I love the idea of BabyName, the concept is fun, the reality is tedious. The names are repetitive and even when you discard them, you get asked again. Also, you get asked to review BabyName EVERY few moments, even after we paid $2.99 to unlock more names having gone through the first lot. As for that payment, that didn’t seem to do much either. There are tons of trendy names on the first version and second version, and loads of last names as first names, but there are a couple of more traditional names that I quite like, which I never saw. Normal, popular, traditional names, which I thought was really odd. Even after spending an extra $2.99 to unlock. I wouldn’t have left this review, as each to their own, maybe you’ll like it, but after being harassed by BabyName constantly to review it, here I am doing an unfavorable review. You asked me to app!