I like this game overall . It ' s not without flaws , which I ' ll mention in a second . This game is great for people who want to play a game for a few minutes each day . You can watch your investments and properties _ grow ( or shrink ! ) in value , just like in the real world . Buy low , sell high just as you would with your own investments . Now - for the downfalls . The game quite often displays errors , or simply won ' t load the servers . ( Very frustrating at times ) . Larger town / geographic areas require coins along with the in game $ . Coins are acquired by watching ads , or in app spending of money . 1 ad = 2 coins . 5 ad , limit per day . ( So 3650 coins per year if you were VERY diligent about watching 5 ads per day ) . Coin price on properties fluctuates illogically - example to buy . 1 % of two local towns , one is 50 coins & 95mil @ $ 68k daily profit , the other is 125 coins & 1 . 3mil @ $ 950 daily profit . You also have to use coins to expand your abilities in the game - allow you to own more properties , land , paperwork processing , cash tank size , decrease property costs , etc . My other frustration is there ' s no way to sort properties for sale , or to filter them down based on income potential . Also to view income potential , you have to click into each property . There ' s a lot more ways this game can be improved , but I still enjoy