Updated Review:
Great, thanks! Now the Pro version of SalesTaxDiscountCalculator I paid for isn't even available on SalesTaxDiscountCalculator Store or working. It's pretty unethical of you to sell a paid version of SalesTaxDiscountCalculator and then never update it like you update this free version. You don't and won't apparently, even put in the time and work into making it compatible with iOS 11. Your priorities are all screwed up and doing this shows you don't value your customers or the money we spent on your Pro application.
Completely unprofessional and unethical. I won't be putting any more money towards any of your applications. As it's been shown to me that it's just a waste of money and we cannot depend on you to uphold your part of the deal for people who purchased the now dead Pro version of this program. Thanks a lot for nothing. I can see now that you only value the profit you can make from potential new customers and that you don't give a crap about the customers who already paid you for the Pro program.
It's unscrupulous actions like this that really make the Apple App Store an unpleasant, untrustworthy and unethical place to shop.
Original Review:
Why won't you update the Pro version of SalesTaxDiscountCalculator I gave you good money for? You'll update SalesTaxDiscountCalculator for people who didn't pay anything, but not for those who did. That's unethical and unscrupulous. I feel ripped off in a lot of ways.