TransKey: Text Translator Chat Reviews

TransKey: Text Translator Chat Reviews

Published by on 2024-10-17

🏷️ About: TransKey is a keyboard extension app that allows users to translate messages in real-time within any app from the keyboard. It is trusted by over 300,000 users and has been featured on popular sites like CNET, Product Hunt, and Addictive Tips. The app has over 10,000 5-star App Store reviews and provides a flawless translation experience right in the messaging app of your choice.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

👿🤬😠 Negative experience

😎👌🔥 Positive experience

🙄💅🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 12,836 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Responsive and helpful creator

- Great for communicating in other languages

- Reasonably priced premium service

- Free daily limit of 180 characters

- Free trial and referral options for premium

- Convenient built-in keyboard translations

- Passable translations

- Affordable annual subscription

- Saves time and trouble

- Helpful for regular communication with people who speak a different language

- Best solution for quick translation within the keyboard

- Premium service is worth the money

Read 28 Customer Service Reviews 👿🤬😡😠💢😤

4.5 out of 5

Keyboard doesn’t work


I have an online friend who lives in Lebanon and speaks Arabic, so I decided to download some Arabic keyboards. And I came across this one I thought this one would be amazing so I downloaded it the reason why TransKey does not work at all is the keyboard. The keyboard you can’t even type on but it shows someone’s typing and then translating it to Spanish it won’t translate English to Arabic and I don’t wanna try anymore because I don’t wanna be disappointed. I don’t think it even translates right. even google translate is better. Thank you for your time!

Used to be amazing


this app used to be an amazing app that was very useful, but instead of keeping it that way they instead are now making us pay a 1.99 fee to actually use the service, otherwise your characters run out in one sentence. They said that they couldn’t sustain a free model which makes sense, but I HIGHLY doubt that making a one time in-app purchase would be worse. In fact doing a one time purchase would probably be better as the subscription is turning SEVERAL people off. Or if you need to, just run ads. Thousands of apps do it and I would like an option where you can enable ads if you don’t want to pay.

Why Do I Have To Pay???


I don’t understand why I only have a limited amount of translations per day which is really annoying. I don’t think it makes sense at all especially with the fact that TransKey is amazing and better than any other app out there and I don’t even think that there’s an app out there that work like this one. I wish with the regular version there was at least unlimited translation characters but instead, we just didn’t have some features that we would have with premium, you know? TransKey is amazing but it’s just the purchases that really get on my nerves. I’m 12 years old and I can’t afford things like this....☹️ Please fix this issue! Overall though, AMAZING APP!😁👌🏾👍🏾 KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK GUYS!

Not as useful as I wanted it to be


I’m a die hard otaku and I use Tik Tok a lot and most of the people I follow speak a different language, so when I want to know what they are typing I got TransKey but there is a limit on translations per day but most of the translations don’t even make sense or are incorrect, I can’t use it anymore because I’m out of translations or I don’t want to send the wrong wording, like if I wanted to say ‘ I love your hair’ I don’t know if it will translate incorrectly to ‘ your knees are chicken’ or something as off as that. I wouldn’t recommend if you are using this in a conversation but this is more of a one time use.

Works well, but limiting characters is a flaw


It is nice to have a translator so readily available as a keyboard. It translates instantly and will replace your text with the translated text. It also translates copied text.

My biggest complaint is the limited characters it allows to be translated with each text. I don’t know what the character count is, but I frequently go over the number. I end up cutting the text and pasting it to google translate and copying it back to the thing I’m sending. That’s what I was trying to avoid by purchasing TransKey.

I feel like there should be no character limitations especially for the paid version. It is quite a hassle to hit translate and get the message saying it’s too long.

It’s okay


So uhm where did I start?Number one it’s a very good app but if you don’t have the subscription you have to wait like a day or so for the next translations it has a certain amount of translations that you can use and then you will run out of translations and you can’t use the keyboard anymoreI think it’s a very big problem for people who don’t have the subscription I totally recommend TransKey it’s amazing but I think we should get a 30 day trial for free!I was using TransKey for robloxTo communicate with my Korean friend and of course I love it please change it though🌸🌸🌸

This app is somewhat buggy


When I want some free translations I watch the ads and for unlimited translations I referred 2 friends and I didn’t even get the translations. I also had 30 translations and I refreshed the page and it said I had 0 translations and I was like that was a waste of my time and I wanted to let the company know about TransKey and how there are some bugs on it.

Good keyboard, could be best...


If you didn’t have to copy everything to the clipboard. Makes the TEXTFIELD button very confusing.
Probably not going to pay per translation or character count. Only a good anual rate.
Porque no sólo traduciría lo que escribe en el campo de texto, solo si recibió un texto.
I also speak Spanish so would be really great if you are only stuck on one word and can type it in English por un poco de ayuda.
Have not upgraded as you get a single translation not character count.
Have to see If pricing is worth it.

Translator Keyboard app allows for real time translation but overrides all alternate key values or text replacement.
Perhaps the best way to go is to use English and Spanish keyboards and turn on predictive suggestions. That way you just have to toggle between each if stuck on a word or two.

Ok ok...


It’s a great but when I need to translate something immediately I can’t because I either ran out of translations or characters to type, I literally started today the first time translating something it was perfect but I ran out and I’m really annoyed. I know it’s probably how you make the money you need but it’s really annoying for the customers, so if you have any thought changing it and giving people more translations please do because there is probably gonna come a time where a person is going TO NEED translations but they have none. But it’s a good app I’m just saying it needs some changes.


Great app, just one complaint…


Ok so TransKey is great, it translates the sentences perfectly correct. Thats why I would give it a 5 star, but my complaint is that why do we have to pay to actually get unlimited translations? I don’t get that but at least you can get more but watching ads and stuff but we have to wait a day or so. But overall, TransKey is the best translator I downloaded so far.

Small bug


I’d like to start off by saying that I love TransKey and use it pretty consistently. I’d totally upgrade to premium...if I weren’t broke. I am not here to complain about the fact that I must pay which seems to be the other reviews as I’ve read and completely understand that this comes out of your own pocket. My issue is that there’s what I can only assume is a glitch in my app. I have full access allowed for this app but when I go to translate and try to select a language it appears blank. Even when I’m selecting a language for a slot that already has one filled in. Say English as it is the base for me. If I tap on it it brings up the language selector but has no languages filled in. I understand that you may have moved away from this and may no longer be supporting it. So please let me know.

Thank you for the fantastic service!

Has a lot of potential


First, the creator of TransKey is very responsive and helpful. That is a huge plus in itself. I am changing my rating to 5 stars for that reason.

If you converse in other languages much, the easy use and capabilities of TransKey make it an excellent option. The free use is very limited, but the premium service is reasonably priced if you will use it regularly. Just be aware in advance of exactly what you are gettin: premium is a monthly or yearly fee. Don’t rate TransKey lower because you have to pay for the service—that’s how TransKey works. It’s the free part that is the extra. And it’s waaaay cheaper than most “in-app purchase” apps.

$1.99/month or less than $1/month if paid yearly...for unlimited easy, in-app translations and a developer who responds well? Definitely worth the cost in my opinion.

Very important to read before purchasing subscription!


There is a much more efficient alternative for this this app application. Although the application is quite lovely, the application costs money if you want to translate more words. With the Google Keyboard, this function is completely free of cost! I would advise everyone to please not consider purchasing a subscription and download Gboard instead. It is free and works just as well as the this app.

This is the best


This is easily the best solution when it comes to quick translation within the keyboard. I pay for premium and honestly it’s the best money I’ve ever spent.

However, I’d like to make a suggestion:

If I’m having a conversation with someone, why do I need to constantly switch the two languages back and forth just so I can translate a copied reply? If I forget to click that arrow I always get a (Translated text is identical to original) message. I wish it would understand that if it’s identical then it’s obviously the other way around. You know what I mean? 😂

Other than that minor inconvenience though, it’s a great app. My most used in fact.

Great product!


I have been using this app for several years to communicate with friends in Ukraine - and it has been so helpful and easy to use! I use it primarily with WhatsApp and Viber and it works seamlessly with both products. The support provided by the developer is outstanding and he is extremely responsive and helpful. I highly recommend this product to anyone who communicates on a regular basis with people who speak a different language!

Awesome app!


English: TransKey is great, that was exactly what I was looking for. I am learning French and it is very helpful in communicating with others! If you haven't downloaded it yet, you definitely need to. : D ——————————————————————————— Japanese: アプリは素晴らしいです、それはまさに私が探していたものでした。私はフランス語を学んでいて、他の人とのコミュニケーションにとても役立ちます!まだダウンロードしていない場合は、必ずダウンロードする必要があります。 :D ——————————————————————————— Chinese: 該應用程序很棒,這正是我想要的。我正在學習法語,這對與他人交流非常有幫助!如果尚未下載,則一定要下載。 :D ——————————————————————————— Spanish: La aplicación es genial, eso era exactamente lo que estaba buscando. ¡Estoy aprendiendo francés y es muy útil para comunicarme con los demás! Si aún no lo ha descargado, definitivamente lo necesita. : D ——————————————————————————— French: L'application est géniale, c'était exactement ce que je recherchais. J'apprends le français et c'est très utile de communiquer avec les autres! Si vous ne l'avez pas encore téléchargé, vous en avez certainement besoin. : D

Thank you!


This was exactly what I was looking for! It’s so affordable, especially compared to the other apps with features I don’t need. I just needed something for texting. I opted for the annual subscription since it is the cheapest option. So worth the $0.80/Month.

I read the top review complaining about the character limit for the free version. I understand the frustration, but if TransKey were limited to certain languages instead of characters, then people people would be able abuse that. The developer deserves some sort of payment. I don’t believe TransKey should be free, but that is my opinion. The price is already a generous one and I’m sure funds go into improving TransKey . If you want free, there is google translate, but it wouldn’t be anywhere near as convenient as TransKey.

Speaking of convenience, the keyboard takes a little getting used to, but in less than a day I was able to switch more comfortably between translating my text and text from another person.

Thanks again!

Not Bad


TransKey ’s pretty decent for translating some things you come across, don’t know, but want to know the meaning of.

You get 180 characters to work with for free everyday which is nice if you’re just trying to translate some short text you see in a game, or during a chat or something(idk xD), and if that’s not enough, there’s also the two options of monthly payment for unlimited characters for $1.99(cost of like what two candy bars) and yearly payments for just 10 bucks, so it really gives you a lot of room for translations if you really need them for a small price.

Ofc you can try out the free trial for a week of unlimited character translations or you could also try to refer one of your friends or family members to download TransKey , and that would give you a week of premium too.

Overall TransKey ’s nice whether you go premium or not, it’s one of the better and more convenient ‘built in keyboard’ translations I’ve found, and though the translations aren’t perfect, it’s still passable and you would be able to understand the meaning, so yeah, I’d recommend it :p

It’s ok just some adjustments


TransKey is great for whenever you want to communicate with someone that is close to you but you can’t speak there language which happens a lot, so TransKey is perfect, but there is this one feature on TransKey that makes me not really like TransKey . When I watch an add to get a few more translations it does not pop up when I access the keyboard in stead it shows the same amount before I watched an add, either fix this or please tell me why it does this cause if it won’t give me translations there is no point in putting that there just to advertise. And my email also does not work for it it works for every other app, but TransKey it says there is an error, please fix this, overall TransKey is great.

Convenient to have it in a keyboard


I no longer have to switch back and forth between a translation app and my text app. Love it.

The only thing I would change is to be able to put it on one language set (Spanish/English in my case) and have it automatically switch back and forth no matter which way I need to translate.

I often have to move very quickly and this would make TransKey perfect. But as it is, it’s saving me lots of time and trouble. Thanks for making TransKey!

This is Okay...


So the thing itself works great! But the only problem I have with it is that it only lets you use a limited amount of letters. I wish that it would let you use as many letter or word as you would like! Then, maybe, I would give it a better review. And, yes, I know that you can buy more letters or words, so-called, ‘UPGRADE’, but I don’t want to have to PAY for more words or letters that I should be able to use anytime.



I would like to not have limited access to text in a different language. What if there is a severe emergency and I have to text a loved one. They wouldn’t understand a thing I would be saying because of TransKey ☹️☹️

Also the plan may be cheap but some people can’t afford to pay it either☹️

Pls change the money thingy


I love TransKey the money thing is the problem tho everytime I’m texting my end it always is I have no more characters because my phone doesn’t understand me when I speak English to her



Thanks love TransKey used it in its free days. Could you do some sort of ads instead or a large one time payment maybe the sub model is not super great for me personally. I understand there’s a lotta hard work in developing and you gotta make a living but consider these other options.

Happy Now


I thought I had ordered premium but had not. That resulted in my original bad review: (So I did my second translation for the day after installing TransKey and they tell me I’ve already used up my quota! When I got TransKey they said nothing about quotas! I feel like I was conned!). I’m happy now!

Very Nice!


It is really nice and convenient to use! Even a nice way to impress your friend ;) even without the payed subscription it’s still pretty good! Although a “watch ad” option for more characters would be nice, but monetization could be complicated so i don’t mind!

Has a lot of potential


First, the creator of TransKey is very responsive and helpful. That is a huge plus in itself. I am changing my rating to 5 stars for that reason.

If you converse in other languages much, the easy use and capabilities of TransKey make it an excellent option. The free use is very limited, but the premium service is reasonably priced if you will use it regularly. Just be aware in advance of exactly what you are gettin: premium is a monthly or yearly fee. Don’t rate TransKey lower because you have to pay for the service—that’s how TransKey works. It’s the free part that is the extra. And it’s waaaay cheaper than most “in-app purchase” apps.

$1.99/month or less than $1/month if paid yearly...for unlimited easy, in-app translations and a developer who responds well? Definitely worth the cost in my opinion.

1st time user


Excited to have the opportunity to try TransKey to reach out to possible relatives in other countries. Having some difficulty catching on, but I’m sure I will love it once I get the hang of it. I am not very technologically

Is TransKey Safe? 🤗🙏

Yes. TransKey: Text Translator Chat is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 12,836 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for TransKey Is 43.6/100.

Is TransKey Legit? 💯

Yes. TransKey: Text Translator Chat is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 12,836 TransKey: Text Translator Chat User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for TransKey Is 59.3/100..

Is TransKey: Text Translator Chat not working? 🚨

TransKey: Text Translator Chat works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Payments 💸🤑💰

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
TransKey Premium (monthly) $9.99
TransKey Premium (yearly) $49.99
TransKey Premium (monthly) $9.99

How was your experience with TransKey: Text Translator Chat? Post a Review


- Translate the last sentence of any text field directly within any app

- Translate received messages directly within any app

- Fast and accurate translation to and from over 100 languages

- Automatic detection of source language

- Copy the translation to be used anywhere

- Optimized for all iPhone screen sizes in both portrait and landscape

- Preserves capitalization and emojis

- Free to use up to 180 characters per day with Yandex Translate

- Upgrade to TransKey Premium for unlimited high-quality translations using Google Translate

- Subscriptions will be charged to your credit card through your iTunes Account and renew automatically unless cancelled at least 24 hours before the end of the period

- Contact the developer directly at @alekplay on Twitter or by email at [email protected] for any questions, comments, or concerns.

  Customer Service/Support
Aleksander Skjoelsvik


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