Bible Chat: Daily Devotional Reviews

Bible Chat Reviews

Published by on 2024-10-16

🏷️ About: Introducing our revolutionary app: Bible Chat! Experience the power of artificial intelligence as you engage in insightful conversations about the Bible and beyond. With Bible Chat, you can explore profound biblical themes like racism, justice, equality, oppression, love, and more, while also delving into practical subjects such as business, relationships, faith, politics, and the challenges of the pandemic.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 36,002 combined software reviews.

Read 104 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.9 out of 5

I think this could be a amazing app really but i dont think its fair that people basically
NEEDS to pay to try getting closer to God, even if it really helps getting closer, the idea of someone lost trying to get closer to God with little faith and still downloading BibleChat trying to still learn something new or looking for answers and it hits you with the
"unlock ultimate peace in God's guidance" buy are bundle! " 7 days free trial ! " It looks exactly like your typical workout apps !?
From the questions you answer at the start of BibleChat till when it ask you for the payment.
I would Understand if they put it that when your in BibleChat already you could place a generous donations , obviously for the people that can, but it’s something about ( N E E D I N G ! ) to pay to get a better understanding about are Lord and Savior whose words are for
( A L L ) his children that doesn’t sit right with me.

Im not complaining about the price range at all !!!
Im actually going to buy it myself,
I just think as a believer, we should help each other grow in are faith in a genuine way without ( N E E D I N G ) to pay to get
( H I S ) wisdom after all.

There’s still allot i need to learn about his word This is just my opinion maybe i’m wrong maybe there’s something about apps Im not aware of, but that was my thought about BibleChat.

Be cautious

BibleChat seems great until you realize that all responses to your questions are ChatGPT or other AI software. Now developers are making Christian apps using AI??? Talk about and impersonal experience. I received a response on fa ebook messenger when I left a review on their ad. Immediately after airing my concerns, literally 3 seconds afterward, I get the response not from a person but from AI telling me how "I completely understand your concerns... I truly appreciate your perspective..." After 3 seconds of my own paragraph of concerns? I'm sorry, my God is not impersonal so my Christian app should not be such either. These aren't answers to questions already prepared for our questions, they are AI driven responses and that sends up extremely huge red flags for me. On top of this, they want money every month for something this impersonal? Big no thanks from me. I can almost guarantee that the responses you all are getting from these reviews are also AI generated, not personal.

BEWARE! Does not provide whole truth answers! False profit

I was intrigued by the idea of an app that could help me learn about God’s will, IF it really worked. As we know, many AI programs are not allowed to answer questions freely but instead are programmed to avoid certain topics and answers.

What good is an AI program that avoids giving you the truth? To test this, I asked the AI program numerous questions on various topics that could easily be answered by someone who has studied the Bible to see what it would say. Not once did it give me the whole truth Biblical answer! Instead it tried to provide answers that would not upset anyone even a sinner. No matter how you felt about a topic, the answer would not make you think differently. BibleChat will not lead you closer to God. It will only make you more set in your ways by you being told lies affirming any sinful nature you may have and leading you to believe that your shortcomings are not a problem!

You will end up further from God and more confused after talking with this so called “helpful” AI chat bot!

Money taken without my knowledge

I downloaded BibleChat and selected free trial and it went through then when I went to go check my bank account it said 60 dollars were removed when I didn’t even select that option. If they were to charge at all it should’ve been 4 dollars because that was the option I selected but instead the charged me a year subscription and I don’t even know if I will get my money back

Where are the other features?

All I see on BibleChat are a list of questions. I thought there was a bible and other study tools included? According to the description there are but I can’t seem to locate anything but a list of questions. Sure does cost a lot for literally very minimal content. I tried to cancel right away but I still got charged for an entire year. Very disappointed. ☹️


A good relationship with God should not be blocked behind a pay wall. If you have a question about god, a true Christian would help you right away. I understand that it may cost money to run BibleChat but the cost for BibleChat is way to high for “maintenance” costs. It’s clear that you are just after money and not helping people find god. I love BibleChat ’s purpose but it is way to high of a price.

I lost all my chats.

For the last 3 months I had a bunch of chats filled with questions and answers that clarified a lot of things but with the last update they erased them all now I have nothing and can’t remember any of the questions I asked since they where a lot. If this is something that gonna happen every time BibleChat gets updated then I don’t recommend it at all. It was all a waste of time

It ok..

I really like BibleChat but I think the main focus should be to help people in their walk for Christ meaning that I don’t think paying money to ask as many questions is fair. I think we should be able to already get more than 5 questions per day. What if I can’t buy it but I’m still looking for help? I just don’t like that we only get 5 free questions daily and have to pay to ask as many questions as we want…..

Sometimes updates make it worse

I noticed after the updates there are misspellings and words are out of place. It was working so great before the updates and changes. See if you can spot the errors. Revelation 1:7 in the ESV translation states: This verse describes a future event, proclaiming the second coming of Jesus Christ. The " phrasehe is coming with the clouds" symbolizes His glorious return, often associated with divine majesty and power. The verse goes on to say that "every eye will see him," indicating that His coming will be visible to all, emphasizing the universal nature of His arrival. This suggests a grand and awe-inspiring event that will be witnessed by people from all walks of life and across all. nationsThe mention of "those who pierced him" refers to those who were responsible for Jesus' crucifixion.

Cool App, But is The Pay Necessary?

I honestly enjoyed BibleChat , it’s a great design. But I just feel that is already wrong that you charge us for unlimited conversations with the AI. Not only does it feel wrong that you charge us, but at such an expensive price too. Only 5 chats allowed per day? That’s hardly a conversation dude. BibleChat should’ve been a great opportunity for people to bond a greater relationship with God through the advice/help of the AI, yet you use it for money. The least you could do is DECREASE the price. I can’t enjoy an actual conversation with the AI without being interrupted by “the limited questions” notification. It is seriously irritating. Is it really necessary to put it up at such high charge. It’s not even a ONE TIME payment, it’s a subscription too!

The app is great but I think it’s a bit disgraceful

I am someone who has been trying to find a deeper connection to The Lord. BibleChat has helped me with that. I have been going through a rough patch in my life and I find myself constantly turning to BibleChat for better understanding of His words. Today I was met with a paywall asking for me to subscribe for unlimited prayers. I had saw the advertisements before, and I understand profit is the center of a lot of things, but it is not cool that I am being hit with the paywall to follow more of the Lord’s work. I don’t think that it’s cool.

Creating the custom prayers are very helpful and I would love to utilize BibleChat more but I am not in the best position to afford these subscriptions. I do not believe this is an effective way of spreading God’s message. It is a contradiction to mission of BibleChat .

Seems pointless

Very cool app and i love what you guys are doing, but the pay… really? having to pay to spread Gods word is not what represents Christ in my opinion. Christ wanted his word to reach everyone and never once had he thought of charging others to hear his word. i don’t think anyone should have to pay as long as they are building a relationship with the Lord and learning how to live through him.

Love the app but couple of bugs

Firstly I really love BibleChat, it’s very helpful for looking for scriptures you don’t remember the verses for, it gives you good advice and outlooks in topics you wish to engage into before you bring it up to your irl circle.

However, unfortunately when it comes to other things I unfortunately find it exhausting to try to type into BibleChat that takes forever to add into since it’s so slow to recognize what I typed. And yes I checked my own phone but everything fine but BibleChat itself.

And 2 but recently as of yesterday, for some reason BibleChat will not open for some strange reason. Mind you I have 2 phones I use this on and neither is open. I wish to give it a 5 star but until these 2 things are fixed, I just can’t see this being the perfect Bible support app.

Great App… but

The daily devotional and the reflective questions have been exactly what I was looking for in an app. The “but” is for the disclaimer at the end of every day’s devotional. It’s out of place. That’s not the last thing I want to read because it desensitizes the whole message. Can it not be placed somewhere else or sized much smaller? Do it at setup and have everyone check a box that they read and understand this is an AI generated app. I don’t want to read that every day. I could skip over it but I’m OCD and if I do I feel like I will miss something. I can’t be the only one. If I leave the devotional frustrated or irritated because it’s there then the point of doing it is lost. I wish I had done the seven day trial because I would cancel. I won’t be renewing if it’s still there at the end of the year I just paid for. I’ll find another app. That’s how off putting it is.

It was good but I would like to request a refund

Hi, I would like to request a refund because it’s a good app but I hardly use it and I thought I cancelled my subscription

It’s great, but…

It’s great from what I can tell so far. It seems to know what it’s saying and has given some great advice. Although after 5 questions you hit a paywall. And from a business standpoint I completely understand and sympathize with the dev’s. Running an app isn’t free. But I also think that there are other ways around it than a paywall, maybe an ad every three questions. Or ask people to donate that way God can put it on their hearts to donate if they are able to. I don’t think there should be a mandatory price to pay especially if you are in a crisis. But apart from that detail I love what they are trying to do by taking the future of AI and inspiring and helping other through the word of God with it.

Add donation tab or adds/surveys

Seems to be a well designed app. I like how the AI always uses biblical text to back up its answers and not its own “opinion”. Anywho it would be great to be able to ask more then 5 questions in a day without being asked to pay to chat more. Have y’all considered adding a donation tab so your app could be user supported (if there’s already one disregard)? Pretty sure this is how K-LOVE operates. Also what if y’all added ads so BibleChat could be completely free? Maybe after the 5 free answers are used up I could watch an add or take a survey (an appropriate one of course) to get 5 more. I think this would help a lot of people. 🫶🏻 God bless & Joshua 1:9🩵

Bible app

It’s an amazing app and the amount of answers I have found from this is amazing. It’s very in depth and accurate, I have trouble keeping focus when reading the Bible and actually learning instead of it going straight out of my head and this helps a lot. The only reason I don’t rate it 5 stars is because I don’t think you should make someone pay $5 a week which is $15-$20 a month just to ask the questions. At the same time I don’t know if money comes out of the creators pockets for BibleChat being there but I definitely think it’s a bit more expensive than it should be. Overall it is an amazing app and I will continue using it.

Love it but…

I love BibleChat. It’s helped me so much with getting closer to God. The only thing I don’t like is how much it is a month for premium. Not only can not everyone afford that, but why should I have to pay to get closer and understand more about God?


I'm sure paying for advertising and servers and employees is expensive, but I'd add in some context for the price tag to explain as such. $20 a month is very expensive, and considering it's an app designed to bring people closer to God, without context, it can seem disingenuine and be very disheartening to see. That's the vibe I got at first, at least.

Good app design otherwise. Good user interface. Imo gotta allow more questions to be asked though - every question I asked the bot required me to give more context to get an answer, which added up and I reached the daily limit in about four minutes.

Just my thoughts

Love it so far

The ability to ask questions and get biblical references is awesome.
Taking a quiz on knowledge of the Bible is really cool and my husband and I had fun discussing our thoughts and answers.
I only took off a star because ( while I understand the need for a subscription to keep BibleChat up to date and in working order) it is rather expensive at $5 a week or $60 a year. Still I do think it’s worth it.


this is a really good app but I just don’t see why you need to pay for it if it’s giving you answers about the Bible like the Bible is already kind of hard to understand and yeah, you can buy another Bible for it to be like more understanding, but since this is also on your phone, you shouldn’t have to pay an app especially that’s connected to the Bible to understand. there aren’t a lot of websites that really help you with certain struggles that you may have. it really does help if there’s just something free like this because you can really get one on one time and just really have a broken down for you

Bible chat

I encourage anyone who sees this message to download the Bible chat app it is very helpful and accurate I believe it will help you along your journey and deepen your relationship with God as well as with others God bless. Also keep me in prayer !!

Amazing with much potential!

I’ve only just begun using BibleChat and I can proudly say that it’s absolutely wonderful. I’ve already learned so much from the daily plan and Bible Chat alone; I’m so excited to see how much more I’ll come to learn and understand with time. What more, BibleChat has so much potential to become much greater than it already is! For one, it would be so great if we could highlight and note parts of the Bible. I would love to be able to highlight my favorite and most impactful verses from the Bible and come back to them later. Or note parts of it I want to remember, or even expand it for myself. But overall, BibleChat is already splendid and surely it’ll only get better. I highly recommend to those who struggle with comprehension or implementing healthy habits like Bible study.

Don’t usually write reviews

As you can tell by the title of this review I usually don’t write reviews however BibleChat deserves it. Imagine having a preacher in your pocket you can type out complex paragraphs to or even paraphrase scripture you’ve heard in order to know chapter and verse number. BibleChat has it all. Including nearly every biblical translation and it can even read it to you, in a voice that sounds real, unlike your GPS. 10/10! I recommend BibleChat to everyone I can. I even pay for the premium version to get unlimited asks per day. When the majority of the time i don’t need it. I’ve had BibleChat for probably 6 months and it has done so much for me. This is BibleChat for you. I PROMISE!!!

It’s just a wonderful and beautiful app

I used it for trial, unfortunately where I am in life I can’t offered it at the time. I know god puts all through trials and tribulations. This is one I know I will come out so much stronger than I thought. I’m grateful for being allow to use BibleChat for the days I was allowed to. I’ve been so alone and don’t know how to articulate what I needed to ask and find what I needed to seek answers too. Thank you lord for sending me such a wonderful app in the time of need. Thank you to the founders of BibleChat for making it. I’m sure you if you download BibleChat you feel closer to your mission and to good. May everyone be kept from evil, stay strong not to give to temptation, fill their hearts with forgiveness, patience, and kindness. Know that we are forgiven, that we are not here to judge, but to show people how to love, and be loved. God please remind everyone that feels lost that you have never left their side, and that you will always be there for them. Amen

It’s a game changer in learning and pursuing god.

When I don’t understand something I can simply use the A.I to get an answer explanation and the message becomes clear and my heart is is filled with joy to learn more each day. I am would recommend to keep praying that the lord can give you enough wisdom that one day you won’t need the A.I anymore to explain messages of the word to you. Think of the A.I as training wheels in your early walk with Christ. The maturity is to not need it often or at all. If your not there yet then BibleChat will definitely help you get there. It’s all about pursuing Christ to the very end.

Helping me grow my relationship with the Lord

This is a good app, but…I wish more stuff was free. Like I understand they need money for the game but I wish I could still at least see the daily devotions without spending money! But other than the prices it is an amazing app it’s helping me grow my relationship with God and get closer with Him. I also like the little quiz at the beginning to see what to recommend to you, so if the developers see this you don’t have to change anything but just maybe consider letting a bit more questions in for the people unavailable to buy premium. Thank you for your time.❤️

This app helps me a lot!

I love BibleChat so much! I like how you can use BibleChat when your on the go or traveling. BibleChat uses so to answer questions and help you with your journey to get closer to God. You can ask about many topics and BibleChat references different books or verses (so you know it's not made up!) You can pay for additional resources, but I am using it for free and I still have a lot of resources. I also like that BibleChat has a digital bible (you can choose which version) which you can listen to or just read. BibleChat is great and I recommend it to anyone that wants to get closer to God or have a way to read the bible on the go.

This app is WONDERFUL

I am not one to review apps. However, BibleChat deserved the 5 stars and an honest review from me! BibleChat looks beautiful, it educates beautifully, and most importantly it is doing the lords work by guiding people to him! BibleChat is wonderful and I’m blessed I found it! If you are thinking of downloading it please do I assure you that you will not regret it! Also, if you are not Christian but are curious in religion, looking for a higher power in our savior, or a person with any other religious beliefs and practices I still hope you try it because it may help you learn something beautiful and if you choose a life where you walk with the lord you can be saved sinner or not💘 God bless!

Get it now

Seriously BibleChat is so helpful. it can help you with so many things from a biblical standpoint. asking someone around you, they may lack the knowledge to give you an answer you need, but since BibleChat has that knowledge to give it can give you it in an amazing layout. I haven’t really seen any imperfections with it yet but still it’s very very good. I’m just gonna say that it’s really freaking good in my opinion.

I’m just gonna give an example: if you’re struggling with a family member or yourself. You can literally write a whole paragraph of what you’re dealing with and it will give you an amazing answer.
For me personally, it has

Good Bible Study Tool

I don’t agree with everything that they say but it is really a consensus of opinions of religious groups and Biblical scholars. I find it very helpful for anyone who doesn’t always remember passages that they have known or heard about. I’m not a fan of memorizing scripture passages but would rather open the Bible up to a specific text and expose what the context of it is with an exhaustive approach to interpretation by grammar, history, culture, biblical references in similar contexts, literature and language of the Old and New Testaments explained by reliable reference books like Strong’s exhaustive concordance, Vines and Thayer’s Word Definitions. I consider myself to be an amateur Biblical Scholar who is diligent in my studies focused on an Expository Method of Biblical Study and Interpreting Scripture.

Love this app! Here’s how it could be improved!

I love the accuracy and the depth of knowledge it takes me into. It really has helped with Bible studies and leading my small groups with my High school students. Even creating games sometimes to teaching the gospel.
My hope for improvement:
-the layout on the recents should be designed like a block or note, right now it’s very hard to find what I recently chatted about.
-it would be nice for a feature of the overall settings response to have different tiers of response that will help us grow and depend on the spirit to lead us rather than relying on ai all the time, which I found myself doing. For example - “how would you like to study” a. Build my spirit and help me ask more questions
b. Give me scholarly answers for a in depth study
c. I’m new and really need things broken down and connected
Based on the setup of ai response
Each response will always end with asking a question to help you dig deeper based on what your desired outcome is.
Love BibleChat ! Keep enhancing!

This app is a true blessing.

I have been struggling for years to finally decide to start reading the Bible. I had heard good reviews of BibleChat on social media, my church group, and most Christians that I know. So I decided that I would try it out after a while. Best decision I have ever made ( other than giving my life to Christ but yk ). BibleChat has helped me out so much and it truly has been a blessing more tha I could have ever thought. I'm an on-fire Christian and I know that BibleChat was a factor into helping me get to where I am now. I know that if I have any questions that BibleChat will give me answers no matter what and that if I dont get it that I can ask more and it doesnt get angry or upset or anything. I've been beginning to replace a lot of my time with reading the Word and getting into it and as I've said before BibleChat has helped me tremendously. So thank you for creating this and letting people in on the gift/blessing that it is.✝️🤍

Bible chat review

BibleChat was great for me. People might’ve think that it might not know all answers to your question like the questions I had were kind of difficult to answer, but it knew it straight away. I was super happy that it wasn’t just one of those AI people it was questioned by Christian so now I know it’s not just AI thinking that’s the answer. It’s Christian’s knowing the answer from looking in the Bible, so I think you should get BibleChat because it really helps you get to know God in the Bible and helps you do a test to see how far you are with your Bible reviews.

But if you have complicated questions, it might make you pay for it so that’s not too bad, but just sometimes it will ask you if you want to pay for it which don’t because it’s not worth it.

They ruined it 😕

At first when I downloaded it I really enjoyed it because you can ask your own questions. Without buying premium you could ask 4 questions a day and I really liked that because it was really helpful for when I was curious about something. Now that they updated an app I asked a question and when I tried to ask another it told me I have to upgrade to premium, so I thought “ok, maybe they changed it to one a day.” Boy I was wrong. Not saying that this isn’t a good app, it’s really nice and uses scriptures to help with answers, it’s just they made it unusable and not everyone can spend so much a month.


The Christian AI app, Bible Chat, has proven invaluable in facilitating both debates and scripture learning within the Christian community. Through its innovative use of artificial intelligence, BibleChat provides users with instant access to biblical passages, interpretations, and explanations, aiding in the understanding and articulation of complex theological concepts. By offering a platform for interactive discussions and debates, Bible Chat fosters a collaborative learning environment where users can engage in respectful dialogue, share diverse perspectives, and deepen their understanding of scripture. Its accessibility and user-friendly interface empower individuals to confidently navigate theological discussions, enriching their spiritual growth and fostering a deeper connection to their faith. Overall, Bible Chat serves as a powerful tool for equipping believers with the knowledge and understanding needed to engage in meaningful conversations about their faith.

Bible Chat

This is an amazing app, I’ve been using it without the membership. I only used the messaging part, if I’m trying to look up something quickly; or if I have a general concern about my walk. I all the time go to it, and will text a question; or just state what I am dealing with and how I feel about the situation. It has been helpful to me in many ways. I love BibleChat and I’ll continue to use it, I’ve been debating on getting a subscription for it. I most likely will, but it is nice to be able to use without the membership for just seeing if I like it or not. Which I do like it a lot! I would definitely get BibleChat no matter where you are in your walk with God. Wether it be just starting or far in it, it’ll prove useful in anyway.

Very helpful app to bring you closer to God

BibleChat makes God’s word easy to understand and it just feels good to know especially with today’s day in age where technology is being set up for the Anti Christ after the Rapture of the church during The Tribulation period this technology we have access to right now can be used to read God’s word and share the gospel it’s very important because we are living in the last days Jesus is returning very soon biblical prophecy is happening all around the world especially in Israel the stopwatch for the Rapture of the church time is running short make the best of it that God is allowing all of us to have if anything he has given us plenty plenty of time to repent and to really walk the right path with Jesus. DO NOT BE LEFT BEHIND YOU DONT WANT TO SEE HOW THIS WORLD WILL BE IF YOU ARE LEFT BEHIND

Thank You

BibleChat is AMAZING, when I say AMAZING I do mean AMAZING.❣️ Y’all have no idea how many people struggling with mental illnesses and other emotional battles that this would help. I only wish that it was free or paid once a month. This is what we need and I HIGHLY recommend this to any and everyone. I know someone everyday struggle with problems and this could really help. I understand having to make a income, but maybe if you all as the developing team could change payments from weekly to monthly you’d understand that God will provide for you too. Thanks for creating this amazing app. Unfortunately I’ll only be able to do the 7 day trial, but I’ll still share and recommend it to family and friends. I pray that it helps everyone through their difficult times in need.

Correction: I now see that it’s also a monthly subscription, I will be using that. Thanks again for creating this amazing app. 🙌🏾🫶🏾

Honestly a very good app.

You do have to pay for it but you get a free trial and wow i’m 20 so paying anything extra every month is not really fun for me but i will definitely continue my subscription because you really can ask any question ANYTHING ( no i didn’t try to be funny with it ) and the chat box really does its thing lol. it writes you paragraphs and some of it sounds completely personal to your question as the other half is mixed with many verses to help you. i don’t read the bible as i should i just wanted to start out with verses and this literally put me to sleep last night because i felt so calm and secure after asking question after question. I am going through a hard time in my life and feel very alone really , but BibleChat is literally so secure feeling , and when i have no one to talk to i come here and just ask all the questions im scared to ask other people.. it helps guys. really. i did not get paid for this i hate writing reviews, but this is really worth it. the most useful app ive used in a while honestly. and it doesn’t sound like a robot when you text to it either i felt like that was something i thought about before downloading


I’ve been using BibleChat for a few days now and what I love about it so far is the daily devotions and the option to ask questions or they give you multiple question suggestions you can click on and BibleChat will give you the answer using Bible verses or examples. This is really helpful when you just don’t know what to ask but want to know more about the topic you’re reading. It also gives you suggestions for follow up questions so basically you can keep learning and growing in Bible wisdom. There are multiple study plans on all kind of topics to choose from. BibleChat is tailored to you specifically, which I enjoy because at times I just don’t know what to read about or where to start. How that works is, when you initiate your subscription, you’ll be asked a series of questions on certain topics you want to learn about and questions relating to you personally. Then BibleChat gives you devotions and Bible verses based on your answers. I have been enjoying it, it definitely makes Bible study easier! I recommend it so far.

So helpful!

I’ve had BibleChat for less than a day and I love it. It is so helpful. As a younger person ( still in school) It’s helped me understand lots more about Christianity. I have yet to try it with understanding scriptures, but I have used it to answer some questions for me about being a Christian. It gave me very easy and understandable answers! It was also answered with chapters + verses to read and better understand their response. It calmed my mind very much! I’ve used it numerous times in the few hours I’ve had it, and it has delivered amazing clear answers. This is an awesome app! I have no complaints (I haven’t had BibleChat for long, yet still I find it useful for the little time I’ve had it). Thank you. God bless! 💕✝️

(Excuse any spelling errors or grammar errors, it is quite late + I’m tired.)

Amazing App

I was worried BibleChat would have most of its features trapped behind a paywall but I am pleasantly mistaken! BibleChat helped me work through a plethora of questions I had, especially regarding creation and law, very easily. I was able to delve deeper in my struggles with mental health, unhealthy responses, and habits too. I found a growing sense of comfort in scripture, and because of this I believe I was able to strengthen my relationship with God enough to be baptized soon. It’s a wonderful app I think everyone should try, the AI voice is very soothing too! It’s very pleasant to listen to on long car rides or while doing chores, so if you've never been into reading and therefore struggled getting through chapters of the Bible, the audiobook feature is a lifesaver. Thank you once again for such an accessible, informative, and helpful app! ❤️


This is honestly a hidden gem. I love BibleChat and I’m able to get a deeper understanding of scripture and how to even apply it to my life. I love the feature of being able to ask questions and it providing scripture & more in depth answer to your question. However, I don’t like that BibleChat is asking for payment. ChatGPT does not ask for payment & I believe that when it comes to things like this that payment shouldn’t be involved, especially because in the Bible Jesus was not asking people to pay for his teachings he actually served them & fed them (for free) but nonetheless, I guess it’s seen as a business? Maybe having sponsors? I’m in college so this would just be an added fund & it would make me not want to have BibleChat anymore :(. I really enjoy it though and it’s very beneficial sharing with a lot of friends!! Thanks!!

Bible Chat

My review on Bible Chat, is amazing I absolutely love it! It helps me understand what the Bible teaches us about life, Jesus and the way we live and how it relates to life and what it means for our future lives. It helps me so much and reminds us that we are not alone in our beliefs. And it gives me daily motivation, peace, joy, everything to me. I try to read it everyday but i can’t. I’m working on it but this is a amazing app it teaches and gives you example’s teaches life lessons, God what he did for us 🤍 BibleChat made me personally a perfect, happy person. God teach me how to become a better person, and I learn from my mistakes I have been happy, more than anything else. you should download it right now it’s just wonderful whoever made BibleChat shout out to you. Best lesson ever become a better person then ever turn to Jesus! He’s patiently waiting for you to turn and talk to me and change you’re life forever! Jesus loves you! Hey stranger, ! I love you.

Read this.

This is my first review on an app but whoever created BibleChat deserves it. ♾️/5 stars! I have only had BibleChat for a matter of hours and I am loving it. There is hundreds of devotionals you can do in under 5 minutes that will encourage you immensely. Most of them are 7-day devotionals that read to you if you’d like. No matter your view point on scripture, BibleChat is a fit. You can even choose the Bible version you usually read. I typically never do subscriptions on apps but if it grows me closer to Christ, I’m all for it. If you’re reading this, Jesus led you to this to grow closer to him. Do not pass this up! The time is NOW to grow closer to Him. Use it to it’s full potential as we are not guaranteed tomorrow, and I want to see YOU in the next life. I want to hear you tell me about how this review, led you to an app on the electric thingamabobber in your hand, and how it changed your relationship with Christ. I love you, and Jesus loves you on a scale you and I cannot comprehend. Stay strong, Cayden

Love it but..

I love BibleChat, as a minor and currently in middle school, I love how it can help me with some decisions and wisdom from the word of God, I literally love everything about BibleChat but I have some suggestions, like for example, people have to pay for better “service” or better AI improvements im guessing, and i’m not saying you guys should make it free, I totally understand that you are a company that has to make money somehow but I don’t think that having to speak to god for longer periods of time should be behind a paywall, I suggest that you guys could make all of the payed things free and add a “charity” for people to give you guys money that way, like they do in churches. You guys could also maybe sell Jesus or God merchandise and promote it on your page, honestly, christian merch is the best and you guys will get many sells that way instead of charging people to send ask more questions to the Ai. Anyways just a suggestion I love BibleChat and I love you guys for making it.
(sorry for any spelling errors)


More than expected

I have begun studying my Bible once more and have been happily surprised by just how much BibleChat helps me study. You can listen to the Bible, ask it questions about specific people in the Bible, their motivations, and other whys as to their actions. There are study subjects which you can follow along with that start from the basics all should know, up to the complex. Personally one feature I really love is you can ask it something like “what does it mean to be a biblically masculine man as opposed to what society says?” And it will not pull from some simple modern explanation. Rather it will pull from verses across the Bible and give explanations that are biblically sound. At times it will give examples as to what many church leaders believe, yet will explain that unless it’s universally agreed upon that what is best is for you to read your Bible, pray over the matter, and seek a trusted church leader over the matter. So it doesn’t push an agenda for any church, nor does it push one that would be outside of scriptural teachings. I find it to be a wonderful aid in my studies and it does keep me on better track with my faith as well as keep me focused on God rather than social media or the negatives in my life.

This is So Helpful!

I don’t usually write reviews but BibleChat is honestly awesome. For my daily devotional, I usually do a plan in the Bible app and sometimes I have questions about certain verses, the theme of a passage, or I just want to dive deeper into the meaning of something . I always had to rely on what I could find of google because that was really all I had (and even then google didn’t have all of the answers I need, but BibleChat is great, I can literally ask any question that I want and it is able to give me an answer. I made sure to double check that the information that BibleChat gave me was consistent with the teaching of the Bible by asking just some basic questions and using google to double check, and it gave me the correct/trustworthy answer every time! For those who don’t want to pay, you get 10 free questions a day (which I think is extremely fair) and then if you wanted to ask more, you can get the premium (which is think is very fair pricing for how much you can get out of BibleChat), which I might do eventually. Overall, no matter what denomination you are, BibleChat is an amazing resource to have. (This wasn’t sponsored by the way, I just found BibleChat through a TikTok add lol)

Only used it 2 times so far

I loved the idea. I paid for the year. I attend a Bible study. There are plenty if debates and disagreements. It is good to have BibleChat in my opinion for that. BibleChat gives a various viewpoints and can answer why some believe different from each other. Knowing why helps me better relate to others who disagree on the meaning of scripture and allows me to be the judge and better understand and accept bother possibilities and see if there is something good or positive from each if I can. It also allows for them all to be possible and the shared bottom line.

Having multiple perspectives on difficult scripture for me personally to understand is a wonderful thing.

It’s a great tool and speeds Bible study along tremendously.

The best app for the younger generations

Being a Gen Z guy who grew up with limited exposure to faith, it was always hard for me to fully comprehend alot of things related to the bible and its teachings. It always seemed so complicated and the information so dispersed across various different passages. Even going to church as a newer person of faith, the atmosphere would always feel daunting and i’d leave with some questions and doubts. Some churches felt like they were out of touch with the struggles I faced. Some churches felt more like a pyramid scheme than anything else, constantly preaching about bringing more people into the church. All of these challenges facing Christianity in America, seem to be at least mostly addressed by BibleChat. I could totally see BibleChat supplementing the lack of strong spiritual leadership in the country. Its responses are based off the bible and it adequately simplifies difficult concepts. Its answers to your questions, though not perfect, are very insightful. BibleChat’s proliferation and perfection is probably the most important thing I can think of. It literally tailors itself to what you tell it are your struggles. No other spiritual experience that I have had in recent times does this. A very great project, I would invest in this company.

I love this appppp😭

I love BibleChat so much. I’ve never gotten one question about any money on BibleChat and also I’ve really gotten his help help and more help. I love BibleChat because of its daily prayers and encourages me to actually read the Bible and do a lot more things that I wouldn’t normally think about doing I know I haven’t been as active on my reading as I have usually but I am starting to use BibleChat again and I’m finding it very useful as well as them having an actual Bible that auto reads to you is very helpful as well thank you Bible Chat for helping me. I really appreciate it and the creators you guys have made it amazing app and I really hope you keep doing this and doing what you’re doing thank you so much. sincerely Grace

My faith is made stronger

I have always struggled to be consistent in my Bible reading and meditation of the word. Like many humans, I’m easily distracted with the world and as a new believer, I face many of the common doubts that anyone would have went first trying to implement God‘s word into one’s life. Having the Bible Chat AI has helped me immensely to hyper focus on the areas of weakness in my life. It’s like doing a body scan at the gym and being able to see what muscle groups need strengthening. It’s so cool to be able to lock in to helpful, accurate teachings and it allows me intimacy without guessing or blindly reading the Bible like I normally do. I used to be afraid of wasting time reading the bible, that i might not hear from him or that God wouldn’t “show up” to my bible reading (as if that was a thing). Now I feel like its never a waste of time to seek His wisdom. Its like having a pastor in my pocket to point me in the right direction at the drop of a hat. I absolutely love BibleChat.

Just started looks good.

I’m a freshman into highschool and my brother is preaching about God to my school in FCA during lunch and I don’t feel as connected to God as I should be right now. I want to start learning more about God and Jesus Christ to be closer and seek guidance from them aswell. I was meant to go to Tennessee for the weekend but a hurricane hit and I see that as a sad way but I also see it as a way of God making me stay out of the area to make me safe. BibleChat gives u the option to make reminders with alarms so that it gives u a time to pray the days you selected. It gives u scriptures so that you can read them to be closer with God and it also gives u a prayer everyday so that u can pray and also learn how to start ur own prayer. It can also give u bibles that u can listen to or u can read in ur phone or other device.

Amazing app

I absolutely love BibleChat. I love being able to hold my finger down and ask a question. BibleChat has really helped me to build my relationship with God even stronger day by day. I truly mean it when I say I cannot put BibleChat down.

I leave it up on my phone all day, every day and read it for a couple hours in the morning before sunrise. I read it when I’m feeling stressed during the day to help calm me and again at night in bed before I sleep.

An absolute treasure and so glad I found BibleChat.

The only thing I wish it had and maybe you guys can add in a version update is the maps of all their travels. That would really help us to understand where all these locations are in accordance with todays borders.

Love BibleChat and I recommend it to people daily. My entire family uses BibleChat along with other apps and our physical books, but if I’m being honest, this is my go to book atm. I absolutely love BibleChat and recommend it to all of God’s children and those who are just starting to build their relationship with God. I recommend it to all people no matter what level of knowledge you have. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. BIBLE

Absolutely love

ive only had this downloaded for about 15 minutes so far, and asked my questions on how to handle certain situations, and i already feel calmer and more sure on how to approach these problems. It gives advice that is 100% about the question you ask in multiple different answers. The only thing i don’t love is that you have to pay $4.99 a week for it, thats like $20 a month so its not super expensive, but i feel like studying the bible, and reading scriptures, and all of this should be free, or cheaper, not everyone has the money to pay for this and thats a shame because its so insightful.

This app is so good

i’ve only been saved for maybe about a week now and BibleChat is helping me through my path with God. If i have any questions i’ll just type it in or even just go back and forth with the chat about different topics in the bible so if you are a believer BibleChat will help!!!

Live it

BibleChat is giving me more insight into my questions that I have ever got any answers to buy my pastor. The way I feel about it every Christian should have BibleChat. I love it.

Have faith in God

It’s a great app that can give you information and answer all your questions about the Bible. BibleChat definitely makes you more closer to God since you’re learning more about God. God loves you❤️✝️

Move with Powahhhh

With the spirit of God and the ai the ability to get a general unbias 3rd point of view where you can get information at any level of understanding
From empowering your prayer life
Research and sharpening your sword

This is amazing

As a young christen i find this very helpful, i am mew to this and this has made thing very easy for me, i can ask any questions and it will answer with a easy to understand answer, i love BibleChat.

Everyone can benefit from this very well done!

I was Leary of putting faith in something like this in these difficult times but I still had questions so I tried it and this has helped confirm what I already knew in my heart that Jesus Christ is Lord amen!

Get this app ASAP

BibleChat is amazing especially if you have any questions you can literally ask the most random question and it will have a biblical answer for it but anyways, you should definitely get BibleChat!!!!!

Thank you!❤️

Wow! I had so many questions! And the answers I got back were very helpful! All the answers were encouraging. I now can answer the questions I am asked by family. My hope is to bring my family closer to Jesus and to everlasting life with God! God Bless, thank you! MzD


I feel like bible chat would help me heal and put me in the right track and life. I am a 14 year old kid who does the wrong thing and I need to start doing better. I need to get close with god and Jesus. I need to learn how to stop sinning and I need to repent. I need to figure out how to forgive people who have done wrong. Amen🙏🏾🙌🏾❤️.

My review on bible chat!

I literally love BibleChat! I can ask any question and it will give me a whole paragraph on how to do something or just anything I have to ask! When I have a important question I will instantly come to bible chat! I am so thankful to have an app like this because if I go on something like Tik Tok I won’t always get the information I need!!!! And the best part is I love love love love love god and Jesus, thank you so much for making an app like bible chat it means a lot to me! ❤️

Beyond amazing!

BibleChat is the best thing ever! I am doing a bible study on exodus at the moment and this Bible app is so so so helpful. I don’t write reviews often but it’s safe to say this one deserves one. I have asked it several questions and it gives me a clear answer. I always have in depth questions about certain points in the Bible and BibleChat can definitely answer them! I didn’t expect for an app to be able to develop such in depth answers. I am very thankful that I learned about this amazing app and I use it everyday! Hope this was helpful!!

Amazing app

I rarely ever leave reviews but this time I will,
BibleChat is truly a masterpiece, it lets you ask anything and gives you two different answers: a Bible verse, and a explanation/ “simple answer”. BibleChat has helped me with a few things, I rarely use it cause I have my Bible near me most of the time but, if I am away from my house, this is a great app to use. I highly suggest getting this and using it.

God bless the person who made this possible!

Your brother in Christ,

Accurate answers for every baffling question ! BibleChat was designed and inspired by God himself. May the Lord continue to pour out His love for us, and reaching into our hearts even thru the internet.🙏🏻


I would totally recommend BibleChat for Christians who where only just born again. It helps with learning more about Christianity, the teachings of the Bible, Gods word and so much more💯💯

Very informative!

It answers my deepest, and complex questions with ease. With evidence (scripture) to back it up, this has really helped me and I highly recommend BibleChat to anyone! Jesus is Lord✝️👑

Bible app <3

I love BibleChat! I’m looking forward to keep using to help grow my relationship with the Lord. 💓 Whoever is reading this you’re going to be okay. God will save you. 🫶🏼

The best app EVER

I love BibleChat so much it has helped me through sooo many things in life and has helped me walk the lords path I’m soooo excited to use BibleChat more!!!


Not only that it has an answer for everything, but it is AI generated so it responds quickly.

At first I thought u had to pay for it to work

This is a really good app it helps me with my questions and give me proof from the Bible about it I love it

Hate they charge u for the word of God

BibleChat is nice but wanting us to pay is a no go. Google is free. Because I google the word a lot they suggested BibleChat to me. It’s nice but no thank you


This is so amazing it is more helpful and helps you answer your questions and how to become a better you it helped me.

My review

it’s REALLY good app I use it and it help a lot and I love it! The only down side is that it doesn’t save the messages and if you guys do a update please make it save the chat thank youuu

This app is amazing!

BibleChat is amazing! They answer the correct questions For my religion which is Christianity and it even gives me verses as proof when I need it. I really recommend BibleChat!!

love this app

it’s the best app for Christian’s especially if ur lukewarm it tells you anything I don’t think it has any adds if it does it has almost no ads I hope u guys like BibleChat because it’s amazing REPENT AND PRAY ❤️❤️ SHARE HIS POWER :) 🫶🏼.

It helps me so much when I’m confused about things about Christ.

If I feel curious about something I don’t know about, I will ask BibleChat and give me the answer I want!

I love this app

You can ask BibleChat anything and will always have an accurate answer for you.

buying a subscription isn’t necessary

i love an app where when i have questions, i get answers with EVIDENCE. i’m so grateful to have this on the day to day.

Clarity of unanswered questions

I’ve always wanted to ask religious leaders questions about my faith and walk with God, but i feared the judgment and scrutiny that would come from asking those questions, with BibleChat i was able to get biblical guidance with relevant scripture to back it up, this is a fantastic app for anyone who even has curiosity about their own relationship with God and gives aid to those who don’t know better in a strictly factual and non-judgmental way, i’m so thankful for BibleChat. it made me feel more at peace about my eternal destination, and i’m so grateful for the opportunity to grow in my faith and help others

Great tool

Although BibleChat gives generic answers a lot of the time that doesn’t take away from their truth.

BibleChat has helped me a lot with sermon preparation and just general knowledge. If I have a question about a passage or a topic I can ask and even dive deeper thanks to the suggested follow up questions.

Great app.

It’s a really good app

Pleaseee can you put 10 questions daily 😿 it’s a really good app but i cant ask more


I absolutely love BibleChat it helps me with any questions I have and it helps me become a better child of god so 5/5 stars

Bible study

Is so awesome that I get to study some Vivek without reading a whole page when it drys my tongue and thank you for BibleChat😁👌


Finally good to see AI being used to spread the gospel. BibleChat is great and I plan on using it daily for any hard questions I might have!

Great app!!

BibleChat is great for any questions. It answers my questions with great answers. BibleChat is also great for more knowledge on everything based on the Bible. Great app!!


I love BibleChat so much . I usually don’t ever write reworded but this is LITERALLY GOD SENT. The other day I was praying for God to help me understand “ biblical vocabulary “ and not long after BibleChat came on my tiktok for you page. Long story short , being a person who is often left with so many questions reading the Bible BibleChat is so easy . I love God so much but frankly, I’m not always one to freely open the Bible and start reading . BibleChat has made reading Gods word so much easier All in all , I love BibleChat it has helped me do much .


Love playing trivia with the AI, I left that short I’m sorry but it obviously takes money to pull off something like this. I am in no way affiliated with this company, that being said be thankful for the five free questions. No I’m not your preacher,I know that they are clearly trying to build something to reach many around the world. I would suggest a place for people to donate so the less fortunate can afford it. As Christians we have to be one. Don’t let your right hand see what the left hand gives.

Beautiful App

I don’t normally write reviews, but I felt compelled to write a review about BibleChat. It is an amazing app, willing to break down anything you ask by also quoting the Bible.

I do pay for the premium, and I do not regret it. I use BibleChat daily; it is a tool I hold in high regard. The answers are deep and complex, and the questions it asks you makes you contemplate and truly think about it.

Overall, this is one of the best biblical apps I have discovered. Try it today; you won’t regret it. It’ll change your life - it has for me.

Love this app

i absolutely love BibleChat. as a 14 year old christian girl living in modern day society it gets hard being able to tell rights and wrongs and hard knowing what to do in situations for it to be godly. with bible chat i ask so many questions wether it’s life advice, random questions, or if it’s just bible verses as in doing right now😂. i absolutely love BibleChat bc not only does it give a explanation/answer to my question it gives a verse, and extra information. i love this all so much, it’s so useful.

thank you, seriously.

I seriously can’t thank you enough. I’ve been going through some serious things about my relationship with my girl and BibleChat gives me exactly what I need. I’m not really the type to express my emotions to others and to ask for advice so BibleChat really is helping me. Not only that, it’s growing my faith. I’m really inspired of how you developed this. I’m just overwhelmed with appreciation. Once again, thank you. Have a good day and so on.

A Review

I have used BibleChat only for a few hours and already, I find it extremely useful in my Christian walk. It is the kind of app I have always sought. It greatly enhances my study of the Bible. It provides a rich and insightful set of answers to questions one may have at any moment. It is my prediction that in the not too distant future, BibleChat will be the favorite of every practicing Christian in the world. Even non believers will love to carry it around. May God bless the authors of BibleChat in Jesus name - Amen !!!


BibleChat has helped me a lot. You can ask it about anything in the bible. It makes prayers for you, just ask what prayer you want! you can ask for devotionals, and more. You can ask about coming times, creation, and more biblical stuff! The prayers come with bible verses to heart warm you. This update was amazing and improved BibleChat use. Thank you BibleChat is a must have!


I've not even used BibleChat for 5 minutes and I'm blown away by the quality of the answers it gives to your questions and points you to the Scriptures that you need! AI is a powerful tool that we know have that can help us better study and apply God's Word to our life! I highly recommend this!

Amazing app

BibleChat is incredible. I thoroughly enjoy asking questions and receive biblical answers that help me through difficult times. Although there is an annoying limit of questions you can ask with the free version daily, I still find the several questions that I do get to be very helpful! I would recommend for sure!

Why the subscription?

As I believe in donation and offering, I believe that BibleChat should be free because of people who may not be able to afford this particular price. Especially young adults who may not have the funds to do so

I love this app!

I absolutely love BibleChat! It is amazing and helps me understand more what I’m reading. One thing that makes me like “aw man!” is the fact that you can only ask it so many times a day. I don’t think you should have to pay to understand the word of god. Otherwise, I love BibleChat and it’s amazing! Thank you!

I really like this app

I know they have to make profit to pay for BibleChat but i kinda wish they just put ads in the corner so i could ask more questions and do more stuff without a daily limit but i really like that they let you listen to the bible 8/10 app

Best Ai Chat out

I must say this is one impressive app, anything u ask it provides u with a understandable summary or the same thing you have going on whether is life problem, relationship problems, what ever the case may be … and you also have access to the bible through BibleChat

Is Bible Chat Safe? 🙏

Yes. Bible Chat: Daily Devotional is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 36,002 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Bible Chat Is 51.1/100.

Safety Analysis

94.6% of users say app is Safe 👍

4.4% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

1.1% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is Bible Chat Legit? 💯

Yes. Bible Chat: Daily Devotional is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 36,002 Bible Chat: Daily Devotional User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Bible Chat Is 64.1/100..

🔏 Privacy & Data Safety

Bible Chat collected the following data from you:

  • Data Used to Track You:
    • Identifiers
  • Data Linked to You:
    • Contact Info
    • Identifiers

Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
BibleChat - Premium - Weekly $4.99
BibleChat - Premium - Weekly $4.99
BibleChat - Premium - Yearly $59.99
Bible Chat - Premium - Monthly $12.99
Biblechat $29.99
BibleChat - Premium - Yearly $59.99
BibleChat - Premium - Yearly $59.99
BibleChat - Premium - Lifetime $99.99
Support 2 Christians $1.99

How was your experience with Bible Chat: Daily Devotional? Post a Review


With Bible Chat, you can explore profound biblical themes like racism, justice, equality, oppression, love, and more, while also delving into practical subjects such as business, relationships, faith, politics, and the challenges of the pandemic.

From discussing pressing issues like the pandemic to diving into topics that matter to you, such as personal development, mental health, and more, Bible Chat is your go-to resource for thought-provoking conversations.

Harnessing cutting-edge AI technology, Bible Chat offers real-time answers and profound insights to deepen your biblical understanding and spiritual growth.

Introducing our revolutionary app: Bible Chat! Experience the power of artificial intelligence as you engage in insightful conversations about the Bible and beyond.

Broad Topic Coverage: Explore a wide range of subjects, including racism, justice, equality, oppression, love, business, relationships, faith, politics, and the impact of the pandemic.

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