New Digital Commune Reviews

New Digital Commune Reviews

Published by on 2024-08-16

About: New Digital Commune is a platform for artists to connect – with emphasis on
professional growth, visibility, and reducing limitations of expression. Present
your portfolio, build your network, explore opportunities, and advance your
career in a new social network built by creatives, for creatives.

About New Digital Commune

Present your portfolio, build your network, explore opportunities, and advance your career in a new social network built by creatives, for creatives.

New Digital Commune is a platform for artists to connect – with emphasis on professional growth, visibility, and reducing limitations of expression.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 105 combined software reviews.

280 New Digital Commune Reviews

2.7 out of 5


It’s alright

NewDigitalCommune has good intentions. it’s brand new so obviously work needs to be done, but it keeps freezing and constantly crashing. every time you upload something, follow someone, or use any other main feature, NewDigitalCommune either refreshes or freezes and it’s pretty frustrating. i tried to leave a comment on someone’s video, and mid type, the screen just went white. it just needs a little work. also, i would highly recommend adding a dark mode.


Needs a lot of time to iron out

Within the first hour of release, NewDigitalCommune was completely nonfunctional. The concept is great but I think the developers bit off way more than they can chew and need some real operational muscle to have an infrastructure to support the concept. I would’ve expected a functional app when released to the public. I’m not sure why they didn’t have a limited invite period to test out all the bugs. It just makes it feel rushed.

The interface is minimal but intentional. I really like the project sorting. Feels familiar but also fresh. There’s something good going there.

I hope the platform retains a certain seriousness and professionalism because even within a few hours it became a dumping ground for high school level content at best. It was promised to be a networking hub to source paid work as well. I don’t mean to be elitist, but the lack of quality content makes it way less reliable than other freelance sites. You have to scroll for minutes to find someone remotely hirable if your goal is technical skill.

As of now, NewDigitalCommune isn’t able to open without crashing. If you’re lucky, you’ll see a single post before it freezes. If it was functional (I got about an hour of usage minutes after the official launch which was still buggy but it was at least functional) I’d give it a 3 star rating. This has the potential to be a home run but that’s years out.


Love this idea!!

I love this idea and quickly hopped on the train because this is outstanding. However when i downloaded and signed up it’s stuck on the front page “you haven’t connected with others etc” it sometimes will let me go to the little home icon but nothing pops up besides the title and the configuration is too large for my screen so some writing and interface is cut off. I have an IPhone 14 pro and it won’t let me do anything with it still. I know NewDigitalCommune is still in it’s early stages so I figured I would mention something! I can’t wait for this community and i’m more than happy to be here!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻


Nothing Works.

I purchased the founding creatives package in anticipation for this project. Currently, NewDigitalCommune won’t even open; and when it does it’s the same glitched page and no buttons work. I’m not able to see the “for you page” or interact or connect with any creatives. I know the intention was for the website to be a collaborative hub for creatives, but with the minimal access I am allowed, even after purchasing the founding creatives package, it disappoints. I don’t even know what the difference between the “Founding Creatives” package I bought and a normal user is anymore. I feel scammed, and dissatisfied.

I had high hopes for this project, and am currently very disappointed. I do wish for bugs improvements, etc. No hate here, just wish I could’ve gotten my money and time back. Keep going, though.



Very cool idea! I love the possibility of having a very dialed in instagram where more forms of media are accepted and play in high quality and you can form a network of people you wanna work with, or that inspire you or whatever! But it is not there yet. It’s incredibly early on, and it’s only going to get better, but NewDigitalCommune hardly works as of now. Things take an exaggerated time to load, media is glitchy and buffering, reloading the homepage causes this huge delay and it feels like NewDigitalCommune is gonna crash. Once that’s all sorted out and it feels seamless, like I said this is (and I hope) going to do very well. I’m excited to contribute and be a part of it.


Great concept but I’d love to see it work

I have been hyped for NewDigitalCommune to release it seems very promising and exciting but when I download it on the release date and started it I made an account and then from there I have been unable to click the icons on the screen. It is nonfunctional and I am hoping the developers can find a way to get it working soon I have hope!


Cool idea, needs more time

I was one of the people who bought the special deal where you get all the features as a one time payment before release so I was exited for NewDigitalCommune. Unfortunately I can’t even use it because it always freezes 2 seconds after opening. I literally cannot use NewDigitalCommune . I see people saying it crashes when they do spesific things like leave a comment, but for me it literally crashes on start up every single time so I just haven’t been able to use NewDigitalCommune


For The New Wave of Artists

You can tell this platform was built for artists by artists. It has everything you need to showcase your projects in a way that is organized and minimalistic.
The UI is excellent and there is a new take on the explore tab titled “Toolkit” which is helps you connect with other talented artists.

Well done!!



I am very interested in that app from very beginning, I wish you all the best with finalizing the project, i just downloaded the beta version but it seems like it crashes after logging me in, at the first main screen (with + button in the bottom middle) and i can’t click anything.


So stoked, but disappointed (for now).

Was seeing it all over social media and got excited to download and try it out, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Once I made an account it stopped working. I can’t navigate or click any of the buttons. Until it gets fixed it’s unusable for me. Maybe it’s the same for others, maybe not. And granted it is within days of release, but with all the hype I thought it would atleast be usable and the initial bugs wouldn’t be something as big as this.


It need work as an app, but it’s good.

While it still needs some kinks worked out as a basic app, it’s pretty good in concept and I do not see any problems with it thus far. The only thing that I can complain about is how slow and laggy it is. It usually comes to a complete stop after you even try to move the screen around. Other than that, it’s pretty cool!


Not sure what this is supposed to be.

When this was advertised it looked like an interesting platform, I am an artist and have a lot of colleagues in the industry, apart from having to enter all my personal information, there is nothing happening, you can’t click on anything and nothing happens. If you do see an image it looks like instagram from 2010. I don’t know what this platform was supposed to look like or be, but don’t ask for a lot of personal information and then have a half baked platform.



iPhone 14 Pro Max here…lots of errors NewDigitalCommune freezes completely. I barely were able to post something (dark mode would be very cool to add too).
Hope NewDigitalCommune gets the attention needed. We need a new place without algorithms and everything that comes with that. Keep this idea growing!


An Exciting New Platform

I love the vision here. While this platform is in its infancy (complete with bugs and glitches), I see what it’s meant to be, and I’m super stoked to utilize this tool as an artist. I can’t wait to experience NewDigitalCommune as it was envisioned, and I’m looking forward to future updates!


Cool concept…if it actually worked.

I love the idea of having a collaborative space where creatives can intermingle without having to bear the burden of feeding into the advertising algorithm. Nonetheless, NewDigitalCommune Does. Not. Work. I understand it’s in the early stages, but the New Digital Commune was supposed to release in early February only to get pushed back two months for it to freeze or crash the second you tap anything. No more empty promises NDC; fix your app.


All It Needed Was Some TLC :)

And just like that, after one update, NewDigitalCommune seems to function perfectly. Thank you to the development team for the hard work and effort!



I’ve had NewDigitalCommune for all of 5 minutes, so idk if I’m doing something wrong but it’s not letting me click the buttons like home button or search. I love the idea can’t wait to see what kind of culture NewDigitalCommune develops, but yeah rn I’m having issues.


Has potential

NewDigitalCommune has potential and it looked interesting in what they advertise, if they can pull it off , it will be a cool new platform, but as of now , NewDigitalCommune is broken, can't use it at all, nothing works on it , so I can even say what it is , because I haven't seen anything on it. Maybe in the next update I'll check it out again , and see full potential of it


So far so Good!! Kinda

Very amazing layout, vibe and overall app. Is it new and still has some bugs… yes. as of current, NewDigitalCommune has a hard time loading at all.


Great idea. Meh execution.

Pretty cool idea, but NewDigitalCommune doesn’t work. Was able to make my account but on the home screen I can’t actually do anything. The buttons don’t work, I can’t upload anything, and I can’t see what others have uploaded



I feel like this was a very niche project aimed towards a specific group of creatives who didn’t get the reach they thought they deserved rather than to the general passionate creative since a LOT of art mediums are missing. Additionally adding a paywall to an unfinished product is very unfortunate and unfair for those who bought the ‘Founding Creator’ tier since NewDigitalCommune was not functional on day one, you would expect some testing behind the scenes before release but oh well.

Personally I would like a refund, I can’t even SEE any art at all since for you to have a feed you need to connect with people but rarely anyone has anything up or their accounts are unfinished given the outrageous launch of NewDigitalCommune.

I hope you guys come back stronger tbh…I liked the idea not the execution


I don’t have an “explore” feature anymore. (Still promising)

I can only see the people I follow, since the update to address the crashing, I haven’t been able to see any random post or even check who likes my posts. Aside from that I am extremely excited for NewDigitalCommune


Does not work

The concept of an app specifically made for all creatives alike is a great concept that very few apps were able to accomplish. When I found an ad for NewDigitalCommune on instagram I had high expectations for NewDigitalCommune (because why install an app for creatives when artists can just use apps like instagram and/or twitter to network with other artists). But you might as well would just use instagram or twitter because NewDigitalCommune is unusable, NewDigitalCommune crashes when you try to sign up. The five star reviews are likely fake.


we’re gettin there!

I’ve stuck it out since the beginning lol and at first, as with any new app, there were a few struggles but the update seems to be working beautifully for me! so excited to see where this goes :)


undercooked and inedible

i’m very thankful i did not pay to be a founding member or whatever they were calling it. this is a prime example of something that needed to go through testflight/beta testing before being published on the appstore. i’m surprised apple approved it.

i have continually tried to use NewDigitalCommune since day one and it’s riddled with bugs. most of them are so bad NewDigitalCommune simply won’t open. when it does, content doesn’t display at all. tapping on different parts of NewDigitalCommune often don’t do anything at all. it’s unclear if my profile is suppose to display anything at this point because i’ve uploaded/posted several things (audio, in my case) and no matter what i click on in my profile, it never displays. the “feed” (unsure what they’re calling it) seldom shows anything other than my own posts (and rarely does it even show that). sometimes it will attempt to display other user’s content but will often display blank spaces where the content should go, or only some of the content (one photo in a gallery of 3, for example).

i realize this is all negative but it feels really incredibly useless to have NewDigitalCommune public when basic functionality doesn’t work. i keep updating NewDigitalCommune , uninstalling and reinstalling, hoping things will work better but it’s just plainly not a good app in its current form.

wish the devs luck and will check back on it in a few months. the idea is great but it’s all ambition and no substance currently.



I’m sick of seeing all the same 1 star reviews. I think NewDigitalCommune works fine and is on its way to be great. I would however like to see more functionality, the feed seems choppy when it scrolls. Other than that great concept, so glad to be pulling away from Instagram and being in a place where the craft is viewed + appreciated


Improvements starting to come through, new bug issue.

Loving seeing all the UI improvements mostly with performance however there is currently a bug that is showing notifications for what I would call phantom connections and interactions as when I check these notifs half of the time they do not show up within the actual app. Otherwise things are going well!

Is New Digital Commune Safe?

Yes. New Digital Commune is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 105 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 2.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for New Digital Commune Is 50.4/100.

Is New Digital Commune Legit?

Yes. New Digital Commune is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 105 New Digital Commune User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for New Digital Commune Is 68.1/100..

Is New Digital Commune not working?

New Digital Commune works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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