🏷️ About:
Vainglory is an award-winning free-to-play cross-platform MOBA with the strategic depth and mechanical skill that you’d expect from a PC title, but playable with your friends anywhere on any device.
Featuring incredible graphics, precision controls and competitive gameplay parity across all platforms, Vainglory lets you party with your friends and match up with players around the world on desktop or mobile!
Sound intense? .
- Unique heroes with colorful lore and quirky voiced lines
- Frequent exciting updates
Read 20 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢
4.7 out of 5
It’s really fun
by HarrisonB.
The graphics and style of the game are great I do like the game to a point there just seems to be a lot of imbalance between characters I haven’t been in a single match without a saw and it gets really annoying he rushed barbed needle and can legit run in and kill anyone who comes close to him before they even get the chance I know there are counters to it and a big one it team play and cc but with a game with no chat no way of communicating besides little pings and phrases I think that needs to be taken into account and I love to play the characters with more interesting mechanics and it just seems like those characters don’t even come close to the more simple set of moves a lot of characters have I’m going to bring up saw again he is legit a stand there and get as many autos in as you can character and it’s horrible to play against they don’t even need a front line for him since your team will most likely be filled with a bunch of people who don’t know what they are doing and I think it goes to show how powerful saw is because he doesn’t need mobility and he hardly has to build defense as long as he has life steal he can dominate your team just wish it was more balanced besides that I wish they would have stuck with just 3v3 I think it was a lot more interesting than the 5v5 matches cause they are just clusters of players spamming buttons instead of an actual well thought out game.
by Alohasteven
I downloaded this app when it first came out back in 2014. I remember playing with my high school classmates during class and getting in trouble because we were using our phones. I’m a sophomore in college now and the game has come long way since then. From few characters to plethora of new ones and different playing modes; the games have adapted and expanded its horizons. While leaving behind the ease of use and simple interface.
The ease of playing this app is long gone, you are welcomed with an overwhelming interface. Promotions left and right, and a clustered main menu. Gone were the days where you could go to the market and purchase your hero and go on with your day. I recently downloaded the game again after taking a long break from playing. I do understand that things do change and change is indeed inevitable. Veteran players of this app or other games with similar layout are of advantage because they are familiar with the interface. I sympathize for new users who are in the market for MOBA gaming because it can get confusing. Yes, there are tips to guide you. However, these are inadequate and most of them are quite irrelevant.
Nevertheless, this app is still a fun and engaging game that’ll keep you on your toes. From getting the last hit to release kraken in 3v3 to pushing mid-lane in 5v5 game mode, there are many options for users that can be overwhelming at times.
Fun and less toxic than League, but...
by This Game Is So Boring.
I still find League a better game in general, and I’ve been playing this app for nearly a year, while I’ve played League for about 2 months. Champions in both games are fairly fun, but the main issue comes when we look at the balancing, and matchmaking. League’s balance is fairly decent to be honest, though some champs are really not fun to play against (Cough cough Akali) while in Vain, just, why. All the new heroes have laughable bad balance, leading to nearly a 100% rate in ranked. That shouldn’t happen. Honestly, do you guys have a balance team at all? Or do testing? Anka, banned every game I’ve been in for patches straight, Yates is honestly not that bad, but that’s because he’s a captain, not a hypercarry like Anka, Kensei, Malene, all the new heroes. The matchmaking is also a joke, with ranked queues taking 5 minutes if I’m lucky, and up to 7 or 9 minutes if I’m unlucky. League, I rarely wait more than a minute and a half. And also, half the time in Vain, you get teammates who seem like they belong in tier 3 when they somehow have tier 8/9. Fix that. Do something like League, where you gotta play some games before you get a ranked based off your performance. That will fix a lot of matchmaking issues, but it won’t fix the long queue times. Fix some things, and this app will become a lot more fun for everyone.
Stop adding characters for now and focus on the bigger issues
by -xXweeblordXx-
The game is great for a mobile title, and has many unique character builds that are honestly refreshing for a new moba, but there are many glaring issues, some superficial, and others game destroying. Firstly, the most obnoxious one to deal with, bad teammates. This slowly becomes more of an issue the higher up the ladder you climb, and shows that there’s no real discipline system. The one that is in place is there to primarily punish game dodgers, and quite literally nothing else. There are too many times that I’ve had a player in my match AFK in the fountain the whole match because they got pissy about something or another. I can report them, but from what I understand, it takes a lot more than a couple of reports to ban someone. Another easily fixable issue is role queue. Or the lack thereof. Many games have implemented role queue in the past year, and this app is still falling short of that benchmark. Not only does it solve instalocking, but it expands the playability by giving each class a specific rank. Keep the player from picking characters that aren’t in the role they specified, and they won’t pick to troll. It’s that simple. After that it’s more superficial, such as the UI bugs, UI optimization, less than optimal audio quality and such. But I’ve said something about these before on an old account and 2 years later they haven’t been changed. I love the game, but come one guys. You can do better than this.
Like this game and cant wait for 5v5.....but man does this game need some issues fixed. First off, i feel like any game like this you HAVE to have team chat. Too many times i want to try and tell other players something mid match and a ping or simple phrase does not get the point across of what I’m trying to say. I feel like the whole point of a game that revolves around team fighting is being able to communicate with each other and form a strategy. But how are you suppose to do that without any kind of txt based system. Heck even just a lobby chat while your picking your player were you can come up with some kind of basic strategy with your team or get a quick feeling of how they play would help. Also needs to be harsher punishment for toxic players! I would also say people that desert matches, but heck I’ve deserted numerous matches for the sole fact of having a toxic player on my team. What’s the point of wasting 20-30 mins just just getting killed because 1 person doesn’t want to put in a team effort. Ive been stuck on tier 4 in ranking for the longest time because i will be so close to getting to tier 5, then ill have 1 match with a bad/toxic player that will prevent me from moving up to the next tier. It’s getting to the point were i almost don’t wanna play anymore because it is almost impossible to move up because off other players.
Almost perfect...
by TheComodor
I recently decided to test other MOBAs after being stuck on MLBB for a few years. After trying almost every MOBA available on mobile, I have to say that I am a fan of the uniqueness of this app as well as the style of its characters. That being said, the one feature this game is lacking that I feel would be a major improvement is the ability to set a custom load out prior to entering a game. I realize that there is currently a way to set custom load outs, however it can’t be done until AFTER you start the match. For players like myself who are familiar with MOBAs but new to this app, it’s very inconvenient, as the default load outs are usually not the best possible load outs. But learning all the equipment mid-game and deciding which would suit your character best takes far too much time, resulting in your character standing idle for several minutes while you learn the shops items. If you allowed players to set custom load outs on the home screen to be selected once the match started, I believe it would make the game much more competitive and it would most likely draw more players to this app. As it stands, the absence of this feature has caused me to place this game below a couple other MOBAs on mobile, as I am a player who enjoys making creative and unique custom load outs rather then staying with popular or default builds. I hope you read this and take it into consideration. Thanks for the otherwise amazing game! 🙂
Love it but needs to change this major problem
by Marco Tiffer
I love this app I’ve been playing since it came out, I love where the game is going and I think it has great potential to do more the main problem I have with the recent new updates are how to get skins honestly it is way to hard to get a blueprint it takes way to long and that coming from a player who plays quiet often I just had a better time back when you have different card like common,rare, and legendary and could craft your skin depending on what you wanted which I found fun and interesting and did not force you not use money, now or so rare to get blueprints you might as well buy the skin it would save you a lot of time and commitment I also think you should make it a little bit easier for us to get opals not to easy as it’ll ruin the fun but just a little for example I’ve been grinding for about 1 months to buy a skin for taka that cost 1000 opals and only have 150 so far but that’s from me playing go often but now that I’m back in school I need to do my homework and focus on school so it’ll go even slower. I love this game and I honestly just want to make it better I hope you take this review in consideration to what you guys could improve on, because this game is near perfect and is extremely fun and take skill to play which is what I like so thank you for reading this and the game.
I like it
by Dezz63
I like the game very much but to make it seem like a Moba game can you add a talent tree so it can help out with in game so it adds a little bit of help but it’s not over powered and I would also like if you guys could add 4 abilities to heroes because the three is not enough and most likely if the ult is down a lot of people is sitting there spamming the two other skills the 4 abilities would make it better in terms of in game too because you have your ult and your 3 other abilities until your ult comes back up and it would add for a better and fast pace game and the jungling I wish you could add a feat so we can jungle and it helps us like smite or something because the game is great but it could be excellent if you just add four abilities except for 3 allowing the characters to be way more versatile and I would also like if you could add the level to probably 15 instead of 12 so every ability can be maxed out if you add the 4th ability because it would make sense to just max it out instead of having to choose which one to level once you get to level 12 I’m sorry if im asking for too much but I really like the game and if you added those I’m pretty sure people would like it way better but if you don’t add all the things I asked for can you add the 4th ability so we can have 3 abilities and the 4th ability is the ulti.
by 37:$jend
Honestly an amazing game great graphics..... no beautiful graphics! And second most balanced heroes new heroes come the meta changes I love stuff like that I love the event, I love the skins, the seasonal end awards. This game has had a better time but I still thank it still has what it takes to be a amazing gaming. Now to why I gave it three stars. this app is a very competitive game and getting this game a couple of months ago it took me awhile to get to 5 v 5 ranked. And to get there I spent 50 dollars to buy heroes and cool skins. And when I got into it I was disappointed. Ranked is just toxic unless your ranked around 7-10 otherwise your getting toxic players who shouldn’t be where there at who give halfway through and get rid of all there items and do nothing. And we still lose points for it. Oh then I’ll gat in a lobby where everyone is a jungler. And nothing gets done about it. Unskilled people who don’t do anything can get into a game almost every time and get carried and get a win. And then they get put with me and I can’t carry a bunch of noobs who are just lucky to be there. Your rank should not be based on your wins it should be based on your stats in your role in game. Now I know this might not work cause I see problems.
I really love this game and hope to get somewhere with it and I really hate to criticize such a great game. I’m just really competitive and just hate getting stuck with noobs.
Amazing game, very realistic company that know what users want. It has good graphics and amazing gameplay, many of the games only flaws are things like (it’s very hard on bad internet.) which Super Evil Mega Corp can do nothing (or very little about.) The only few reasons it’s not a five star are the UI set up, specifically the guild and social UI,(which they are working on in upcoming updates) the weird In-game controls on the iPod 6 (yes I know I should upgrade.) And the fact that they keep adding heroes, that may sound dumb, and I think new heroes are great and make the game more fun, but if they slowed down it wouldn’t hurt anyone. Over all great game, I also like the idea of poles to see what people are thinking, so me as a nobody would like to recommend the option to get more poles, just make it optional as to not annoy any one, but personally I love the belief that my opinion matters... Thank you SEMC for this PC grad game for mobile devices! One day I’ll change it to a five star.. (It was close.) I’d rate it 4.999 if I could. P.S. Plz fix trolling, (I won’t complain because I don’t have a solution, but some other commenters seem to have it down. Listen to your community, (most of the time) and you’ll be fine.
Great game
by BlackViper17
I have been playing this game for years. I believe I started right after Reim was released. I quit for a while and just started back. Obviously trolls and AFKs are a problem. I think if they get enough thumbs downs in a period of time they need to be banned for a week. If it’s repetitive permanently ban the account. Or a much harsher LPQ at least. But my issue is I wish we could change the sunlight and daily chests back to how it was. I have no reason to grind out 50 levels of sunlight if my rewards are still crap. Yeah we get more free chests but I don’t get anything from them. Other than that I’m having fun trying out a couple heroes I have missed. Still a great game!
Updated review! I have been playing daily. I’m trying to rank but it is nearly impossible. I have went down from where I was a month ago. Horrible players that have no idea what they are doing. I’m by no means the best player, but I’m improving and at least try to coordinate with my team. If you don’t let them have the role they want, half of people will just troll. It’s almost to where it’s not even fun to try and rank anymore. Matchmaking needs a revamp and harsher punishments for trolling. And I assume you guys are working on it but Varya is to good. And CP feather.
Amazing, but maybe add Beginner online matches
by Djsicnfuskfnvh
Have been playing the game ever since it came out and it has only gotten better. Many people complain about matchmaking and trolls, but I myself have not ran into these problems very often, although it does happen every once in awhile. Big deal, its to be expected of any online game that you will sometimes be paired with less than favorable players. But, for those who enjoy the game but simply cannot play due to the experience gap of players in matchmaking, I feel that that is something that should be addressed. I've played many casual matches with my friends who are new to the game (ranked isnt available until level 10 for them) and I destroy the whole enemy team by myself. Sometimes the whole team doesnt buy a single item and frankly dont know what theyre doing, and its not fair to thrust them into situations where they have to play against older players. To fix this, I suggest adding a Casual mode for beginners, which would allow only players level 10 and below to play in. This would allow new players to play against people near their own skill level and would erase a lot of complaints about the game. I personally love it, but just a suggestion.
by MrVonHatred
I have actually been playing this app since it first came out. I’ve always been a pretty casual player, but I’ve made friends, been inspired, and had a lot of great times because of this game. Honestly, way back when this first came out, it felt like a 3v3 oversimplified League of Legends. Something you could just pick up and play if you didn’t have a computer with you. Now however I feel like it has grown and flourished into its own game with years of hard work being exhibited every time you open Vainglory . Each character has their own unique story that shows real time and thought went into them. Each map is beautifully crafted and looks very sharp, ESPECIALLY for being a mobile game. The skins range from cool to hilarious with unique animations for many of them. There hasn’t been a “game breaking item” to come out with any update and make some character OP (at least none that I know of), and some characters are so fun to use, it makes you really disappointed when you play a different MOBA and they aren’t there (For me, that would be Alpha). All that being said, I want to say thank you to all the developers, and I can’t wait to see how you’ll improve the game in the next update! Best wishes VonHatred
VainGlorious; A Diamond In The Rough
by Based God (Swag Prince)
TL;DR: this app is a serious, hard hitting MOBA that provides a breath of fresh air to the mobile gaming circuit. Just don’t expect any diversity when it comes to their characters.
When I first started playing VG, I wasn’t really into it. Some of the characters felt unbalanced and people would exploit certain abilities in order to secure a win. I remember when Petal’s seeds use to be able to restore health and players would spam plant them all over the map. Luckily the Devs at Super Evil Megacorp heard our cries and with a snap of their fingers, everything was balanced. The game has come a long way from its beginnings, with new characters being added constantly. Events and quests have also been a good addition as well as the Brawl game modes. My biggest issue though.. is the fact that we have 43 characters and 2 (4.65%) of them have African American features. I’d love to see heroes of different body types and sizes out there in the field as well! All of the characters are amazingly beautiful and look like they’ve modeled in a catalogue somewhere.. can we have a plus sized hero? I’ve probably spent more money on this game than any other one I play.. but it all just seems so worth it. I love what you guys have built - all I really ask is that we diversify it a little bit more please!
Honestly, this game is what really got me into MOBAs in the first place. The skill based champs that are released add more encouragement for everyone to learn and play them, but with that comes a problem the devs haven’t really addressed yet. With the new heroes like Anka, Kensei, and Kenetic, comes massive outplay potential. Originally in Vain, the heroes with the most mobility often come with late game setbacks, so everything relied on your mechanics in the early to mid game, before you got outscaled by lets say, a Skaarf. But now the heroes mentioned above have mobility, but are also late game hypercarries. This power creep leaves some older champs who were never touched in a rough spot. Let’s just talk about Celeste for example. The problem isn’t that all her damage is delayed. It’s that it’s way too easy to outplay her in any scenario with mobility, which, hmmmmm..... the new cast seems to have a lot of. Others like Lorelei and Malene would have been added, had they not been NERFED straight into the ground for multiple consecutive patches (heck, I believe one patch put Malene’s tendrils from 0% fear to -20%) That said, this was not intended to harp on nonsensical patch notes. This is a reminder that this game is not like LoL. You guys don’t have 140-ish champs to maintain like Riot. Please, just try to keep the older ones equally viable, thanks.
Best Mobile MOBA
by TheMortalChild
I’ve only been playing VG for about three weeks and I can declare without doubt that it’s one of the best PvP games I’ve ever played. Match deserters and toxic pingers aside, it’s simply amazing. The lore is colorful, the voiced lines are quirky and never get old, and the graphics... Oh, the graphics. Some of the best on mobile I’ve ever seen. I’ve been playing for more than 250 hours in just these three weeks, so that says a lot about how much I’m enjoying my experience. Super hyped for 5 v 5 too!
Currently, I just have one issue; on the screen for choosing characters, I would more often than not be unable to change the role or build of my character. I would tap on the tab with the <, and it just wouldn’t respond. This makes for awkward moments, as I play CP Jungle Kestrel, and I would sometimes have to switch to Taka to get the others to lock in, then choose Kestrel instead, which shows up as a WP Laner (and gets me some rude pings in the beginning of the game when people don’t check builds). This also takes away from getting a good team comp. Please fix this. Also, for the karma thing, I’ve finished every game and probably played over 300 by now; my karma still fluctuates sometimes though because I don’t always get every Honor. I don’t think not having every honor should pull down your karma.
I recommend vainglory to anyone looking for an awesome MOBA
by Pizzbonk
this app is my favorite game and has been for over 2 years. From the outstanding graphics, the unique heroes, and the frequent exciting updates, this app is an incredible game. I have some recommendations though. The toxicity of the game is a serious problem. I get trolls in almost every match, making it nearly impossible to rank up. Also, I would recommend advertising this app more. More people deserve to know about it, and I don’t know anyone except for my brother who’s every heard of this app! One last thing is that I’ve noticed (this is a thing with pretty much all MOBAs, but whatever) the skins for female heroes are getting more and more sexual, to the point where they just look disgusting...and unrealistic. What “smart” women would charge into battle wearing a bikini? These outfits really seem to objectify the female characters by making them almost ALL about their gross show-y bikini or lingerie that they’ll be wearing into battle. That’s it. Overall, I love the game, but I think it needs work on the trolls and toxicity, the overall advertising of the game, and the over-sexualization of female (and male) characters. I mean, isn't this game be about playing the game and having fun; not about getting turned on by the sexy female characters? It makes me offended and uncomfortable.
My Favorite Game
by Mikeymike12456
I own a pc, consoles, and hand held gaming devices and I somehow find my self spending more time on my phone playing this game, lol. I started playing this game a few months after it’s launch so close to 3 years now. Still love it, and it’s come a long, long way. Graphics are beautiful, as long as you have good connection, the game runs super smooth. All you haters saying it’s laggy and choppy... get better WiFi or turn down the quality in settings 🤷🏽♂️. The developers are constantly working to make things better and interesting. New hero’s come out very regularly. You don’t have to dump money on this game to be good. If you play enough then you can honestly manage to get cool skins and emotes. This game rewards you for playing, with legitimate rewards that make me feel like I accomplished something. I wish matchmaking was a little better, sometimes the difference in skill with your teammates or enemy’s is lopsided and you get a little discouraged. They added joystick controls for those who were struggling to adapt to the touch controls, nice touch but I recommend learning how to play with the touch controls bc it is better once you become more experienced. Hopefully when more people play it will work it self out. Loved the commercial with Apple! I hope to see more! The community is nice and finding some in game friends is easy! Have fun!
For those who want to get into MOBAs this is for you
by Senor Pseudonym
this app is a MOBA which stands for massive online battle arena. As a person who really only plays shooters I can attest to this being a game for those who want to get into a "League of Legends" type game without the communal toxicity. One of the great features this game offers is a built in tutorial section which can be accessed anytime in between matches. Allowing you to know EVERYTHING you'll need to know in order to be successful. From the basics movement controls to tactics onto how to purchase items that will best cater to your heroes abilities and everything in between. If you ever find yourself getting wrecked when playing as a particular hero and you want to know why. Each hero has a spotlight, a short 3-4 minute video, displaying their abilities. Not only giving you in depth knowledge of that particular hero but it will also show you when and which abilities should be learned and at what time. Along with which items will give you the most power out of your abilities. These are just some of the dope features of this well crafted game. So if your looking for a team based strategy game with very, very unique characters that rewards you well when playing often. Then this game is for you! 🔥For this game is lit!🔥 Especially with newest update that puts an addicting twist on classic play style! ROCK ON SUPER EVIL MEGA CORP! ROCK ON! 🔥🤘🔥
Casual needs a serious revamp, I cannot complain about anything else because the game is insanely addicting and well thought out. My only problem are trolls and toxic people, which show up in every game mode but mainly for Casual and Blitz. Casual should have its own ranking system but the ranking should be based on a star method, where other people will rate you based on how appealing it is to play against you. The ranking wouldn’t determine how great you are at the game, but on how friendly and team minded you are, and it would be awesome to be able to get in a lobby with other people who you know aren’t there to ruin the game just because they didn’t get the character or the kill that they wanted. Especially on a 20-30 minute game, you can have one toxic teammate ruin the entire game for everyone by just being selfish on purpose or killing themselves, but if they don’t leave all you can do is wait an entire 20-30 minutes until the toxic match is over, because if anyone else leaves they get punished for it even though someone else ruined the game and we all just want the game to be over so we can get into a different one. That being said it would be great to have a stalemate type of forfeit where if 4 or 5 people agree to end the game early, it’ll happen with no negative points against them, but they still get to thumb people up or down so trolls don’t get away with what they do.
Is Vainglory Safe? 🙏
Yes. Vainglory is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 52,183 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Vainglory Is 25.4/100.
Is Vainglory Legit? 💯
Yes. Vainglory is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 52,183 Vainglory User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Vainglory Is 40.3/100..
How was your experience with Vainglory? Post a Review
Vainglory is built on the proprietary EVIL cross-platform game engine - offering beautiful, smooth graphics, superior performance and unrivaled control accuracy across the widest range of devices.
By insisting on gameplay parity across billions of mobile phones, PCs, consoles, next-generation hybrid devices and more, we are building toward a vision where gamers can play and be competitive with anyone, anywhere.
At Super Evil Megacorp we believe all gamers deserve to play together in beautiful, responsive and deep AAA experiences, whichever their native platform or control mechanism.
Vainglory is an award-winning free-to-play cross-platform MOBA with the strategic depth and mechanical skill that you’d expect from a PC title, but playable with your friends anywhere on any device.
However you like to play, Vainglory has unique, captivating heroes you’ll love — along with a hunt for skins you can earn through play without spending any money.