from events that have already come and gone, and when I say this, I’m not talking about in-app purchases. I think it’d be great if you could unlock a premium car from the second Chinese New Year event that you could only get from the boss hunt for 5000 bolts or something like that. If these two things were to be implemented into the game, it’d be so much better than it already is.

Absolutely Love this Game!

Okay, so I’ve had this game for the past 4-5 years, and it’s been on my phone for almost every version I’ve had of my phone. I love this game. I’ve seen many features come and go, some features I love and miss, some features I hated and were glad to see them go. But throughout my entire experience with Drive Ahead! I’ve always thought that this game really needed one other feature. A creative/sandbox mode. Now, I don’t mean a mode where you can do absolutely anything you want without having to do the work. I think that you should be able to play around with a map and the cars in it, doing with them what that you wish, but you may only used the cars/arenas that you’ve earned. Imagine being able to turn the speed up on any map, just for the fun of it. Or turning car(s) huge to watch them demolish each other! I believe this would be an incredible feature, and would absolutely love it. Developers, if you happen to see this, at least keep this in mind? Thank you for your time, and I love your game!

I could feel like little me is inside in me

Drive ahead was my favorites game when I was little, I think I was like about 8 or 9 playing drive ahead, after a long time, I never played it again after I got a new phone, after a few years when I finally became 13. I saw my little brother start playing drive ahead, I was so shocked since I played it before and but I couldn’t download DriveAheadFunCarBattles ;-;. I asked my mom permission and see allowed me, I started making my name way longer then the limit which is: Friendly red driver. It was longer but I’ll take it I guess. I liked the name since my opponents will have me as the red driver, I started playing this game a lot now, like a lot a lot. I started from maxing common cars to maxing epic cars. My next mission on drive ahead is that to get a full team of legendarys and try to get my favorite cars atomic ray or something like that I forgot, I want to try it and get it maxed, and then finish my team of rift riders. Thank you for my making this game because I love it a lot.

By: Friendly red driver, mostly because that’s my drive ahead name

My Favorite Game 😄😀

When I was little every week if I got good grades my dad would surprise me with a new game on the iPad and I thought that was creative! He got me this game one time. You see I had a brother, so sharing the iPad with him was difficult. We’d take turns with the iPad and the Tv. But when my dad got the Drive Ahead game, my brother and I were amazed! Pixelated, great Detail, and a 2 player game! Whenever we got the iPad that’s what we would play! But then sadly in 5 years it broke. So for Christmas our parents gave us our own tablets! They were outdated a little but still fun. My brother introduced me to Roblox! It was fun but I still missed Drive Ahead. My brother and I had the best cars and the funniest fails. We got in some videos for some fails! Then in 6th grade I got a phone. I was pretty excited because it might have Roblox AND DRIVE AHEAD! So I looked and I thought, Yes they updated it! The updates are pretty awesome. So I got it of course and when I saw the update, I about fainted! It was just like the old game but better! I told my brother and we played like we did when we were young.

I have car ideas yeeeeee

So my favorite car is the harpoon motorcycle I love to use it. It can take a lot of people by surprise by flipping them over and damaging them. Although it’s kinda weak in damage and I don’t get parts for it. So I have an idea💡I call it the Custom Container so basically you can choose any car you OWN and get parts for it. But it’s Custom in a weird way so basically it depends on how much Coins you pay to the container. The more parts you want the more expensive it gets eventually if you want a lot of parts it will start costing Coins and Gems (disclaimer it won’t cost a LOT of gems but it will cost a lot of Coins) I’m thinking the limit can be 1 To 100 if you want over 100 that’s when it will cost coins and gems. Also, I have another idea maybe when cars get to a certain levels they get cool effects or a minor power-up. I want a minor power-up for the harpoon motorcycle since it’s from the penguin boss maybe it can get a little ICE effect on the end of the harpoon and freeze people for a little bit. Alright this is my very first review ever so hoped you liked it bye! And don’t forget to crash and have fun!

Drive Ahead Complements

Drive Ahead is a very good and very challenging game. What I like most about this game is its massive amount of vehicles and accessories. There are HUNDREDS of them and I happen to think that they are all very fun. A final, recommendation if you will, Drive Ahead has a lot of fun vehicles but is missing some great ones. A) a type of Lamborghini (does not matter) if Drive Ahead had a Lamborghini, it would be a fun legendary (obviously) car that would be very fun to get. B) The Delorean from BACK TO THE FUTURE. If Drive Ahead made a Delorean with some sort of time travel feature or was used as a boss (biff being the driver) it would make the game more fun in a way for Drive Ahead players who have seen all three movies of Back To The Future One, two, and three to have a movie they've seen in a game they're playing. P.S. The Delorean idea is from the fact that I have noticed other references to movies and TV shows in Drive Ahead. One final thing is I am not favoring the car buying system. Back then the prize wheel was much easier than the buying system and was easier to get cars. I would be very appreciative if you where to change it back. The prize wheel I loved a lot and wish it could come back. Thanks a lot!🙂

Great game, but sadly not as fun anymore

I really enjoyed this game when I picked it up a year ago - it was always a challenge to grind the levels and get new cars. I stopped playing b/c of school, but picked the game up again recently on a new iPad... and boy have things changed, and not for the better.

As a long-time player, I’m disappointed in how the game is now. As other reviews have noted, previously keys were only needed to unlock stadiums, and then you were free to play as many levels and try to beat them all. Nowadays, I can only play three levels before I have to take an 8 hour break - unless I pay a $3 to get three more keys. It turns me off from the game, and I feel that instead of incentivizing people to pay, it just reduces player interest. I don’t really feel like grinding through levels anymore because everywhere I turn I have to pay money to keep playing the game!

Devs, if you’re reading this, please reconsider. I get that you have to generate revenue, but there has to be a better way. Make a no-ads subscription service or something - you’ve made a good game, and I shouldn’t have to literally pay to play it!

Great game but too many adds and... WiFi!? (PLEASE READ)

I really love this game and it WAS my favorite no WiFi game now it’s probably fallout shelter go check it out btw great game 10 out of 10 but I’m not done now I read literally one review and I saw that it COSTS WiFi to play king of the hill like have they ever heard of bots I mean I always did that and I was happy for hours but now it’s so many ads like I literally did a ad to spin and I got 50 coins ok AND THEN IT GAVE ME ANOTHER AD so because it’s a great game I’m giving it 5 stars but these are problems
Like and now it’s more of a grind game instead of a play when bored game and that’s what’s really Annoying I like some grind games because there’s good stuff at the end but this is bad kind
Grind game now if they re added the bots and made it less of a grind game and less adds then we wouldn’t be here because now next time my brother goes to a lesson or something like that me and my mom have to sit in the car well this was a good game I just wish it was less of a grind game


Hello, I love „Drive ahead". I want a Kong–car, please put my a car. My nik: „Гренка“. I speak Russia, but I can write email for you!


I have a problem, when I go to the game, it lags and crashes.I have a redmi 9a phone8

Is Drive Ahead Fun Car Battles Safe? 🙏

Yes. Drive Ahead! - Fun Car Battles is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 139,177 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Drive Ahead Fun Car Battles Is 39.8/100.

Is Drive Ahead Fun Car Battles Legit? 💯

Yes. Drive Ahead! - Fun Car Battles is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 139,177 Drive Ahead! - Fun Car Battles User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Drive Ahead Fun Car Battles Is 87.3/100..

How was your experience with Drive Ahead! - Fun Car Battles? Post a Review


Time to grab the wheel and become a Master Car Gladiator! This may be a casual game, but it has tons of content to unlock and game modes to master.

Watch your head in gladiator car fights! This game really is the best of head-to-head battlers - knock your friend in the head with a stunt driving car to score.

Collect over 300 stylized racing cars to master increasingly dangerous battle arenas.

Some of the rides are quite out of this world, like the ghost pirate ship, electric reindeer or Mini-T-Rex with an actual gun… You build your car battle team any way you like.

- Explore exotic stylized Mission Stadiums for amazing rewards, while avoiding hazards like robots, aliens and penguins.