Neighbor or Doppleganger? Reviews

Neighbor or Doppleganger? Reviews

Published by on 2024-04-30

About: Verify: Neighbor or Doppelgänger? The Doppelganger Detection Department (D.D.

About Neighbor or Doppleganger

Verify: Neighbor or Doppelgänger. The Doppelganger Detection Department (D. D. D. ) needs you. .


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 735 combined software reviews.

80 Neighbor or Doppleganger Reviews

2.8 out of 5


No option to remove ads?

I recently became ADDICTED to the PC version, and put my friends onto it as well. When I found NeighbororDoppleganger , I was excited to play this on the go. What a disappointment that the game makers have not only chosen to insert ads (unskippable so far) after every interview, but not even give the option to remove them. This makes NeighbororDoppleganger unplayable to me, as I’m spending more time watching ads than playing the game. How many people would pay $3.99 to remove ads? $5.99? $9.99? You’re leaving money on the table because I don’t know how many people are willing to sit through this many ads to fill your pockets with ad money.

Updating from 2 to 1 star for glitches with misleading and overlapping facial features, running ads before I can close the door, not being given the option to see which doppelgangers you let through, etc. Deleting now.


great game but…

so I first got this game because I saw people playing it on streams and I got super excited when I could play it on my phone. whenever I got it, it was doing the freezing glitch so I waited a couple of days until they said that it was fixed. The only thing that I don’t understand is that I don’t get the slideshow at the beginning? And there’s no other buttons on the right side of the screen, like how it shows in the other versions of the game. And the other thing I don’t like is how many ads I get. I get one or two ads per person I interview. I want to play the game more, but it gets frustrating when I keep getting apps.


Great gameplay but…..

The gameplay is awesome and true to the pc version. However, it is killed with ads. It’s literally %5 gameplay and %95 ads. Click on anything three times and get a 30 second ad, rinse and repeat. Hey Devs, I understand ads are important on a free game, but the fashion that they are implemented in this game is infuriating. It really makes the game unplayable in the current ad configuration. I have a suggestion, perhaps you can let the player complete a round, then show the 5-10 ads at the end. Or make a way for the player to pay to remove the ads. I myself would be willing to pay a few dollars, because the actual gameplay is pretty much equal to the pc version and that’s awesome. When the game devs change the way the ads occur I will change my rating and review.


Great after the update

After you fixed the phone and freezing the game is wonderful and there’s not to much ads also maybe you can add a thing that removes ads that cost like $2.99 per month or you can just remove ads completely but overall this game is now one of my favorite games it’s so fun especially since it’s free and that’s not my neighbor on computer is 3 dollars and this is exactly like the game also you should add a button called achievements and you can see your achievements in it and if you get an achievement it should pop up in the corner of the screen (:


Bad details on characters

Some characters look nothing like their photos and yet are actual residents and yet you would perceive them to be doppelgängers.
Doppelgängers have everything correct down to the last detail and will even be on todays list and you’ll let them in. This doesn’t even seem to be from the original developers. It looks like it’s just an illegal rip off of the real game. Wouldn’t even be a bad game if they could actually pay attention to detail when it matters most. Also there is no introductory video. Just drops you straight into the game. Also beware the ADS. They are terrible. Non-stop ads after every person and even in the middle of game play. I figure this is just some illegal cash grab. Probably won’t be up for much longer.


Just a few things could be added to make it even better

Trust me. I absolutely love this game but there’s a couple things that I think that could make the game even better! Firstly there’s so much adds that it becomes very annoying. If you could remove the adds or even make pop up less frequently I would love that. Second you should be able able to see what doppelgängers you let in. Third I think there’s a weird bug with Anastacha where she would supposedly showed up but you don’t see her. I don’t know if this is with other but this only happens with Anastacha with me.


Nearly unplayable

Not sure if this is a base game issue or just NeighbororDoppleganger but it’s a glitchy mess in a game-breaking way. Characters heads will float above their bodies or features will be improperly sized, which wouldn’t matter that much if the whole game wasn’t supposed to be about spotting odd looking imposters. If you can’t be certain what’s a feature and what’s a glitch you’re bound to play poorly.

All that could be surpassed with trial and error if it wasn’t for the fact an unskippable ad plays for nearly every neighbor who comes to your desk. That, combined with the ridiculously long unskibbable cutscene that plays whenever you try to report a doppelgänger makes the experience unbearable.

The game quickly became tedious and just not very fun with all these factors. Just play Papers Please instead.


Fun but annoying

No matter what I cants get S rank, people will be on the list then show up and I call their room and their somehow already home, so I call ddd and it says i killed a neighbor even though when I called that particular neighbors room they're the one who answered so how am i supposed to know the one in front of me is real if this is a glitch? sometimes when I call the same room again in the same round now all of a sudden that person isn’t there. seems like the game doesn’t keep track of past events as the next person comes. just annoying bc i can’t win


Bugs and glitches with special people

I got the crazy guy that asks you a bunch of questions and I got them all right and he said “here’s your badge!” And guess what I got… nothing. And even the telephone is glitched it will not roll the numbers like it’s supposed to. But I know this game is a little new to the AppStore but I think these would be really easy small fixes if they worked on it a bit more. I have played this game before and I really liked it but since it’s this buggy I’ll give it 4 stars but I know it will be fixed soon. Thanks.


My opinion on that, not my neighbor

It’s a amazing game to play it’s interesting fun and when you do play the game, you really have to focus on the peoples characteristics because some do really look like your neighbors but sometimes you need to call the apartment so you can make sure it’s not a double gamer. It’s a very fun game to play. I recommend it, but it does show blood so if you are scared of blood and other things, you might want to keep moving on, but this game is overall very exciting and amazing.


Fun game, needs some fixes and an ad blocker.

Enjoying the game. Just wish there was a way to speed up some of the dialogue prompts by clocking on the screen. Could use with a minimize button for the file folders to check back to it without losing what page you’re on. Also, the ads on NeighbororDoppleganger are so intrusive. Not even like after I let someone in or call for the D.D.D., but in the middle of a turn they pop up. It really diminishes the play experience. I know it’s a revenue generator and I don’t fault the developer, but maybe even an add on ad blocker would be nice. Just a thought.


Too many adds and clunky

I bought the PC version and it is so much fun. I was excited to have it on an app that I can take to work. I can’t begin to describe just how awfully it translated onto an app. It’s hard to tap on some items. I have to FIGHT FOR IT. And goodness…the ads. THE ADS! Holy cannoli. The ads pop up so frequently that it can be in the middle of an inspection and I forget what I was doing.
If you are going to do an ad, why not place them every other completed person? It’s like I can only tap 12 times before an ad appears. I’d rather pay $3 again just to have a fully functioning game. At this point, I’m sticking to the PC version.


Ads make it unplayable

Terrible glitches, like neighbors who shouldn't be in answering phones and saying the person who should be answering isn't in, aside; There are ads every 5, maybe 10 seconds while actively playing. They seem to be on a timer and not event triggered. It's pure luck I closed the door right after opening it the first time, because the game keeps going during ads. Who knows what would have gotten in during the ad I got litterally right after letting someone in if i hadn't. I refuse to play a game that is so money grubby it can't even let you complete a game attempt or even go 5 minutes without an ad.


Little bugs ?

I know the game has just been released so this is not to be mean or angry and I’m soooo ready to play , but nothing is actually working . I go through the intro and I am stuck with the guy in the hazmat suit. No matter what I select none of the actions are working for me to proceed or move on. The back button doesn’t work on the phone so I would have to exit out the game and it just starts back over to the intro again. And when I do exit and come back in some things won’t allow me to click and see information anymore.


It’s good but needs work

The game is fun but there are a few things that need some work. There are some overlapping features on some of the characters which lead me to believe that they are dopples but I think it’s just a glitch, second when you answer Chester’s questions correctly he says that he will give you a badge but it never shows up for me. I think they should do a bug fix and everything would be great otherwise.


i love it!!

its super fun. i’ve never played the original That’s Not My Neighbor, but i’ve seen a few videos abt it (mainly Francis Mosses lol). so when i seen this floating around on the appstore i had to try it.

its really fun, my only issue being that the ads are a little too much. theres only a few of them, but they appear way too soon after another.

thats my only problem with the game, aside from that i really enjoy it.


Awesome 🤩

This is amazing! I’ve been playing this game recently on my computer and now that I can play it on my phone it’s a big change! I thought this game would be one of those rip off games but when I looked up that’s not my neighbor I saw this and it wasn’t out yet so I decided to get it, I waited until the game was released and I played it. It looks just like the game without all the bugs! Good job!


Can’t wait to play but…

Can’t wait to play but there’s still a few things that needs to be fixed the guy that introduces you to start the work just stands there breathing heavily and didn’t move it got creepy and I couldn’t move or do anything I tried refreshing to see if it would skip and go over to actually start the work but he just stood there breathing heavily so PLEASE FIX THIS. I wanna play it


Devs are a W

Ok so I just bought this game and it froze but an hour after I reopen the game they fix the glitch already. I love this game much and I hope that there’s more updates in the future. The developer did a great job and they’re actually active. Thank you for such a great game and also I would recommend this game. It’s really really fun. But the ads are a bit of an issue but not too bad just ruin the immersion ig Alr bye guys


Lowkey such a good game

Im so glad i can play a version of the game that doesn't have a bajillion ads but one thing i would like to see in the future for this game is prolly a skip button for the basic dialogues, the only dialogue we can skip is the beginning where the DDD agent congratulates us on our job, its not really bothersome but it is a little inconvenient to not be able to skip it



The advertisements popping up sporadically whenvever you tap something makes this game almost no fun to play after a good maybe 10-15 minutes. There really is no good place to put ads in this game, so maybe if no ads or at least an option to turn them off was a thing? I could honestly say this is my favorite mobile game 100%. But they are placed randomly whenever you least expect it and this isnt the sort of game you just throw them in, especially in the middle of trying to asess the person. Its just annoying, very fun game with an annoying piece.


App is terrible

After watching so much gameplay based on the pc version I was joyed to see that the developers were able to create the experience on mobile for those who would prefer it, however the game is unplayable because of the fact that there’s ads and not just a few but on average of 5-10+ per round and that’s really bad news there’s not even an option to pay to remove ads. Furthermore the gameplay itself seems unfinished the doppelgängers overlap with the actual neighbors and it ruins the surprise factors of getting a new weird face to look at. To conclude just overall the devs have made terrible decisions and may have rushed to to put out the game for the money grab and I’m highly disappointed with the gameplay and experience I sat through to anyone reading my review unless the devs remove ads and or make a option to remove them and proper updates PLEASE DONT INSTALL ITS A WASTE OF TIME.


Like the game but…

I have seen others play this game on the pc and whatnot and when I found it on NeighbororDoppleganger Store I was really excited (I’m not a big pc gamer). However this game is a bit annoying to play. There are way too many ads that play. I feel like I’m watching more ads than playing the game and there’s no option to pay to get rid of them. Also, there’s a lot of graphic errors like when the person is supposed to be real but I can’t tell because their appearance is messed up. Also I would really like to know at the end who I missed as a doppelgänger. Like I see how many I missed or let through, but I don’t know the details I missed. I really hope you guys are working to fix this game up.


Is this even the game at all?

Hello! I love That’s Not My Neighbor and I was really excited to see that it was available on my device. However, I realized really quickly that a few features were missing.

First things first the developer explained to somebody in a comment on their official instagram that there is no IOS version of That’s Not My Neighbor in NeighbororDoppleganger store. The developer said this three days ago. It’s only on their website where you can get it for $2.99. Therefore this is a fake version. If you want more of an explanation, then keep reading this.

You can’t see what doppelgängers you’ve captured, you don’t get the hands in front of your face when you do capture them, the nightmare mode is not in here, on the level summary you can’t “click to see details” or “quit” option, there’s no skip option during your call for the D.D.D., there is no update about the Nightmare Mode, and the amount of ads and the times in which they are placed is unreasonable. It seems like somebody just wanted to make money. Speaking of that somebody, the name of the person who made the game isn’t even the same! The developer’s name is Nacho Sama. This is clearly not them. Plus there’s an unreasonable amount of glitches with heads and other body limbs.

Please don’t play this game!


A few problems that if you guys fix, everyone will be happy

Ok one, you need achievements , they make the game fun and they make it so that when someone dies in a round they know they did something useful, two, ads, please please please remove the ads atleast make the ads pop up when the round finishes, I know you guys want to make money and are a company but please don’t make the ads pop up mid game it makes me so mad, three, the bugs, these bugs are so annoying, like there’s one where the same person pops up 2 times in a row and none of them are a doppleganger and they don’t have different credentials.
If you fix these issues I will be so happy


Great game bad quality

I love this game so much but when you see the PC version it’s way better than mobile because you mostly get any clones and it’s not as fun or scary on PC and also 5% of gameplay and like 90% of ads I prefer no ads to just have fun and play the game, but I can’t do that while when I click on one thing it gives me ads I like to have fun and not have any ads and direct me while I’m playing my games. I’d say take out more. People would be more interested in this and not have any bad reviews because I looked at all the reviews and I haven’t seen most likely five stars, upgrade your game

Is Neighbor or Doppleganger Safe?

Yes. Neighbor or Doppleganger? is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 735 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 2.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Neighbor or Doppleganger Is 59.2/100.

Is Neighbor or Doppleganger Legit?

Yes. Neighbor or Doppleganger? is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 735 Neighbor or Doppleganger? User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Neighbor or Doppleganger Is 75.8/100..

Is Neighbor or Doppleganger? not working?

Neighbor or Doppleganger? works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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