I love mindless idle games, and this one has been one of my favorites as of late- the style is cute, i like all the possibilities it has, etc. However, there are some glaring issues. One is something I find in a lot of idle or tycoon games: upgrades become so expensive that you have to save up, then upgrade one thing, then save up, then upgrade another thing, over and over. It gets boring and ends up taking so long that im no longer motivated to even play. Another thing is that you make SO much less money outside of the game than you do in it. In a five minute span IN THE GAME, i made $80,000. Out of the game, in a five minute span, I made only $4,000. This is never explained as far as im concerned and it makes no sense to me- its an IDLE game, but barely does anything when idle? And as someone else’s review mentioned, there is little diversity in the character models. Most characters have very light skin, but also, most careers/character types have only 2 different models(male and female models). It makes things boring and repetitive when i have an apartment building of 16 people and 5 of them look the exact same.