Unscrew Master: Nuts & Bolts Reviews

Unscrew Master: Nuts & Bolts Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-17

About: Welcome to the Screw pin: Nuts and Bolts Puzzle, where you'll encounter truly
challenging brain puzzle! Experience the thrill of the new unscrew pin game and
aim to become a master of screws. As an experienced technician, adeptly unblock
screws and disentangle each twisted iron piece from the intricate array of

About Unscrew Master

Welcome to the Screw pin: Nuts and Bolts Puzzle, where you'll encounter truly challenging brain puzzle! Experience the thrill of the new unscrew pin game and aim to become a master of screws.

Certain levels showcase metal art crafted from metal plates, while others require the use of a handsaw to cut through these plates, revealing additional holes to secure your bolts and nuts.

Do you possess the vision and mental prowess to unravel these screw puzzles in the township of nuts and bolts games? Prepare to test your intelligence and become a legend in bridge construction.

Progress through carefully designed levels, encountering a tangle of metal plates, rings, and ropes at every twist and turn.

As an experienced technician, adeptly unblock screws and disentangle each twisted iron piece from the intricate array of obstacles.

• Unlimited levels! Numerous screw pin jam strategies await you.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 9,675 combined software reviews.

260 Unscrew Master Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Ruined it with the ads

This would be my go to game if it wasn’t for all the ads.. there’s ads after every completed level and ads for every lifeline that you use, which u will need frequently, so I paid 5 dollars to have it removed but that only removed the ads that pop up after u complete a level. Not to mention they aren’t quick ads, 90% of them are minute long.. really not sure how it has such a high rating bc the ads are really THAT annoying, gave it 24 hours but I’m deleting it now and hopefully will find a more reasonable one, they got me for my coins tho!!!


Many issues

Too many bugs n issues! You know exactly what im talking about. I have played over a dozens of this kind of games and telling you fix some major issues and bug. How in the heck do you expect for any elderly or seniors to play n better there minds n thoughts when an expert player is being TRICKED n it’s rigged?!! Again you know what im talking about and don’t be too greedy.


The ads are frustrating

I like this game but I am about to uninstall it. You can’t even play a few games in a row without an ad. Some of the ads are as long as 60 seconds which is outrageous. It’s too bad because the game is fun & challenging but not when you have to wait for a long ad in between every level. Takes the fun out of the game.


One of the best ones

The sound effects same are awesome. The touch response great also. And no annoying ads every 30 seconds.

I would give this a 5 star but the colors of the game are like looking on shiny reflective in noon day sun, I could not stand this.
For the challenge of the puzzle becomes if you can see the pieces.
Contemplating wearing sunglasses to play this.
The intended effect of shiny metal was achieved but at what cost?
If the backround was darker or the base sheet it would be much better.
It looks like they had a limited palette of colors to use and this is a shame as this puzzle is really one of the best logic screw puzzles written


Fun, but deleting the App

The game is fun, makes you think. There are a lot of adds. Not too big of a deal, except the add for the solitaire game that you have to rescue the dog is simply too much. Our family dog recently passed away and I sit there watching while the computer dummy can’t play the stupid game and save the dog, then it dies a cruel death. What sick person came up with this game idea anyway.


Save your time and money.

Cute enough time killer game but….. every other level is a hard level and requires a 45 second to minute long pop up add to progress. If you fail the hard level you don’t start back at it but the level before. You can pay real money to remove adds. I did and adds returned with a vengeance 3 days after purchasing an ad removal pack.


Ads even after I paid $5

There are a lot of ads so I paid the 5.00 to go ad free. To my surprise, you still have to watch a lot of ads because every other one is a hard level. If you don’t have any moves left you either have to wait two minutes for the round to be over or hit replay and watch an ad! It’s very frustrating. I’m going to search for one similar but I’m hoping my review saves your five dollars.


This game is aswome

I just love how you can play puzzles and not get stressed out it. Your mind is getting smarter and smarter every second I play this game and I hope people keep playing it thank you for making this game.


Love their game ad!

The ad allows screw removal without puzzling over which to touch and as the pieces fall they break with a soothing asmr sound. I wish I could play the ad over and over!



Time doesn’t stop while watching ads which make no sense. I tried to watch a whole long ads for undo chance then come back the time is out. What is the point of watching when you are gonna lose anyway?


Wayyy too many ads

The game itself is fun, but having to watch a stupid add after every single game is just too much. Learn from candy crush and only place adds for people that want to obtain something. Forcing an add to just play the game is ridiculous. Also the ads your running are nothing but scams why would you even connect that to your business.


Not easy-but an enjoyable game

This game shows how one thing affects others (removing a screw).In my opinion, this could improve someones ability to think outside of the box.


Uninstalled because of massive amounts of ads

This game would be awesome except for the crazy amount of ads. I am not going to spend money to remove the ads. Every level there’s is an ad, every puzzle has a space you have to unlock with a add, etc, etc. It is never ending. Sadly it is just not worth the frustration.


I love this game so so much

It is fun to play and I love it so much and everyone in my family has it and my friends also love it


Timer on puzzles, and it runs while the ads are playing.

The puzzles vary in difficulty, which is good, but there are ads, yes plural, between puzzles and to activate tools.
So that one you were playing, and needed a tool, fair enough occasionally, but the puzzle timer keeps going while the ads play, so you lose before you get to use it.


Running ad glitch

When an add is selected, to get 60 sec for instance or unscrew, the add time, will run down your game time. Therefore the game is not paused, while the ad is running, so when the ad is over, you have to watch yet another ad to get more time.


Too many ads

Find a different game. Gave up in the first few minutes when ad after ad kept popping up. Also, when you supposedly watch a 60-second ad to get 60 seconds of extended time — it’s really 12 seconds of extra time.


Way too many ads

I’m glad that I came here to read the reviews before I paid to get rid of the ads. Apparently even after paying to get rid of ads they still inundate you with ads. Game is interesting and fun but if they insist on this many ads then I’ll look for another game like it that doesn’t have as many ads.


Ads are excessive

Love the game. So much so I paid the in app charge for “no ads”… it only eliminated the into ads. Ok, so you still need to watch an ad to unlock free moves… fine, but do they need to be a 1:00+ in length? Starting to wonder if other versions of this game wouldn’t be a better option.


Installed and uninstalled immediately

This game.’s concept is good but it is a complete fail because it is so heavily ad based. Even on Level 1, I had to watch a long ad in order to add a space for a screw. That is ridiculous. Every other level is designated as Hard and requires watching long ads to move through it. I’m done.


Worst ad play ever

The only reason I gave this game any stars is because I like the puzzles. This game has the longest ads I have ever seen in a game. The ads are all at least a minute in total (because you usually have to go through 4+ screens before the ad finishes). Not only are the ads super log but the game time does NOT stop while you are watching an ad, so you lose time available. By the time you try to get the extra hole or remove a screw you might as well start over because your game time will be lapsed.


Fun and challenging

Great game! Starts out fairly simple but as it goes on you have to learn to think ahead to find the best screws to remove. As I say in the title, it’s a challenging game but it keeps on moving if you learn from previous mistakes. Worth a try.


Fun game, but there’s so many ads

At first I love it but once I need to revive, I need to watch an ad if you need an extra hole you have to watch an ad for that too and every time I finish the level I have to watch an ad and the ads aren’t even short ads they’re like one to two minutes long and I don’t want to pay to get the ads removed so I just ended up deleting it if you’re thinking about getting this game don’t!!!!!! It’s just a waste of time!!!!!


Fun if you like to replay levels

The concept is good. But I don’t know why I have to keep replaying the level before the one I’m on in order to try to move on. So if you don’t pass the level, it takes you back another one which you have to pass again in order to get to the level you should be on. It’s ridiculous.


Not wasting money on this

I have no problem with games needing to make money, it’s expensive; however, the first “hard” level is not hard other than withholding a peg hole for currency. There isn’t any demo than two levels to see if it is even going to be fun and asking for money on the second level is a no go for me.

No idea if it’s fun. Not going to waste money to find out.


Cute and Fun

I only started playing this game today but so far it has been fun and the challenge grows with each level. So far I am loving it!



Heyyy ok so I like this game cuz it makes me feel good when I complete a level but idk why I thought I was going to start off at the level that was on the comercial💀💀


Ads are way too long and frequent

Any review claiming the ads aren’t bad is lying they are frequent and really long, I play a lot of games and I would give this one five stars if it wasn’t for the painful ad spamming. The average ad is a full minute then it goes to another screen to add another 15-30 seconds while you’re trying to close the fake x also the GAME TIMER RUNS OUT WHILE YOU ARE WATCHING THE STUPID LONG AD. Thanks for that.


A great game, maybe…

The reason I rated this 5 stars is because it has a good type of challenge level and it progresses pretty quickly (which challenges you even more), but its tutorial isn’t really a tutorial, it just slaps you right into the game. But over all, it’s a amazing game, with good puzzles and challenges.


Good game

Love the game. My 5yr old has even started playing it. Definitely recommend! I curious though, what does it mean when it makes me play the same level over and over? Does that mean I’ve gone as far as I can?


Challenge? You bet !

The challenge will keep you invested! You will sharpen your ability to spot patterns and look forward to the next event. Having memory issues? Give this a try !


Ads are a bit much

I completely understand the need for ads but some of them are excessively long and having the game clock continue to run while they play, causing you to then have to watch another ad for more time is wild. At least add the ability to fast forward to the end after 5 secs.



This version was keeping my interest enough so I paid for no ads. To my disappointment, the ads remained. I sent an email to the company because there is no place in UnscrewMaster to get support. Further disappointment, no answer and the ads remain.

Unethical app developers so beware if you choose to spend money. They’ll take it and at least in my experience, not deliver what they sell.


Says no time constraints, but…

The whole game is timed. If you don’t want to keep repeating a level, you must play an ad. If you want to use an additional hole, you must play an ad. If you opt out of forced ads by paying $4.99, do you think that gets you out of the forced ad watching if you want to do any of of the things I mentioned? NO. It just prevents the scrolling ads at the bottom. I’d hoped I could enjoy this game with the ability to turn off the “timed” feature, but you can’t. It’s literally a part of their built-in microtransactions. Run out of time? Pay a certain dollar amount to get tickets to continue on if you don’t want to start over. If you want to really want me to pay for something, how about no time limit?



I play games for mental stimulation and for relaxation. The ads for this one were enticing — got to even play a hand — and initially, it didn’t disappoint. But there’s no tutorial. So, I didn’t understand what the screw hole marked “x” was for. And the homepage is plumb full of who knows what. But, barely in, it said I’d run out of time. These are timed rounds? There’s no way just to play for leisure, vs. trying to beat a clock? The entire perspective changed. While really nice, I didn’t get far enough into it to be bothered by ads, etc.. The game’s only for those liking FAST PACED games. A waste of my time. It needs to be advertised as such. PS. And yes. Sadly, without any typical fanfare or preliminaries (to order to gain techniques), hard games come right off the bat, too…. It’s no wonder anyone thinking about a next move, couldn’t beat the unseen clock. Had to delete it!!!



I really enjoy the challenge of the game but being required to watch 45-60 second ads after every third or fourth play was too much. I’m not trying to get something for nothing and I was willing to pay for the game so I paid $4.99 for the game, thinking it will eliminate most of the ads. I don’t know what I paid for because I still get ads that last longer than I got to play (before I got stuck). To add insult to injury, I’d figure out the needed strategy, and then wham! another ad. Another ad long enough for me to forget the strategy.

And you can tell it’s a company that doesn’t want to address issues because there is no way to contact them


Got to level 30 but had to stop

The incessant 30+ sec ads were just too much.

What did it in for me were the situations where I’d run out of time on a puzzle level. To keep playing, I would opt for 60 seconds of play time which requires viewing of more ads. Unfortunately some ads ran long and the game would start your time countdown before you could get back to the level! This would thereby force you to watching another ad for 60s more of time in the puzzle!


Ad wall even after purchase

I bought this game trying to avoid all the ads because it has an ad every game lvl, when you die, AND if you want an extra slot. But how do they also force you to watch an ad for an extra slot when you have no option? I was on lvl 18 and got stuck and after doing the math I noticed regardless what decisions I made, I would have to get the extra slot regardless. That’s straight up stealing. I paid for this game and you create these ad blocks? 👎


Irritating -ZERO STARS

So.. be careful if you purchase packs.. they will randomly charge you for a pack you didn't opt for. 1st time I thought okay, maybe it was me… next time I checked date/time. I hadn’t even been online for 2 days. Apple was great and credited. Also, when you complete the 5/10 it doesn’t give you the full amount of token you should get. And dont get me started on ads… geez. So many, even if you buy no ads pack. Hate when these developers are sneaky when it comes to ads. Basically they lie. Game itself would be good but they make it rely on ads and or paid packs its not worth it. :( gave one star because I had to!


Needs work

I’m on level 636 and every 10 levels, they let you spin a wheel for a prize that includes tickets, bolts, plates - - tell me why I’ve never won a ticket? Other than that, you can win a prize and it won’t let you claim it so that’s def a bug that UnscrewMaster needs to fix. You have to watch ads galore. It’s a pretty fun idea, but UnscrewMaster itself can be frustrating


Too much down time

The game is fun but only allots a little over 2 minutes to solve. If you fail it makes you sit through the rest of the count down. After that it goes to an ad. I get that it’s ad supported but sitting through a timer is ridiculous Way too much down time.


Love it

So I awesome I like love this game because like every level well this is one like the errors that I don’t like about it cause like every level after every level it’s a regular level and then it says 🚨🚨 every level, and it says warning hard level, and it scares me almost every time, but then from the rest of the game, I love it

Is Unscrew Master Safe?

Yes. Unscrew Master: Nuts & Bolts is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 9,675 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Unscrew Master Is 41.6/100.

Is Unscrew Master Legit?

Yes. Unscrew Master: Nuts & Bolts is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 9,675 Unscrew Master: Nuts & Bolts User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Unscrew Master Is 57/100..

Is Unscrew Master: Nuts & Bolts not working?

Unscrew Master: Nuts & Bolts works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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