Stone Age Survival: Settlement Reviews

Stone Age Survival: Settlement Reviews

Published by on 2024-09-05

About: Introducing Stone Age Survival, an addictive clicker and strategy game that will
immerse you in the challenges of survival and progress! Prepare yourself for a
relentless journey where every decision counts. In this stone age survival
simulator, you must build your strategy to thrive.

About Stone Age Survival

Introducing Stone Age Survival, an addictive clicker and strategy game that will immerse you in the challenges of survival and progress! Prepare yourself for a relentless journey where every decision counts.

Will you focus on crafting tools, mining for resources, building a shelter, or teaming up with fellow survivors? The choice is yours, and your decisions will shape the destiny of your tribe.

Explore new territories, unlock hidden areas, gather resources, and construct vital structures for your tribe's survival.

Embrace the stone age challenge and embark on an unforgettable journey of survival and progress.

In this stone age survival simulator, you must build your strategy to thrive.

Build Your Survival Strategy: Formulate a plan to conquer the stone age challenges.

Stone Age Survival is the ultimate test of your survival instincts and strategic thinking.

This clicker game offers the opportunity to learn new tools, create more complex resources, and build advanced objects.

Strengthen your tribe's resilience and ensure their survival in this hostile world.

Upgrade Mining, Crafting, and Building Skills: Adapt and evolve as the stone age progresses.

There's no time to rest as you embark on a quest to master essential skills like mining, crafting, food extraction, and building.

Unleash your creativity and make strategic choices to ensure the tribe's progress.

Can you lead your tribe to thrive in a world filled with peril and uncertainty? Only the most resilient and resourceful will prevail.

Expand your base by venturing into unexplored areas, uncovering valuable resources, and fortifying your defenses.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 3,221 combined software reviews.

180 Stone Age Survival Reviews

4.7 out of 5



The ads are just way to much! It’s one thing to have optional ads for goods, rewards, or premium items but to constantly throw ads in players faces after every single thing you do is just downright annoying and ridiculous! To be absolutely honest.. I would never support any developer that knowingly throws this many ads at players. So any customer service or dev responding that I could just remove the ads with a simple in app purchase; well don’t! Firstly I will only support developers of games that I enjoy. Well I can’t play long enough to decide if I enjoy the game because of the constant bombardment of ads! I login the game and as soon as I click one thing. I am met with an ad. I upgrade a character; I am met with an ad. I finish building something; you guessed it. I am met with an ad! I know that freemium games use ads as a way to earn passive income. But I also know there is a good way of using ads and a bad way. This game goes beyond bad. So no; I would never support a game that knowingly pushes this many ads onto free to play gamers. Be warned! If your on the fence about whether to download this game or not. Put it this way. If you like 1 minute of gameplay and 30 seconds of ads after each 1 minute of gameplay. Well; this game is for you. Otherwise, look for another similar game that isn’t as intrusive with ads as this. Sorry but I am a firm believer in honest reviews!


I like it but…

There are too many ads, lack of instruction or info, and launching the mini games are next to impossible for me. I’ve been playing for days and for the life of me, I cannot figure out the significance of the Hidden Entrance. Once cleared they are supposed to add a Bonus to the mini games. What is the magic number that awards the bonus? What are the mini games in the Dungeon Mode? I’m almost maxed out on Improvements but have yet to figure out how to activate a mini game. Also, although I have built the fishing poles and upgraded them, there is no one fishing ever. I supposedly opened a new area after repairing the elevator but I see no other section beyond the Candy Winter, Summer , Sandy West and the Dungeon. I have maxed out everything in Candy Winter and although there are tasks to be completed like gather so much wood, stone, etc, none of the work the little guys are doing is credited to the tasks. How else are those tasks going to be completed or that whole area shut down? If you can answer any of these questions/comments, I would be very grateful


Game Incomplete/buggy

Title says it all. There are lots of little problems. The houses don’t match the preview thumbnail. They all just end up as boxes, which is disappointing. There’s a lot of stuff you can buy but for what? The levels end after the dungeon. I keep getting annoying notifications to move to the next level but there isn’t one. I can tell that the underground build mode accessed through the teepee is meant to go deeper because of the hatch on the second floor, but all you can do is clean up a mess every 45 minutes to get ten gems. This game shouldn’t have been released yet. There are other bugs but there’s no point in even mentioning them. If there’s a significant update I’d try it but as of now I’m pretty disappointed and really happy I didn’t spend any money. Also, if you don’t want to deal with the ads just close StoneAgeSurvival and reload. You’re welcome.


Good but Ads :(

The money grab scheme is a little ridiculous with this. I watch plenty of ads for boosts, I even spent some money for some better characters. I love the idea of paying a few dollars to remove ads for all further boosts! I hate the random no rewards ads though. For all the ads I watch for the boosts and extra equipment I think its really messed up to have random ads and ask for $3 to remove only those ads though. I’m considering deleting if they don’t slow down on them or add a “make any purchase to remove all ads” we are playing your game and already watching your ads, you don’t need to be greedy. Reply fun game! Just stop trying to rob me and let me enjoy something


Ad-watching game

While the game in principle is fun, the reliance on perks that you can only get by paying or watching ads is very unbalanced. If the ads were say 10-15s long it'd be fine, but they are 20-45s each, which means that most of what you do when you have the game open in waiting for an ad to end. Additionally the timing loop seems bugged. Long ads actually eat into the duration of the perks, so the longer an ad the LESS you actually get for watching it. I believe this is supposed to be an "idle" game, and maybe it's just bugged, but whenever I close StoneAgeSurvival all resource gains stop. I have screen shots to show absolutely nothing progresses unless I have StoneAgeSurvival open, which defeats the purpose of an idle game.


Fun, but…

Okay so the game is really fun. It constantly gives you something to work on, the animations/graphics are reasonable for what it is.
BUT… there are a few issues ive encountered during the time that ive been playing:

1. advertised packs/bundles that force you to stare at the product. the little timer on the X is ridiculous.. i mean cmon, really?

2. audio glitching when using the whip on the prisoner to speed things up. ive noticed that on occasion, the whip will make no sound, or it will mute other sounds such as: farming sounds, background music.

3. you guys are charging people to skip advertisements and get the rewards, $3.99 PER. this alone has almost made me delete. its pure greed.

i get it, devs gotta make a living too, but jeez. you made a game that begs its users to open their wallet every 5 minutes. and that alone deserves an uninstall.

other than these things, the game can be enjoyable. get on, give the lil villagers work, get off. rinse. repeat.


Surprise! Forced ads!

So sick of the plague of games with forced ads. It’s bad enough that the progression is tedious enough without ads or microtransactions/in-app purchases, but then they wait until you sink a dozen hours into the game to start showing you forced ads. So do you throw away your progress or bite the bullet and pay the extortion fee to save your effort on an already mediocre game?

Me? I’m out. The sad thing is I’ll pay money for a good game, and was probably going to drop more than they wanted to remove the ads in the next couple days- but if they’re dirty enough to pull this move, you can guarantee they’ll con you into another semi-forced purchase later. Give an inch and they’ll take a mile. Shame on you, devs.


Great idea but…

There are just way to many issues. It’s a fun game but the only mini game that seems to have a decent function is the wood chopping one. Also the inability to set specific characters to the task you want them to do is infuriating. I’ve got a high level fisherman that is only mining gold for whatever reason. Another thing that bothered me is that there’s a beginners resource reward thing that you watch videos for but I have yet to see any of the rewards from it. There’s just too many little thing that could’ve been done better.


Waste of time and money

I’m not sure if it was a bug or what. But I had been playing for around 5-6 hours and had made multiple purchases but was stuck. The game said I needed level 5 smith, but there was no smith. Even though I had the forge unlocked. The other six workers I had unlocked ranged from 40s-50s. I kept upgrading them thinking it would unlock the smith. I seen there was a restore purchases button so I decided to delete the game and to reinstall thinking that would fix whatever it was. Nope, lost everything and had to completely start over. No purchases were restored. Save your time and money.


Just… Boring.

There’s not much to do here. You click to upgrade and watch them upgrade and that’s… it.

There’s not really any strategy here because it locks options and you only pick the next upgrade. You can’t choose the next upgrade on your own. So you just click the next upgrade and sit and watch them upgrade.

Theres not a lot of forced ads but there’s lots and lots of ads to click on and watch. And probably the worst part about the game is the little icons on the side. You see a picture of something and click it to watch the ad and then you find out what it actually is that you got. There’s no description telling you what you’re going to get.

Easy pass on this one. I have no clue what I’m working towards. I have no clue how to repair the boat. You just click to upgrade then click to upgrade and then click to upgrade again. And you never get anywhere.


?potentially bugged?

I really enjoy playing the game but I’m stuck and unable to progress which is annoying. In order to continue playing I need to upgrade a smith to level 5. The only problem is that I don’t have a smith character and don’t seem to have a way to get one. I have 6 characters and I’ve already max leveled everything I can.

I can’t level anything further until I make a forge and I can’t make a forge until I upgrade a smith which I seems impossible to attain. Might end up deleting because I’m frustrated.


Really like this game

So I want to start off with saying I really like this game. There aren’t annoying ads that take you away from the game, the auto run for the workers seems pretty balanced too. The only things I would say as far as a critique or issue would be that my game starts to lag and it’ll freeze every other frame. Also maybe an option to purchase a faster speed setting for the workers?


Game is scamming your ads views

Game is full of ads
They give you some daily tasks require you to watch ads to complete and be able to get the good rewards (in my case it was a 60 gems chest). They wait until i was at 99% of completion and then they clear out the daily tasks/weekly tasks with the rewards. One more thing i notice and have photos to prove: they change the price (in gems) for the chest in the store. The novice chest was priced at 50 wheb i had 0 gem, they changed it to 56 when i had about 15-16 gems and change it again when i have 22 gems.
Players beware!!!



I’ve been enjoying the game up until now. Fun little game where I can watch guys run around, but due to not having a fisherman I’m unable to unlock my fishing rod and I’m just stuck with no way to progress! There needs to be a way to ensure the player can progress, either guarantee a character type needed to progress the game or don’t lock upgrades behind certain characters. I literally cannot progress.


Fun, but..

As others have said, the ads are laid on heavy, if I want them I’d rather have to open a tab and find the ads there. As it stands, the ads make the game screen very bloated.

With that said, I found that the metal pieces you get from the pre (L shaped metal pieces used for upgrades) don’t show how many you have in storage. Is this intentional or was it forgotten in development?

It’s just weird to show how much wood, gold, food, ore you have but not the metal pieces?


Idle not idle? And SO MANY modals and ads!

This game is actually really obnoxious. It will constantly bring up modals begging for money, over and over and over. And then once you get to a certain point, it will also start forcing ads on you. Pay attention to the recent reviews, ignore the average rating. That’s from them paying for a lot of 5 star reviews. This game is full of bugs, including not progressing while idle, is slow, and quickly becomes boring and annoying. I wish I could give it negative stars for wasting my time.


Could be a lot better

Why even bother having and leveling a farm if my gathers/farmers are just going to go fish? Why bother having miners if they are going to go play woodcutter? Heck the only ones who only does their jobs is the woodcutter and the fisherman.

Paying $4 for EVERY possible ad is a complete money grab. I paid the $4 for the planes and if the offered supplies aren’t what I originally paid for I still have to sit through a ad.


Cannot progress without spending jewels…

Needing to upgrade a dexterous to level 19, I’ve maxed out all buildings I can in the process, upgrading character after character, as good stores allowed…and now have nothing left to do, and the needed character still not upgraded, unless I want to spend 24 gems to upgrade that character specifically. You’ve literally driven me to boredom in the first level.


Soft Locked

Can’t upgrade anything at the moment. I need to build a Farm but in order to build a farm I need to upgrade my food picker to level 3. But I have no food picker?!? I can’t get any more people because I would need to upgrade my tower but I can’t upgrade my tower because I need a farm. So sad it was such a fun game. Not sure how something as simple as this can get overlooked. There are so many reviews of this happening to others as well and still no fix.


Relaxing and simple

Great time passer, crashes a lot especially upon coming back into StoneAgeSurvival .

Not sure if it is a future development thing or not but I would like to suggest potentially adding a way of specifying who does what, I have woodcutters and miners fishing instead of mining or cutting wood. Idk if the % bonus they apply is overall or just from them.



Firstly I would like to say I love the game. However there are a few bugs a encountered. I recently progressed to the snow area and in stuck on a mission “upgrade food picker lvl 15” idk if it’s a glitch or something. But I don’t even have one yet on the new snow area. A second bug I noticed. Whenever I switch back to the first area, and then go back to the snow, my campfire upgrade lvl drops back down to lvl 1, everytime and I have to upgrade it again. Thanks!

Is Stone Age Survival Safe?

Yes. Stone Age Survival: Settlement is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 3,221 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Stone Age Survival Is 62.5/100.

Is Stone Age Survival Legit?

Yes. Stone Age Survival: Settlement is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 3,221 Stone Age Survival: Settlement User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Stone Age Survival Is 82.2/100..

Is Stone Age Survival: Settlement not working?

Stone Age Survival: Settlement works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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