I got the free version of this and within 24 hours, I could see how useful this would be to me, so I've just purchased the paid version.
I'm returning to music after about 7 years hiatus and am wanting to turn reading music into a skill set as strong as that of just being able to pick up a (literary) book and read it... I think your app will be really helpful. I just saw that you have an ear training app as well, and I'm eager to try that, too.
I used to be a decent-ish, if slow, sight reader. I'm great at playing by ear, and my uneven skill set has allowed me to fake my way through a lot of improv jamming with other people. I'm excited to be able to level up my musicianship with the help of your great app.
I downloaded about 30 different note-practicing apps, and am slowly removing the ones that don't seem to be as useful to me.
Your app really stands out as a keeper; it's really robust in the free version -- there are a lot of ways to use NoteTrainerLite if you're serious about wanting to improve sight reading and playing. I was really excited to see that (for iPhones 5s and newer) it includes an option to play a practical, human-powered instrument into the microphone. At first I thought the microphone wasn't responding, but then I realized you have to play a sustained note long enough for the microphone to register the note you're playing. Once I started to find the rhythm, it started to register the notes more smoothly and quickly. Since I'm just learning to sight-read on my alto instrument, I don't mind it being a little slower. On my soprano, it can get a little tedious to hold shrill notes for that length of time. For a quicker passage through the exercises, note by note, it's more expedient to use the built-in, touch-screen keyboard within NoteTrainerLite itself (and with my headphones in, I don't have to worry about terrifying the neighborhood cats and dogs). I haven't tried to plug in any midi instruments as of yet.
I'm really looking forward to exploring all the ways the paid version will help me to expand my skills. In just 24 hours, I've retrieved some of my long-neglected sightreading powers from the mists of the past, and have learned several other things for the first time ever. Thank you, thank you!
Also, as a sometime Celphone-game-addicted person, it's nice to be able to replace solitaire or some of the other something-to-do-with-my-hands-while-I've-got-a-few-moments [or hours] games I used to play on my phone, and instead play around with something that enriches my quality of life when I'm not on the phone.
Kudos and much appreciation for making such a strong app. Wonderful work.