F.A.Z. - Nachrichten Reviews

F.A.Z. - Nachrichten Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-04

About: Mit der kostenfreien FAZ.NET-Nachrichten-App sind sie überall und jederzeit
umfassend informiert: Minutenaktuelle und verlässliche Nachrichten sowie eine
fundierte und unabhängige Berichterstattung geben einen umfassenden Überblick
zum Geschehen in Deutschland und der Welt.

About F A Z Nachrichten

Mit der kostenfreien FAZ.NET-Nachrichten-App sind sie überall und jederzeit umfassend informiert: Minutenaktuelle und verlässliche Nachrichten sowie eine fundierte und unabhängige Berichterstattung geben einen umfassenden Überblick zum Geschehen in Deutschland und der Welt.

Die App deckt alle F.A.Z.-Ressorts ab und bietet Ihnen eine vertiefende Hintergrundberichterstattung aus intelligenten Analysen, unterschiedlichen Perspektiven und kontroversen Standpunkten – sowohl von unseren zahlreichen Redakteuren und Korrespondenten als auch von renommierten Gastautoren.

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- Entdecken-Bereich: Ihr persönlicher Bereich mit speziell für Sie zusammengestellten Inhalten auf Basis Ihrer Lesegewohnheiten.

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Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 1,748 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of F A Z Nachrichten

- Provides news, commentary, and arts coverage from a Central European perspective

- Great for language learners to improve their German language ability

- Well-formatted and accessible for language learners

- Sends just the right number of push notifications

- Organized headlines conducive to browsing

- Provides a great antidote to biased news coverage in the United States

- Highly recommended for both German and international news sources

- App works well on iPhone and hasn't crashed

- Great articles and easy to navigate

20 F A Z Nachrichten Reviews

4.7 out of 5


Real news from a European POV

Want to get your finger on the pulse of Central Europe? This is the place. I check the FAZ every day for news, commentary and some of the best arts coverage in any language.


Becoming bilingual and keeping up with the news

I have found, one of the best ways to improve my German is to read about current events in the language I am studying. One hears the words in the news in one's first language daily, so when it is read in one's second language, it "clicks" faster in one's memory.

Thus, the FAZ app and articles have been instrumental in improving my German language ability.


I wish there was an English option/version

I can tell it’s a great paper, the WSJ of Germany. Unfortunately I can’t use Google translate within FAZNachrichten and can’t learn German just so I can get financial news from the EU’s largest economy.


Way too conservative for my taste

Didn’t like it


Learning German

I downloaded FAZNachrichten because I wanted to jump face first into learning German language and culture. I don't speak well yet, but the publication is formatted amazingly. It is quite accessible to language learners. FAZNachrichten itself sends just the right number of push notifications, in my opinion. I like the F1 and BL football tickers. The headlines are organized in a way conducive to browsing. 100% my preference news source now.


Simply excellent

I use FAZNachrichten to stay informed about international and European news and issues from a German (conservative to liberal) perspective and the FAZ take on German news and issues. Great antidote to what passes as "news coverage" these days in the United States, including from a conservative perspective, and a great addition to the remaining, dwindling and embattled, great media in the United States. Highly recommended!


Learning German With FAZ

Though only in my second year of self study, I find FAZ immensely valuable, not only to practice reading German, but also to learn more about German and European news and culture. Danke schön.


Works as expected and better

FAZNachrichten is working very well on mu iphone and replaced my usual go-to news app.


Great German news coverage

Highly recommend both German and international news source



This is an excellent application by which I get most of my news!


Fantastic App

Great articles. Easy to navigate. App hasn't crashed once.

Thank you!



The FAZ app almost is on par with the NYC app. I am a German-American living in Alaska and read the FAZ for details of German and European issues.


Where is the IPad version?

Would love to have a corresponding iPhone version for FAZNachrichten


Great app

Easy to navigate.


High quality news

Hochwertiger Inhalt, gut gemachte App.


Referenzblatt FAZ

Die FAZ bietet zuverlässige, geistreiche Reportagen über Inland sowie über Europa, über Außenpolitik gegenüber China und Russland, sowie einsichtige Kommentare über die parlamentarische Parteiführung der Bundesländer. Nicht zuletzt bietet das Feuilleton tägliche Rezensionen über Kunstwerke, Musik, Theater und geistreiche Bücher an. Mir gefällt die FAZ viel besser als die NYT bzw. Washington Post, weil ich deren tiefe Sachkenntnis schätze. Ich würde die FAZ mit The Economist (London) gleichsetzen.


Crash, Cräsch, Krach!

Am iPod touch 4...schön, aber nicht Funktionsfähig.


Beautiful design & layout

Beautiful design & layout


Sehr enttäuscht von Falschnachrichten der FAZ

FAZ hat zu oft Falschnachrichten reported weshalb ich die App dann auch gelöscht habe.



Macht Spaß.

Is F A Z Nachrichten Safe?

Yes. F.A.Z. - Nachrichten is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 1,748 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for F A Z Nachrichten Is 47.7/100.

Is F A Z Nachrichten Legit?

Yes. F.A.Z. - Nachrichten is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 1,748 F.A.Z. - Nachrichten User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for F A Z Nachrichten Is 67/100..

Is F.A.Z. - Nachrichten not working?

F.A.Z. - Nachrichten works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Plans

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

Duration Amount (USD)
Billed Once $18.49

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