Are you having issues? Select the issue you are having below and provide feedback to 4 Pics 1 Word.
• System runs out of new puzzles frequently
• Puzzle pictures are not always relevant
• Giant orange “ask a friend” button takes up space and has no function
• Puzzles are too easy and answers are too obvious
• Transition from one puzzle to the next is too slow
• No button to drop all letters back down when incorrect answer is given
The screen is frozen
I cannot open the app at all on my iPad
4 pictures 1 word frozen and I can’t lose it to refresh
Can you stop other apps games hi jacking site!
An add for a game comes over and can not get rid of it. Have tried and tried.
I accidentally pocket dial a purchase for 49.99 never did I purposely make a purchase that big for a game
App tells me that there is no data and internet connection
Unable to access daily words whereas my wife has I can do the additional puzzle words but receive No Date Received Please check your internet connection when I attempt to do the daily puzzles
. It's saying no data received, check internet connection. But I have internet.
Same as Cindy. "No data received. Check internet comnection." Connection is fine for all other apps. My problem also started May 1 and persists today May 2.
Hi, Since yesterday (1st of May) the daily puzzle has been telling me ‘no data received. Please check your internet connection’. I have internet for sure. Please kindly fix.
The picture s don't load again just letters. It's saying no data received, check internet connection. But I have internet. Has been like dis for over 3 weeks now. I have 12359 points. I don't want to reinstall and lose dose
I don’t know my password and I can’t purchase anymore coins
The game crashes repeatedly. I have turned my tablet off and back. That didnt work. I dont want to uninstall and reinstall because I have 3400 points. Suggestions to correct the problem would be appreciated. Thank you
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