Tangle Master 3D Reviews

Tangle Master 3D Reviews

Published by on 2025-02-11

🏷️ About: Do you like mind games and riddles? Here's the best 3D mind teasing game ever! Join 100M+ players mastering tangles and knots! It's a challenging yet super fun brain puzzle with easy to play controls. Just sort the ropes in the right order and untangle ropes on time! Remember you also have limited moves to complete the level so focus on matching colors, sort ropes and untie the ropes.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

🤬 Negative experience

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 383,024 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Provides distraction and calm

- Occasional challenge and collecting in-game items

- Fun and simple

Read 24 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.4 out of 5
A blatant ad platform, you rarely play the game!

The ads take three times as long to watch as it does to play a single level of the game. About every two levels, sometimes every level, you have to watch another ad. In my experience all of the ads carried a second advertisement behind them, in other words it would show you an ad for solitaire, you would click close, and then it would show you an ad for the same game, which you then had to close. You genuinely spend a fraction of your time actually playing the game, and after 20 levels I couldn’t take it anymore and simply uninstalled it. I didn’t have a chance to find out whether or not it was fun, because all of the advertisements made it so painful. Since I did not have a chance to find out if it was fun or not, I don’t see why I should bother paying for it. Perhaps this company should reconsider their strategy on free demos. All they have demonstrated is that they are capable of writing an extremely good advertising platform.

Honestly..... don’t bother.

Ok, so I was looking for a time waster. This game is that, but in all the wrong ways. At first you get two or maybe three levels before you have to watch an ad, but very soon it’s EVERY LEVEL. The game itself is overly simple, so you actually play less time than you watch ads. When you win a prize after completing so many levels, you have to watch another ad to claim it. Don’t bother! It’s only some stupid flower or cat shaped button to add to the end of the “ropes”. You also earn coins, but they are only good for slightly changing the look of the “ropes”, and then there’s another ad... And, the ads are the REALLY ANNOYING KIND... Toon Blast and GardenScapes mostly, and you CAN NOT MUTE THE SOUND. They are really loud too, even if your device is on low volume, the ads are loud. If the game itself was more engaging, a few ads wouldn’t be a big deal, but the game is probably suitable for a four or six year old. I can understand ads every other level if it’s one of those money earning games, but for a simple kid level game it’s outrageous to have to watch an ad every level. This game is getting deleted now.

Only if you are young, with perfect vision and neuromuscular System

I’m 73. My vision is less than perfect. I have a tremor in my hand. These make this game nearly impossible to play. Some levels are timed. To move what I need to move, I must move carefully. Nearly each time I touch a rope, my hand tremor makes it come up and before I move my hand away, t have done another touch and it is back down again. This makes it nearly impossible to do the “complete in N moves” levels, and contributes significantly to my failure to “complete in N seconds” levels. When I hit the first “complete in N seconds” level, I gave up after about ten tries.

The intrusion of 30-second mandatory ads before each “scene”, with no way to skip them, is truly annoying. They may think that “if we annoy them enough, they will pay our overpriced subscription rate”, but the real result is some users react with a one-star review (we can’t make it 0, and this game requires negative stars), and simply delete TangleMaster3D . Which is what I have done. These games should have ADA compliance options, such as “no timed levels” and “no counted levels”. I am not playing it to compete, I’m playing it to challenge my mental acuity. If the rope goes up-and-down quickly, then it is hand tremor and should be ignored. I’d give it -2 stars, for its combination of obnoxious ads and its assumption of perfect vision and a perfect neuromuscular system.

Ads Galore, Confusing

I originally saw an ad for this game through another games's *voluntary* in-app ads, and thought I'd check it out. It was a huge disappointment is many ways. A big turnoff was simply the visual layout. The main screen in cluttered with ads and some vague icons, with the tangled ropes in the middle, with no explanation of anything. I wasn't quite sure what was part of TangleMaster3D or what was part of an ad at times.

Please believe all the reviews warning of too many ads! Despite the warnings, I was shocked with how much screen space ads took up while playing the game, in addition to numerous ads between games (levels?). One small ad was placed right on the "bar" the tangled ropes were hanging from, making it difficult to avoid touching it. Not to mention, the graphics (perhaps due to whole cluttered screen) were not nearly as nice, sharp, and clean as shown in the AppStore photos. Yes, I am playing on a newer, up-to-date phone.

Finally, the game lacks any instruction, tutorial and/or intro when you open the game the first time. I was already familiar with these type of tangled rope logic games, and though the objective may seem obvious, a basic tutorial should have available, in the settings or otherwise. The rope logic game itself has potential, but not this particular app unless it undergoes a major overhaul. A 1-star review overstates my opinion of this game. I do NOT recommend!

Ads! Ads! Ads!…then….More Ads!

I cannot tell you much about game play, because in the 1st 30 minutes of play, 27 minutes were spent clicking in and out of the blasted ads! That is not an exaggeration. The first levels are very easy and require only a few seconds to less than a minute to manipulate and solve…THEN you spent a several minutes clicking on next, clicking to determine your bonus for coins, watching a 30 second video that throws up App Store pop-ups that stop the clock (so click them away), wait for the 2nd clock to count down, then spend more time and clicks trying to get the x exit to work.
Sure, I could have purchased it, but I wanted to try it and with all these interruptions to game play and the clunky way you change levels, I cannot even get a fair trial of how the game play changes difficulty upon leveling up.
Nope! No more from these makers for me. No more, as well , for their advertisers. I will avoid the bogus Bingo Clash, and the couple “merge” games whose ads were pushed at me, today.

More annoying than relaxing

First I want to say this. Don’t get get me wrong, this is a very relaxing game, HOWEVER, it’s more annoying than relaxing. I honestly hate how every game by this developer gives you an ad after just about every other level. It’s super annoying. What happened to having the free-to-play games that had ads but not as often.

I understand that the way they earn money for the games is through ad revenue and in-app purchases. But for this game and the others like it by the developer, the amount of ads it has per five minutes, counting the time the ad takes to finish(at least for me it’s like five to ten ads in five minutes) it’s unnecessary. The games aren’t that good, it’s just one continuous motion every single time. Yes, a lot of games are like that but they have a story to them, they have actual goals. This game and the others like it, they don’t have that.

What I’m trying to say is, if it had less ads and the ads were spaced out much farther from each other, and the games were actually good, maybe I’d be willing to play them again.

Not worth it

The basis of the game is good. The concept is good, the puzzle is intriguing and unique, but there’s so many things about TangleMaster3D that make it not worth the hassle. First is the crazy amount of ads. There’s an ad after every other level, and the levels are relatively easy and can be solved in under a minute, so that’s a video ad less than every two minutes. More annoying is the game can’t keep up with its own physics engine so it lags. The ropes used are nice and bouncy and resemble real life, but it has major lag and jolts a lot. This is frustrating particularly for timed tasks. Also, there’s not a lot of ways to customize even though there is a shop. There’s also not a ton of levels either, less than 100, and with the levels being so short it’s not an app that will last you a long time, if you can suffer through the ads (I just put my phone on airplane mode so the ads wouldn’t come up)
Not worth the space on my phone

Has potential; too many Ads

After playing for 2 seconds I was asked to rate this game. I declined but after 17 levels in less than one minute of play time there were more than 12 minutes of ads and delays.
The game has potential but if you mind waiting for play time this is not the game for you. The concept of a “Free Game” has really become twisted by online game apps and the advertising companies that convince players that the information they collect about us is being used for our benefit. They, the data miners, collect our information so they can sell your info to others so they can tailor marketing to you with the highest probability of selling you something, whether they direct you to another site that gives them money for your time on their website or they sell you information or merchandise.
I’ve heard that each person’s information on Facebook is worth a little more than $12 to Facebook. I wish I could remember where I heard that morsel of information but my memory is not as good as it was.
It’s up to you to determine what your information is worth. What is most valuable to you? Would you rather pay money or time for something you desire?
Time is one of my most valuable assets; it beats out money and possessions. Think about it. What is most valuable to you?

Well!! Different options would be better

I see you already have a lot of comments about the ads! I completely agree with all that I read so I won’t repeat. I have found no value at all in the “coins” that it says you earn, using them to purchase extra turns would give them some actual value, increasing the coins earned for the double, more for the triple & more yet for the quadruple would give the game a bit more challenge. Increasing the number of ropes in levels would also add interest to the game. I also agree with the 10 yr old who complained about the inappropriate ads. This is a game that while it could be of interest to children, would never be allowed for my children. Bathroom cartoons-yuck! Teenage girl that has given herself away for free asking someone to fix her life after being abandoned? How about fostering things that help kids learn to balance their checkbook, or figure out how much they can spend on some desired object, to learn how they will use percentages in real life, how fractions work, basically games that, while a lot of fun, are also a learning challenge. Kids & parents would be much more likely to even purchase such a game.

Good potential but ultimately disappointing

I really liked this game at first. But I went ahead and paid the $2.99 because the ads are beyond ridiculous! You had to watch one to do practically anything and everything and many didn’t have the option to mute!
once the ads were removed it was a lot more fun but then it became incredibly repetitive with many levels being the EXACT same. Then every so often it will launch a series where it explains how Bombs work (which by the time you’re at level 100 you’ve already seen multiple times. And then it’s the EXACT same two levels over and Over again!
There is a LOT of good potential here with adding more anchor points, ropes, etc but they don’t do it. I’m on level 553 and feel like I’ve been seeing the same levels over and over and over again. There’s probably only around 100 actual levels that just repeat and a lot are ridiculously easy. I got up into the 500’s over a weekend.
But I think like another reviewer said they care more about the ad revenue than they do the game, which is rather disappointing.

Could be so much better

Its reasonably challenging at times - enough to be entertaining but not requiring a lot of concentration - and it is fun most of the time …BUT (1) there are no instructions to assist with understanding the process or tools or even how they become available, how to earn more, etc. (2) there is no way to eliminate the annoying ads both the ones that clutter the screen or the ones that you are forced to view to get your reward at every level nor can you mute them meaning the game cannot be played around other people (3) there is no way to purchase tools (4) there seems to be no rhyme or reason to the stars awarded for a completion - not time or moves or complexity - nothing discernable (5) once you have enough stars for one tool the location says ‘open’ and the star counter disappears so there is no way to gauge progress towards more tools (6) the extra anchor only adds to the right side and sometimes the left would be preferable (7) it could be more challenging with more ropes but that would require additional buttons/anchors and options that do not exist. (8) whatever is running in the background keeps locking up the screen at critical times costing points and tools Frankly, it is a good idea that has been very poorly executed.

Fun but...

Ok this game looked really fun on the ad so I decided to download it. I played for an hour or so and was getting into it. I loved it but there was just so many ads. So I decided to just ignore and keep playing so I was playing but the same ad over and over kept coming back on again and again and again and by that point I had gotten tired of it, so that was the first problem. The other problem was that it was SO and I mean SO easy and I like my stuff to be easy but this was just TOO easy! I got to level like 50 in like five minutes. So I was about to delete it cause it was just a waste of time and it wasn’t to fun, but I decided to give it one more chance. So I kept playing and then I think it was just a glitch but I accidentally clicked on remove ads and then I tried to press cancel but it wouldn’t work and I tried everything but it came to having to turn my phone off and so I wanted to do an experiment so I pressed remove ads again and then it did it again so I had to turn my phone off AGAIN but I mean all the way off not just turn off the power button but swipe the button that says like turn phone off or whatever. So by that point I just decided to delete the game, so yeah I don’t think I will be downloading this again. But anyways bye!

It’s Alright...

It’s an alright game. I love the concept of the game & it’s pretty fun to play, the problem with it is that I finished this WHOLE ENTIRE game in ONE night. Unlocked all of the things in the game, from the different types of ropes to the different buttons & the bars that hold the ropes. After unlocking all of them, there are the challenges in that game. Beat them all & now I’m in a predicament where all of the different ropes that enter twine with each other are all the same repeated rounds from the very beginning. Granted, they do start giving you a limited amount of moves to make it more challenging, but like I said, even with all that the rounds repeat themselves & it just gets easier & easier to the point where it gets kind of boring (& this is with all of the pop-up ads, might I add.).

Developers, if you’re reading this, please put more stuff in the game. More prizes, more challenging tangled-- uphbsh-- ropes, like five or six of them as you get higher & stuff, & heck, why not unlockable different backgrounds too?

Other than that... it’s not that bad. Pretty good, but I’m only putting three stars because they could put so much more stuff. I know that making a game app can be a bit challenging with all the physics & stuff, but what’s life without a little challenge?

Anyways, if you made it this far into the review, be safe out there & have a nice day/morning/afternoon/evening/night/midnight/next day.

Has potential but needs a lot of work and updating.

The game has potential but it needs work. I’m not gonna lie, I paid 2.99 to remove the ads because they were driving me nuts. The levels were too easy so I got pretty far in the game. At some point, they just keep repeating the levels. Not only that, but they will explain the same “challenges” (frozen rope, bombs) over and over again and have you start fresh with those. Of course when those challenges are first introduced early on though, they weren’t explained. In addition, the special prize presents stop opening at a certain point pretty on and the trophy challenge levels disappear. There’s also a glitch where sometimes the twisted ropes just twist through each other to untwist without actually untwisting. When there are two layers added, it also becomes very glitchy on which rope is in front when you move them.
Again, fun game, has potential, but caps pff with fun and variety by level 200. The developers absolutely could keep expanding and creating new challenges but it seems they mostly created the game for ad revenue which is a bummer.

Fun but repetitive.

It is fun and pretty relaxing. There are the occasional ads, but it’s it’s a lot better compared to what I’ve seen. You can skip some ads, unlike other apps I’ve had in the past where you have to see 2-3 30 second ads at once. It can get really annoying.

In terms of the game, I got to level 204 in only a matter of days because that’s how much fun I was having but at some point it feels like you’re playing the same levels over and over again—and I think I am because there aren’t many variations. They should probably add extra ropes to make levels more challenging and different the further you progress. You can unlock different designs and stuff and you get some really cool rewards in the form of gold coins, but other than that the lack of challenges is what makes me want to uninstall TangleMaster3D because I feel like theres nothing else to do.

Game fun wears out quickly.

Please make a replay/ restart/ redo option available at the end of each level where “next” pops up when a level has been completed. It is a pain to scroll through the long road map to redo a level to try for a better score. If I am at level 275 and choose to go back to level 93, when I complete level 93 please don’t zoom me back to level 276. I prefer to go to level 95 automatically. Please only forward me to the next level after the previously completed level regardless how many levels I have done in the game.

The game also becomes very repetitive and boring after about level 200 and up. I am currently at level 300+. No more rewards to go after other than an endless supply of coins that are essentially useless, except for getting an extra button or scissors upgrade for the round. Please get rid of the plain white bar at the bottom of the screen when playing. Why is there the “Progressive” logo when I paid to have the ads removed?

Good but not Great

When I first got this game I was addicted to it. But when I started playing it more it also started to relive stress while at the other hand it also made me have more stress. THERE IS WAY TO MANY ADS! Especially when you run out of moves and have to watch ads to get more moves. And to be honest, some levels you can’t even beat if you don’t have enough moves. So here I am watching like 13 ads just to get past one level. Other than that, the game is amazing. You get to change your rope style, your pin and much more this is definitely one of my favorite games ever. Another thing that I really like about the customization is that you can be different and it makes the game a lot more fun. I definitely recommend this game to anyone who wants to have a fun and challenging time. It would also be really fun if they could have head to head challenges to see who can unknot the level the fastest. Great game and I am in love! 🥳🥳🥳🤩🥳🤩🥳😍🥰

Easy fun but something needs to change

Before downloading TangleMaster3D, just know that after EVERY SINGLE LEVEL THEIR US AN ADD. Some adds are weird too and some are inappropriate. I get adds for chapters, a game where you chose what to do about your cheating boyfriend and stuff... which is bad for people like me that are the age of 10. I think that some adds should be taken out. And there also shouldn’t be adds after every little level because it gets SO ANNOYING. I do like the game ,though. The adds for the game that I got said it was harder than you think when it’s actually very easy. I got all the ropes and ends of the ropes in one day. Very easy. Right now I have like 20 thousand coins and this is my second day playing. This game does pass time ,too, which I like. It’s pretty fun I do recommend it if you have the patience for a million adds.

Let’s talk ad management.

For all these sort of crappy gimmicky games that you downloaded because you saw an ad, expect a load of ads in game. Luckily there are management options. These may not be helpful to some, but work well for me. I’m on an iPad.

1. So long as you are not waiting for a phone call, swipe down to bring up the widget screen and turn airplane mode on. Viola! No more ads.

2. For those moments when you must watch an ad to claim that ‘free’ prize that you worked hard for, I recommend turning airplane mode back off and waiting a second or two before clicking the claim button. Sometimes I forget to do that and it will glitch out and I lose the prize. But let’s be real, those prizes usually have little gameplay value anyway.

3. If you can’t turn airplane mode on because you need service on your device; There are these little arrows in the corner of the ad that pop up after about five seconds. Tap that and your ‘x’ will appear allowing you to skip the ad MUCH more quickly. Mandatory ads where you are claiming a prize will not have the arrows. You gotta watch the whole thing which is fair IMO.

That’s it. As for this game, it’s fine. Good for those late nights when you are struggling to sleep and need something mindless.

Very addicting!

I downloaded this mobile game because I needed some distraction and it certainly achieved that! I would recommend it to anyone who finds calm in solving simple, repetitive puzzles but also likes the occasional challenge and collecting in-game items. This is definitely not for people looking for an “exciting” game that changes a lot or level; they will get bored easily. I’ve collected almost all the different skins, but I still have over half of the levels to go so I can see myself even reaching a plateau in gameplay soon. The UI is a little ugly with the overly bright colors and it was a little hard at first getting used to clicking the pin that I want to put the rope on rather than dragging, but once I got the hang of it these small annoyances faded into the background. What I wanted was some brief fun and this is simple but definitely very fun.

Good game, but other stuff is too long

Everything takes so long. The intro when you open TangleMaster3D , the showing you moved up to the next level, the ads, after you win. I’m just here for the challenge. I don’t care for it showing me all this other fluff. But I like the way it clicks in my hand when I earn coins. If the other fluff does have to be here it would be nice if it didn’t take so long to show me. I don’t need to see how many stars I earned and I don’t care about how many coins I earn unless it helps me buy new levels. I don’t care to see how I progress to the next level. I wish the bombs would actually explode. I was disappointed it gave me another chance to play with another long timer when the bombs “go off” and that was it. The puzzle part of the game is great though.

Zipp Gunn

I limit my game play and Tangle master 3d shows up as being played often. He problem is I deleted it months ago and have not played it since. Why is it hitting a time limit? I can find it on my IPad to get rid of it. Please help.


Bought the ad free but still getting ads

Teresa Montgomery

Ad for wordscapes doesn't allow a person to "X" out of it. I have to completely close the game and start over; losing whatever small prize I was suppoed to have earned. Frustraiting. I am very close to uninstalling the game and I won't download anymore games from this developer.

Is Tangle Master 3D Safe? 🙏

Yes. Tangle Master 3D is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 383,024 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.4/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Tangle Master 3D Is 64.7/100.

Is Tangle Master 3D Legit? 💯

Yes. Tangle Master 3D is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 383,024 Tangle Master 3D User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Tangle Master 3D Is 100/100..

Pricing Plans 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

Duration Amount (USD)
Weekly Subscription $99.99

How was your experience with Tangle Master 3D? Post a Review


Just sort the ropes in the right order and untangle ropes on time! Remember you also have limited moves to complete the level so focus on matching colors, sort ropes and untie the ropes.

Tangle Master 3D is like a color puzzle, you need to sort and match colors of ropes and pins.

It's a challenging yet super fun brain puzzle with easy to play controls.

If you get stuck, we have plenty of boosters to help you along the way :) You can cut the rope, or explode the locks.