It does not just record your money coming in and out of your account but deposits your money into your account as soon as your income is input and draws money from your account as soon as your expenditure is input.
Transfer between assets is possible, which makes your asset management more efficient.
βMoney Managerβ is an optimized application for personal asset management.
In addition, you can manage you salary, insurance, term deposit and loan more easily by setting automatic transfer and recurrence.
Entering a settlement date, you can see payment amount and outstanding payment at asset tab.
You can see the data sorted by date, category and asset group on the screen of your PC.
You can check passcode in multitasking state so you can safely manage your account book.
We provide two version for iOS (Money Manager Next, Money Manager Pro).
It shows your budget and expenditure by a graph so you can see the amount of your expenditure against your budget quickly.
You can arrange the automatic debit by simply connecting your debit card with your account.
It facilitates efficient asset management.
In addition, you can see fluctuations of your asset indicated by graphs on your PC.
Based on the data entered, you can instantly see your expenditure by category and changes between each month.
Next version (Blue Icon) is the later version which offers, even more, functionalities than Pro version (Brown Icon).