1Tap Growth Diary Reviews

1Tap Growth Diary Reviews

Published by on 2024-01-15

About: Let's click and grow fast! How to raise well? A nurturing game was born where
you can fully enjoy how things have grown! ●Raising List ・Fish ・Egg etc.
A concerned about life, heart-warming nurturing game EU / California users
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Overall User Satisfaction Rating


Positive experience

Negative experience

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 4,825 combined software reviews.

1160 1Tap Growth Diary Reviews

4.2 out of 5


A horrible game for everyone!!

I knew this would be a more mature game, but seriously absurd! As a female my shelf, what the heck dude! First level, you turn a cat into a girl! Then, you…. Marry her! 🤬The gaming one where you choose between a magazine or video game, you have to choose magizine?! I love to game but here it’s bad and ‘manly’. On to that, it’s sexist, racist, and body shaming! You, the player, raise boys and girls to marry you and (99.1% of the time,) marry them! When someone gets something manly, they turn to dark skin tone! You body shame girls when they gain weight 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏼!? Don’t get kids this stupid game! Why, Why most society take this step, there are already insane people in this world! If you like games like this, shame on you! This gets kids trying to do naughty 👿 things! And this is practically child predatory! Stop doing this! (Dear girls and boys, don’t listen to this game, you are 👍! As Mister Rogers Said, you’re perfect just the way you are!) Sincerely, a gamer who cares about everyone P.S are you kidnapping the “orphans”? 🧐 🤔 🤨 hmm


A funny game

While some of the scenarios are uncomfortable, most of them are harmless. It’s funny to sometimes pick the wrong choices and see what chaos comes about (such as turning your cat into a monster by feeding it steak).

The main problem is that the last two scenarios don’t have any images or text for them.

I hope future updates include new scenarios.


Disturbing child grooming…

If I had to use one word to describe this game it would be DISGUSTING. The game’s focus on choosing the pathway of “nude model” or “sexy actress” or “erotic” for a CHILD is wildly inappropriate and a terrible thing for children to be seeing. Not to mention the disgusting misogyny behind these ideas in the first place. I was also immediately disturbed by the amount of likes and positive reviews this game has which I can only chalk up to bots because I cannot fathom any person other than a young child (whom these are obviously advertised toward) having any sort of positive take on this sad excuse for a “game” that’s really just a disgusting way to introduce these lewd and inappropriate topics to children. 😐 Shameful that the apple store even allows these on the site and the sad thing is this is about the 10th one I’ve came across tonight.


This game is rude!

So when I started playing this game I saw a lot of characters that probably be underaged to date you. I mean you raised them most of the time in the game and then you just start dating them?! I would highly be too old for the person that I raised to become my lover. Like how in one part of the game you raise a wild kid and then that kid becomes your lover??? I also just don’t like the idea that you have to be skinny to be pretty. Also what’s wrong with muscular women or men?? They’re both good-looking in their own way and why does every person you encounter have to become your lover???? I think this game is a waste of time for me and I dislike the messages it might envy to younger audiences or even adults.


This is my version of 0 stars

Hello there,

I hope this email finds you well. I recently came across a game that I was hoping would provide me with multiple options and decisions, however, it seems to only have one right choice. Additionally, I found the game to be quite sexist and offensive. On top of that, the number of ads within the game was overwhelming. I understand that ads are necessary for revenue, but perhaps there could be a better balance. And another thing, this trash game repeats itself over and over and over. And not to mention it only thinks that slim and pretty girls are the only type of girls. I absolutely hate 1TapGrowthDiary.

Thank you for your time. Dont download


Sexist and Rude

I played this game and the first level was fine, but later on as I went through it became sexist and only based on what you, the man, wanted. I love these style of games, but the fact that I had to ask her to help me gather leaves instead of logs because she would go wild if she got buff and helped collected logs. THEN it sayed that we should stay on the deserted island so she can give birth to all these children and live happily ever after (Which please remember is not how life works kids). Overall I loved the concept but the fact that is was so sexist and just wrong made me put it at such a low rating. I do not recommend.


Misogynistic, sexist and disturbing

Saw an advert for this game and it was about raising a baby girl, the only options were supermodel and something else, that wasn’t even the KICKER! At the end of the advert there’s a pop up for you to make a selection, the 2 options are HOUSEWIFE or SEXY ACTRESS! What the actual ****! Apple needs to take 1TapGrowthDiary down! It hurtful to women, let alone little girls who see this advertisement. It is sick and disgusting! Let’s not even talk about the other people who played it and said it gets WORSE…. Apple should really think about what apps they let on their AppStore because that’s not something I would want my children seeing and thinking is okay. DO BETTER!



The ads are misleading, they constantly showed you growing your own CHILD, but in this game, the majority EVEN VERY FIRST task was to groom CHILDREN into becoming your girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband. It’s disgusting going through the trouble of legitimately RAISING and CHILD and being their PARENT FIGURE, just to wait till they’re “grown and mature “ to MARRY THEM?? not to mention on the first one it also gives you the option to “MATE” this girl you literally raised?? The 1 tap thing is true to the ads, but the themes are NOT. people who like this game have very bad intentions or are too dense to understand what’s going one here. Immediately had to delete after the first level


Sexist and has grooming, I wouldn’t let any kid play it

I don’t even know where to begin! It sexist, it’s saying that you can’t be pretty with out make up or with mussels. There have been multiple times with grooming (Grooming is when a person builds a relationship with a child, young person or an adult who's at risk so they can abuse them and manipulate them into doing things. The abuse is usually sexual or financial, but it can also include other illegal acts.) I’ve only played a tiny bit and there have been I think three instances of that so far. It’s just really bad if a child were to download this and think that all this is ok.


Sexist and disgusting smh.

So I got an ad got this game and read the reviews on 1TapGrowthDiary store about it. Almost all the reviews said this game was sexist, and they were absolutely right! First off, at the end of an ad for the game, it says to raise your child as a "sexy actress or housewife" like... bro.... Second off, it is also sexist in the game itself. For example, in one of the levels, you decide if this girl builds a house out of leaves or logs. If you pick logs, she will get super buff and you will fail the level. Apparently, building a house out of logs if your a girl is "bad" and "not ladylike".This game is absolutely disgusting and I honestly think it should get removed.



I think the game was okay, however I kept getting adds that were abusive towards genders, another add was episode. I mean stop shoving that down people’s throats, 12 year olds play the game. And the game itself was kind of awkward where girls were just found or hatched from eggs.
Also the guy who raised the girls who’s parents died, married her. That was a little odd. And I mean all the people in game were forcing other people to marry them, I might keep the game. But if I keep getting episode ads I am going to die. 😕



I haven’t even played the game. The
‘interactive’ bit at the end makes it obvious, along with the reviews of others. The options are ‘sexy actress’ or ‘housewife’?! Excuse me, how are either of those ok? Especially if it’s a game for 12 and up. I don’t understand people who make these games and I’ve looked at other reviews and they’ve said simple things were wrong, for example, someone said that the last two scenarios didn’t have images or words for them but other than that, it was good? How do people think that this game is by any means ok?!

Thank you for your time.


Perverted Game

The ads alone are disturbing. Who raises their daughter to be a “sexy” model? Why does the advert show a pregnant 14-year-old? Why can you enter a relationship with an animal (cat)? Why is a woman becoming physically strong considered a “failed” or “bad” ending? God forbid she can open her own jars and carry her own groceries!

If a mother or father said, “Wow, I hope my future daughter is sexy!” we would call Child Protective Services and put them on a list. This game is so flippant about sexualizing minors, utilizing veiled incestuous themes (sexy daughter!), and judging the worth and success of a woman by her attractiveness. It’s insane.

I’m not a person who hysterically pulls the “misogynist” card—but this game deserves every label of “sexist” and “perverted” it gets just by the ads alone. Every time I see the ad with the pregnant minor, I feel absolutely dirty as a human being.

Apple, why are you letting this game exist on your platform? DO BETTER.


Ya’ll messed up. Don’t download this EVER.

I’m an unofficial game reviewer, meaning I write reviews on games and also write articles on them. (Pastime) And I have to say, ya’ll messed up. You are actually increasing the self-injury and suicide rates in young children because they can’t meet stupid stereotypes. You either need to really fix the game, or just delete it off the net. All kids, don’t think you need to meet any standards set by anybody especially the net. You can make a bigger difference just by being yourself than following stereotypes and standards. Developers, get some mental help. Please.


Yeah uhhh

The game is a good “I’m bored” thing, but it’s really weird. You can see that a guy with some weird fetishes made it because of all the highly questionable stuff in there. There are games when your POV is a fully grown adult and you raise a young girl who you then marry after she grows up. It isn’t just once that this appears, either. I’ve only played about 15 minutes and I’ve come across this weird trope and other questionable things often enough for me to delete it immediately.


Awesome but needs some changes.

I love this game, but there are a lot of ads and there needs to be more levels. I downloaded this game and I got addicted because it was adorable, but then I beat it and now I’m kinda upset that there was only 30 levels. I really hope y’all add more levels because I love this game!


sexist & discouraging.

so from the adds, this was a fun game it seemed, so i downloaded it expecting to choose my own choices, but no. this game is very discouraging and sexist as it makes the girls wear heavy makeup and be obsessed with fashion and choose the "girlier" options. the game is always about making the man happy, not the other way around. i immediately deleted 1TapGrowthDiary once i realized it was encouraging 12+ girls to wear heavy makeup, as that was the correct option. im a girl in the age range from 11-15 and thats absolutely disgusting to give that image that they NEED makeup to be beautiful.


Game isn’t just boring, it’s also-

Sexist! I knew what I was getting into from an ad, but I thought at least it was an interesting concept. However the game gets old really quickly and it’s extremely sexist in its portrayal of women and relationships! And weird, like in a few of the stories your character is practically raising girls into women and than marrying them and having kids- it’s absolutely disgusting and sounds pedo to me.

Don’t download this game!


Kinda creepy tbh but intertaining

Some of the scenarios are creepy and borderline.. not okay but they are all really stupid and it’s funny to go through them


Way too many ads

It takes about 3 seconds to pass a level and you get an ad almost every level. You can’t even turn off the ads. If you lose connection you get a pop up ad claiming you don’t have connection until you turn it back on- it took me not even 5 minutes of this game before I had to delete it out of pure frustration


Worse than the ads protrude it.

I downloaded this thinking it would be a weird game to laugh at with friends but it straight up disgust me. On the first level you raise a cat girl and then MARRY HER!? The second level is not as bad but definitely weird. The third level I couldn’t even finish, you have a “neighbor boyfriend” and the first option is either he can choose or you can choose and when he chooses he wants to play doctor and says “take your clothes off”! This game is not made for the age range it portrays it as. Also in the bird level for Valentine’s Day when you give him chocolate he gets acne because of it? That is not true, I don’t recommend this game and hope it gets reported. This is truley disgusting.


Too Many Ads and Bad Game

Most of the kids you RAISE in this game you end up marrying and they are a love interest which is highly disgusting and inappropriate. Don’t download this game, there’s even a level where you have an option to tutor a STUDENT at home and it implies you end up having relations with the student, the good ending for that level is the teacher and student getting together anyways. On top of that every 5 seconds there’s an ad. Horrible game. Don’t recommend.


Too many ads

I really love this game, but there are just way too many ads. You get an ad every two clicks. And there isn’t a feature to buy no ads either. At least do an ad after every story


Weird game…

From my experience of this game, it has been fun… I guess? Overall it can be fun, and quite interesting if you know what I mean…. The problems I had with this game is first, you can’t even choose your own options, there is a right and wrong option, which is fine, however it would be more enjoyable to be able to move the story around your own way. Second of all, the amount of ads is honestly outrageous. For example, if you chose the “wrong” option and you press retry, and ad comes up. Finished a level? Ad. Every 30 seconds of gameplay there’s an ad. That’s not even the worst part! The ads are strange, especially for a game targeted towards a slightly more mature audience, however 12 years is not a mature enough age. The ads are women getting spanked, doing IT, etc. iIts quite disturbing. Lastly, the most concerning part of this game is the grammar and how they sexualize women in every level. They can’t even spell “choice”, which is embarrassing.. Also in one level it showed a girls chest and a girls underwear. One last thing, the game starts out fun, but later on the levels get more and more lazier and you can tell there wasn’t much work out into them. Thanks for reading, I know it’s long but all of this is true. Good bye!


0/5 Worst game ever

I Was Playing Idle school tycoon and then one of your stupid ads pop up and the ad was doing something to the kids in the ad when i mean something i mean in a disgusting and naughty way like please take down your game its just disgusting and weird it has grooming and encouraging future parents to do naughty things to their kids please take this down immediately or i’ll report this because you are actually promoting this naughty and disgusting stuff to i an 11 year old


Its a good game and has interesting scenarios but it does lack stuff and i wish that it would allow you to stay with a scenario and see how it goes and then give you an option to redo the level. I also think that some of the “right options” are weird, like one that is like “cosmetic surgery” for like a tween girl or “skincare” for it and it forced me to choose cosmetic so idk


Ok soo...

Ok this is to reply to my other review. I played for a few more minutes and all of it is just mostly dating the kid that your raising... Which is weird and it's giving off pedo vibes. Also, in the ghost girlfriend one, they showed her underwear which was very inappropriate. I don't suggest this game for ANYONE. Also, it's a bit sexist. In the 2nd story with the girl lost on the island, if you chose the sticks for her to build a house, she gets buff and apparently that's the wrong choice. What's wrong with buff women? If you want people to actually enjoy your game, don't click bait with the ads.


No options

I actually give this a 1 star, just wanted everybody to see this. When I downloaded this game, I thought it would be like the ads. Where you could choose whatever you wanted, but the second you click the wrong answer you are forced to restart. In the ads it shows you like what to feed them and you get to see how that affects them and stuff but this game was nothing like that. Overall not good.


Sortve good but WEIRD

It can get a bit addicting, but some of the stories are WEIRD… In one level you have to help a STUDENT and in one of the choices in the wrong choice he suggests to do something with you (“Wanna do something hot?”) so that’s the first red flag… and then at the end with the RIGHT CHOICE he graduates and BECOMES YOUR LOVER… in another story you adopt your dead friends CHILD and in the end it suggests that you guys become partners since she wears a dress and gown and it says “Today we become a real family” soooo… there are weird aspects of this game. Other than that it’s ok.


Very cute

I highly recommend this game except the reason why I gave it 4 instead of five is because of the adds. There really are too many but I really don’t mind watching adds but if you are a person who doesn’t like adds I wouldn’t recommend. This is a very cute game with gorgeous anime, cute scenarios, and a little bit of humor. This game is honestly addictive.


I don’t like it

Not trying to be rude or anything but it doesn’t let you put what you want it like forces you want to put and I hate that because like what if I wanna put something I tried putting the cat toy on the first level and I already don’t like it because it made me put the books because I wanted me to make a cat girlfriend and it’s kind of cringe that it said cat girlfriend like that is kind of weird but I don’t really like it but it’s OK but I don’t really like it just because it doesn’t let me put my own thing in there. It’s kind of a downgrade for me.



Well it’s good for when you grow up and you get your own kid but you can’t bake the kid like it’s kind of weird I don’t like it. That way you can make it kind of creepy but also like it’s kind of bored, and the ad lied and that just makes me mad because like it really good but I’m gonna get have to give this four stars because it’s pretty fun just I don’t like that the ad



Graphics and art, beautiful. Game idea, easy and entertaining. But odd. Almost all the stories are centered around relationships and raising someone or “something”. Either that or decision making for like an event or something. There are LOTS of weird stories where you raise something or someone and they end up being your lover. I’m not sure if it’s because there’s a cultural difference in what’s okay and not okay to do in relationships (referring to age gaps) but a lot of this is just…child grooming??? Art Is good. It’s a 50-50 game and they let you retry if you make a bad decision. +there’s so many ads. I get your trying to get a quick buck but my god


This is false advertisement

This add is kind of false advertising. I mean the game is fun and all but it’s not like the ad quite says it’s very different and there’s a lot and I say A LOT of ads, but it’s still fun just not what you’re expecting from the ad. The ad makes it seem like you have points or you have multiple choices. It’s kind of hard to put into words, but if you choose the wrong thing once, then, you just die and have to start over it’s not like you just raise someone and choose if they get water food not like the ad says at all but it’s still kind of fun I guess……..


My review

I was playing a game, when this add kept popping up so I decided to download it without seeing the reviews or anything. I downloaded it and the first game that pops up is “Cat girlfriend” so I was playing that when a question comes up, it says “mating or proposal” … I was shocked, and for the mating image it showed a girl on top of a boy…. I decided to play another round and it was inappropriate again. But I still played the next round which said “Ghost girlfriend” a few choices in I was ok, but then i saw the “ghost girlfriend” standing up, looking down, and i could see her UNDERWEAR!!! As a kid I do not recommend this game! Please do NOT download this!

Is 1Tap Growth Diary Safe?

Yes. 1Tap Growth Diary is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 4,825 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.2/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for 1Tap Growth Diary Is 69.3/100.

Is 1Tap Growth Diary Legit?

Yes. 1Tap Growth Diary is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 4,825 1Tap Growth Diary User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for 1Tap Growth Diary Is 100/100..

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