I own and operate a learning center, and I am very particular about details. I really like ABCGenius for learning and practicing stroke order of letters, but I found some discrepancies.
Letters should always be written from top to bottom, and left to right, without picking up the pencils unless necessary.
The "t" in ABCGenius is crossed correctly, from left to right, but the "f" is crossed right to left.
The "z" shows a restart at each angle, but the pencil should stay on the page. Other letters continue properly.
The "p" shows the first stroke down, then picks back up to the top for the circle. Other similar letters are correct.
The "y" shows to make a "v" then track back down the same line for the long line. I believe that letter is usually taught and more neatly written by little ones as two strokes. It's hard for them to neatly write over the angled line.
I would recommend this to my parents, but the discrepancies would be too hard to explain.