French Bible (La Bible) Reviews

French Bible La Bible Reviews

Published by on 2024-11-06

🏷️ About: This app contains both "Old Testament" and "New Testament" in French. Have the Holy Bible at your fingertips anytime and anywhere you go.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 339 combined software reviews.

Read 1 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.7 out of 5
French Bible

J’apprécie à sa juste valeur la conception de cette Bible en Français. Je ne saurai pas épuiser par écrit c’est que j’ai trouvé de très remarquable dans cette Bible.
Néanmoins, je vais relever un seul point.
Dans mon église, je suis lecteur de la Bible quand la parole de Dieu est prêchée.
Or, dans cette Bible la façon dont les versets sont disposés, permet une très bonne lecture facile et rapide

Is French Bible La Bible Safe? 🙏

Yes. French Bible (La Bible) is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 339 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for French Bible La Bible Is 39.2/100.

Safety Analysis

86.7% of users say app is Safe 👍

8.0% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

5.3% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is French Bible La Bible Legit? 💯

Yes. French Bible (La Bible) is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 339 French Bible (La Bible) User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for French Bible La Bible Is 75.9/100..

🔏 Privacy & Data Safety

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  • Data Linked to You:
    • Identifiers
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    • Diagnostics

Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
French Bible Adfree $9.99
Ads Free Version - Two Year $14.99
Ads Free Version - Three Month $2.99
Ads Free Version - One Year $9.99
One Year Subscription $24.99
Three Months Subscription $7.99
Two Years Subscription $34.99

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● Works Offline: All the Books, chapters and verses in New International Bible are stored on your mobile device, so you will never need internet connection to study, read and enjoy the Holy Bible.

This daily Bible App contains the 66 books of the Old Testament and New Testament, providing an easier way to feel God’s word in your heart and to feel heaven closer to you and your loved ones.

Carry your Bible wherever and whenever you want to help enlighten your mind with the most complete, fast and easy to use Bible App.

● Verse of the day - Off to a good start with an inspiring verse from bible app each day.

Have the Holy Bible at your fingertips anytime and anywhere you go.

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