Bible Verses: Daily Devotional Reviews

Bible Verses Reviews

Published by on 2024-09-30

🏷️ About: Inspiring Bible Verses & Photos! 1000's of the best verses. Get inspired, study the Bible, share with friends and family! • Amazing Bible Verses! • Tap to follow verse to read the Bible! • Inspire, Save, Love, Search, Share! • Customize with Backgrounds! • Daily Devotional! Bible Verses about Love, Faith, Heaven, Salvation, Good, Life, its all here! This app is advertising supported.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

😎 Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 61,340 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Provides quotes for seeking hope and inspiration

- Can be helpful for those looking for quotes to motivate them

Read 30 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.9 out of 5
What is wrong with it

There are constantly adds that pop up and when I’m trying to read Gods holy word there a stupid add that gets in the way and I don’t have money to pay for premium that’s just stupid how you want to make money off of something that should be for God not money and some of the verses in there have been twisted up by the people who post them to fit peoples descriptions but it is a good app to read and get motivated on

Not in the Bible

I liked BibleVerses even though the ads are intense. Sometimes the ads cut off the reference (where in the Bible it can be found). I overlooked that and would just look it up if I was wondering. But now I am noticing these pithy quotes that aren’t even in the Bible. Since the reference was missing from other verses I didn’t realize it at first. They should rename BibleVerses inspiration words or something else.

Easy to use

First off, Get BibleVerses .
Second off, don’t worry it’s not hard to use.
BibleVerses is pretty simple. No glitches so far, And has valuable lessons from the Bible.
You can look up verses and it’s pretty cool.
Every day it has a new verse, just read it a few times and keep it in your head through out the day so you can make your day the best it can be. It’s not complicated, you can save the daily verses, choose at what time they send a notification to send the verse, Have favorite verses. I really like BibleVerses! Thank u to the creators! U should totally get it.


I am looking for one scripture to aid in my memorization so I wish there was search capability. No desire to look through what is probably 100’s of scriptures. These are beautiful and it’s lots of them and I’m using the free version. $1.99 for upgraded version that has not been updated in a year no thank you.

Why the app is a four out of 5

Is good but it has a lot of adds and when lm reading or looking for a verse the add will just pop in and it’s really annoying so please fix that but for that little problem is great you get to hear the god word everyday. I love it and since kids now this days are all ways in there phone it’s a good way but BibleVerses is like a 4 and a half God bless who ever reads this 👋🙂

Good but one issue...

BibleVerses is great. The daily reminders work, the verses are encouraging, I like that they also have the whole Bible included rather than just having the verse images, and I sometimes will spend an hour plus reading through all the verse images because I lose track of time. I am, however, a little confused, and slightly concerned because of the ads. There aren’t a ton at all, and they hardly get in the way. But there have been some ads coming up for things like palm readings and tarot cards...what? The other ads are normal things like cars and whatever but for a Bible app? This seems a little strange to me.
But besides that it’s a great app.

I thought I would enjoy the daily bible verses

But it is not possible to even see or read the bible verse because of the popups
First they wNt you to rate it when you have never seen or used it. Then you rate it and another popup that ask you to write a story about the site
Let me at least receive the Bible verses for a few days and I would be happy to rate this site.
Then another popup wanting u to pick anickname i chose several that THE web site would not let me use

Starting my day

This is such a wonderful way to start each day off. Instead of seeing my text messages I missed or going on fb, I wake up to something inspiring and beautiful to read. I love BibleVerses ❤️🙏☀️

Thank you for encouragement to keep God first... To love God with all my heart. mind and soul!

I thank God for your constant reminders to keep God as my priority! Not to allow me to prioritize what I want , think, or feel, but to seek the Lord as I go though each day
. Thank you ! Thank you! ❤️🙏🏻👍.......🤗!


I am giving this 5 stars because I love it. However, truly sad that we can’t just save the images anymore. Everyone wants a piece of their copyright pie even with God’s Word??? So sad that the beauty can’t still just be freely shared but instead you get redirected to sites for their credit.

4.5 rating Customize verses

i love BibleVerses but I wish I can create my own thing for a background because my favorite verse is Hebrews 9:28 but it is a simplified version and I don’t want the complicated version to wear other people can’t understand it.

Blessed to have these beautiful words

I lovely able to just click on when you need a refreshment and a prayer encouragement or just words from the good Lord to live by this is a beautiful out I think everyone should have it it’s like a sweet treat

Daily Inspiration

I found BibleVerses to be the best solution to my question of how I could get back on track of turning to God’s word first thing in the morning. It has reminded me of the peace one gets when we put on the full armor of God before entering life’s battles.


I love the setup of BibleVerses with the background for scripture. The improvement that I would love to see is a way to select a Bible verse and place it on a blank background that you have provided. I would purchase BibleVerses if you added that feature. Thank you. Diane


This is just what I needed. There's a quote for everyone and every trouble in your day, and it's easy to browse and download. Love the amazing photos that go with verses, and just the way you can look at multiple verses at once instead of having to look at them one by one. The ads are minimal, which is great. ❤️✝️

Daily Encouragement

The Scriptures provide motivation and encouragement to support day-to-day activities. I find that in trusting and believing that God has a word for each day whatever scripture that is presented for that day I say thank you Lord. Open my eyes that I may see and that I might be able to walk with in the scripture through everything I do for that day

It’s a great way of learning about god

It’s a great app that you can learn about God and it says so much versus that you probably don’t know I love BibleVerses in my opinion I think you should but get BibleVerses it’s the best app and read it five stars because it’s a great way to learn about God and so much verses that you would love to learn me too I would love to learn so get this up and learn some verses

Thank you God

The person in my life is God First! Than me tham my kids! Don't every stop praying because with will , power, God , prayers and even watching dreams do come true! Never let your kids underestimate they can be whoever they want be! No dreams or to big not small when they have the power of Jesus and a family who loves them!

Good when thinking

In this time of great unknown it’s good to look at BibleVerses and read quotes to seek hope,inspiration, or even just little light form a dark place.I have a hard time with believing in God because seeing is believing to me but this helps me come from darkness and that I can believe in so it’s a really good app if your looking for quotes to help you.


Several trails impact the heart and soul of an individual. Gods word is a reflection that ALL things are possible and through him we can prevail and overcome. These are really trying times on humanity. Gods word and daily bible versus are what eases ones mind and push forward no matter how heavy the load.


Nearly perfect if it weren’t for so many adds. And I would like to update it where there were no adds, but haven’t found out yet if I can, so that would be nice to have easy access to that information.

They Don’t Get Any Better!

I use this great app on a regular basis and because of the way the verses are divided, I can always find verses to fit the occasion whether it is for a Sunday School lesson or to aide in a devotional. I love the pictures as well that tie it all together.

Daily struggles

I downloaded BibleVerses because I was having a hard day. We all have daily struggles and some days more than others. But for me reading a couple verses is what I needed. 💕

Love it💕💕

I just downloaded it and I loved it all the creativity and hard work put in to those making them look amazing and full of meanings from the Bible it's everything 💕💕

Thank you.

I read the other reviews just now and agree that BibleVerses has been a blessing to me and also to those who see the verses when I post them. Well done!

Just what I wanted

Lots and lots of pictures to choose from. Simple and quick to download and save. An ad usually comes up but it doesn't get in the way of any browsing. Plenty of scripture here!

Amazing! 💖 FIVE STARS!

BibleVerses has a bible quote for every mood, feeling, problem and every second of my life! It is amazing and the pictures are gorgeous! I love this so much! The only thing is... there is ALOT of adds... but it is completely WORTH IT! So thank you!
Have an amazing day! And God bless you! 🎀✝️💖💕


Oh my goodnesss this is one of the best apps ever! It is filled with inspirational Bible verses for everything! It is categorized, so whatever you’re feeling you just tap on that and it gives you tons of Bible verses! I’m so grateful for BibleVerses! I love praying while looking through these verses thanking God! Thank you to the developers!!

Daily Bible Devotion & pics!!

Very inspirationally from The Bible & picture that goes w/The Verse add an Amazing “Oomph!!” To the Spirit & even for people that are not religious or Spiritual it would or could make others, Start To Think about realizing a life with Out Great GOD!! 🙏🙏😇😇👏💖 Amen!! ( the word Amen; means different things, but the main definition is “ It is so”)

Wonderful !

It's easy to search topic specific verses and there's so many of them and they're all so beautiful ! And I love how I can download them and share them across numerous social media platforms! Thank you, JESUS!! ✝️❤️🙏🏼🙌🏼

Is Bible Verses Safe? 🙏

Yes. Bible Verses: Daily Devotional is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 61,340 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Bible Verses Is 34.3/100.

Safety Analysis

91.4% of users say app is Safe 👍

7.2% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

1.4% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is Bible Verses Legit? 💯

Yes. Bible Verses: Daily Devotional is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 61,340 Bible Verses: Daily Devotional User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Bible Verses Is 71.9/100..

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Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
Bible Verses Daily Pro 1-Month $3.99
Bible Verses Daily Pro 1-Year $17.99
Bible Verses Pro Unlimited $34.99
Bible Verses Daily Pro 1-Year $14.99

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