Gods of Olympus Reviews

Gods of Olympus Reviews

Published by on 2024-11-05

🏷️ About: Command the gods of Olympus as they battle through ancient Greece against fortified cities and hundreds of combat units. Control every second of the action as the gods rampage through the cities of your enemies.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 42,697 combined software reviews.

Read 22 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.7 out of 5
Good Game but a total Ripoff

To the developers of Gods of Olympus. It's a really fun game I love the gods and goddesses of the game, and how you can join and make alliances. Sadly, there's a lot of problems of this game. One reason is the gods listen if you going to make a game about mythology you should probably have all of the Olympians. Another reason is the money. Everyone listening to my review you know this is true. The shop in this game is trash and also, once you're level 50 and higher once you get one God or tower you lose all your money. So that's a ripoff. Also,the wifi. Now this is probably just me because iPad but, when I'm in a battle the game shows a wifi sign and I'm frozen for 30 seconds or less. Last but not least the multiplayer or fighting system. Every single time I do a normal battle I lose 1 out of 4 times or all of it. This is the reason I have deleted Gods of Olympus several times. So thanks a lot developers I have to do easy battles now because you too lazy to fix the system. But I still lose to easy battles because I face players with hardcore bases and high level rank level. So fix this game and maybe it's not a ripoff.

Fix this

HORRIBLY UNRESPONSIVE DEVS!! I deleted this game for awhile for this reason. I recently redownloaded it to give it a try, and it still happens. The matchmaking in this game is absolutely sad. There’s something wrong with your guys’ matchmaking system when I win 1 out of every 10 NORMAL matches. I’ve tried every technique in the book, and all of my gods are lvl 105. It’s ridiculous. So I try easy and it’s no problem at all, as a matter of fact it’s TOO easy, my only issue is that the rewards are hardly worth it, especially when it takes 1,000 elixir for an attack, and the max is what like 5,000? Give me a break dudes. That ridiculous. Don’t be those guys who revolve around pay to win. You have something going here. Last but not least, PLEASE FIX THE MATCHMAKING!!! More often than not I get put in a match with someone who is like 10 levels higher than me and I just get destroyed. And if you leave, it still counts as a loss and you still lose your elixir. Pretty dumb if you ask me...or anyone else. Also, decrease the amount of elixir it takes to attack. That’s just ridiculous. 4 attacks like every 4 hours.

It’s good! Just one problem...

So, I’m not that good in the Olympian study, I just downloaded for the unique battles. But then I got really upset at the fact that whatever I did, It seemed nearly impossible to beat normal mode! And easy mode was so easy I might as well as been declared automatic winner every time I pressed the button! Also, the cost of each battle was stupid. You pretty much get one battle every HOUR! And also, the cost of each building once you buy it just ONCE makes it go up much higher, until the point that you just can’t get ONE SINGLE BUILDING without losing all of your money! Over the time I was playing, the devs did NOTHING to stop this. I also read others comments, and I like the idea of new gods. At least have all of the olympians. If you got to this point, I’m hoping you guys would understand this, and do something about this messed up recourse system! Yes, all of this is based on the economic system, and the devs really blew it this time! These were my thoughts to what could be fixed. Otherwise, good job.

We need more gods!

I think we should have more gods like Hephaestus who’s basic recharge attack is a hammer slam. The heavy attack should have some sort of automaton dropping down on the selected building. Or instead it should be a lot like the Cerberus attack for Hades. The mega attack should be a fire attack that does more damage than the Zeus attack. The next goddess will be Demeter. She will have a scythe attack. Her heavy attack will be grain growing in random places doing damage. The mega attack will have karpoi (grain spirits) attacking the selected building. The next will be Dionysus. His basic attack will be random grape vines sprouting and attacking the selected building. The heavy attack will have tons of Maenads (Dionysus’s deadly followers) destroying everything until they are called to back out. Like the Cerberus attack. If you add all of this I will be very grateful and you should add a little bit more expensive upgrades to the new gods


I love this game. It has so many good gods. You have the underorld option to unlock more gods, and olympus as a default. Those are the good things. The bad is that 2 gods are missing. Dionisys or however you spell it, and hephaestus. Haphaestus could be really cool with like a hammer. And maybe the power to summon atomitons. And have that for the alliance power. Maybe make the hammer blazing as another power. Dyonysis or however you spell it could be good with a grape vine power. Or something. I dont know. One other thing, is apollo and other range gods have reduced damage. I thing thay should have equal or extra. Apollo is my favorite god so i have him as patron, i have a skin for him, and he is pretty high level, but he still needs to be better. My second best god flr sure but still. The next thing, is nectar is awesome exept it cost soooooooo much of it to do a game. 1000. And you get 1 every 5 seconds. At least make a gamepass to get infinite please. Overall this game is a 4.7 so yeah. Get the game. But for the developers, you should read this. I beleve with these changes the game could be much better in my opinion, and you can make money with the nectar gamepass. (DEVELOPERS PLEASE READ!)

My Only Issue...

First off, love the game. So much fun and the format is different than other games which makes it more enjoyable ie. no build times etc.

However, the high level of cost is a little much. I understand that part of creating a game like this is retention. If it’s too easy, people get bored and move on. The caveat though - it costs so much to upgrade everything that it causes someone to stop playing. The high cost of resources slows down progress and it gets boring and frustrating trying to get said resources to level up.

Between unlocking a power, unlocking a god, upgrading each power, upgrading each of the God’s overall strength AND health, the small amount their stats increase, and then having to do all that for building as well... it’s frustrating.

I don’t mind spending money to play a game either but for how much a 5 level increase can cost, the cost to purchase resources is a bit excessive. If you didn’t have so many different places to focus on for upgrades, it wouldn’t be an issue.

One thing I would also suggest - It would be nice to have a help center or something that gives you more information on the different attributes, causes, and effects of how things work and play off of each other.

Again, LOVE this game though. Would like to see the game move away from teetering on the line of P2P.

Great game but...

This is a great game but improvements could be made. For one not all the gods from the pantheon aren’t all there. All 12 gods should be present. Also Hetisa and Demeter could also be added they were a part of the pantheon before they stepped down to let other gods take their place. Hetisa is the goddess of the breath and fire so you guys could add that and Demeter is the goddess of nature and I’m sure you guys could think of something. I also saw a review sayin something about titans and how you could add them and have the gods battle them or their cities. Also I just got a new phone and I had to start the game all over! All my progress was for nothing! I was at level 59 and now I’m at 5. I had 6 gods close to getting 7 but now I have 3. There should be a way to get your progress back. I had an team and I was really active in it, now my allies are probably wondering why I’m not active anymore. I have to find my team agin and yell them what happened. I hope I can level up quickly and get back to where I was. Overall it’s a good game but somethings could be changed and things can be added.

I like it! Only I had one problem...

I really like this game, and I’ve played it for a long time. What I don’t like is the chat part..... I like it in someways but others no. My friend accidentally said something mean to a person that she didn’t know. They made it so big, so big that she fell into a state of depression. It was so terrible, and she said sorry so so many times but the fact that they just kept blaming her for all their problems took a giant toll on her regular life. I feel like the people who made this game could observe all of the chats and keep alliances to a minimum of maybe a person at a higher level (for example level 70 or high, not level 20) and only maybe 100 alliances. Not anyone can create an alliance. I hope you see what I mean. Sorry for getting a bit to personal, but these people threatened my best friend that they would like find her and stuff, so much that my friend lived in fear, and depression because they couldn’t seem to forgive her for a tiny mistake.

New Gods

I really enjoy the game, but I really hope they add Hephaestus with a hammer, blacksmith apron and a tool belt, Demeter with her sythe/sickle, Green dress, and a crown of wheat and Dionysus with a wine goblet and a thrysus and a crown of grape vines and a purple toga. I have some power ideas. Hephaestus first power, start blasting fire out of his hands. Second power, cause multiple volcanoes to appear and erupt. Third power that can only be used once, summon multiple god-sized automatons. Demeter first power, make a wave of hunger wash over troops so they’re incapacitated. Demeter second power, cause vines to surround and crush buildings. Demeter third power that can only be used once, summon the Seven primordial dryads called the Meliae with Spears and shields made of unbreakable wood. Dionysus first power, make any enemy troops in range go mad and attack their comrades. Dionysus second power, turn troops in range into leopards loyal to Dionysus and attack enemy troops like skeletons and tritons and acolytes of Ares. Dionysus third power that can only be used once, summon the twelve Maenads, followers of Dionysus.


This game is totally awesome. It’s really fun to play! You can create your own city, use your gods to attack other city’s, you can join groups, challenges and do so much more! The groups is something I like about this game, which makes it somewhat a multiplayer game. The reason why is because you can chat with others and help assist. It’s also a great way to make friends, but just be careful. Currently I am level 50+ with the gods(and goddesses) Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, and Athena. I’m planning on getting Ares and Hermes next. Also, my current group is “Age of mythology us” which is a very smooth and organized group to join. It has attack regulations which is hard to explain and I’m not going to tell now lol. Anyways, I think you should add more gods and goddesses. I’ve seen some requests on Hephaestus and Dionysus and I really would like those as well but I have also been thinking of Demeter(goddess of harvest)and/or Persephone(similar to Demeter cause she her daughter). I also like how when your attacking, you get to strategize how your going to defeat the city(your main goal is to destroy the temples).

That is my review of this game. It’s addicting and amazing. I also really like the new update you guys did recently. About with the quests update and stuff. I suggest it for everyone reading this and TYSVM for reading and I hope you’ll take my request for the new gods and goddesses, bye!

Potential to be the best

This game is incredibly fun and interesting, and I love the graphics and god abilities. However, I think it would be better to include all the Olympians. There is debate on Hephaestus vs Hades or Hestia vs Dionysus, but if you included all the 12 gods (whatever you think they may be), it would enhance the game, and bring new abilities. You could include minor gods, such as Eros or Wind Gods, and instead of temples to them, there could be shrines. Similar to temples, but you wouldn’t have to destroy all of them, just half? They could boost temples, like houses, boost nectar produce, and even fight alongside the main gods. However, I find it annoying how hard it is to rearrange the base on another template. You need to buy everything you want and such. Couldn’t it be easier to just allow one to place down the buildings, with the same levels? Also, could you make alliance assistance a bit more significant? Like boost troop health, or maybe give the option to upgrade whatever alliance power the god has. Also, I’ve been noticing people not bothering to place their alliance troops anywhere useful, just in the corners of the base on offense and on any building in defense, so could you make that if there was victory, every troop would be worth 4 nectar? Just a suggestion. Love the game!

This is a great game

This is a fantastic game, me, my brother, and my cousins play it and love it. I love the gods’ powers and skins. I also love how you can create or join alliances-groups of people who can assist you in battle. But if I could change one thing, I think it would be to remove Hades and add Hephaestus, Demeter, and Dionysus. First off, Hades is not an Olympian! Just because he is one of the big three does not mean that he should be an Olympian, I admit, he is pretty good, but if you want to go for accuracy, you should remove him. I also think that you should add Dionysus with these powers, madness-inflict madness on a small number of troops, overgrowth-consume a single building in vines which deal a large amount of damage, and for his third power, maenads-summon a group of maenads(Dionysus’s followers) who will defend him at all costs, and so on with Demeter and Hephaestus. Please read this and take it into consideration.

I like this game a lot but I think it could be more

This game is really fun to play but I think it should have more of the gods like The other olympians and maybe make like mini-temples for the minor gods/goddesses like for example Iris. It would also be cool to have like one “world” for each god/goddess so we can really put a impact on what the god possesses like Zeus we could have new decorations like lightning bolts and justice themed decorations and make defenses for that god or Poseidon like a underwater world in the ocean with corals and sunken ships and each god or goddess can have its own storyline about enemy’s which you unlock when you unlock that god because each god or goddess had certain enemy’s for example Cronus children could have some sort of revenge storyline on There father. It would also be cool to have like I said the titans incorporated into to game somehow. Could we make some of this happen???

This changed my life

I know it’s not the purpose of the game, but I met so many wonderful people. I thought about removing it, but now I see that I could never do that. Today, I made a huge mistake and thought that I would never get that ground back. This included losing friends that I didn’t know outside of GodsofOlympus . It made me realize how much of a family-like bond actually happens in the alliance. I fought so hard to get back until I thought it was useless and was going to quit. I am so unrealistically happy that I checked my mail, because they gave me all the information I needed to get back to my friends. It was a huge, adventurous ride, and, in the end, it drove me even closer to my family alliance.
Besides these things, the game itself is very well made. I love it, even though it took so long to get Poseidon. I know that these games take time. I love it so much, and I am so happy that I found GodsofOlympus.

Really addicting, But could use some improvement

I love this game!!!!!!!!! Although, I think it could use some improvement. In the game, you can only have one account though many people like to have more. I have an account on my brothers iPad, but we don’t get along. Typically, he doesn’t want to let me use it. I wish there was a setting where we could have multiple accounts, because I also joined a different alliance on my brother’s account. I made friends with one of the members, (of course neither of us gave away any personal information) and I want to be able to talk with them. If I can’t play on my brothers iPad, we can’t talk. I am not about to leave the alliance on my phone, however. I wish we could have multiple accounts to fix this problem. Even though I think this is a flaw, I still think it is a great game and would definitely recommend it to people who like Percy Jackson or Greek Mythology. Toodles!


I agree with what another person said about adding in all of the Olympians you really should because that’d make the game a bit better and you could also bring in the titans as well like make one of the special events about the titans attacking a base and you’re supposed to like build the defenses to stop them from destroying the base. Another thing you could do is like update the game now I know the game is called “Gods of Olympus” but that doesn’t mean you can’t add in the minor gods as well, like you could add in Pan the god of Nature, and you could change some of the little people walking around on our bases into like sators or something to make it a little more interesting, just thought I’d give y’all a little feedback and hopefully give y’all a few new ideas like bringing in the minor gods, because they may be minor but they are still part of the Gods of Olympus just saying

It’s awesome

Some may say that this game is too similar to the OG clash of clans, but in my opinion they are not alike. I love this game for many different reasons. For one, this isn’t a game where you have to wait for everything to build. Once you tap ‘build’ or whatever the button is, it’s automatically there. I also love the gods. I do wish the other gods were there, since only a couple are missing. One thing I have an issue with however, is that in the game your currency is stone. You achieve it by winning against opponents or anything in battle. However, you have to use stone to build and upgrade. Coins are used in the game, but not for upgrading: just to buy gods and upgrade their powers. No other purpose for coins. And because of that, when you want to upgrade or build anything you have to have a big supply of stone, which I never typically have. I wish you can use both coins and stone to build and upgrade.

💯% recommended!

Super fun to play, addicting, has potential to become much fairly more popular!
You protect, attack, and build a large city. You can join alliances, or play solo.

Alliances help defend your city, and if an alliance mate is attacking, you can help them!
Alliances can help you be more social during gameplay and gives opportunity to meet people online! Age differs, but everyone is mature and kind. (At least the people I’ve encountered).
There’s no cussing whatsoever, and many alliances are responsible.
You can kick people if you were a higher rank, and say someone was cussing, taking care of it is one click away!
(All people in alliances are REAL and are behind there own tablet screen.)

Attack other cities and destroy all the temples to win. You can win stone, which builds items and upgrades temples or defenses. You can also earn coins which buys the God(esses) 2nd Power and overall ultimate ability. Earn trophies to climb your way up leader boards.
(You’re attacking REAL PEOPLE’S CITIES. Unless playing specific chapters or going against and OP god’s village.)

The opposite of attacking. (Obvi) You defend your city from attackers. (These attackers aren’t AI’s, these people are real!) You can place down hoplites and archers and you can buy warriors or boosts from a god, THAT YOU OWN.

This game is so much fun, is 💯% recommended and is safe for younger kids! No graphic blood or anything!

Great game guys!

This game is really cool but I think I can be better well actually no I don’t think I can be better but you should make like more mythology games like that as guardians or the Egyptians and Romans stuff like that that would be really cool and also you should include some other guys like her still and Dionysus and her Festus like give her fastest like if you put her Bestos in the game he can like build that current that will be really cool and like put like Mount Olympus like a mount Olympus thing like a building from Mount Olympus then you can just go in there and just like see a bunch of stuff like it will just bring you all the way up into the sky and you can like see a bunch of stuff like him how like him and also have the council room which there’s chairs for the gods and like the chairs you get them when you get a God and like the chairs they do something really special. That’s what I think you guys should do otherwise this game is great so keep it going!

Love this. Developers PLEASE read.

Love this game. GET IT!! I just have a few suggestions for the game. So, one is to have ALL 12 Olympian gods. You already have, Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Hermès, Ares, Athena, Aphrodite, and Hades. That’s only ten of them though. So I think you need to add Dionysus, and Demeter. Dionysus abilities can be like summoning grape vines or something that wrap around buildings. Also, he could do like a wine ability that make the other troops drunk and the troops start fighting each other. Also he could have an ability where he gives energy to other gods. For Demeter she could have a nature ability that shoots up trees and stuff. Also she could like summon tree nymphs to distract the other army. Last thing, after a certain number of gods or a certain level you have a mission to find the lost god Pan. When you find him he has an ability to summon groups of satyrs. Also he can summon animals or something. Lastly he has the screech ability that disorganizes the troops and sends them back to their barracks. PLEASE READ!!! And thank u for this amazing game!!!

Great game

Definitely one of my favorite games. I would echo a few other comments in relation to adding a couple more gods. I also recognize that there will probably be further updates adding more. A few other ideas I might have content wise is perhaps a heroes odyssey/ quest thing. Furthermore maybe adding a minor deity system for gods and goddesses. Also with getting the environment and making a patron deity. I think it would be cool to modify the look of buildings and troops with the environment set ups. Also I think having a special effect or building for patron deity would be neat. That way people could have even more incentive for those aspects. The minor god system I think of kind of like maybe weaker gods. For example maybe Persephone as a cheaper and weaker god that could be deployed in battle or even set up defend the city kind of like the heroes. Further update, ways to increase amount of daily energy would be great

Great game but...

This game is really amazing, but I wish that there were all of the Olympians. They have everyone except Dionysus, and Hephaestus. Both, I think would be really good. Dionysus being able to make people go mad and all, and Hephaestus with his hammer, would be great additions. I’d like to see them added, but other than that, it’s a great game, definitely satisfied. I see where other people have commented on the other Olympians. If you’d like to get knit picky, you could even add, Demeter, and Hestia. Both were members of the pantheon before another one came to take their place. Hestia, goddess of the hearth, could use fire, and Demeter is obviously the goddess of nature, so she would work with oddly enough nature. You could add in the minor gods, but the game is called the gods of Olympus which would lead players to believe just the Olympians. Like I said great game, just could use some updates. I saw a review where someone said something about the Titans, something you could do with that would be to add essentially raids where you battle bases of computers that are about the Titans, and the Titans could help guard the base. I don’t know, but whatever you guys decide I’ll update and maybe write another review next time. I wrote this review because the whole Hephaestus, and Dionysus thing bothered me. I think that if you’re going to make a game then you should make it as accurate as possible.

Is Gods of Olympus Safe? 🙏

Yes. Gods of Olympus is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 42,697 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Gods of Olympus Is 64.5/100.

Is Gods of Olympus Legit? 💯

Yes. Gods of Olympus is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 42,697 Gods of Olympus User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Gods of Olympus Is 94/100..

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Rush into battle to aid your allies and fight alongside them in live cooperative play! Help them defend their city from attacks or join them in laying waste to your enemies.

Command the gods of Olympus as they battle through ancient Greece against fortified cities and hundreds of combat units.

● Full control of the legendary Greek gods in real-time combat.

Take full control of the legendary Greek gods in real-time combat.

Master an innovative combat system that puts you in command of towering gods as they tear through enemy defenses.