Logos: Deep Bible Study Reviews

Logos: Deep Bible Study Reviews

Published by on 2024-09-08

🏷️ About: The Logos Bible Study app allows users to read the Bible, access commentaries and reading plans, and save books and Bibles for offline use. The app offers free resources upon download and sign-in, and provides exclusive Logos Bible study tools for better Bible study.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 132,659 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Professional-grade Bible study/research software

- No pushing of any particular teacher

- Resources and tools for Bible study such as concordances, maps, dictionaries, and commentaries

- Ability to customize Bible Reading Plan

- Easy to navigate and switch between resources

- In-depth accessibility, language, and understanding for serious Bible study

- Immediate access to resources with portable tools such as iPads and iPhones

Read 29 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.9 out of 5

Needs So Much Work


Logos needs much work. There’s no apparent way to edit tags made in notes. For instance, I want to delete a tag completely from my tags list and there’s no way to do that. I want to edit a tag and there’s no way to do that.

I have to restart Logos several times as the select feature stops working and will only work again once I restart Logos . Every time I want to search on a word or perform another task in another resource, even though an instance of that resource is already open, it opens another instance of that same resource making it so that I have multiples of the same resource open. I’m guessing some folks might like that however a choice would be most helpful.

What I find with the scrolling feature when 2 books are synced to scroll together, they don’t scroll to the exact same verse. Notes filter doesn’t work well if I want to work with 2 or 3 different notebooks at the same time.

Also while working with notes, whenever I move to another resource and come back to my open bible/notes, my place in my notes has to be located again and it appears that some of my notes are missing (though by clicking on the note name, I discover that they hadn’t gone anywhere—just temporarily appear to be missing.)

At least one open resource doesn’t allow to get back to any other open resource without restarting Logos .

This wonky app makes bible study time-consuming with no easy flow.

Good but...a few tweaks


I have evolved in my use of this app so my experience has touched all platforms, desktop, iPads, and now iPhone. Now iPhone has been my go to platform for its mobility, it slips into my pocket right? The others can’t do that. I talk to a lot of people one on one about the gospel and theological issues. Logos gives me freedom to do that without leaving notes behind. At any moment I can be talking to someone and have all resources at my thumbs. So where is the rub so to say?
Imagine this; you could still Ike up a conversation with a stranger on the street. I always assume I have only minutes to give the gospel into their hands. Most of the time I don’t need this app but when I do I need turbo performance. I pull my phone out get up this app find reference, easy enough right? The next move is a cap shoot, when I need the drop down options to pop out at the top and bottom of the phone. They as mad to hide, which is good. I swipe up, nothing, I swipe down, nothing, left right tap tap tap, what the heck is the problem. Then later when the conversation is over, there it is like a mole. Can you spell FRUSTRATION... three stars for now. Too I hav a major frustration with the desktop app. I have to call in for that. Can’t type that fast.

Taking Notes and View Scripture is STILL a Pain


The new version is an improvement, but my issues still remain unaddressed. Please let us open AND CREATE by default our notes and community notes as a secondary document.
Original Review:
I really enjoy using this app on my computer. I use the iOS application to keep track of my prayer list, do my daily scripture/devotional reading, and review bible study notes before bible study. One major things keeps me from giving this application five stars. It is essentially impossible using my old iPad (4th generation) or even my new iPad Pro 10.5” to simultaneously take notes and review scripture. This is a HUGE drawback. If you try to review surrounding scripture, it closes (and saves) your note. If you are doing a public note, you CANNOT edit the note after it saves. iOS now allows me to use the ESV bible app with the this app app so I now can (finally) not have several bibles out during worship services (I look like I am working on a term paper each Sunday morning). this app should allow me to take public notes while using their application by default. I cannot imagine a circumstance using an iPad where you want the note to freeze your reading materials.

Still lacking basic Apple Pencil features


This is all around a great bible app and when I first discovered it I gave it 4 stars and even bought the full version on desktop. But after 1 to 2 years of using it I had to knock off a star for it still lacking basic Apple Pencil features among some other issues.

For example adding a note can only be done with text. Sure I can use the Apple Pencil to text feature but it’s very glitchy inside this app app for some reason. I would love to see a handwritten option for when adding notes and see them even implement some of the iOS 15 api.

On top of this notes in general when going to edit them from a selection of text shows a bunch of random numbers, there is no way to name or title the note making it hard to remember which note it is or what the note related to that passage is even about. Ultimately these few key features although small are a big factor for me personally. I’d rather not have to use a 3rd party app for my notes or at the very least see some more integration of this app notes with 3rd party apps. On top of this on the iPad Pro the notes pop up is rather small. Might want to consider making an option to have the note side by side with the passage especially if handwriting support is added.

Overall I still enjoy and use Logos daily with my Apple Pencil but would like to see some more thought go into Logos for more heavy users like myself.

The App is so basic, not the full thing you would expect


I like the this app software for my MacBook. So I gave it three stars.
However, the Mobile App for my new iPad Pro is sad and at first frustrating. I have to do all my study on my Mac but then can access some, not all, some of what I am doing on the iPad. I got the iPad to replace the laptop because it has more capabilities than the laptop. Unfortunately, this app doesn’t pair well if you want all the bells and whistles. For instance, nope can’t use the Apple Pencil, sorry! And nope you can’t log out, really you can’t logout on Logos . You have to uninstall and reinstall and log in.
Nope you cant download your books, so some searching is a no go. Basically Logos is a bible reading software with some ways to look up commentary on your phone and that is it! Really. Faithlife calls it a “reader app” if you are looking for a desktop app for your new 2020 iPad Pro with all the bells and whistles this is not it.



I would love to give Logos a great review. Unfortunately, I can’t do that. As most this app users probably do, I use mobile devices to read. This is my primary method of reading the Bible, devotionals, commentaries, etc. The desktop version of this app is solid, however, the iOS apps are filled with bugs when attempting access resources online AND offline. I’ve reported these problems weeks ago, even months ago, and I received no initial response. Two weeks later I had to call and report the issues again. Still no response. I escalated to my sales associate and someone finally contacted me via email with a message saying “we are working on it.” No follow-up since, over one to two months now. Still having the same problems. I would love to see these bugs are fixed so I can give Logos a great review. My hope is that someone from this app that can do something about these issues see this review and contact me.

Lots of Tabs - Poor Instructions on Usage


I have used this app "Diamond" level desktop version 7 for the past eight years and have no complaints about its resources or functionality.
However, I cannot say the same for this “new” iPad tab version app and its functionality. Compared to the previous version, which I have used during the last two years, Faithlife has failed to forewarn users of such sudden changes in its software, nor has it provided adequate information or instruction for previous version users to migrate to this new design. How unfortunate and yes, I did review those “Speedy Gonzales videos. What a waste of programming time with absolutely no real instructional substance. I was blindsided from one day to the next when I opened Logos and found you I am now ignorant on how to get from one aspect of the program to another.
You got it! I am not happy with Faithlife’s sudden approach in forcing current users to learn a new way of navigating its app software, without adequate warning. At the very least, Faithlife could have given current users the option of remaining with the old navigation menus that are engrained in one’s mind and then allow users to switch once better “tab” menu instructions are available.

David Zachary, MTS

Hopefully helpful critiques


This is really a wonderful app that has helped me organize my Bible studying and even do some inductive Bible study. I have one critique though, well two, and I think they could really make Logos better. It has to do with the notes feature. I love that you can make notebooks and see all of the highlights and notes you have done in one place. I wish though that it would display the text that was highlighted their in the notes section, or at least the reference. This would really make the notes feature more useful, to go back and see what was highlighted quickly and find what you were looking for or catch themes or similarities easier. Right now you have to open the note and click them then it opens the chapter were it is, this is nice but cumbersome if you are looking for something or trying to study a theme with this tool. Another suggestion, I wish there was a preference/option to make certain highlighters default into a created notebook. For example, a place to make everything in pink highlighter pin could automatically go into a notebook called resurrection. This would really aid in topical study. Just a few hopefully helpful suggestions, thank you

Needs update


I feel that with the recent power of the new iPad’s, especially the iPad pros, Logos should have followed suit to become more powerful. I believe having the same home page as the desktop version would be most beneficial, being able to scroll the cards. I would suggest perhaps making the iPad Pro versions as close to the desktop version as it is more powerful and able to do more. Love Logos and use it daily just hope that a more modern update is in the works.

Previous post:
Still my favorite Bible study too especially now on the larger iPad Pro. I like that there are a lot of features from the desktop version and I hope that they continue to add more to the pro iPad. If I had to make a request I would add the crossword puzzle maker! What a great way to pass the time when traveling and using mobile devices! And the sermon editor document tool and also the visual word mapping.

Awesome study resource


I completely enjoyed this app. That is until a recent update that changed the entire app. I cannot figure out how to view things in a way that is user friendly anymore.

The most recent update completely changed the layout of the Home Screen.

However, all of the features of this app are still worth the hassle of learning the new layout. Being able to have multiple resources open and link them together so they scroll simultaneously is amazing. For example, you can have a Bible and commentary open together and link them so when one scrolls, the other follows along. This makes studying the Bible much easier. Additionally, every resource is searchable, which makes topic studies easier as well.

The recent update in Logos (iPad version, not sure about other versions) is a minor inconvenience that I will have to learn to live with - unless they make an option to revert back to a previous layout or add more customization options.

Overall, I appreciate this app. Although slightly expensive, and you don’t get the physical copy of books purchased (sometimes it is nicer to hold the book physically and book mark certain pages), it is worth the cost. The previous app layout would highlight sales and even a free book of the month. The website is still easy to use and does all of that.

Despite the very minor shortcomings, I would still recommend this app to anyone wanting a great way to study the Bible.

The Logos Bible! Getting better but can always improve.


The dev team is awesome. They are really working hard to making Logos a great study and resource tool. Logos is getting a lot more user friendly and easier to study. It is not the desktop app but it is getting there. I use Logos more than I use the desktop app. The one thing I would love for the dev team to work on would be the note taking functionality. Logos makes you leave your reading and takes you off to a different screen. Would it be possible to have notes in a tab? Also it would be nice to know when you created a note so you can reference back when you created it for reference. It would be nice to have the note with the date on the side of the note. Other than that Logos surpasses every other bible App in Logos Store when it comes to bible study and accessing a huge library of resources. Nothing else has the tremendous amount of resources as this app does. You have to try it to believe it. The this app team just keep out doing themselves. Logos keeps getting better with every release. Do not hesitate to get Logos.

Best compiled package


this app bible software in indicative of the name "Word" bible software. It brings in depth accessibility, language (Hebrew, Greek) and understanding to us who are serious about studying to show ourselves approved of the word. Not knowing the original language, culture and setting, can often bring misleading and incorrect teachings, now that's a thing of the past. Revelations from the Holy Spirit can now be cemented with proper exegesis to reach the lay person or the learnt intellectual alike. Technology has given us wonderful tools and the immediate access to resources when He changes our message or speaks, is wonderful with the portable tools such as iPads and iPhones. However; let's not leave the Holy Spirit out of the this app when we deliver, Amen this app!
I am continually recommending this app to my students and people who are serious about their spiritual life. Those who have tried it has seen the benefits in your souls and natural lives. this app software was become a staple of their diet.

Con: If someone is not fluent and an excellent speller using the search will be a setback. Aid in spelling would be good as most word search engine does. Sales is pushed a lot, something personal could be given back on birthdays to show application for those who buy and support a lot.

Apostle Dr. Williams
Kingston, Jamaica

From a Church Msmbed


I have been studying the Word for the past 5 years of being a being a believer and the method I use, verse by verse with cross references, a dictionary, and concordance, everything I am looking for comes with Logos. I purchased the NASB Bible because that is the one I use, and I purchased a commentary on 1st Corinthians. I had trouble finding different books on the apple App but when I called the excellent customer service I was able to go to the website and purchase what I needed and it appeared in my library immediately. Logos is am Incredible tool and I look forward to digging “deep” for my weekly Bible Study group. I am also looking at the Bronze package for this app 9 which costs less that my current TV service(no eternal value) so I should be able to swing it when the time comes.

Love my Bible program!


I sometimes stop and ponder if I really need the power of this app, with all its bells and whistles, since I am just a Christian who love the Word of God and studies it each day. But I have been using the basic program for years and just can’t see going away from it. I am so pleased with the ability to customize my Bible Reading Plan; the ability for side-by-side versions of the same Scripture that I’m studying; the dictionary - for those words that stump me; and the great commentaries to help me understand. Yes, I feel it is the ‘Cadillac’ of Bible programs, and I love it! I’m an iPhone and iPad user also, and the ability to use a mobile device or my desktop PC interchangeably is just outstanding! May God continue to bless this app with awesome programmers and other staff to continue improving an already awesome program!

Incredibly well thought


this app is a fee-based product, offering a ton of very up-to-date resources (plus all of the classical resources one gets with free products). In terms of overall cost, this app is fairly expensive, but worth the cost. In terms of Logos , very nicely done. One swipes to the left or right to view different resources, or clicks an internal link, etc. It is very easy to navigate, which is important considering how many resources one might use in a given study. I would like Logos to have the same functionality as the desktop version (Sermon Editor, for example, is view-mode only in Logos ), but I imagine that Logos would be even larger still. As I use my iPad while writing my sermon by hand or typewriter, and then on the desktop, I don’t find this an issue. this app is very impressive overall. Logos is very well thought.

Improving but not very useful


Logos is improving but it is my least favorite bible app. Two main issues are a lack of a coherent design philosophy that makes the interface inconsistent and confusing and sloppy implementation of the features that do exist. I tend to buy duplicate copies of this app resources in olivetree if I want to use them on mobile. If bandwidth is available the web version of this app is far superior no crashes much more functionality. Latest annoyances other than crashing are the inability to access tablee of contents or index in csb bible notes with out going to gen 1:1 or rev and manually scrolling. Inability to switch book to book in commentary sets. Olive tree does all these so I have to purchase more duplicate resources. By the way I would have posted these comments as feedback elsewhere if you had a method of providing feedback (your forums appear to not be actively monitored).

Look no further than Logos Bible Software


The this app App is free but buy the real deal... With it's easy too use platforms, immensely powerful/state of the art search ability, integration with presentation software, automated slide generator and preaching mode- this app is a one stop shop. My Microsoft Word app is so lonely now, and I'm not apologizing to the Gates, instead I'm thanking the Pritchetts. I use an Apple iPad with the "Pages App" to write my notes (which translates it to text) then airdrop it to my MacBook, copy past it into Sermon Manager, adjust some things, and Viola! Seriously, it's that easy and saves a ton of time so you can go back to doing things like listening to people fight over what color the walls will be painted, whether to have nasty prepackaged communion cups or stale square tiny biscuits with tainted grape juice, or you know... things like that. ;) Just get this app (at least Silver or Gold), you won't regret it, promise!

Love the update except for one annoyance...


**Update - Adding a star for amazing customer response. My Recents are already back! Thanks so much for bringing such a powerful and easy to use reference tool!

The new update with tabs is phenomenally helpful, making it very easy to switch between several references easily. But in the update one helpful feature was dropped. In looking up references, you had three choices for selection: Verse, Contents and Recent. The Recent choice allowed me to bounce around several resources but easily look back to where I had started from and return to it. This is especially useful when I am studying through a book but then bounce around other books while listening to a message. It’s very easy to see, and return to, where I was in the book I was studying through.

Now the choices are Verse, Contents and Favorites. Not nearly as useful as I will have to remember to select a passage as a Favorite before going anywhere else. Please give me my Recents back. :)

Great App for Growing in Knowledge of the Lord


Before downloading this app, I was using the youversion Bible app. However, the update to include a daily devotional with click-through stories and videos was a needless distraction from God’s Word, and made me all too aware that Logos was supporting and promoting, at best, a low interpretation of Scripture.

this app, on the other hand, works like a digital library. There is no pushing of any particular teacher. I appreciate the resources and tools for Bible study such as concordances, maps, dictionaries to help understand translations, and commentaries from Biblical teachers. I also like that every highlight color is able to be labeled. My favorite way to study the Bible is still without my phone. I like to flip through pages and feel the Bible at my fingertips, but Logos is helpful to have as a supplement to my usual system of study.

Recommended for serious students of the Bible! No gimmicks or feel-good fluff, just a library of materials to assist you in studying.

Professional Grade Bible Research software!


Professional-grade Bible study/research software! Professional level software for Bible research, study, and heavy duty graduate or Ph.D. level Assignments where every prof is gonna want an excellent research paper from you! Of course, I’m not speaking of the this app app you download free. The this app starter app available for download is pretty powerful in its own right. But as soon as possible you should upgrade to the Professional this app apps which will make short work of several major research papers. After University or seminary, this app Bible software will help you continue to grow in the Christian faith and your relationship with God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit!

this app is fantastic and rewarding on a daily basis. Worth the extra expense and steep learning curve! academic work while attending seminary! I have been using this app Bible Software for over 15 years and it has really made my academic/seminary work easy! Most importantly, my heavy pastoral responsibilities (preaching, teaching, prayer, counseling) run smoothly. Highly recommended!

Awesome app, needs some new features though!

I’ve been using Logos for several months now - first subscribing to the monthly subscription for a small collection of books and now for this app 8 Gold. I like it. It’s nice to read on. You can access some basic features of this app through Logos. But! I’m using the iPad Pro and the iPad Pro has a powerhouse of cool features - the Cadillac of tablets for the Cadillac of Bible Study software. Unfortunately, this app is not utilizing all of the features of the iPad Pro - most notably, being able to use the Apple Pencil for the Canvas feature of this app 8 would be amazing. For some reason - the Apple Pencil isn’t much good except for turning the page in Logos though! When I see FaithLife incorporate more of the iPad features (most of which aren’t even unique to iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 utilizes a fancy computer pencil as well), then I will gladly come back and give Logos a 5 star review.

Good app but font is horrible

It's a shame you cannot change the font, just size. Why can't we have the option of changing the text to display in a font for the user to choose. The default (and only) one is ugly. I would prefer a more classical, more pronounced serif one. Those are better for reading long texts. Some people like sans serif, though. People with dyslexia can really benefit from the Open Dyslexia font. Some people like monospace. Give us options. Olive Tree does a really good job at this, why can't you give us font options?

Also, I have over two thousand resources. We should be able to favorite the resources we use the most in a separate section so that we can readily access them at any time. And please categorize the resources we own into bibles, devotionals, magazines, etc. like you do in the this app store (check how Olive Tree does it). You already do that for the daily readings section with devotionals. Just apply it to all resources.

Great step in the right direction!

I was glad to see the overall change in the layout of Logos . The tab idea is genius and should make mobile bible study much more efficient. As other users have reiterated, more care to the note function would be nice as well as eventual inclusion of a sermon editing feature. I preach directly from my iPad, and upon occasion as I am prompted by the crowd, the Holy Spirit or something I forgot to include, it would be nice to on the spot edit my sermon content.

Lastly, if personal books could ever be synced to my iPad that would make Logos head and shoulders above any others of its kind. Also, scriptures within a sermon do not seem to hyperlink when accessed from a mobile device, only when viewed on a computer.

Overall glad to see the update, keep up the good work!

An honest assessment!!

this app is a genius application/ forum. It’s a “one stop shop”! I love the fact that it has lots of literary options to choose from. this app has an application that can be shared with friends from church, work, school, or even a online bible study group that was put together on social media! Logos has tools that I’ve found to be extremely useful. Logos makes studying and even navigating through references easier, especially when I’m preaching. It allows me to flow through the subject matter seamlessly! The daily bible study guide, commentary, and lexicons are amazing!

There are a few things that I would like to see made easier, more accessible, and available. But its flaws are eclipsed by its pure awesomeness!! I mean could you imagine what the actual full version can do?


Request for change

I am enjoying the new design. I’ve used the feature to show my favorite bible. It is nice not to have to look for the Bible but that I just have to click the button.

I like being able to keep as many books / resources open as I want.

My request for change: can you add a way to “lock” the resource into full screen mode? I want to keep the menus off the screen while I scroll up or down. Right now the menus show up and cover the viewing area.

When I am reading in low light mode, I’m distracted by the sudden change of color on the screen when the menus appear. Could the menus also change color to match the low light color scheme?

For example, I’ll be reading in while in bed. My background will be dark and when I accidentally bump my screen down or scroll a bit toward earlier in the book, the stark contrast of the white menu on the black reading background causes me to glance away from the text I’m reading.

I’ve been trying to get used to it for three weeks and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to adjust to this. I’ve been able to adjust to the other changes and I’m enjoying it. But after three weeks of trying out Logos , I decided to request the change.

Thanks for listening.

Online titles are great

Overall the product (desktop, laptop and mobile) is solid. I’ve had the this app 6 for a couple of years now and honestly I bought it thinking that I would use it way more often. Due to it being way more difficult to use than I thought it should be I quit using it until recently. After giving it another shot and a lot more time it’s been growing on me again. BE AWARE there is a BIG LEARNING CURVE for new users. The depth of study is incredible. Compared to other programs/Apps it is good, if your looking to invest some time and a chunk of change to study this is the one for you. If you don’t need a ton of resources than maybe consider an alternative. I’m not trying to dissuade anyone at all, but it can be a substantial investment so do your homework. Regards

There when you are

Living in a time when time itself is sometimes hard to come by, it’s nice to have an app like this app to turn to. Even if you only have a few minutes you can read something uplifting and encouraging from God’s word. A few minutes is better than nothing. I’m reading Systematic Theology. Ya...I know. Pretty deep. But, I taking it in small doses. With this app I can read a little at a time and Logos saves my place, so when I return I can pick up right where I left off. You really have the option to do whatever you want to do. You can either do a simple devotional and Bible study, or you can do an in depth study. Logos has incredible resources cross-referencing ability at your fingertips. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys studying God‘s word...

An awesome app for learning and studying the scriptures

This bible app is extremely helpful ! There are so many resources to choose from and it really makes studying the Bible a lot easier . At first Logos was a little bit hard getting use to , I had to go on the this app website to see how to use the basic features. After that though it is pretty simple , just takes some getting use to , I highly recommend using Logos , especially for some personal study or preparing a sermon , it is just really great all around ! May God continue to bless those who made Logos , they are helping their brothers in Christ grow in the word of God and helping them understand the Bible better! I once again highly recommend getting Logos ! God bless !!

Great Vehicle, But Rides Ruff

This vehicle doesn’t have a fine tuned automatic transmission, that glides through the gears with smoothness and ease, so be prepared to shift gears manually—and tolerate the occasional gear grinds. It has a heater and air conditioning but they don’t always work as efficiently as they should. It has all the bells and whistles but, sometimes takes work to use them. There are lots of accessories to purchase to improve the vehicle—which is highly recommended by this owner. There is no warranty so don’t bother with complaining—or offering useful suggestions for improvement—to the manufacturer because they know what you need better than you do—you’ll just have to drive it like it is. Though your journey is long, this clunky vehicle is getting me to where I am going better than any other that I have driven so far—she’s a top of the line vehicle. May the living God bless you as you travel in this vehicle!

Is Logos Safe? 🙏

Yes. Logos: Deep Bible Study is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 132,659 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Logos Is 44.2/100.

Is Logos Legit? 💯

Yes. Logos: Deep Bible Study is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 132,659 Logos: Deep Bible Study User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Logos Is 72.1/100..

Is Logos: Deep Bible Study not working? 🚨

Logos: Deep Bible Study works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
Bible Study Bundle $3.99
Faithlife Connect Mobile $8.99
Faithlife Study Bible $0.00
Connect the Testaments $0.00
English Standard Version (ESV) $9.99
New American Standard Bible $9.99
The Amplified Bible (AMP) $9.99
The Message Bible $9.99
Christ, Our Righteousness $19.99
New King James Version Bible $9.99

How was your experience with Logos: Deep Bible Study? Post a Review


- Organize and schedule reading plans in seconds

- Preaching Mode for easy reading of sermon outlines or manuscripts

- Factbook for quick access to curated overviews and trusted sermon resources

- Reference Scanner to look up multiple verses at once and save them as a Passage List

- Powerful search features to navigate to any verse in the Bible or search the library

- Access to a variety of Bible translations, including NIV, ESV, NASB, and NKJV

- Saved Layouts (Logos 8 only) to save favorite study layouts

- Tabbed Browsing to open multiple resources or Bibles side by side

- Library with up to 95 free resources and syncing of all Logos books to the device

- Notes feature to attach thoughts, comments, and questions to any Bible verse or book

- Highlighting with customizable color and text options

- Bible Word Study to learn more about any word in the Bible

- Passage Guide for detailed, verse-specific reports

- Text Comparison to compare any verse across multiple translations

- Split Screen to delve into any secondary resource side by side with preferred translation

- Reading Plans for daily reading with several options to choose from

- Audio Books to listen to the Bible on the go

- Optional subscriptions for the Bible Study Bundle and Faithlife Connect Mobile

- Payment charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase, with automatic renewal unless turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period.

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