Ammo Fever: Tower Gun Defense Reviews

Ammo Fever: Tower Gun Defense Reviews

Published by on 2024-09-19

About: Get ready for a thrilling base defense experience in Ammo Fever, the ultimate
defense game! You're a little stickman with a big machine gun, waiting for the
bullet stack supply to defend yourself against the incoming riot. Will you
survive the base attack and become the ultimate stickman defender? As the
enemies approach, you'll need to rely on your quick reflexes to shoot them down
and protect your base.


Overall Customer Experience šŸ˜Ž

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 47,322 combined software reviews.

Read 43 Customer Service Reviews šŸ‘‡

4.6 out of 5

Just a really bad example

2023-07-13 21:37:48

We all know that these ā€œgamesā€ are really just ad delivery devices. The best games keep the ads in check, usually giving you a benefit for watching. This game does that, but it also forces so many adds on you that at best itā€™s 50% play, 50% ads. This is literally how it goes, Iā€™ve seen this several times. You voluntarily watch an add to get a free piece, then as soon as that ad is over the ā€œgameā€ makes you watch an ad. You donā€™t get any break from the ads at all and very little play to be had. It really just isnā€™t worth bothering with. The actual game is mildly amusing at bast and thereā€™s just way too little of it to justify all the ad watching.

Fun Butā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦

2023-07-13 21:37:48

So, Iā€™ve been playing for a couple of days now and making pretty good progress, but something weird happened.
I made it to the end of the third island, received the colored nuts šŸ”© to upgrade the guns, and I was given the option to watch a video to get 2x as much but the video wouldnā€™t start. WiFi is on, and I just watched 3 videos prior to that one, but that one wouldnā€™t budge. So instead of getting 13,000+ in nuts I only got 6,500+ in nuts šŸ”©. That one aspect stopped me from giving 5 Stars ā­ļø.


2023-07-13 21:37:48

Iā€™m honestly not sure why everyone is complaining about ads. Yes, there are a few ads maybe every other round, but you can skip most of them after a couple seconds. The game is fun, it gets harder as it goes on so it isnā€™t just the same thing over and over again, and itā€™s very fun. This is hands down my #1 game to play when Iā€™m bored or on a road trip.

Not fast enough

2023-07-13 21:37:48

The game is fun and quick but one major difficulty threshold lies in the conveyor belt. Eventually your turrets with fire faster then the conveyer can bring them ammo which make the game significantly harder in the later levels and eventually make upgrading fire rate useless. Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only one who is mentioning this.

Ad issue

2023-07-13 21:37:48

This is a great game and yes, there are a lot of ads but thatā€™s not the reason for my low rating. They give an option to remove ads if you donā€™t want them. My issue is that there are some ads that donā€™t fully load and wonā€™t allow me to close it out even after waiting for many minutes. It makes it very difficult to play the game at all. Please fix this! In addition to this, the game eats through my battery life way faster than any other game and makes my phone extremely hot after a few minutes of playing.

Less ads and game freezing

2023-07-13 21:37:48

I love it itā€™s like the best game ever but there are a lot of ads and also the game freezes up every 5 to 60 seconds and if you could pls fix that Iā€™d give it 5 stars. So please fix both of those. And I have a seggestion for the game you should make it to where you can open gun packs/boxes for nuts and bolts please. That would be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fun


2023-07-13 21:37:48

This game is just about ads Iā€™ve spent like 85 percent of my time just sitting here watching ads. If you want to sit here watching ads like me then download this trash, and if you donā€™t then youā€™ll spend a lot less time just watch ads. This is to the creators, I mean I know you need ads to make money, but why do you need to have this many ads in a simple little game? And all the glitches most of the time you donā€™t even get money from killing thoseā€¦ people or whatever. But please PLEASE fix these, I am literally on my knees begging you to fix these.

Really good game

2023-07-13 21:37:48

So I found this game on ads and it seemed pretty cool, I decided do download it and Iā€™m astonished. Itā€™s a really fun game where these box thingies generate bullets to shoot zombies that come in a variety of colors, And they give these metal nuts when you kill them, Which is really nice because each color can upgrade a different ability.

Hands down best game ever

2023-07-13 21:37:48

I love it when I download a game that looks fun and it has ads shoved down my throat and when ever I get asked if I want to watch an ad to double my earning or open up more space and I click noā€¦ I still get forced to watch it even though I declined it. This is one of those games.

Slow and way to many ads

2023-07-13 21:37:48

Not much going on in the game which makes it sluggish. Then the ads dear lord the ads run every like 10-20 seconds itā€™s insanely and they serve no benefit. Which this makes the already sluggish feeling game even more slow. You have no direct control of the game which almost feels like ā€œoh ok Iā€™ll put it down and do something elseā€ just to come back to it and realize you made absolutely no progress bc 10seconds after putting it down an ad ran and never left the screen. Horrible experience

Get rid of the free upgrades with the remove ads iap

2023-07-13 21:37:48

I really enjoy the game itā€™s a nice pass time when Iā€™m bored out of my mind but when you purchase to remove ads it would make sense that it would also remove the ads to upgrade the turrets, I donā€™t wanna sit through ad after ad to upgrade the turrets. Whatā€™s the point of the gears if Iā€™m never going to use them

Money, hungry game

2023-07-13 21:37:48

I have to pay a monthly or yearly subscription just to rotate. the blocks
Oh, come on that is the most dirtiest move I ever heard of it should be a one time fee or if thatā€™s not fixed Iā€™m uninstalling the game I donā€™t support money hungry games, no offense what makes you think people can afford it that subscription letā€™s see I have a choice $35 a for food or $35 a for stupid game that could shut down in a year from now make it a one time fee, or I will uninstall this game and this was a fun game, until I saw this, the VIP greedy money, hungry people

To many ads!

2023-07-13 21:37:48

Itā€™s a great game from what I can tell however you canā€™t even play for 5 minutes without an ad. Honestly Iā€™m not sure if you can play for even a minute without some sort of ad popping up. I spend more time watching ads then actually playing the game. If there wasnā€™t so many ads Iā€™d give this game a much higher rating. The ads are just beyond bearable though.

Come on man

2023-07-13 21:37:48

Itā€™s only rated a 5 so you can see it
I started playing today and well, itā€™s fun I admit
But I want to restore my no ads purchase so I get the free with ad plots, but Iā€™ve clicked restore purchase like 26 times and I didnā€™t get my purchase restored, I want my money back pls šŸ„²

ad game

2023-07-13 21:37:48

The amount of ads the game has is actually unbelievable, you dont even get a compensation from the ad it makes you watch. Yes there is a skip button for the ad but it also makes you wait even more after the skip button and it is so frequent itā€™s actually unplayable. The gameplay in itself is not bad but its so frustrating to play when youā€™re playing as much as youā€™re watching ads.

4 Star

2023-07-13 21:37:48

I didnā€™t mind the ads because i paid to remove them, however i beat the game in like 2 days and i thereā€™s no mini games to beatā€¦ or like other levels i understand beating it over and over to become OP ti the point goku looks like a side character but it would be nice to have more challenges even if it is beta testing.

phone overheating

2023-07-13 21:37:48

This game is really entertaining, itā€™s really fun to play the only problem that I have is that after a couple minutes of playing it starts overheating my phone idk if itā€™s the amount of ads, which donā€™t really bother me. But after my phone gets to a certain temperature I have to stop playing :/

The purchase that removes ads

2023-07-13 21:37:48

I understand that the creators have to make money, but when I pay to remove ads I expected to not have to watch them to upgrade turrets. The fact that you have to pay to remove more or less half of the ads is ridiculous. I donā€™t recommend paying for it, seeing as it only removes the ones that would have popped up while fighting the waves. I can only hope the devs rethink the effectiveness of this paid feature.

Too many ads

2023-07-13 21:37:48

Really fun game and I understand the need of ads to keep the game free and so the developers can make some money but I mean there are an insane amount of ads like truly way too many itā€™s getting to a point where I want to uninstall it because every few seconds while playing an ad pops up. But other than that itā€™s a very solid fun little game.

No sound

2023-07-13 21:37:48

Yes this says 5 stars, but that is a lie. This game deserves a 1 star but no one sees 1 stars sooooo.

This game has no sound. The one reason I downloaded it, was because of that American feeling of just wanting to see something, and listen, to the glorious brrrrrrt of a rapid fire gun.

No sound is the worst.

Ads every 10 seconds!!!???

2023-07-25 23:46:56

The game seems okay but I canā€™t even get to a point to see if I actually like it because there is an ad that pops up literally like every 10 seconds in the middle of a game. And not just a pop up ad from the bottom. A full on ad that takes the whole screen and you have to watch for 30 seconds.

Sorry but Iā€™m not even going to entertain the thought of paying $3.99 for no ads when I see 3 times more ads than gameplay before I can even see if itā€™s worth it.

More expansive upgrades and ads

2023-07-29 02:41:16

Just like everyone else writing these reviews, thereā€™s a major ad problem. But straying away from the normal rant, I feel like there should be more upgrades, more for the conveyer belt. I got the game a few days ago and Iā€™m really enjoying it as a quick escape from everyday life. Iā€™m on world 5 or 6 now, and the conveyer beltā€™s speed canā€™t keep up with the fire rate of my turrets or the production of ammo. So for a next update I feel that upgrades for the conveyor belts speed or transport capacity should be upgraded. Like you could buy another conveyor belt to move twice as many bullets to keep up with the ever increasing wave sizes. Just something that will allow you to spend more of the money you earn on something other than buying more merging bricks.

Great game concept, ruined by monitization

2023-08-11 13:23:32

This is a very fun experience between the forced ads. The problem is that forced ads occur so frequently that it is near impossible to get immersed. The only good use of ads in this game is the ability to buy higher tier ammo at the cost of a 45 sec ad. Which is a pretty good deal, but when you are watching so many forced ads already with no actual benefit, it is really hard to even want to engage in the reasonable use of ads. Also this game made me long for old school flash games, if they pulled this crap on us back then we would not tolerate it, but we have gotten so used to it that itā€™s just an expected part of phone gaming. Such a shame.

Lvl 8 is impossible

2023-08-11 13:23:32

Yeah thereā€™s a lot of ads but the game is fun and it works with no wifi or data. Iā€™ve been playing for a couple days and made it to level 8. It. Is. Impossible. Iā€™ve tried watching so many ads to get as many ammo crates as possible and the conveyor belt still canā€™t keep up with the final waves even producing only purple bullets (the most powerful). Fun game but now itā€™s over.

Unplayable w/ ads

2023-09-09 10:00:55

Just another mobile game that couldā€™ve been amazing but instead is ruined by the ad apocalypse. It all started back in early days. Me an Bobby were learning our way through the tutorials they gave us. Inspired to show our metal we jumped into it showing how capable we were to othersā€¦. We were wrongā€¦.I bought my first ammo pack as instructed. Suddenly, violently we got hit out of nowhere! The ADS were made their first strike. Yelling to Bobby I needed to move the ammo to the gunner. A second ADs blast quickly followed. Panic set in, it was now or never. Once in control again I clicked the screen 5 times in desperation to move the ammo belt fasterā€¦. But it wasnā€™t enough. As soon as I gained speed we took a direct hit from the ADs. As the dust settled I looked around and saw that poor Bobby was no longer thereā€¦.. they had taken him outā€¦. Trying not to to give in to the oppressive ADs relentless bombardment. I loaded for the waves to come. I managed to kill an enemy but was swiftly hit with an AD. Suddenly 5 Enemies chargedā€¦ Oh it was glorious to hear the sound of the gun firing round after round, the smell of burnt shell casings flinging into the air. But to no availā€¦. I was laid waste by x3 full minute long ADs. Do not be a casualty of the ADs like myself and poor old Bobbyā€¦
May your future mobile gaming experience be AD free as they were always meant to be.

Fun game but has issuesā€¦

2023-09-09 10:00:55

Ads are a problem. Way too many ads. I paid to remove ads, and there were still too many, it only removes the forced ads. Then my gun tab started blinking as if it needed attention, but nothing in the tab needed attention and I couldnā€™t get the alert to disappear. However, I was unable to unlock new guns after that. Hoping to resolve the problem the same way I do with other apps, I deleted and redownloaded the game. All my progress is gone and all the ads are back. Restored purchases and it changed nothing. Not even sure the button is linked to anything. Came to the store page to contact supportā€¦ the support website linked in the store is ā€œ404 not foundā€. Appears the only links that work for AmmoFever are the links to take your money.

Turn off cellular data for no adsšŸ«¤

2023-09-09 10:00:55

I donā€™t understand why people complain about the ads just turn off your internet and your fine. Beside that the game is pretty good although be prepared to fail because you have to fail to get better at the game. Itā€™s a trail and error game with some grinding and patience. So expect it to take a little while but beside that the game is pretty good. And even if you canā€™t turn off the ads they only last like 10 seconds then you can skip. I personally enjoy this game it would be 5 star but it heats up my phone and takes some time to get to the next level so 4

Fun but ad heavy

2023-09-09 10:00:55

Fun to play. A few ideas to make it better would be stronger upgrades available for the guns, upgrades available for the conveyer belt, and the precision of moving pieces on the board more reliable. By level 7, even with the epic guns fully upgraded, itā€™s impossible to win unless you view ads for more bullet production boxes. Ads also pop up during play. It is easy to play and quite entertaining but because of ads it gets three stars.

Disappointedā€¦ Ad version of this game runs better

2023-09-11 12:25:32

Is it me or when I played this first in an ad from another game(s), it plays well. And when I decided to download to give it a try, the graphics are so grainy and underperforms with lag as opposed to the so called ā€œad versionā€? Iā€™m more disappointed that this is the ā€œbest wifi game everā€ and it looks like a kid made this. User interface is also abysmal that just bombard you with so little options to upgrade unless you either buy their package deals or you watch an ad. ā€œOh you donā€™t want ads? Buy ā€˜No Adsā€™ for this much!ā€ ā€œOh you want more materials? Watch an ad to get double rewards!ā€ Itā€™s sad that this is the majority of the mobile gaming space that these have so many interruptions for ads during gameplay.

Add filled cash grab.

2023-10-26 09:13:16

From the very start this game bombards you with adds, which ok, thatā€™s how many mobile games are, sure. But I mean everywhere. The whole business model seems to be put out a low effort game and get users to view as many adds possible before they uninstall. At every chance they get you have the option to double everything by watching an add, but then if you decide not to, they make you watch the add anyways a lot of the time. They also have random 30-45 second adds pop up throughout every game. Not to mention they put in as little effort in as possible in terms of art and style, and the content gets old fast. Donā€™t waste your time.

Fantastic if you love Ads

2023-11-29 05:32:16

Seriously, we don't download games just to watch ads. Far too many developers being cheap with the player hoping that we will download another gamvertisement. It's very annoying. If you are asking for money on these simplistic games, make it worth our while.

What's even worse is that you are forced to watch the ads. The game isn't even that good as they make you fail as you can't afford the in-game currency to pass a level. You fail, watch and ad, start over, fail, and watch another ad. Great job, developers. My patience on this new model of wasting players time has run out. You have earned a one star review. Do better.

Incomplete Game.

2024-02-02 22:20:12

Game concept is good, n could be fun if it had been finished. This is clearly some college kids proof of concept from school. It doesnā€™t scale, so canā€™t really be played as indicated. Ads aside, this is offensive in its presumption and condescension. Paying doesnā€™t make it better, on account of the glitch n lack of support, n play doesnā€™t improve with grinding as the game doesnā€™t have balanced scaling. That apple allows this on their apps store shows their negligence, and the creator having left it as is without improvement, expansion or support shows what they think too. I pity anyone who gives AmmoFever money as itā€™s creatorā€™s negligence shows a lack of respect for the people who payed for itā€™s falsely presented purpose.

Iā€™m stuck

2024-02-02 22:20:12

I have the vip turret and best in slot turrets for my other 2 turrets and they are all maxed upgraded, but I canā€™t get past burning volcano. Iā€™ve even watched every single ad I can possibly watch while playing the level and still couldnā€™t get it. The closest I got was wave 20 by only using 2 turrets instead of 3. My two best turrets. I have no idea where to go from here. I feel like you guys are missing conveyor belt upgrades or something. The conveyor belt canā€™t keep up with my turrets at all.


2024-02-02 22:20:12

I love the game and this is why I gave it a 4 star. Itā€™s fun you get away from the real world for a while and itā€™s addictive. But I am at level seven and when I start to play it it starts fine but I only earn $4 and canā€™t buy any more ammo boxes so Iā€™m only running on 1 ammo box and a bunch of enemies are overwhelming me. I try to reboot my fone and still happens. This needs to be fixed. Iā€™ll try to update the game and get back.
But other than that itā€™s a fun game.

Good but unbalanced

2024-02-02 22:20:12

The conveyor needs upgrades, Provide a way to permanently upgrade the min level box, and i made it to level 7 ONLY by MAXING my purple guns, and now ON 7 I cannot upgrade further, my other guns are worse, and i get speed blitzed at the start cuz i donā€™t do enough damage and i donā€™t get enough bullets. Iā€™m convinced unless you pay for boosters you CANNOT get passed level 7. And why is there a lock on the bottom left?! I swear i should have unlocked whatever that is by now.

Might have a bug

2024-02-25 03:16:29

Itā€™s a really fun game and I really enjoy it, but I keep unlocking new guns and they wonā€™t equip. First time this happened, I tried unequiping all my guns but after that I couldnā€™t equip them again, which left me defenseless. So I had to redownload the whole game and start over. It was really frustrating and I still canā€™t equip new guns. So if you could try and fix it if that possible that would be great. It also might be a problem on my end but Iā€™ve tried everything.

Impossible to play without ads

2024-05-07 05:53:03

The first 5 levels really pulls you in, even in airplane mode. Level 6 is a challenge but you can get through it with a few advertisement awards. Level 7 is impossible to play without ad boosts. You canā€™t even kill the first wave of enemies to gain money for more ammo with my guns upgraded to level 132, 148, and 148. Ad, get more ammo. Even two 2-blocks isnā€™t enough damage, youā€™re halfway dead before youā€™re on the second wave. More ad boosts. Oh look, hereā€™s a normal add you have to watch because youā€™ve been playing for 60 seconds. Good game, well for the first 6 levels at least.

Odd Design Choices

2024-05-10 22:45:08

First itā€™s a greedy cash grab with long ads.

Beyond that itā€™s incredibly boring. You watch turrets shoot with limited cash gains so youā€™re ammo starved at the start. You then can get a choice of one minor power up or watch a minute long ad for all three. Hope you kill fast enough to buy more ammo to continue. Then if you make it towards the end have more ammo than your turrets naturally fire so you get to tap the screen rapidly. Donā€™t worry though. If you buy their upgrades itā€™s a lot easier. Except itā€™s still boring.

Not bad, but not great. Needs some adjustments

2024-05-26 13:23:25

Not a bad time-waster, although it can definitely feel a bit mindless at times. What I really donā€™t like though, is how slow the conveyor belt transfers ammo, as itā€™s unable to transfer even 12 rounds a second, very frequently resulting in a massive stockpile when the turrets are crying for ammo on the other end. The transport rate also doesnā€™t increase when the 3x fast forward is active, which makes things even worse when waiting for more cash. Please increase the throughput rate of the belt to 16 or 20 shots a second, and have the throughput rate scale correctly with timerate.

Terrible Game

2024-07-07 20:18:08

So many ads, literally every click forces you to watch an ad except for when youā€™re upgrading your turrets. There is no other settings available in the game other than the privacy policies which does not even working when clicking on it. Thereā€™s not profile settings, sound, or any settings like other games. Turrets is already ā€˜MAXEDā€™ out but still alerting that it needs upgrade but thereā€™s nothing to click or do. The ā€˜Burning Volcanoā€™ level is terrible because it doesnā€™t give you money to purchase ammo after enemy is killed so youā€™re stuck with a low 2 bullet ammo only that you canā€™t even add more or upgrade it. Very terrible game.

Too many ads

2024-08-08 07:57:58

This game is so much fun and I can see myself playing this game for hours. BUT there are too many random pop up ads and makes the game boring. This game would be great if weā€™re not for the pop up ads. On addition after every other pop up ad the game tryā€™s to force the $3.99 ad free. Iā€™m deleting the game because of the pop up ads. I hope the company can fix this problem. But I have no faith in humanity to make a free, fun, and random pop up ad free. Itā€™s all about money to these companies and thatā€™s fine. But forcing you customers to buy something they donā€™t want to pay for is just the dumbest thing you can do. Let the customers pick when to choose an ad and weā€™ll like you more to where we may want to pay the $3.99. Hope you succeed in life


2024-08-08 07:57:58

Great game but you can still have a game that doesnā€™t flood you with ads, you can have a future where if you watch an ad, you get a special buff for the next game, and can be stackable up to five, therefore you can get ad revenue without the ads annoying your player base, also just remove the idiotic ad on the bottom of the screen, no one likes emā€™.

IMPORTANT! With the ads being a large part of the issue with the game, people will turn on airplane mode to avoid your ads, which will then give yā€™all no money as ads canā€™t play without internet, and if you make internet a requirement, youā€™ll lose a large portion of your player base. But beside the annoying ads, the game is great šŸ‘

Also, it looks like most of your five stars are boted, they have random names and one of the reviews was just a long string of wā€™s.

More like Ad Fever

2024-09-22 12:02:44

Pretty much following the same tangent here: the game is mindless fun, and I thoroughly enjoy mobile games like these. For $4 itā€™s kind of whatever, but there isnā€™t much of an investment in the game in general. You have a good game here. Itā€™s fun, itā€™s mindless. Itā€™s quite literally a game that you would only play when youā€™re sitting in a doctorā€™s office or on a long road trip/flight. Thereā€™s no reason to have it riddled with as many ads as there are.

Iā€™m cool with an ad every now and then, but when it happens after every win, after every death, during the waves of the level youā€™re on, there needs to be a line drawn. It quite literally got annoying and I lost all interest in continuing further.

I also agree with what others have said in regards to the conveyor belt: there needs to be a better way of upgrading it. During the level, you hardly get anywhere near the amount needed to unlock the extra spaces (especially in the earlier levels(itā€™s hardly needed that early on in general)). Not to mention the ads needed to watch in order to unlock some of those spaces.

Originally I was rating this a 2/5. Iā€™ll be generous and give a 3/5 because I enjoyed it enough as it is. This is all in hopes that this review gains some traction and changes are made.

Is Ammo Fever Safe?

Yes. Ammo Fever: Tower Gun Defense is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 47,322 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Ammo Fever Is 39.1/100.

Is Ammo Fever Legit?

Yes. Ammo Fever: Tower Gun Defense is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 47,322 Ammo Fever: Tower Gun Defense User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Ammo Fever Is 57/100..

Is Ammo Fever: Tower Gun Defense not working?

Ammo Fever: Tower Gun Defense works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with Ammo Fever: Tower Gun Defense? Post a Review


Get ready for a thrilling base defense experience in Ammo Fever, the ultimate defense game! You're a little stickman with a big machine gun, waiting for the bullet stack supply to defend yourself against the incoming riot.

That's where merging ammo boxes with weapons comes in handy - the more you merge, the bigger your bullets become, allowing you to take down enemies with greater ease.

You'll need to upgrade your weapon and fireline, and improve your bullet rush, to keep up with the increasing difficulty.

And with each upgrade, you'll see your ammunition evolve and your gunpowder become more powerful, leading to a fascinating weapon evolution.

-See your ammunition evolve and your gunpowder become more powerful, leading to a fascinating weapon evolution.

Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable.

-Upgrade your weapon and fireline to keep up with the increasing difficulty of your bullet stack.

Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period.

The current active subscription period cannot be canceled.

-Merge boxes with weapons to upgrade your firepower and get bigger bullets for your machine gun.

You can turn off the auto-renew for the subscription whenever you want to through iTunes account.

Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase.

-Improve your bullet rush to take down enemies with greater ease.

As the enemies approach, you'll need to rely on your quick reflexes to shoot them down and protect your base.