SpanishDictionarycomLearning itself is amazing to use, and just like other dictionaries, it gives you the pronunciation and various definitions. Unlike other dictionaries, though, it allows you to listen to the differences in English and Spanish (when the words are exactly the same, like karaoke) and gives you multiple ways to conjugate and use the word, especially if it is featured in a common phrase. What would make it better would be if, like the website of SpanishDictionarycomLearning, it included a short video of a native Spanish speaker repeating it and using it in a sentence, and more slang from other countries. You could make the argument that since it's a dictionary, it should only use real words from different Latino countries, but it would also be useful to know what someone else said when they speak informally. Plus, it would be interesting to know!
I've been trying to better my Spanish for some time, and SpanishDictionarycomLearning is extremely useful to me whenever I tend to forget something, not know something, or confuse one thing for something else. Would recommend it for anyone who wants to have anything to do with Spanish!
Also a tip for other users: if you don't find something on SpanishDictionarycomLearning , chances are it's on their website.