She Reads Truth Reviews

She Reads Truth Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-02

About: She Reads Truth is an online community of women in the Word of God every
day. Designed with this community in mind, the She Reads Truth Bible +
Devotional app is a beautiful, functional, and accessible Bible-reading tool
created to help women from around the world to connect with God's Word and each
other, anytime and anywhere.

About She Reads Truth

What is She Reads Truth? The She Reads Truth Bible + Devotional app is designed for women to connect with God's Word and each other, anytime and anywhere. It offers a beautiful, functional, and accessible Bible-reading tool with a user-friendly layout and design. The app provides free and paid Bible-reading plans, with new content added daily, and a full-text Bible in multiple translations. Users can highlight, bookmark, share, and take notes as they read, and customize their experience with user accounts. The app also features real-time commenting, shareable images, customizable notifications, a Bible search function, and settings for font size, preferred Bible translation, red letter function, and nighttime display.



- User-friendly layout and design

- Full-text Bible in multiple translations

- Free and paid Bible-reading plans, with new content added daily

- Full-access, monthly auto-renewable subscription available

- Ability to highlight, bookmark, share, and take notes as you read

- User accounts to customize your experience and keep your notes and highlights safe

- Real-time commenting that syncs with the She Reads Truth web site

- Beautiful, shareable images featuring content from the daily readings

- Free, downloadable lock screens for your phone

- Customizable notifications to remind you to read Truth at your ideal time of day

- Free "Bible In A Year" reading plan that tracks your progress as you go

- Bible search function

- Settings for font size, preferred Bible translation, red letter function, and nighttime display.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 1,375 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of She Reads Truth

- Content and presentation of SRT is incredible

- People should be paid for their work

- Devotionals, community, and beautiful touches make it a gorgeous user experience

- Price of a cup of coffee for weeks worth of content

- Enlightening, enriching, and helps to consider so much about who God is

- Daily email devotionals sent straight to email inbox

20 She Reads Truth Reviews

3.2 out of 5


I do not like the new app

Edit: some bugs seem to be worked out. The content and presentation of SRT continue to be INCREDIBLE. Still don’t prefer the new app, but it’s better than when it was first rolled out.
I love She Reads Truth and have had SheReadsTruth and plans for 3 years now. I am very disappointed with SheReadsTruth overhaul and update. It is very difficult to use SheReadsTruth . It’s constantly buggy. It never has my previous day’s reading correct. I really liked in the old app that there was a place to jump straight to the current day’s reading. If there’s a way to do that from the home page of SheReadsTruth , it’s not obvious to me. I also hate that my plans are listed in alphabetical order instead of most recently opened. That’s not helpful. At least give me an easy way to toggle between views so I can use the one most helpful to me. I also cannot stand that now, after I click “read” after reading the scripture passage, it doesn’t stay marked “read.” If I go back to the verses after looking at the devo, it will unmark the reading as read for me. That’s so frustrating. Why was so much functionality removed and changed from the old app? What is the reason for it?
Again. I love the content of SRT. I love the studies. I love the aesthetic (though not so much of this new app—it’s too harsh for me—but if that’s what you want then it’s fine). It’s very confusing to me why SheReadsTruth was changed so much, taking away good functionality and maneuvering.


Great product- Horrible update

I love SRT. There was a time when I would use it daily. But sadly, that just isn’t the case anymore.
First: let me say that I completely understand the need for changes and updates to an app. That’s totally fine. I think it is perfectly okay to change the look and feel of an app if it works better for functionality or for the ease of the user. Sure, it takes a bit to get used to a new layout, but that’s kosher.
This update does not seem to the case of change for functionality. Instead, it seemed to have tried to make it look prettier and more streamlined without making it any easier to use. If anything, it’s more complicated. I can’t seem to find anything or change my information. I keep hearing rumblings of a part of SheReadsTruth that plays music but I can’t find it (it was mentioned in the Hymn devos a few times). If that part of SheReadsTruth is no longer available, that’s fine but why keep it in the devos? Nothing seems to work properly and I kind of stopped using SheReadsTruth because of it. Which is honestly a shame.

Listen: if you can get past the issues with SheReadsTruth itself, the product is pretty awesome...but honestly, how sad is it to have to say that? I think SheReadsTruth needs a rehaul or, at the very least, to be tweaked to be more user friendly. I love SRT and would love to start using SheReadsTruth again!


Great App idea, But.....It run’s Horrible!!!

I’m giving SheReadsTruth 1 stars. A few month’s ago I got my “She Read’s Truth” bible & I love it. I think it was something amazingly made. And I remember thinking I wonder if there is an App I can download for this bible or sort of like if I’m out & i don’t have my bible i’ll at least have SheReadsTruth . While I do like SheReadsTruth I think it’s neat & a great idea, It just runs horribly bad. I wish it would get fixed. If it got fixed I would definitely use it. Like I said I love the Bible I got by them. I was having trouble understanding my original bible “King James version” the “She Reads Truth” bible helps you to understand what your reading easier. P.s. And it has Art all through out it. The She Reads Truth bible makes it So you can actually apply it to your life. It helps me to understand what I’m reading unlike my other bible. When I try to log In it kicks me off SheReadsTruth . I have it downloaded but it’s useless because I can’t even use SheReadsTruth . And when you eventually get it to work it just constantly kicks you off. I’m not to sure what else was wrong with it. I couldn’t remember because it has been a few months since I used it. I really hope it get’s fixed because I would use SheReadsTruth. Because of it not working I would give it at the moment 0 Stars. Please fix it SheReadsTruth is amazing & I would love to be able to use it. Thanks!


A little hard to navigate and failure to store progress.

First, I love SRT, so even the few bugs currently in SheReadsTruth would not turn me away from joining and being a part of any of the plans. They are enlightening, enriching, and help me to consider so much about who God is vs who I say God is based on my personalized filters. I still have the daily email devotionals sent straight to my email inbox, so I have a back up plan in store. SheReadsTruth I would say is not as intuitive as it could be. I often find myself just pressing icons/tabs hoping that what I want is found there. So maybe a way to make the icons communicate more effectively what content is coupled to them would be helpful. Also for several plans now, my progress continues to be undone, so even though I have completed plans the undoing of all that I have read keeps the plan under the currently reading section. So if the bug around keeping track of progress without undoing can be reconciled that would be great. You ladies are awesome and I love how you pour out so much and take great lengths to edify such a vast community of women!! You are a mighty throng!


New version is not user friendly

I have been using She Reads Truth for a few years and I love the Bible plans, lock screens, and community. I even own the She Reads Truth book by Amanda and Raechel as well as the SRT Bible. But the new app is so completely not user friendly that I’m tempted to stop using SRT completely! I feel like the developers went for aesthetic instead of functionality. I’d like to see an app that combines both. I hate how to get to your current plan (if it’s not the one everyone is currently doing together) you have to click through a couple screens and scroll. I also think the homepage is very scattered and doesn’t make any sense logically. Finally, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to change my profile picture! I even Googled it and looked at the SRT FAQ and found nothing. The picture that’s up is from six years ago and I would love to change it! I also hate that there is no way to update your email address (the one attached to my account is not current) and I hate that you have to put in a last name (For privacy, I don’t want all my comments to show my first and last name). All in all I love what the brand is doing and I believe in the ministry and message of SRT, but SheReadsTruth itself is terrible.


Love the content miss the old app

As other reviewers have commented, the content that SRT puts out is great. I originally downloaded it ~5 years ago as an alternative to youversion and was really pleased. It ran quickly, the design was beautiful and the devotions were edifying. I was excited when they announced they were launching a redesign but when they rolled it out I was pretty disappointed. It was glitchy and way less intuitive than the old version. When I read the Bible it doesn’t automatically take me back to where I left off. It takes much more navigating to get back to my place in the plan that I’m reading. And the biggest disappointment of all is the organization of my bookmarks and highlighted verses. They’re all lumped together and instead of organized by passages that I’ve highlighted each verse is separated by its own highlight so it takes forever to scroll through and find what I’m looking for. While the update is aesthetically pleasing it feels a little bit like a form over function update and I truly miss the old version even after all this time.


Not saving preferences

Having a lot of trouble with SheReadsTruth consistently switching from my preferred version saved in settings to a different one. It’s really confusing. Multiple times a day I have to go to settings reclick the version (it already says it’s saved) and that resets what I’m reading in the plans to my preferred version. Not sure why it says it’s one thing but doesn’t apply it throughout the whole app without you deselecting over and over. Anyway, at this point I actually use a different Bible app to read….I know pretty bad that I don’t read the Bible in a Bible app due to glitches, but I like their plans and the way the read through the Bible in a year plan is set up. So I reference SheReadsTruth for what scriptures I’m supposed to read for the plan then back out and go to my other Bible app or my actual Bible to do the reading. So it still sort of works, just wish that glitch was fixed. They’ve fixed past glitches before though so here’s hoping!


The new update is really disappointing

I’ve had the She Reads Truth app for almost two years. I loved the old layout of having the most recent plan at the top where I could easily access it. Whatever plan you read last used to be so easy to jump right back into the next day. With the new overhaul and the big update from last month, not only is SheReadsTruth really slow and glitchy, but the plan I read most recently is one of the oldest (bible in a year) they wrote, and therefore at the bottom of all the reading plans I’ve purchased with and it opens with day one at the top. Right now I’m on day 5, but come day 250 of the plan, it will be frustrating to scroll past a slow and glitchy list to find the day that I’m on. The old version kept your place an made it so convenient to start right where you left off. I also wish you could personalize the front page to the plan you’re working through as opposed to whatever SRT wants you to buy in that moment, but I understand the marketing of that one. With all the Bible apps out there, it might be time to switch - which is so disappointing.


Love SRT but the app is disappointing

I want to start by saying that this is a review for SheReadsTruth not the company.

I used to love the She Reads Truth App. I used it everyday and would recommend it to all of my friends. However, ever since the update I have not been happy with the new app and have had nothing but problems trying to use it. While I understand the need to grow and develop as the user base grew, I unfortunately have had a hard time using the updates. My app crashes constantly, it won’t pull up the devotional for the day or if it does it takes forever for it to load. It won’t register when I mark a day as complete and on multiple occasions it has deleted all my progress.

I love this company and everything it stands for and still follow along online and with my SRT bible. I just wish SheReadsTruth wasn’t had problematic as it is. I love some of the new features like that I can now subscribe to the plans on a monthly basis but I really do miss the feature that showed you what plan you were working on or opened last. I get that grow is necessary but I am ultimately disappointed.


The problems with the app distract from the studies

I think it’s a little silly to ask people to pay for SheReadsTruth , but make the exact same devotionals available online/in your email for free. However, I like being able to go through all the different plans I have downloaded on SheReadsTruth and read more than one at a time. I also like that I can go back to plans I’ve finished and reread specific devotionals. However, (and I know lots of people have said this!) I wish that they would make an option to favorite a specific day’s reading and devotional...that way if I’m looking for one I loved, but don’t remember which day it was from, I can go to my favorites and see them all. Also, SheReadsTruth drives me insane sometimes with its weird glitches...I was almost through a study and it suddenly no longer showed that I’d read the first 15 days of the study. It didn’t have them marked as completed anymore. And the “tap to share” doesn’t work. Ever. So as much as I love the devotionals, I think I’m either going to have to switch to using the website, or find a different app.


Not as good anymore

I got SheReadsTruth in January last year just for the Bible in a year feature. I would guess that many women start using SheReadsTruth for the same reason. One of the beautiful things about the way the reading was set up was the discussion that happened on each day’s reading. As I read the Bible during the year, I saw many women join in, even if they were reading their first day on March 14 or July 21. With the new setup (numbered readings instead of dates), that kind of community is lost. I started with the daily reading and have since purchased several of the plans. Honestly, with the changes, I’m not sure I would still have chosen SRT for my daily reading app. I’m sure a lot of time and energy went into making the new version of SheReadsTruth . But slicker and prettier is not always better. I think it is less user-friendly now, and that’s not a good thing. I don’t need a fancy experience, just a solid source for Bible readings. I think you’ve definitely lost something with the new version.


Good Content, But App Needs Work

SheReadsTruth is my go-to for daily devotions during my long commute hours, and the content is SO good. Not only am I able to read through multiple plans at once, but they’re also easy to read and reflect on. Love the lock screens as well!

The biggest annoyance for me is that the “mark as read” buttons don’t stick, and I’m constantly going back in to mark it as read and keep my place. Because of this, I am also unable to move any of my completed plans (at least 4 of them) into the “completed” category which means that I have to scroll through all of the different plans to get to the plan I’m currently reading. I’m not sure if there’s a way to delete plans that I’ve downloaded, but even that would be helpful in this situation to reduce the large # of “pending” plans in my queue. Are there a solutions to these issues that I’m missing? That would greatly appreciated if there were!



I discovered SRT a couple of a years ago, and it was was an answer to prayer — a visually pleasing, spiritually challenging resource to encourage my quiet time — and I used it regularly for a year, highlighting often and taking notes/journaling in SheReadsTruth . Unfortunately the update made it frustrating to use; highlighting and notes no longer work, and the screen view doesn’t work in horizontal mode so that I can use the keyboard on my iPad. This morning when I saw a NEW update available, I was so excited, hoping SRT would work the way it used to. It doesn’t. Still not horizontal. Still unable to highlight or take notes. I waited hopefully over the last year for a functional and user-friendly update. Sadly, it hasn’t come. Scripture reading should be a time of joyful anticipation, but SheReadsTruth only causes frustration. Although I could go to the SRT website and read from there every day, I really prefer a “connected” place to take notes. Sadly, I guess it’s time to find another Bible study app. I wish it had never been updated. Don’t try to fix what isn’t broken.


Getting better. Still buggy.

UPDATE: So glad the ‘mark as read’ feature is working after the last update. The issue I’m now having is with the ‘daily study reminder.’ I have it set for 8am because that’s when I sit down for my quiet time. The problem is that I get the reminder multiple times a day. 8am. 9am. 10am. 3pm. Etc...& they aren’t the 1st reminder popping back up. I’ll clear the 1st reminder & new ones pop up at odd hours. The badge reminder icon also shows a ‘1’ each time this happens. I’ve tried disabling and setting a new time, but it didn’t help. I finally just had to turn off notifications for SRT.

Also, I am unable to leave comments. Or more correctly, they don’t actually post. I can type a comment or reply, but when I hit submit they just disappear. I thought there was a slight delay at first, but my comments just end up getting lost & never actually post.


Still frustrated with new app

I finally updated to the new app and now wish I didn’t. Yes, the graphics are gorgeous and the content continues to be beautiful, but the usability has suffered.

I can no longer read in landscape (horizontal) on the iPad. SheReadsTruth will not allow it.

There’s no easy way to get to the next day’s reading and/or it doesn’t sync and keep track of what is read. This means constantly scrolling down every day when the old version would take me directly to the new reading. If I click on today’s date to get the corresponding reading, it takes me to one I’ve already read. I’ve tried restarting both my devices, but SheReadsTruth still doesn’t properly track what I’ve read. Very disappointed.


Bad update

I have put off publishing this review trying to get used to the new update, and I have really tried to love it for many months but it is not good. It makes SheReadsTruth a lot harder to use. It is harder to find my devotional so am in the middle of. Many times it crashes in the middle of using it. The old app used to load in a split second, often times this takes half a minute to what the old one would load in a second. The new update doesn’t seem to keep track of what I have already read in the devotional. I will tap mark to read and it will show as marked and then most times when I enter back into SheReadsTruth at a different time that marking will be gone. It is just really a bummer that an app I used to love now I don’t use as much because the functionality is very frustrating. I just wish SheReadsTruth returned to functionality and usability over now what seems to be an over emphasis on design


good content, bad app

I love the reading plans SRT has to offer. They are great and the content is amazing. But... SheReadsTruth is terrible. It has problem after problem. I just recently became a subscriber to the daily plans, and did a 14 day plan with no problems. When I finished that plan, I went to download a second, but it didn’t add the reading plan to the “my plans” page. It says it’s downloaded but I can’t access it. Another problem is that it’s not highlighting the scripture when I hit the highlight feature. It will also crash mid ways into my reading and take me to my phones home page. Then have to start the process all over to try to catch up to where I was. I’m sure these are just small bugs that could be fixed, but it’s hard to enjoy the content when SheReadsTruth keeps crashing and won’t let you access everything it has to offer.


A Big Help

I've been using SheReadsTruth for almost a year now and it has greatly improved my life. I really enjoy the devotionals, the community, and all the beautiful touches that go into making it a gorgeous user experience. I don't mind paying a couple of dollars for weeks worth of content. I believe people should be paid for their work. So I'm happy my money goes to the people who curate each study, the people who write the devotionals, the people who design everything so beautifully, to the tech team who is responsible for keeping everything up to date. For the price of a cup of coffee, I get so so much out of the study plans. SRT has seen me through some dark times. For me, it's been completely worth it and I'm really happy to have SheReadsTruth in my life.


Unable to read without WiFi connect!

This makes SheReadsTruth honestly pointless. I spend the money, purchase the plans yet cannot read off line. I live in the city and my daily commute is the train and that’s my quiet time but ever since this new update I cannot read my plans anymore without WiFi connection, even if I want to use my data the plans will not work without an actual WiFi connection!!! Purchasing these plans should be like E-books and it’s frustrating. I can’t get my daily morning commute read to work or on the go and it makes me so sad. I no longer want to purchase additional plans because I cannot use whenever I want. The odd app allowed all of this, please bring the option back. In all honesty, the old app was much better, simple, to the point and easy to maneuver. There’s just way to much unnecessary steps to get to certain books of the Bible and etc.



I've been using SheReadsTruth for about a year and started the Bible in a year plan about 3 months ago when a few days ago my phone updated to the newest version of SRT. Although I restored all my downloaded plans the new version didn't keep the place where I left off, luckily I write it down each day but that didn't help either. Next to the number of day it just says "Bible in a Year: #day" it doesn't state the reading for that day which seems pointless. The other thing is that it crashes within about 90 seconds of opening so I can't even find the place I left off. When I open the days of the area I left off at, the daily readings are totally different than what I read the first time. So I'm guessing SheReadsTruth changed the readings which were previously assigned to those days :/ Hope these issues get resolved quickly.


Good app, but has bugs

I love the sleek design of SheReadsTruth , and how we can highlight parts of scripture, however, the notes function can be improved. When I delete a note, it would be helpful if whenever I clicked on a verse to create a new note, that the verses I had selected before are not automatically added again. It is frustrating, and seemingly un-fixable. For example, I created a note by accident using Romans 5:1 and 5:3, but now when I select Romans 5:1 to create a new note, Romans 5:3 is automatically added on, without my selecting it, and I can’t remove it. Please make it so that verses aren’t automatically added on from my previous notes. Also, this issue would not have arisen if it were possible to remove verses while creating a note. Thank you.

Is She Reads Truth Safe?

Yes. She Reads Truth is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 1,375 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 3.2/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for She Reads Truth Is 62.8/100.

Is She Reads Truth Legit?

Yes. She Reads Truth is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 1,375 She Reads Truth User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for She Reads Truth Is 78.8/100..

Is She Reads Truth not working?

She Reads Truth works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

She Reads Truth Monthly Subscription

- Price: $1.99/month

- Features: Access to all Reading Plans during an active subscription, ability to manage or cancel subscription at any time, auto-renewable subscription, customizable notifications, real-time commenting, user accounts, customizable settings, and more.

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