- Detailed map of the country or region you purchase, with place names like cities, towns, and villages, a detailed road and track network, and all protected areas such as national parks and game reserves.
- Detailed guide with categories such as Places, Attractions & Activities, Parks, Scenic, Camps, Lodging, Food & Drink, Fuel, Shopping, Services, and More.
- The guide information is linked to a location on the map and will display as a pin on the map for you to know where it is in reference to where you are.
- The app will display a map of the country or region and allow you to switch on different categories of points of interest.
- You can search for specific places by name, and the map search is location-sensitive.
- Your position, determined from your iPhone or iPadβs location service, will display on the map so you can accurately orientate yourself on the map.
- The search functionality is linked to the guide categories, and you can find a campsite by switching on the Camps category or entering the name of a campsite into the search block.
- Points of interest will have associated information such as a description, contacts details, facilities and activities, and some places will have photos.
- Guide and Map content is updated once a quarter, and available for download if you have purchased the relevant guide.
- You can contact the app developers at sales@tracks4africa.co.za or via their Facebook page: facebook.com/Tracks4Africa.