Transit Tracker Reviews
Published by Raging Coders on 2021-02-06🏷️ About: Transit Tracker - is the only app you’ll need to get around. Now supporting multiple metro areas.
🏷️ About: Transit Tracker - is the only app you’ll need to get around. Now supporting multiple metro areas.
I am trying to find routes that service a specific location and then want to look at those routes to determine options of where I would like to start my trip. Trip planner is useless for this since I don’t have specific times and I only have an end point. I would spend $1,000,000 and untold hours trying every option from every long term hotel to the project location I need to basically commute to. But TransitTracker is entirely useless for this. It is easier to buy a car and use it for the 9-18 months I will be in this particular city and deal with the hassle of doing all that than it is trying to use public transportation in central Ohio. What a waste. I would happily pay for something to help me with this type of conundrum. But alas...I guess I will be planning to Uber from the airport to a used car lot instead. There really is something wrong when buying a car to use for a year is easier than using public transportation.
Way too many ads and prompts to remove the ads, oh look another full page ad, I really couldn’t try out the functionality, oh look another ad, since there was no way to really, oh look another ad to remove the ads, check it out due to all the, oh look another ad.
I’ve been using that app for over a year now. I only had the free version and the ads were fine for the most part. There were bugs and times TransitTracker would just freeze. Or tell my there were no routes available despite this route being a place I go to daily. I’m giving it a one star review because it’s Bad Business to make people pay “tokens” to just find a route. Regardless of weather I’m taking the bus or not. There’s plenty of apps and even Goggle now offers this service. Nobody’s charging people to find routes because it’s ridiculous. I’m downloading another app and deleting this one. A free app.
TransitTracker used to be free but now they make you purchase tokens to plan a trip so all you can do is see the times, about as useful as paper bus routes so get the metro transit app instead where it’s free and you can pay your fair via phone
TransitTracker would be better if the developers hadn’t demanding you to pay tokens every time you use the Trip Planner. Luckily, I found an app that does the exact same thing as this one does, except that it is much more polished, and costs absolutely nothing
We are in a period of contagion; routes and schedules have changed but TransitTracker continues to use the boilerplate schedules from two years ago. I relied on TransitTracker and it caused me great pain as I was waiting for conveyances that never showed as they were not on SEPTA’s COVID altered schedule.
I have reached out to the developers twice; they have never responded or more importantly correct this flaw.
They have the nerve to change for TransitTracker. The developers should be ashamed. This is outrageous.
I am not understanding why I have to pay for an ad free app but then on top of that pay for tokens. That’s just stupid if you are paying for an ad free app it should come with how ever many times you want to look a route up. It’s a complete rip off when you have to keep paying for something that should already come with it.
I wish TransitTracker that is supposed to tell you the time the buses come to a stop, actually told you what time the buses come to a stop. I can guess the time more accurately than TransitTracker. App needs more work. For instance, when you type in a stop number it should give you the next stop time. But it seems to prioritize times 5 hours later.
I thought TransitTracker was cool so I bought the full version but TransitTracker constantly tells me to buy it again and won’t restore the purchase. When I try to buy it again it says it cannot connect to iTunes. I finally gave up after getting a new phone and resetting everything because even that doesn’t work.
This is the best bus tracker available in my area. However, around 1/4 of the ads featured on it have no way to exit out of them (no “X” to click; “close” button does nothing; ad doesn’t disappear no matter how long you wait) which often means you can’t get to the information you want.
I have relied on TransitTracker for over a year and love it except that starting two days ago when I click Trip Planner it freezes up every time. I have deleted and re-downloaded it and it’s still happening. Please get this fixed ASAP.
The information seems to be up to date but I paid for the full version and it won’t get ride of the ads! Can the developers help please???
I’ve been using TransitTracker for years and it has been my savior! I was sad when it stopped working and ended up reaching out to the developer who explained to me what happened.(thanks google 🙄)I downloaded the new version, purchased tokens & I’m back in business. It’s stinks it’s no longer free, but in my mind I’m not using it everyday and it’s not like it’s a crazy amount of money. I’ll happily help support TransitTracker that’s how much I appreciate it.
This has helped me a lot in my trip planning. I hadn’t been on public transportation in years. I am liking TransitTracker a lot. Keep it up!
I love this apt. It helps me get me to where I want to Go!
I love using transit tracker for the soul reason that I can never miss a bus stop. Very easy to use and always on point.
What’s up with TransitTracker it hasn’t been working the last two days really depends on this on daily basis. Fix now!!!
TransitTracker is good showing departure times. But sometimes, they’re not on time. Most of them either comes late or before the exact time. Thanks.
I paid for the full version (no adds) and couldn’t be happier. The options for saving regular routes, locations, or recognizing your location are easy to use and accurate (as can be with MetroTransit GPS). It’s very fast and reliable.
Why do I have to restore purchase at least once a month. Very annoying to check for a schedule and find out it has reset to Minneapolis and wants to show and add before I can check my schedule.
When it works it’s great.
Pretty good app. Nice interface. Easy to navigate. Bus times are usually unreliable though. Here are some of my wishes for future updates.
-choose final destination on map rather than trying to type in a perfect address.
-view real-time location of bus. Times given are sometimes incorrect or will say "one minute" and after that minute refresh to say "two minutes". If I could see where the bus was, I could make a pretty good educated guess on when it will arrive. This would probably be a strain to view all bus locations in the metro but to somehow single out only a particular bus might be easier.
-save locations to use as destination points in the future. It would be nice to save a current location without typing in any specific address that could be accessed when planning a trip later on.
That's all. I think TransitTracker is a very good step in the right direction. Hopefully in the future buses can speak to TransitTracker more frequently to give more accurate arrival estimates.
Yes. Transit.Tracker is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 2,919 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Transit Tracker Is 32.8/100.
Yes. Transit.Tracker is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 2,919 Transit.Tracker User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Transit Tracker Is 43.8/100..
AC Transit(ACT),Airport (MAC),Allegany County Transit,Amtrak,Ann Arbor Area Transit (TheRide),Anoka County,Arlington Transit,Batavia Bus Service (BTS),Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART),Bay State Cruise Company,Baylink,Big Blue Bus,Blue & Gold Fleet,Blue Star Bus,Boston Harbor Cruises,Boston Harbor Islands Ferries,Brockton Area Transit Authority,Broward County Transit (BCT),Caltrain,Capital Metro in Austin (CAP),Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority,Capt.
Find the nearest public transit stations with scheduled stops and view upcoming departures with just two quick taps.
Real-time data is not available in all areas or modes of Transit.
Not sure how to get there, feeling adventurous or need to find an alternate route? We’ve got you covered! Use the built-in **Trip Planner to navigate the city with ease.
Transit stops must be saved in the Phone App to use the Today Widget and the Watch App.