Tarisland Reviews

Tarisland Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-20

About: The Blight Dragon is here! Tarisland, a new cross-platform game that brings back
the fun of iconic MMORPGs, will launch soon. Recreating the challenging dungeons
and immersive exploration experience with a classic fantasy art style, Tarisland
will be available on both PC and mobile with data-sharing enabled.

About Tarisland

The game brings back the classic raid & dungeons system, allowing you to work with your team and take down formidable epic bosses.

Recreating the challenging dungeons and immersive exploration experience with a classic fantasy art style, Tarisland will be available on both PC and mobile with data-sharing enabled.

Inspired by the classic trio of warrior-mage-priest, the game offers up to 9 unique classes, each with 2 specializations for you to choose from.

The game is available on both PC and mobile, allowing you to challenge dungeons and raids with your team anytime and anywhere.

Each class features a flexible and extensive talent tree system, which can be easily customized for different battle scenarios and allows you to find your signature builds.

The Blight Dragon is here! Tarisland, a new cross-platform game that brings back the fun of iconic MMORPGs, will launch soon.

Explore the boundless game world, solve all kinds of mysteries, and enjoy your unique adventure.

You can boost the development of your characters via collecting, mining, crafting, and other professions and earn gold coins by listing your items in the Auction House.

You may choose from 9 classes and 18 specializations to customize your own builds.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating


Positive experience

Negative experience

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 80 combined software reviews.

60 Tarisland Reviews

4.4 out of 5


Lacks Content

Interesting take on the game. Kind of like a 20% of WoW Vanilla as far as content is concerned. It’s fun but also monotonous in its own way. 3/5 simply for existing as something to try but really it’s a far cry away from a real MMORPG. It’s clear that big monetization will be the key here, even if it doesn’t exactly operate as a P2W, it’s fair close in many ways. There are less expensive games to play that offer much more content and fun. $400-$1000 for a skin is insane.


I def WAS so excited, but...

I was SO EXCITED for this game. I played the beta and playtest for iPadOS. In the playtest, they enabled keyboard controls, which is the only way I play, but no mouse/cursor support. I thought.."surely, Apple makes is SO easy to implement mouse/keyboard, no developer would be THAT lazy..." but I was wrong. They didn't enable any proper controls for this game, and yet again all hopes for a decent mobile MMORPG went in the trash b/c of developer laziness. What a horrible shame.


Can’t even play

Preordered it weeks in advance and can’t even play it, amazing graphics and sound quality, though it takes up like 6gb of storage up from the start so make sure you got a phone with a huge amount of story though I’m really looking forward to playing sad I can’t cause the servers won’t let me 😭


Let’s GO!!!

I am ready! Hope this is truly a classic MMORPG and not auto play


Worthless Game

The game said it required 3.8 gb of space. After downloading it onto my phone I still had 5 gb of storage available. It told me it needed to do a download that would require 2.1 gb of space. Halfway through the update, it told me there was insufficient space. Tried 3 times with same result.


First review

No clue what the game is about but just know that it’s mmo, excited…let’s gooo


Releases in 3 hours

Looking forward to it!



Just finished watching 86! It’s such a great show.



This is the worst game I have played, it takes a lot to download & It takes a lot of memory to download this awful game. If I could give a negative 5 star I would.


Can’t even play the game

Game requires a patch to play. The resource path contains Chinese characters and according to phone that’s not allowed. I can’t believe they overlooked this. Shows a lack of testing.


Can’t update

125gb of free space available on phone and app keeps saying low disk space or no access permissions…sucks was excited for this game too


Bad file?

I installed and uninstalled it 3 times it doesn’t work. I will try again tomorrow? I really hope I can get it to work.



good luck everyone ⚔️


No mobile controller support

I just don’t understand why a mobile game doesn’t support controllers. Makes no sense.


Doesn’t work

Unable to update to open the game


Can’t even play

Why release the game and then be on maintenance


Way too big

App’s asking for 7.2GB of space but is listed as only being 3.8GB.



I hope it’s good.








Not Bad For What It Is

First of all, there are a lot of nice things about this game, but ultimately it doesn’t really scratch my MMO itch. The world is beautiful, but feels kind of lifeless for some reason. The game itself is serious bloat-ware; no game should require that much space (over 25 GB on my PC, and something like 7 GB on the tablet). I like to take my time and explore MMO worlds. This game’s main focus is the dungeons, and they have done a good job of making it easy to do that. But the matchmaking will pair you with a bunch of strangers that will want to rush through the dungeon as fast as possible. Not my idea of fun; and for me the dungeons feel overly long (I was looking for the exit long before I was done). As near as I could tell a big part of character development required you to run dungeons…a lot. I tried the solo dungeon on the easiest setting once; didn’t even come close to killing the boss. Not sure how that sort of aggravation is fun, but I guess some folks like that sort of thing. Anyway, I am sure a lot of people will love this game, but if you are looking for an immersive game world perhaps look elsewhere.


Its okay!

People that gave it 1 star are so funny lol, you start reading their reviews and they are complaining about problems that the developers that cant control such as “not enough space” like its not their faults you bought a cheap phone or tablet with not enough space for a big game like this.

And I saw others give it one star because they couldnt play on the release date of the game… like go touch grass and wait for the game to be ready 😭

Overall my experience so far has been okay, its not anything out of the ordinary but at least it hasn’t been a p2w aspect at least that I have noticed.


All hoopla and small substance

A minute to get the feel of the game and its world would have been nice but basically, almost immediately following my character “build,” I found my avatar thrust into a group of other toons in some kind of boss fight—no idea if the toons were NPCs or other players. And I emphasize “some kind of boss fight” because there was zero storyline to create a context. So… big battle and no time to experience my best use of skills; in fact no functional concept of my skillset at all. And, as an admittedly old personage who’s been PC gaming since the early 1990’s, why do all the toons look like they’re fourteen years old or designed by pedophiles (an ageist and sexist attitude found in most of these types of game)? Two stars for the windup and slick packaging. I’m going back to my Steam account asap. And if this review even gets posted, don’t bother with some bland, meaningless response. FAIL.


Only been waiting 6 Months to play

Launch day woes, we all get it. Many games launch and may not be the most playable. I’ve been trying to get in for almost 3 hours now. 1 Attempted reinstall and repatch already and same issues. Stuck at the loading screen. Will not progress further than a spinning wheel.

When you get excited about a game for months and want to play it, spend your time theorycrafting builds, setting up optimal paths and progression routes. Just so that you can attempt to stay in the leaderboard only to have the game not be playable is very disheartening.

I’m sure the game will be good when it starts working, but for myself and many others we have lost a large amount of very valuable play time and progression that we cannot get back to be competitive. Very very dissapointing after waiting months. Developers collectively need to do better to address these issues. I am also a Beta tester as well.



So, as a player of many games over the years!! This game does show a kot of potential in the future! Theres many players on every server! And just like your every mmorpg you have many classes to choose from! And loads of content to explore! I noticed as the game progressed so do the maps ! That was very interesting so it balanced the game very well! Also for it being a new game it has great graphics ! You do have to level up to certain levels to acquire certain features!! But by oegek 8 youll have your mount. Overall the game has alot of more depth to it waiting to be explored! This is a game you can have fun! Definitely worth downloading and trying out for yourself! Have fun


The game I’ve been looking for

I started out with this game called Order&Chaos in like 2014 and ever since it was shutdown I’ve been looking for a game like it, but this game has truly done even better than that game the story actually makes sense and the mounts are really cool , the voice actors aren’t cringy like some other mobile games. It’s not a pay to win game its a you gotta grind for it game which I love tbh , and so far the community is great everyone is trying to help each other out with the dungeons and new events. Overall I’ll give it 5 stars for me! Can’t wait to see what they do in the future !


Been waiting on a game like this for years!!

Been waiting on a newer, more developed game like this app to be released! It’s a new new game, so be patient while they work out the kinks, hotfixes, and updates. Overall this app has the potential to become better than most mmorpg’s out there today, especially considering they are working on classes without gender locks!! It’s about time someone listened!! Gameplay is great as well!!! Love the graphics!! Keep it moving in the right direction and this app won’t be beat by any other!!


Love it!

Love the game but you need more armor sets in dungeons and raids. I shouldn’t get all I can get from a dungeon after running it twice. Make purples, yellows in dungeons and make it where you can roll for yellows. If you want to kill wow you have to release content for us to do. PvP is great and I love the battlegrounds! Alchemy is fun and so is fishing. Leveling is pretty quick and I love the max level per day after release, good idea. Lots more to do but the game is going in the right direction just don’t let us get bored too quickly, you’ll be a dead game within 6 months.


MEH.. not bad not good just..MEH

Easily forgettable and nothing groundbreaking about it. Looks like a World of Warcraft fan made game. Cartoony design and I can see the paywall coming where those who pay excel and those who don’t are left far far behind. Would not be an issue as I play a lot of PtW games as a free and some manage to keep you interested but this one. Not so much. Dialogue is stale with bare minimum customization for differentiation or unique looks for character. Basically change your hair and how tall you are. I exclusively play Healers in MMOs and let me tell you this healer class has to be the most boring and annoying one I have played in a looong time.


Boohoo Cry

People just have first impression bias from something they saw or heard months before the game even came out and they have decided to hate it forever. Idk the game is honestly really fun. It is designed to work as a mobile game but higher end content is better on PC. It’s good, the level cap is unfortunate but also allows you to do things you probably wouldn’t if there was no cap. I am pleasantly surprised and hope that this game succeeds as a mobile take on mmorpgs. P.S. if you’re one of the people crying, grow up and go touch grass


Finally what WoW could never do.

This game has done everything right. You can switch from playing on your PC to your phone, allowing you to continue the adventure no matter where you go. It feels like the same game, no matter which device you are playing on. Every major MMO could learn a thing or two about how to give their players the ability to jump straight from desktop to mobile with no difference in quality or gameplay. It's truly amazing.



Definitely recommend if you’re a high graphics mmorpg fan! I only wish the gears appearances would change after equipping different ones but still better than other mmorpg games in general!


Don’t trust bad reviews, people are dumb

Man what is wrong with yall in these reviewers? Bunch of people mad the game released to download on Thursday so we could download the resources earlier for a smooth release on FRIDAY June 21st when it’s been scheduled to release for weeks? A simple google search could’ve answered that for you. Yet all of you are complaining about a 12 gb download size and no servers before it’s even released?? Man this game as bad reviews for reasons that don’t even involve the game itself


Destroyed my system data

I downloaded Tarisland bc I thought it might be fun. It was over 6GB without having everything updated. I deleted Tarisland because I didn’t want to deal with having no storage, and I come to realize my system data is now 13GB. Which is near half my storage. I only have 32GB, so this was a big problem. I am still trying to remove the data to regain some storage, but I accidentally hit the redownload button and now I can’t delete the data till it loads, which will be never, and can’t cancel download as it won’t show up on my homepage. Overall a terrible experience. Would not recommend to people with low storage.😔😡👎


Big problem

I downloaded this game when it first came out on preorder. after downloading all the files to 100% and trying to login I noticed something. Here in North America the game is saying that all servers are still not active. This is very frustrating for now. We are three days into the games launch, and no one in North America is able to play the game. It would’ve been nice if the developers would’ve had all the bugs taken care of prior to launch. I have installed an uninstalled this game numerous times with no avail. I don’t know what the main problem is but the developers definitely need to fix the problem.


No auto play! So far so good!

#1: Zero auto play!!! Already makes it amazing.
Found a couple small typos and odd wording. Pretting sure one of the skills of the barbarian or bard had the time of attacks and number of attacks reversed in the wording…besides things like that it’s been very positive experience. Doesn’t appear to be pay to win or anything yet. The classes are very interesting to play and not quite what I expected, as they all have an interesting mechanic to pay attention to.

There’s great videos and explanations in game for dungeons and how your characters work. No need to travel to a wiki or lookup anything. This is definitely well thought out and I’m excited to keep playing.

I have yet to try PVP. Will do that soon.


Different Take Than I Have Seen

Mind you I have been waiting for this game. Saw ads, pre registered, and I play on both PC and iOS, so I am a Day 1 player. The force slow content launch I have enjoyed. It’s not so worrisome that everyone will over cap me and sad as it is but respectable I can over level everyone else. I don’t buy the addons so I can’t speak on that side. I have really enjoyed so far.



boring, mobs barely drop items, no exp given for beating enemies (idk if this is the norm for mmo’s) attacks lack weight and the SFX for the attacks are really low. Giving it a 3 because im not a huge mmo fan to begin with and I don’t want to let that affect my score. I wasn’t even playing a tank and i could just stand in one place spamming my basic attack and not even be bothered. I heard the game was bad but I wanted to try for myself and yeah. They were right.
Maybe others will enjoy it, all power to them.


Game is very fun highly recommended for individuals who are into a Fantasy based MMORPG

The performance of this game although it’s the beginning stages of its development of an established MMO. It does have potential for high anticipation, which the content can be further enveloped into other form of mean. Which in Explanation, this game has a likeliness of being an extremely polished game of systematic structure is not tampered.


Don’t judge until you play it

I went in expecting nothing but a rip off of the worst of any mmorpg. I left feeling like it had a world of Warcraft feel combat wise for mobile in the best way. Story is filler, the dialog is ok with some characters but most part is terrible. No auto to makes it stand out in itself. I respect what they did here.


Great game!

Is it just like WoW? Yes. Is it fun? Yes! The graphics are amazing and the mic chat is so helpful! Play this with your friends or make new friends on it. The download storage required is due to the graphics so if you’re not trying to download a big game file just for graphics don’t get the game. If you like WoW and similar MMORPGs this is for you. The mounts are really cool! The game play is also really easy to learn, the guidance helps you a ton and the “tutorial” lasts until level 16. Overall fun game to play and easy to learn. I wish there were a “home base” tho like in other games. Unless I just haven’t got to that level yet.


Not Sure of the Problem

Reading all of the reviews for this game have left me with a feeling of anticipation that I don’t feel too often for mobile games, but I decided to give this game a shot anyways and see where it goes.
After having downloaded the game and the resources, I attempt to proceed into the server of my choice to see what this game has to offer.
However, I cannot proceed from here. I’ve tried every server and I continue to get a message saying that my connection to the server has failed.
The issue is not my internet connection. I have seamlessly opened my other mobile games that require a decent internet connection and proceed with playing.
I can’t seem to figure out why this game is not allowing me to connect to a server and begin.


Reached level 20, having a blast.

As a huge MMORPG & aRPG fan, this game is fun through the first 20 levels. The skill tree is cool once it’s unlocked.
I tried a variety of five different classes, and 4/5 of them were a hit to me, but I chose the Phantom Necro. Healing is pretty fun.
I am primarily a PC player, so within the next two days; I can’t wait to check out the PC port.
If you go to settings (once you find settings), there is a setting in ‘Basic’ where you can slightly change perspective that better suits either PC or Mobile players. Pretty cool father.


5 stars for what it is.

A few hours in and so far it’s a pretty fun mobile mmo. Blizzard is really missing out on a massive opportunity in the mobile mmo area. Instead of releasing their crappy mobile games, they could be porting over wow but instead we have these clones which aren’t bad at all. Hopefully there is a end game worth leveling to but if not. For a free mmo that is something close to wow on mobile that I have always wanted, it’s definitely worth 5 stars for what it is.


Controller support

Game needs controller support pretty sure no one would like to touch a hot device we rather use backbone or controller or the ones that wanna use hands use at will but controller support is needed with this game it would make it more of a experience with that play like black desert and Warzone mobile I feel like MMO should always have controller support because people can you use mouse and keyboard so why not let us players use backbone or a regular controller…



works well on mobile but needs work

Tere are lots of translation mistakes. gameplay is good dungeons are fun with mechanics. Most people are braindead from wow so expect to get wiped from idiots ignoring things.

Could use more cosmetics, everyone looks similar because there’s only 2 armors you can get without paying.

Trade skills are brutally unbalanced with very little reward. Costs for materials beyond the basics are super high. The vigor system is way too limiting on top of that.

Most classes have stand still to do more damage option, which will rarely be used due to encounter design. This limits the usefulness of the talent trees.

I do not pvp but it’s required for season progress. Stop forcing people to pvp, nobody has fun when uninterested people run into the slaughter.

Is Tarisland Safe?

Yes. Tarisland is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 80 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.4/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Tarisland Is 59.6/100.

Is Tarisland Legit?

Yes. Tarisland is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 80 Tarisland User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Tarisland Is 100/100..

Is Tarisland not working?

Tarisland works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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