欧路词典 Reviews

欧路词典 Reviews

Published by on 2024-10-10

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Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 2,515 combined software reviews.

Read 25 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.7 out of 5

Reads clipboard in background


It was a great tool for language learners, until this suspicious behavior became noticeable after iOS upgrade. With absolutely no permission granted to 欧路词典 that allows it to read clipboard in background, and without any action may activate 欧路词典, *it reads your clipboard*. If you happen to have the Universal Clipboard enabled, it can read your clipboard *across different devices*.

Do not use 欧路词典 if it's a concern to you. (It should be)

Only Chinese network connection works.


When I try to sync something, it always says "Network connection error". But I have stable and fast network connection. Fail on either data or wifi. Sometimes it works after a phone reboot. Please check this issue.

It turns out you guys don't support US server or connection any more? When I connect through a Chinese VPN, it works flawlessly. But when directly connect from my network in US or a VPN mode in US, it fails. Did you notice this issue? It has been there around half a year at least.

There’s browser hidden inside


I thought this is a pure dictionary app so I give it to my kids without restriction. However there is a browser hidden inside and they used it to browse the Internet unrestricted. What would you built a browser inside a dictionary app? I would not use it any more.

Privacy Concerns


I disabled 欧路词典 from running in background, and disabled allowing search from clipboard. In fact I didn’t grant any permission to 欧路词典. However, I noticed sometimes I am using various other apps and I saw “Eudic pasted from XYZ”, and I go to 欧路词典 and found it had many past search results already with texts I copy-paste for, say, Google, and tests I typed in somewhere else. This is super freaking, may be illegal too?

Too many mistakes


The dictionary uses AI pronunciations and definitions, which are often incorrect. They used to fix them within a week after receiving your feedback. Now even if you keep reporting the same mistakes for months, nothing is fixed anymore.

Bug report


I reported this bug below but the dev said there was no repro. I can tell you that this bug is still there. It only repros from the “生词本” page with 有道在线词典. Updating steps below:

Install 有道在线词典

Go to 学习,Open 生词本,开始学习, starting with word A.

Double click into detailed page of word A. In that page, click on another word B. In word B’s page, expand 柯林斯英汉大辞典 under 有道在线词典。Use back button to return to word A’s page, again expand 柯林斯英汉大辞典. Now instead of showing word A’s explanation in 柯林斯, it shows word B’s content.

It also repros with 英英释义 section under 有道在线 which loads dynamically.

Want new academic dictionary about Material


I am a student major in Polymer Material Science & Engineering. The dictionary about Chemistry/Material that Eudic already existed is a little easy and not expended. Students need a professional and academic dictionary about their major. I hope the developer can invent two new functions. The First is users can chose what they major (label), then developer can collect user search data and then publishing a new, professional, academic dictionary which suiting them. About how what kinds of label should be set. My suggest is you can reference Library’s label. The Second function is if a user have searched a new word and pronounced it, the audio can automatically saved. Of course, users can switch it off if they don’t need.

Surprisingly good for using


The detail design is very nice, way beyond my expectation before I thought it would be.



Have been using it for quite a long time and really like it

Great app,but…


When other languages are translated into English, click the word in the translation result without a phonetic transcription, of course, it will be more perfect if there is grammar.

Very good and reliable app, keep it up man!


Very good and reliable app, keep it up man! I hope iPad version can also have the study feature like iOS app.

Pertty good!


Everything about 欧路词典 could be just fabulous except for the interface on Mac, somewhat like old-school...Wish I could just choose a cooler one.

Really nice the book


It’s now my major reference Dict for learning English. I like the learning program function, it helps!

Nice dictionary


I do recommend this fabulous language dictionary. As ESL ppl, 欧路词典 gives me the detailed explanation on words. Moreover, importing dictionary from other sides is great function that help me learn from great dictionary like Oxford, Collins, Longman, etc..

Fantastic app


I also use the Mac version of this a lot, and it is even more useful with the ability to display dictionary entry for a specific word by pressing “ctrl” and point the mouse to the word.

Good app


欧路词典 didn't have any ads
U can easily use it without net working
I very like this dictionary
Now I use it everyone
Almost every word u can find in this small but everything completed app

Literally the best dictionary for iPhone


I use dictionary on my phone a lot and I have tried several different ones. There are many good ones out there, but this one is definitely the best in my opinion.

Best dictionary app ever


Easy to use and enormous resources.
You can lookup words by tapping them in the the definition area and example area. The first time I’ve been using 欧路词典 I sent an email to request for a function like this and soon later the bring it up. I don’t know if it is depend on my request, I am very happy to find its appearing.

Multifunctional and convenient app!


You can not only simply search for words here (by the way, they ave tons of vocabulary databases), but also create your own word book, take notes under the vocabulary, recite them, and last but not the least, personalize the background color on the interface! Can’t love it more!

Best dictionary and vocabulary learning app!


One of my essential apps. Especially love the learning feature.

Clear and simple UI


I am so tired of apps that are full of ads! This dictionary app is very good! Love the user’s interface.

professional and useful


simple UI design, no ads, no distraction:D works well especially when you’re study.

Unlike other dictionary


No ads, no account required, no membership marketing. Simply a dictionary, 100% recommended for English learners.

The most useful dictionary app


I use 欧路词典 to build my English vocabulary in many years which helps me a lot.

Fantastic app


I also use the Mac version of this a lot, and it is even more useful with the ability to display dictionary entry for a specific word by pressing “ctrl” and point the mouse to the word.

Is 欧路词典 Safe? 🙏

Yes. 欧路词典 is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 2,515 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for 欧路词典 Is 60.8/100.

Is 欧路词典 Legit? 💯

Yes. 欧路词典 is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 2,515 欧路词典 User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for 欧路词典 Is 94.8/100..

Is 欧路词典 not working? 🚨

欧路词典 works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
Remove Ads $14.99
AI资源(10万词) $1.99
欧路翻译AI超级会员(1个月) $3.99
AI资源(100万词) $12.99
欧路翻译AI超级会员(1年) $24.99
欧路翻译AI超级会员(2年) $39.99
欧路翻译AI超级会员(3个月) $9.99

How was your experience with 欧路词典? Post a Review


欧路词典是英语学习者的必备参考软件。启动快,功能全,无广告,免打扰;海量扩展词库,自定义编辑;支持中文、英语、日语、法语、德语等多语种翻译。语音翻译,拍照翻译,一键获取,操作便捷。 不仅能够查词、翻译、笔记、背单词,更引入了主题写作、批改纠错等AI功能,全方面改变你的英语学习。 【产品简介】 海量词汇:内置常用英汉词条30万个,专业词条40万个,海量例句库178万条。 AI翻译:摄像头取词、拍照查词功能,即拍即查,阅读文献好帮手。 单词复习:自定义学习目标,多种图表,帮你更好回顾自己的学习。 在线搜索:基于海量数据的云端词典,生僻词、例句、图片查询一网打尽。 纯正发音:美音、英音自由选择,自定发音语速、小语种发音应有尽有。 文件阅读:词典中即可阅读文件,支持单词长按查询,即点即译。 【强大词库】 权威词库:英汉 - 汉英词典、英英词典、同义词、反义词词典,权威详实。 编辑词库:提供电脑端词库编辑器,支持自制扩充词库;朗文、牛津,权威词库尽情添加。 扩充词库:通过网络下载各语种的扩充词库,支持Mdict、灵格斯、Babylon等多种词典格式,覆盖医学、经济、工程、计算机等十余个领域。 【实用工具】 高亮标记:重点词添加标记,批注内容支持录音和图片,云端同步,随时查阅。 笔记同步:生词本、笔记、历史记录功能,支持同步。 语音输入:英语整句翻译发音功能,支持语音输入。 文件传输:WiFi文件传输功能,无需数据线即可传词典或文章。 分屏功能:支持iPad分屏功能,一边浏览网页一边查词。 蓝牙键盘:完美支持蓝牙键盘,支持全键盘操作(iOS9以上用户可长按Command键查看可用快捷键)。 跨软件取词:集成系统Spotlight英语查词,使用其他软件时,长按即可查词。 【 AI 功能】 GPT翻译:精准自然的GPT翻译,超越各大翻译引擎 批改纠错:输入/粘贴文本后,精准高效地检查拼写、语法、标点等错误 主题写作:借助AI的力量,给定主题,将您的想法转化为文字 短句扩写:根据选中内容自动扩写,突破写作瓶颈 文章润色:文本一键润色、优化表达,助您的文章脱颖而出 【联系我们】 咨询邮箱 help@eudic. net.

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