Fruit Ninja Classic Reviews

Fruit Ninja Classic Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-13

About: Available only for Halfbrick+ Slice fruit, don’t slice bombs – that’s all
you need to know to get started with addictive Fruit Ninja action! Before you
know it, you’ll be exploring the thrills of Classic mode, the chill of Zen
mode, and building your skills in Arcade mode. Slice for a high score, use
special bananas to maximum effect, and go wild on the multi-slice Pomegranate!
Experiment with over 40 blades and th.

About Fruit Ninja Classic

Before you know it, you’ll be exploring the thrills of Classic mode, the chill of Zen mode, and building your skills in Arcade mode.

Experiment with over 40 blades and their unique effects on gameplay.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 11,753 combined software reviews.

1300 Fruit Ninja Classic Reviews

4.6 out of 5


Please add more dojos and blades

It would be nice if there were some more blades and dojos, also what happened to the original ghostbusters blade and the original ghostbusters dojo, same for the ghostbusters 2016 subway dojo and ghostbusters 2016 potion blade, what happened to those dojos and blades, if you don’t add those blades and dojos back, I won’t be playing anymore until you add the ghostbusters dojos and blades back, anyway please add some more blades and dojos like candle graveyard with a candle you can slice for extra points, candy house, crypt, pumpkin, mountain, mansion, haunted house, cabin, sunlight dojo, static electric love dojo, balcony dojo, Santa’s workshop, thankful feast dojo, add some more blades like ancient yoyo blade that allows you to spend more time slicing pomegranates apart, holly blade, bonded rose blade, shamrock blade, bat blade, etc


Major update is right, but it’s a good one

This game is now loaded with items when compared to the previous version before this update. Prior to this major update, I had acquired all of the items over time (blades and dojos) along with hundreds of power ups of each kind that resulted in my disinterest of it. So, I don’t really mind the Start Over aspect of this new version. It may not please others to start over, but for me it offers a familiar, but fun game with additions that weren’t there before, to level up and achieve. I hope some mini-games do get added as time goes on, similar to the ones they offered with their free version of the game (minus the ads), but the Classic version is where I’ll stay. I’m glad for the additions that this paid version has just been given, and I’m happy to know the devs still support this version with content-filled updates. Keep them coming, I say.


Won't even open, company won't fix.

I paid for full copy. It won't end open on my iPad. I do have a gen 2 iPad so it is older, but have never had any trouble with any other apps. I tried deleting and re-loading. It still won't open. I get a load screen then it shuts down. I tried contacting FruitNinjaClassic support who sent me an email ticket number for tech support; Which they have never responded to after the initial ticket number. I have gone on the web page and resubmitted for tech support and again same thing, got an email with a ticket number and then crickets, no responses to further requests for support. No responses to requests for updates. No response for request for refund. It has now been almost 2 weeks and no actual response from any real person. Just automated replies with ticket numbers. FruitNinjaClassic publisher obviously likes to take payment, but does not care enough to even support or fix their problems. I have not even been able to get a refund. I'm just going to take it as a $4 lesson.


Update Wiped All Progress

This update has to be one of the worst decisions I’ve ever seen. Yes, the interface looks nice. Yay. But this update completely wiped out all of my progress—I’ve spent hours and hours playing this game (literally played it for almost a day straight during the pandemic) and now you’re telling me I have to go through and unlock it all over again? WTH. Plus, I had at one point unlocked a special holiday Ghostbusters dojo and blade. Where are those? Are you telling me that everyone’s purchases were wiped as well? Why on earth would any sane developer do this?? If you value your time and money, stay away from FruitNinjaClassic. It’s no longer Fruit Ninja Classic, or at the least, it’s apparently an amnesiac version of it, since the developers apparently forgot to keep everyone’s progress with the update. Even when Duolingo completely overhauled (and destroyed) their interface, they at least attempted to transfer users’ progress. This is horrific.


Love it, but one small detail needs fixing

Ive loved fruit ninja since I was a kid and the game was new and hot, so I got the classic so I didnt have to worry about all the bells and whistles in the newer versions.

However, theres kinda this thing where sometimes the blade will be stuck on a dot and wont be fixed unless you refresh FruitNinjaClassic by swiping it away and going back in. This occurs when I swipe for the home screen (my models an iPhone 12) or sometimes when I swipe for the notification or even control center. The blade is still functional even while one part of a blade is stuck, although with fancy blades it can be really distracting.

Outside of that, I absolutely adore this game. Always have and always will. The fruit even looks so delicious.


Terrible Update

I originally installed Fruit Ninja in June of 2010 and decided to redownload the game a few months ago out of boredom. It was almost exactly how I remembered and I enjoyed passing the time by playing.

However, all of that has changed since the most recent update. This new update is terrible. Blades no longer have their unique functionalities, the new layout is impractical, the achievements have all been changed and everything that I liked about the original game is now gone. Oh yeah, and all of the power-ups I’ve earned through playing? Those are gone too.

This was one of the few games I still enjoyed on FruitNinjaClassic Store and now it is completely ruined. You can monetize your game without removing all of the features your players loved and without overhauling everything that has withstood for over 13 years. Unless something is done, I will probably never play Fruit Ninja again.


I’m confused

So, I was just playing one day and it got laggy, then I started deleting some games so this can run a bit better. I then accidentally delete this game. (I had a account so I can log back in). Then I downloaded again and tried logging in. I couldn’t, a day before this happened, I also bought 150 of each power up which costed 3 dollars. And it wouldn’t let me restore purchases . This is a fun game overall, but other than that I gave it a 4 star because of that incident. It also made me a level 1 and I worked very hard to get level 40. Which sucked. But I still love this game with all my heart.



I have been playing this game for like 6 years, and I LOVE it! Favorite mode still arcade. Used to not like classic because of the “X bombs” that game over, but definitely getting back into it! Favorite blades the two that are most advanced (Storm Castle and Lightning bolt favorite combo of dojo+blade). Only one very minor issue which is: sometimes a spot of blade will just sit there doing nothing, and that sometimes doesn’t go away until I take a break from the iPad. Most frustrating experience with this was when I had Flame blade in arcade mode and it happened. The flame spot attracted the bombs and it was very frustrating. Still I would rate this game 7 out of 5 if I could!


The Simple Version!

I can always appreciate when a developer who makes a hit game respects what made it popular in the first place and provides something like this. It’s the fun time waster it’s always been. And the definitive version if you’re not too keen on freemium models.

This game has a little bug though that I remember having way back when this wasn’t the ‘classic’ version, which causes the particle effects of whichever blade your using to just stick to the top right of the screen until you restart the game.

It’s not a big deal if your using a blade that doesn’t have particle effects, but most of them do. It gets in the way of the timer in Arcade and Zen mode, so I think it’s important to fix this.

But other than that. It’s Fruit Ninja, you probably know what you’re getting yourself into!


Can’t stop playing

I’ve been playing this game since 2013 and it’s so much dang fun. Ever since I was 4 I’ve been playing almost every day and now I’m 10 years old. Thanks Halfbrick for making an amazing game. But PLS come out with a new update within the next year. Even though you released this game in 2010, I still can’t stop playing. Here is some advice, if you’re looking for a game made by halfbrick download this game. It’s so dang fun. I’ve been playing for 6 years and now it’s so much better than was in 2013. Thanks for making this amazing game!!11!1


Thinking about buying this app?

Ah, fruit ninja. When I was 5 or 6 years old I would play it with my babysitter all the time. Now I'm 13 and I finally found it again. Even though it has in app purchases, the purchases aren't necessary to move on in the game. And they aren't easy to accidentally click on. The game is smooth, pretty much lag free, and super fun. It's cool that they put a modern spin on such an old, classic game that will be fun to the end. I hope you get FruitNinjaClassic, you won't be disappointed.


The DEFINITIVE version of Fruit Ninja

The Fruit Ninja app has gone through so many changes that it's aesthetically unrecognizable from where it started. And Fruit Ninja 2 focuses on leaderboards and multiplayer matches. But THIS version harkens back to Fruit Ninja's peak many years ago. Progression, unlocking blades and dojos each level, in app purchases are much more optional than in the other games, plus no annoying advertisements. It is definitely worth the price!


I Love Fruit Ninja!

My other review was from a while ago. I am SO happy they got rid of all that stupid star fruit and now you can just play the game like it was supposed to be! I think all that star fruit stuff is crap and that you should earn the blades by doing stuff. I have been playing Fruit Ninja since it came out all those years ago and then when they released the star fruit I stopped playing Fruit Ninja. Thank you Halfbrick Studios for removing star fruit!


Some weird glitch

There’s always this glitch that happens when I accidentally swipe down from the top of my screen and then swipe back up the game often triggers the blade to be at one part of the screen causing some random dot that I can’t remove unless I restart the game, can you pls fix it or release fruit ninja 2 faster


Swords aren't working, so many bugs

So many new blades!! Oh, sorry, did I say blades? I meant bugs. So many new bugs.

Comet blade no longer creates the gravity waves

Piano blade gets rid of bananas instead of
turning them into frenzy bananas

If I get a notification, like low battery, the game will think my fingers are where ever they had been when it popped up, and sparks or stars or what ever visual effect of the blade I was using will stay flying out of the spot. It will only go away when I force quit FruitNinjaClassic .

If I used two fingers, the game will act like I'm using four and switch apps. Then when I come back, the game thinks I'm still touching my fingers there and will tap or cut anything underneath until I force quit FruitNinjaClassic . This has happened when I'm only using one finger a few times as well.

Also, as someone on level 54, I would like to be able to earn more blades when I reach new levels. There's a blade on level 60 and level 100. It's just not as fun.


What’s the point?

A new engine is great and all, but the fact that I had to do some unauthorized shenanigans just to migrate my save is crazy. What I’m NOT a fan of is calling this “Classic” when you’re gonna keep messing with core gameplay stuff and add in a Jetpack Joyride slot machine. Where are the power ups? Where are the added abilities of the backdrops? Why does the leveling system look like yet another battle pass? Where are the other characters, why is it only Sensei? What’s the point of calling it “Classic” if you’re gonna shove in new elements and remove abilities? It’s stupid.



So the old version of this game was great! I’d paid for it, no crazy micro transactions, and it worked super well! Loved it! So imagine my surprise when i check FruitNinjaClassic after this latest update to see ALL of my progress gone. Now while halfbrick might say, “oh you can recover it with a facebook account!” I would reply, I don’t use it and haven’t used it for years. I get to now look at blades i’ve unlocked and all the progress i’ve made be locked behind some stupid new system. Until i get my progress back, imma leave this at a one.


New update took the “Classic” out of Fruit Ninja Classic

I came back to this game after a year, and suddenly, it looks more like the Apple Arcade version. It’s lost it’s touch with the fruit ninja that it was when I was a kid. I highly doubt that halfbrick will revert this update, and I am disappointed with the direction this seems to be going. Yes the game is still fun, but it lacks the childish wonder and familiarity of Classic fruit ninja. The nostalgia is gone, and I can’t help but be disappointed. Please right this wrong!


Update- No longer classic.

In a recent update they completely changed the game to make it modern which means removing features, changing sounds, and overall feel of the game. I don’t like the update and played the original because it’s what I grew up with. This is no longer that game. The original fruit ninja is dead. Why would they change the original game that was already perfect when they have 2 later versions of the game that they can experiment with. Why ruin the classic?


Progress got wiped with new update

I could’ve enjoyed this update if I didn’t lose absolutely all of my progress. Why did they feel it necessary to remove all of our already owned blades and dojos? I deleted FruitNinjaClassic because there’s no reason for me to start over.


Latest update ruined everything

I’ve been playing this game since it first came out and when I opened FruitNinjaClassic last week I found that all of my years of progress has been whipped and the blade mechanics replaced with absolute garbage. I thought the point of separating a classic version was to preserve the old game while the developers can experiment with a current one without ruining the classic version! I don’t care about the other ones this was the only fun one left and now it’s ruined with an awful and confusing luck based blade leveling system. All of the amazing and imaginative blade and dojo effects are replaced with random minuscule effects that isn’t even unique to the blade (they are repeated on multiple blades) only happen when you slice a certain fruit and only have a tiny tiny chance of even happening unless you level up the blade more which you don’t even have control over!

Thanks a lot for ruining a game that wasn’t even broken. Never playing this again until it’s fixed


You NEED Halfbrick+ now

3.0.1 already changed the “Classic” feel and wiped most of your progress and all of your high scores. Hated it, but fine, I’ll get them again. But forcing people to sign up for Halfbrick+ and not letting them play without it? They’re just out of their minds. I paid for this game! I don’t care if it is a free membership, I shouldn’t need it to play a game I paid for. What’s better? They claim that it helps them as developers. Seeing this after this whole update fiasco is such a slap in the face. I don’t mind developers taking new directions, but there are way better ways to go about it. For now, I highly suggest everyone avoid buying anything from Halfbrick until they gets this whole mess sorted out. Otherwise, we’ll lose an important piece of mobile game history right before our eyes.



The latest update has predictably ruined this game. Seems like some shady entity took over this game and is now trying squeeze every ounce of money they can from it. Why does this game need contact and location information? To show “relevant ads,” of course! What a pathetic crock this has turned into. Don’t update, and stay away!!

The new arcade mode is awesome!

It's a fun game that I can play whenever I want. I can just drop in and play a few times and be done. The Game Center integration is really useful and the different themes available are cool to get. I really like this game. Great work!


Paid App now requires a log in

I purchased FruitNinjaClassic for iPhone. It no longer works unless I sign up for a “free Halfbrick” account. I paid for the game and now I have to give them my data just to play a game I already bought? I don’t care that they updated it. If I paid for it, then I should be able to play it. If this pays for future updates then monetise a game I haven’t purchased out right. If this doesn’t change I will no longer purchase anymore Halfbrick games including Fruit Ninja VR 2.

If I don’t get my money back or this be reversed, this will become a PR woe for Halfbrick.


Horrible update already, made even worse

Already horrible with the new update removing my dojos powers even the one I bought (WITH REAL MONEY) plus nerfing all the blades including the 2 I bought (ONE WAS $5 AND ONLY WORKS 30% OF THE TIME NOW) This also removed the powers I PAYED FOR AGAIN WITH REAL MONEY!!! But now the Halfbrick plus Garbage is taking over the game. Make a new version for half brick plus that’s the old version of this game, I didn’t pay money for this game I payed for the classic fruit ninja, this is just the other version of fruit ninja that I uninstalled because I didn’t like the luck based upgrades just without ads (possibly I’m not logged into half brick plus so I’m not sure if their going to bombard me with ads until I do, because it says singing in with the subscription removes ads) and events.


Give back our game!🙏🏻😭

I’m so angry I paid for FruitNinjaClassic and bought a background that cost five bucks. It asks do I want to log in? It won’t even open without crashing it crashed right after I agreed to terms that never even used to be there! I wish I didn’t update

You did me wrong fruit ninja. You did everyone wrong!

I hope your happy! you just killed everyone’s pure joy. a game everyone loved.

Just so you could get some extra money! News flash you lost my trust and business including millions of other peoples trust and business.

Just take away the update and give us back our Game that everyone of all ages loved.

People who read this just don’t play it. If I could give negative stars I would.

Until fixed I will never play fruit ninja of any kind again!

I don’t want to make a account for a game I paid for years ago when this game was actually fruit ninja classic. You could just make your money greed app version since you say it’s because of newer devices etc. give us back what we bought the game that was a legend a legacy! or your going to keep losing people. Make a newer device version and give us back what we had before!


The new update killed my love for this game

I used to love fruit ninja but this new update makes the game so unrewarding to play. The new system to get blades and upgrades them through blade pieces makes the game feel so unnecessarily grindy. I have so many starfruits and virtually nothing to use them on because it’s rare that I get enough shards to actually upgrade my blade. My suggestion is to either (1) Ditch the shard system entirely and allow the player to upgrade the blades without the shards at all using starfruit or (2) allow starfruit to be used to buy the loot crates that give blade shards. Additionally, what purpose is there to removing the dojo powers? It says that the dojo powers are coming soon but the majority of the dojos already HAD powers I don’t see what reason there is to go out of the way to remove the dojo powers and release the update before adding them back in. In a system that is already so unrewarding it’s really annoying to receive dojos as prizes for leveling up and they don’t even help you because they don’t have a power. Hope halfbrick changes their mind and reverts both gamed or at least fruit ninja classic back to what it once was.


Liked it until required to log in using my email

This use to be one of my favorite games. Since the major update, I would have given this 2 stars for still being fun. But now that I have to sign in with my email, I dropped it to 1 star. This turned me away for good and I immediately deleted the game. Goodbye fruit ninja classic

Edit: I think the reason why you have to log in is because they are trying to track you, which is dangerous. I’m definitely avoiding this! Also, I don’t want to collect starfruit. I don’t want to play in a casino. I don’t want to have tokens for my blades. I just want to play fruit ninja!


This is a fun game, but…….

🍏🍊🍉🫐🍎🍋🍇🍈🍐🍌🍓🥭🍍🥝🥥It is very fun, and I 10/10 recommend this, it is Game Center compatible and makes it better, it’s also one of the few apps available without Apple Arcade with no ads or in app purchases which I enjoy, my only complaint about the game is even though I recently updated it and have not tried to log in yet, before the update, every time I closed FruitNinjaClassic it would log me out of my half-brick plus account and so every time I went to play I would have to go through the email verification process, which is super annoying. However I just updated FruitNinjaClassic and have not logged on yet so I don’t know if that update changed it at all. All in all, it is a great game and if you’re reading this YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD IT!!!🍏🍊🍉🫐🍎🍋🍇🍈🍐🍌🍓🥭🍍🥝🥥


Used to be one of the greats until new update

What is the point of making “fruit ninja classic” if you’re going to overhaul the mechanics of the game? This would be 5 stars if you fixed the bug with the navigation bar and let everything else stay the way it was but now it’s got the crappy grindy system (that the Apple arcade version already had) INSTEAD of the REAL fruit ninja classic experience. This game used to be one of the greats, not sure what halfbrick is doing, fruit ninja and fruit ninja 2 are virtually unplayable to begin with; this was the last testament to the REAL fun progression of the CLASSIC fruit ninja, but you’ve ruined it.


So much for Fruit Ninja “Classic”

I paid for this version of the game hoping to play the same version I enjoyed while in middle school. Trying to compete with my friends for the arcade high score, having classic games that went on for days.

Everything just feels so different. I can understand wanting to iterate and update. However, halfbrick has three versions of this game? Surely such a large shift in mechanics could have been left for one of the others?

I don’t know. In an age of corporate bloat in gaming, it makes me disappointed to see one of the mobile classics reduced to a grindy, rng based upgrade system.

Fruit Ninja is still there, the core gameplay loop is still there. The nostalgic feeling is gone. That favorite blade/dojo combo you had when you were younger won’t work anymore.

The dev team is trying to complicate the perfect distillation of concept. Less is more, and there is beauty in simplicity. Just wish they saw that.


Nostalgic with a touch of meta. Great game!

I grew up playing mobile games on a family iPad and Fruit Ninja was one of those games. I was very happy to find this game available on FruitNinjaClassic store now that I own a phone as an adult. The game is the same as I remember except for exp. and star fruit money and leaderboards. In my opinion those features just make the game better anyway!
I would still like to see a couple slight adjustments to Fruit Ninja Classic. First of all, having an option to turn off any blade’s powers to play a vanilla round would be nice. I’d also like turning off spin tokens, star fruit and such to be an option in the settings. Lastly, I wish that some of the blade’s powers could be buffed, such as the Dragon Blade and Piano Blade. Perhaps for the dragon one, it could make all fruit of one kind be dragonfruit instead, to make the power fairly strong. And for the piano one and firecracker one, just make the point bonus higher please! Like at least twenty. Thank you.
More blades and dojos are always appreciated.



This game made me so nostalgic that I had to buy it, it reminded me of the days when I had my tablet and I would play fruit ninja on it all day. Though however I ranked 4 stars because there are some new achievements that were seen before I updated the game, some of them are “Pressing Your Luck” (Get 500 in classic without lifting your finger), there is also “Vitamin C Slicer” (Slice only fruits with high amounts of vitamin C), “Shiny Starfruit” (Slice 100 Starfruit), “So you think you’re good?” (Reach level 50), And “OK You’re good” (Reach level 100). So if you were to do another update soon, can you please bring back these new achievements that were originally on FruitNinjaClassic, if that is possible, Thanks!


Halfbrick plus?!!!

I am very, very, disappointed. This game has been around my entire childhood and the one thing I loved was that it never changed. While a lot of the apps I loved changed and became boring, unplayable, or ad riddled, this one never did. It was fun, challenging, and the blade and dojo powers where something to keep it interesting. It was perfect. Until it wasn’t. I still can’t believe that Halfbrick changed it. One thing developers really need to catch onto, is that a game that has been around for decades, and is labeled “Classic” doesn’t need to be updated to draw a bigger crowd. Make a new app. Make ten! Just don’t change the one that has been the same for a long time.
The game is now unplayable. You can’t even play FruitNinjaClassic you paid for unless you give your email, name, ect ect, to a club that literally has no use. It’s free now, but you still can’t play unless you sign in. Which I won’t.
While the spin tokens and different blades are cool, I’d trade it all to go back to the simplicity of Classic Fruit Ninja. I am very sad about this Halfbrick, and I hope that you won’t ignore all the thousand of reviews who say the same thing.

~A Ninja~


Overall fun game

This game is very fun overall, with challenges, new blades, and events. The achievements system is fun, but most of the achievements you get on accident. The blades are kind of hard to get, because you usually have to pay with star points. The event is fun, but I wish the medals you get from completing them were used for something for more than bragging rights. Overall, it is a great game, but it could be updated.


Liking the new update. One or two more features?

So far, I’m really happy with the new update. I’ve so missed being able to EARN blades by completing quests — it finally feels like classic Fruit Ninja again. The extra blade bonuses are interesting, but I’m worried that the more blades you get, the more annoying upgrading them will be, since it’s not only pure luck which blade you can upgrade, but pure luck which upgrade you get. I can see why this was done, but it’s probably going to get really infuriating really fast. If it could just be “spend this many duplicates to upgrade this bonus,” and the smaller bonuses are cheaper, I think that would be more satisfying and rewarding all around.
Additionally, I would REALLY like it if you could turn off those bonuses. Sometimes I want to just play a mode in its default state, with no changes to bomb size or time limit or any of that, but I want to also be able to use my favorite blade while doing that, so being able to toggle the bonuses on or off once they’re unlocked would be VERY appreciated. (This is honestly something I’ve wanted since blades first got bonus effects. Right after a major update, when tweaks are surely still being implemented, is probably the best time to request it.)


Forces you to create an account!!

When you purchase an app, it’s tied to your account, email and all. Halfbrick inexplicably *requires* (you can’t play without it) you to create for yourself yet another account; go back and verify it before you can continue. You may NO LONGER play without this extra step. Even though this was paid-for for the purpose of having “no ads”, you are without mercy, required to give them another attack vector to assault you with email that you’re forced to deal with just to you can play. Clearly, this is about circumventing something Apple has done to otherwise protect the consumer. I can’t fathom why this is allowed. After all, in the “Data Linked to You” section of FruitNinjaClassic Privacy panel, they specifically require the exposition of “Contact Info” already. Why on earth would they require you to create yet another account to play a stupid game. What is afoot here?


Never again will I slice fruit

I’m depressed. In a funk. Feeling positively down. Bummed, one might say. I used to love Fruit Ninja. It was a great game. You slice the fruits, you cuss when you hit the bombs, and maybe you unlock a new blade once in a while. Anyway, fun times. So today I decided to relive some of that fun, even deleted a bunch of stuff to make room for it. But then I get to play it and BAM! You get to play for 20 minutes. If you want to be a ninja any longer than that, you have to make an account and pay like 35 buckos a year. Now if I could just buy the flipping game for like 10 bucks, I’d be fine. Thrilled. Whatever. But to have to subscribe? To play freakin’ Fruit Ninja? Nah bro. Just nah. So I played my 20 minutes. It was fun. Kinda bogged down with extra stuff. Slot machines, leveling up, that kinda stuff. But still fun. Then of course, like all good things, the end came. FruitNinjaClassic tried to get me to pay, tried to get me to play their other games (likely with time limits), and guilt tripped me into oblivion. So I was like no bro. Go eat some bombs in your fruit salad. Gonna go play Plants Vs. Zombies, a game from my youth that mostly hasn’t started sucking. Mostly. Goodbye, sensei. See you never 😜

Is Fruit Ninja Classic Safe?

Yes. Fruit Ninja Classic is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 11,753 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Fruit Ninja Classic Is 46.0/100.

Is Fruit Ninja Classic Legit?

Yes. Fruit Ninja Classic is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 11,753 Fruit Ninja Classic User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Fruit Ninja Classic Is 65.6/100..

Is Fruit Ninja Classic not working?

Fruit Ninja Classic works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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