I like the idea of this program and much of it works relatively as you would expect. However, I like to combine text with writing and the text part of the program is glitchy causing me to save, quit and restart often in one writing session. A few suggestions I hope get fixed SOON: when selecting a location to type in the T mode, the pages automatically scroll up, up, up, up every time and don’t select where I am touching. Weird and super frustrating. Also, when you select to delete a page, which NotesPlus creates blank pages seemingly randomly as you type or move text/notes, NotesPlus says you can’t. Undo this option but it doesn’t confirm the page you want to delete, so you just cross your fingers the right page gets deleted. Some times the text pages don’t have borders or are zoomed in randomly while other pages are the opposite, and as you scroll your work appears to have disappeared, then slowly reappears on the page. Hope you wait to make sure the page isn’t blank and then delete it! Lastly, if use return to move a section of text, NotesPlus will spread that section over multiple pages, often leaving just a few words on a few pages with the rest of the words on a few more pages. What?! Lastly, there is not option to save your document as one document. Instead, it is saved and exported with each page being a separate document. Why in the...?! Please fix these things, makers of Notes Plus!