Contact Seven: 7 Minute Workout

Contact Seven Support

Published by on 2024-05-13

About: Join the movement of 40 million and see results with just 7 minutes a
day. Getting fit has never been this easy – or this much fun.

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Seven: 7 Minute Workout Contact Information

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Reported Issues: 5 Comments

4.8 out of 5

By Carol Shelton

10 months ago

Please cancel this subscription

By Gayle Daugherty

2 years ago

Cancel my subscription! Now ! August 31, 2021

By Scott.KT

Horrible for Beginners

I am a beginner. I don’t have a lot of experience working out at home. I thought this my be a great app to try. It led me through some questions, and then presented me with starting my first work out. I specifically specified I was a beginner during the sign up process. I pressed the button to start the workout and the app immediately went into drill instructor mode. It began counting off exercises without any explanation as to what the exercise was or how to properly do it. The first one, jumping jacks, was easy enough to figure out. Then it went on to things like “wall chair.” As a novice, I had no idea how to do it. Do I do reps? Do I hold the position? How do I make sure I’m doing it properly? When it got to push ups, apparently it just assumed I was fit enough to do a full set (I don’t even know how many that was), same with sit ups. It went so quick that I barely had time to look and see what type of sit-up. Did they want my arms behind my head or in front of me? It was already 2/3 through the count when I figured it out. Finally I stopped the workout. It asked me if I was sure I wanted to quit, and I said yes. I lost all data from the sets I had completed. Also, there was no way to tell the app how many push-ups I actually did versus what the app wanted me to do. This app might be okay if you already somewhat fit and know what you’re doing, but it left me feeling frustrated.

By Breview1921

The free version is deceptive

I never write product reviews, but I feel people researching this app should be warned. The first week you get access to pretty much everything and it is great. Easy to use, shows how to do each exercise, great variety of moves and plans for different goals. HOWEVER. After that first week, the plug is completely pulled on you. Almost the entire app is locked off behind a subscription. All the plans and the vast majority of workouts are locked behind a subscription of $10 per month. The free version they offer has about a dozen basic exercises, and when I tried it 3/12 of them were just simple jumping jacks. The only other option is to do the hourly live workout, but that completely removes the convenience of doing 7 minutes on a busy schedule. They counter by saying you unlock more workout programs after 2 months but again the app locks you out after 1 week until you buy a subscription. Very frustrated with the experience on this app and will be deleting. My advice to anyone reading is to look elsewhere. There are tons of other workout apps that aren’t a bait and switch like this one is.

By Mrsholzinger


I never review apps but this really got under my skin. This app started off great. I’m a new mom (during a pandemic nonetheless) and trying to get back to working out. I’ve crashed and burned when trying to jump right back into my old 30-60 min workouts so 7 minutes was doable for me. I went almost a whole week working out and I felt great! The workouts were fun, I loved the variety, the live workouts, the duels, achievements, pretty much all of it! I was pumped for the next week and then boom! I’m locked out 😡 I understand app developers need to make money but I feel the option to either pay or continue free with limited features should always be an option. Completely locking me out immediately and forcing me to pay if I wanted to continue, made me stop using your app and not wanting to pay. There are SO many fitness apps on the market now so from an app developer’s perspective, I think you should give the consumer the option to pay or not pay. Most apps do that and they are successful. We’re still in a pandemic and people can’t go to the gym. Now is the time to appeal to the consumer and not back them into a wall to pay for your app. I bet if you let them workout for free with limited features and they’re successful with reaching their goals, they’ll upgrade later. Just my two cents 🤷🏼‍♀️

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  4. If you are a Seven: 7 Minute Workout customer and are running into a problem, Justuseapp might not be the fastest and most effective way for you to solve the problem but at least you can warn others off using Seven: 7 Minute Workout.

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