As first time parents, we need to keep track of feedings and diaper changes for our little guy. FeedBaby totally works for this.
However, my wife and I each have our own phone and we were hoping FeedBaby would allow us to know if the baby had been fed recently without having to ask the other person. If you want to have it sync “automatically” (and more than twice per day), you need to pay. And since my wife and I each have our own phones and Apple accounts, we both had to shell out the $$$ for this (a bit pricey for an app, honestly). We can sync as often as we like now but I’m still having to manually sync it almost every time, which is super annoying. As soon as it’s opened, it should auto-sync. It doesn’t. Even swiping down doesn’t always work, I usually still have to navigate to the sync button manually...
FeedBaby also tracks medications, weight, etc. honestly way more than we’ll ever use it for, but that’s all great! Seriously very helpful. Although, I do think the User Interface needs an overhaul to make it feel more modern and easier to navigate. Definitely feels a bit clunky and dated.
TL;DR - Very helpful app, that does what it’s meant to. But the UI isn’t great, the syncing methods really need to be reworked and expect to have to shell out a hefty fee if you want it to be usable across multiple devices.