First -- I'm not particularly happy that I'm basically forced into writing a review. The "Give Us a 5-Star Review" notification pops up every time I open AccordanceBibleSoftware . The only options are to either write a review or press the "maybe later" button. Turns out, the "maybe later" is every time I open AccordanceBibleSoftware . Not cool.
Second -- I would give AccordanceBibleSoftware 5 stars if it weren't for the fact that it locks up on the loading screen far too frequently (actually, even once would be too many times). I'm forced to delete AccordanceBibleSoftware , re-download it, and then pick through the many books, commentaries, etc. to download as well. I have found that the fewer items I select, the better chance I have of not needing to repeat the whole process. This is very frustrating, since I have purchased many, many resources over the years. Even when I download only a few items, AccordanceBibleSoftware may work well for a couple of weeks but then lock up again (without adding other items). Again, this is extremely frustrating -- especially in light of how much money I've paid over the years.