Sabbath School & PM Reviews

Sabbath School PM Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-10

🏷️ About: The Sabbath School and Personal Ministries app is an official app of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, powered by Adventech. It is designed to make studying and sharing God's Word easier. The app provides access to the Adult Sabbath School Bible study guide, Ellen White notes, teacher notes, and the Hope Sabbath School Outline for teachers. It also supports multiple languages and provides links to Bible references in 5 different Bible versions. The app has a simple and easy-to-use interface with a dark mode option.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 23,065 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Constant updates of materials

- Ability to change language preference

- Includes Sabbath School lessons for different age groups

- Includes EGW notes

- Easy to use and navigate

- Bible texts are hyperlinked for quick access

Read 27 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.9 out of 5

Does NOT follow the lesson


I was most perplexed with the first weeks lesson when the first Sabbath afternoon lesson dwelt on the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe so extensively. Then either Sunday or Monday over half the lesson was taken up on the wonderful writing of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes.... Realy??? Then the second week, no Sabbath afternoon lesson at all and virtually the entire lesson for Sunday was taken up with what could have been a travel brochure for “the Holy Isle of Patmos”??? I began to wonder if other SS apps or the hard copy was this bad. Turns out they did not come close, never mentioned any of the above, they were actually studying Revelation...What a shame.. I liked the function of SabbathSchoolPM, just the content is atrocious. Don’t know who is behind it, but they need to reconsider the content, it does NOT match the lesson...

A very good app


This is my primary study app. There are a few minor complaints I have:
Occasionally SabbathSchoolPM doesn't match the printed quarterly and is missing lead in verses for the day. I have a few other apps, usually they are missing the same, so it's not just SabbathSchoolPM that has the problem.
One of the things I like is that it includes related writings of Ellen G White after the study. Unfortunately after a new quarter begins sometimes it takes a few days for the writings to appear. But since the other apps I've found don't include the writings at all, and it's usually updated within a day or two, this is minor.
My last complaint is that the context verses are not included in the bible references. Some of the other apps include the whole chapter and highlight the subject verses. This gives the context for what you are reading. The flip side of this is that when several verses are together, they all appear in one window, allowing you to read everything without having to tap each verse (which is especially nice when using a small screened device)
Again, these are minor complaints overall.

Things I like are the simplicity of SabbathSchoolPM . From the home screen, just tap of "Read" to be taken to today's lesson.
There are several bible translations including the KJV, NKJV, NIV and others.
There are also several additional included studies (for teachers, kids or teens, etc.)

Constructive Criticism


AdventTech, this is a great study app! I enjoy studying more on my phone and I can study wherever I’am, the layout is great. The font, txt size, background options are all awesome to use. Thank you for contributing your time to get all these studies in the hands of believers wherever they go. I personally found some issues that would make SabbathSchoolPM much better, if you can come together with the inVerse ministry if you can to get a more comprehensive study of their quarterlies. I notice they change and my notes get lost. Best regards to you all advent tech God bless!

A new account is created when using defaults with Apple ID login



Previously I posted that all my notes were gone. However I was able to get it back using google login. I guess there is no more Facebook login option but through google login I was able to get to my correct account. What happens with apple login is that by default its security option hides the email address. Thus it creates a new account since SabbathSchoolPM doesn’t see the email address of the account.

Not sure how it can possible for SabbathSchoolPM to recognize the account while still hiding the email address. Perhaps put a note at the login that when using Apple ID login to change to not hide the email address else a new account will be created. Also please bring back Facebook login option

Great app! Couple issues with the last update


First, I have used and loved SabbathSchoolPM for quite a while. Mostly I love everything about it. There are a couple minor annoying issues with the last update that would be great if could be fixed. When using the highlighting feature, it’s really hard to select. It’s REALLY touchy and wants to select several more lines than intended—or not enough. The other issue is in the scripture links. Here, it’s an issue with scrolling. My finger has to be in just the right place on my screen for it to scroll properly. (It scrolls fine on the main pages.)

Otherwise, if you’re looking for a Sabbath School app, this one is GREAT! I highly recommend.



SabbathSchoolPM is excellent for both teachers and students. It allows the access of Sister White material on the topic at study and provides possibility for comments. However, I believe that some improvement is needed in the highlight mode. When it comes to scrolling up and down, I have a hard time keeping the Sister White comments in place: the page just slide down on me. Anyway, great job with SabbathSchoolPM.

Wonderful app! But would like to sync across devices


As a designer, I love the ease of use and the look of this Sabbath school app as compared to the original quarterly app. However, one feature that would make this a five star app is to have the notes sync across devices. I usually like to use SabbathSchoolPM on my iPad but there are times when I only have my phone. I’m logged in to both, and it would be really nice if my notes and answers to the questions would sync to each device.

The best SS app in my opinion


SabbathSchoolPM offers you more than even the paper version can. You get a beautifully designed lesson with space for your answers to questions, E.G.W. comments on the SS lesson, a mission story each week and teacher's comments at the end of the lesson.
The only thing I miss is the ability to write notes about text in somewhere other than the question boxes. Something like a lined sticky note that can be added into the text just like a highlight. Just an idea for the developers.
Awesome app. Great stuff.

Wonderful app, but what happened to the audio option?


I recently found SabbathSchoolPM when searching for an audible SDA Sabbath School app. It is a wonderfully thorough app with many options to personalize the study experience.
I love listening to the lessons as I read the text. It enriches the lesson and helps me absorb more of what I am studying. But, the audio option is missing on the current quarterly (The Message of Hebrews, Jan-Mar 2022). Please continue the audible version. It is so helpful!



I switched from another sabbath school app and have been enjoying this one immensely however most recently I was able to get Ellen G White notes after each daily lesson and all of a sudden it disappeared I am not sure how to get that back. There are times when there are glitches with highlighting and also writing a response for the scripture. There are also times when I highlight a section and the section that was highlighted disappears when I go to add the color. Very frustrating

One Minor Issue


I love everything about SabbathSchoolPM! From the design, to how easy it is to navigate, I highly recommend using SabbathSchoolPM as your daily Sabbath School study guide.

Just one minor issue that, hopefully, will be addressed in a future update, is the fact that my device crashes every time I attempt to highlight a text. (I use an iPhone 6s but it is very stable as I manage to take very good care of it and I don’t experience crashes anytime else.) The ‘selecting’ a text isn’t an issue (where your finger ‘highlights’ a certain area but then leaves options to ‘copy, paste, etc.’), however, when I click any color option for the highlight, my phone crashes completely.

Please consider fixing this for future updates. I sincerely love SabbathSchoolPM as the highlighting feature would really help me in my studying process.

Thank you so much! :)

EGW notes


I’ve been using SabbathSchoolPM for about 3-4 months now. What impressed me the most was how easy it was to get around SabbathSchoolPM . I love the fact I can highlight, but it’s very finicky as to where the wants to high light. Another feature I love was that the EGW notes are attached at the end of each lesson. Unfortunately, the notes are not always there, which is frustrating because they’re usually available in the beginning of the quarterly. I’d like to see the EGW notes available though out the quarterly on a consistent basis.

Hope Sabbath School


I look forward to watching your study hour every week. You share the lesson in a way that makes it clear to me. I’m having a very difficult time learning to forgive myself for all the terrible sins I’ve committed. If I can’t forgive myself how is God going to forgive me. Please pray for me and ask God to show me a way to understand how I can be saved. God Bless
you all for your testimonies. I’m beginning to feel like one of the members of your class as I’m getting to know the names of most of the people there. My prayers are with each of you.



I've been using SabbathSchoolPM for 2 years or so, and it's my go-to for Sabbath School! However, lately in this quarter I've been noticing that all of the Spirit of Prophecy quotes have been adapted. This is not the case in the printed quarterly, and I feel like the adaptations do a disservice to the original quotes. If the developer ever changes the quotes back to the originals, or at least includes them as a link (like how Bible verses are done), I will gladly leave a 5 star review.

EDIT: I'm now seeing the original SoP quotes, and the Sabbath School helps are back at the bottom of each lesson! Praise God! 5/5

Great App!! (with one request)


I love SabbathSchoolPM - very intuitive, easy to use, and looks great too! I was just wondering if when the Bible texts that are hyperlinked span more than one chapter, could the chapter numbers be included in the passage? Right now, if there is a text - for example, Genesis 1:3-4:7 - it will list chapter 1, and then the following verses all the way to chapter 4 are just in a long passage with no chapter break/listing. It just makes it hard to reference or talk about a specific verse further in the passage. I hope that made sense! But otherwise, great app, thank you!

Everything in one…most of the time


I love SabbathSchoolPM because it has the Quarterly AND the EGW notes for the Sabbath School lessons each day. Then I don’t have to buy the extra book. It’s very handy and, I believe, the only app with the EGW notes. Having said that, lately the EGW notes are missing the first few weeks each quarter and this quarter is 1/3 over and they are still missing. It is frustrating and now that the bookstore is closed, it’s difficult to get a printed copy of the notes if they don’t get put in after a week or so on SabbathSchoolPM . I hope it’s a one time glitch, 🙏🏻🙏🏻



I have really appreciated SabbathSchoolPM. Especially being able to find the Bible text so quickly. I am able to read EGW notes on my iPad. I’m happy for that feature. They help in the study of the lesson. I’m don’t receive the EGW notes when I use SabbathSchoolPM on my iPhone nor does my wife on her iPad. How do we receive the Notes on my iPhone and my wife’s iPad? I saw a note briefly on my iPhone saying that I had the beginner? Edition, to receive the EGW Notes and teachers helps to go to the main menu or screen and tap somewhere and down load them. How do I do that. I couldn’t find the right key. I feel you have done a tremendous job. Blessings

Copy/highlight Glitch


I love SabbathSchoolPM especially because it includes the EGW notes. I often like to copy and paste or highlight quotes or portions of the lesson and find that often that feature does not work correctly. Tapping bounces back to an answer section under a question. This has been an off & on problem for all the years I have used SabbathSchoolPM. Can it be fixed please?
Would love to see more highlighting colors added for color coding. Also Dec 29 lesson has the wrong scripture portion -instead of 2 verses staring with Isa 1:18 it ends in isa 44. Thank you for your great contribution to the church in developing SabbathSchoolPM❣️



I tried SabbathSchoolPM for the first time today. I was quite impressed with all the features, the graphics, and the ease of use. I would like to see an additional feature of making Notes in various places other than right after a question that the quarterly has put forth. Another feature I would like to see is the use of the Bible within SabbathSchoolPM . The Bible only allows you to view the scriptures that are link to the text. Sometimes I would like to read the text before or below or maybe reference another text. In order to do this I have to reference another app. I would like to see additional translations also. I will use SabbathSchoolPM moving forward.

The best!


I have been looking for an app that updates there materials constantly and I hadn’t found one until I came across this one. I love it because I can change the language of my preference and find all the sabbath school lessons in one place. I read my daughters (thats in kinder), my sons (thats in primary) and mine all on one app. I love it! The only thing I see with the adult lesson is that it doesn't divide in days during the week of the lesson like other apps do and if it does I haven’t been able to see it but it still shows great content for your daily studies. I recommend SabbathSchoolPM 100%. Thank you for updating it in a timely manner. Oh and one more thing, no Ads or bugs or shutdowns!!!! Ok thats all 😊

Sabbath School Lessons with EGW comments

This Sabbath School app is one of the best offered. I particularly like having E. G. White noes that correspond to the daily lesson content.

Having said this it is particularly frustrating to have studied all week, enter notes, highlight important thoughts only to have it all disappear. This morning before I was to teach on the 3 Angels Messages, while I was reviewing and touching up thoughts, I lost all my study material AND all of Mrs. White’s comments and highlighted content. I closed out SabbathSchoolPM , rebooted my device and now several hours later still nothing.

From time to time, a particular day’s lesson will disappear but a reboot of app will typically fix it. I did have uninstall and reinstall to rectify.

Please help me understand what the problem is as I truly would like to keep my study materials and would like to not be placed in a compromised position again.

Better Version

SabbathSchoolPM is great, and I consider it an upgrade to the other previous ones I’ve used over the years. I notice that there is no dictionary linked to SabbathSchoolPM. This is very important to me because I teach sabbath school, and I like to simplify concept to its simplest so the youth can understand. Also, too many times the highlighters don't work, sometimes when try to use them, it's either they do not appear at all or they cause SabbathSchoolPM to crash.


I have used the other two quarterly apps by other developers and they were not entirely user friendly (at the time). SabbathSchoolPM has the lesson, the ability to tap a listed verse and read the passage (in case I’m not with my bible at the time), text fields which can be filled in, and highlighting options for the author’s writings. Very succinct.

The only downside is that I have only seen adult and collegiate lessons here. Not a downside in my particular case. Thank you!

Please fix this

Loved it when it was a regular standard lesson with the EGW notes. Now it’s easy reading. Not to mention that I have to delete the download several times before I actually get the lesson or wait several days. You would think that the download would be ready before the new quarter begins. Other than that, I love having my quarterly on my tablet with all the information at my fingertips.

Notes and Highlights

That’s the best Sabbath School app in my opinion I think exists. Thumbs up for the developer(s). I’m giving 5 stars for the options of highlights and the facts that you can write down your thoughts in the lessons. My only demand to the team would be to add something that the user be able to access his/her notes and highlights without having to go where that note or highlight was made.

Where are the EGWhite quotes ?

Was very pleased to find SabbathSchoolPM which not only has the lesson but the quotes from EGW writings at the end of each day. Now with the study of the second week in second quarter, the quotes have been left out. When I studied the first week, they were there. Now I went back to see them and they are gone. Where? Do you plan to put those helpful quotes into the lesson for each day?

Copy All

This is my favorite Sabbath School App.
I let people know how wonderful it is whenever I get a chance.
A feature I would really enjoy you adding is the audio reading of the lesson and EGW helps. I retain better if I not only see the printed word but hear it too. Also, some people don’t read well and are auditory learners and it would greatly help them to be drawn to your App.
Thank you for your continued service.

Is Sabbath School PM Safe? 🙏

Yes. Sabbath School & PM is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 23,065 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Sabbath School PM Is 66.1/100.

Is Sabbath School PM Legit? 💯

Yes. Sabbath School & PM is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 23,065 Sabbath School & PM User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Sabbath School PM Is 81/100..

Is Sabbath School & PM not working? 🚨

Sabbath School & PM works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with Sabbath School & PM? Post a Review


- Adult Sabbath School Bible study guide in standard and easy reading editions

- InVerse Bible study guide for young adults

- Ellen White notes under each day's reading

- Teacher notes and the Hope Sabbath School Outline for teachers

- Multiple language support

- Links to Bible references in 5 different Bible versions

- Ability to type notes and highlight text

- Simple and easy-to-use interface

- Dark mode option

- Future upgrades will include Sabbath School lessons for all ages of children and youth, Sabbath School resources for leaders and teachers, Personal Ministries resources to aid in soul-winning and discipleship, increased language support, teaching and training on video/audio, and the ability to accept handwritten notes using a stylus.

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