Goods Sort™ -Triple Busters 3D Reviews

Goods Sort™ -Triple Busters 3D Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-07

About: Put your skills to the test with Goods Triple, a new take on the casual
three-match game genre. As a store clerk, clear the shelves by creating
matching combinations and using power-ups.

About Goods Sort

With colorful goods and challenging but fair gameplay, Goods Triple is perfect for casual gaming and puzzle enthusiasts.

Put your skills to the test with Goods Triple, a new take on the casual three-match game genre.

As a store clerk, clear the shelves by creating matching combinations and using power-ups.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating


Negative experience

Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 44,625 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Goods Sort

- The game is fun and relaxing.

- The game is cute and enjoyable to play.

- The game has good graphics and design.

1893 Goods Sort Reviews

4.9 out of 5


Toooooo many ads

This game is SO fun and cute! However, having to watch the same ads over and over between every single level is a total buzzkill. Deleted this after 4 levels. I can understand an ad here and there but this is beyond ridiculous. Def doesn’t make me want to pay for it…


Too many ads

Compared to other matching games, you have way too many ads!! I deleted this game after reaching level 10. Couldn’t take having an ad after each game.


Freezes up all the time, timer stops and game is suspended

Fun when it works, but I am ready to delete game.


Too many ads even if you pay

Way to many ads. Sometimes back to back. Long ads. One right after another. When I get to play the game it is fun. So I paid the $5.99 to stop ads. Nope. Still got lots of ads. SO DONT PAY TO STOP THE ADS.


Way too many ads

Just loaded this game and had to sit through so many ads that I’m deleting it as soon as I finish this review. If you want people to play it, rethink the quantity of your ads!



I like the game but the ads are tooooo much. You will watch 3 long 30+ seconds ads for one game. I started playing about 3 days ago and I’m about ready to get rid of it.


Not worth time.

Played game for about 30 minutes. 8 minutes on game. The rest of the times was watching ads!!! Very much a waste of time. Delegated it.


Good triple game

Great game and relaxing 😁



Can’t enjoy the game. It freezes to much! Update your app… About to delete



No Shelves…. (for those looking to play them). I deleted it. Total irritation with ADS! ADS! ADS! Totally misleading by pic of the game. NO SHELVES!!!!!! Which I was looking forward too.



Too many ads


Locks up

It’s fun when it works, but keeps freezing up. FRUSTRATING


Crazy with ads

Get a life. This game is fun but insulting with ads all the time. Stupid!


Ruined by monitization

The game is initially fun and at a certain point theres a new mechanic thats introduced after you beat a couple of levels. Basically you need a certain amount of item matches before you can unlock a certain box with items and use those items that are stored there to make more item matches. This makes the game more challenging and more fun but the fun only lasts a couple of minutes. This mechanic can be avoided by watching an ad and the game will reward you that box but if only you watch the ad. This can work but only if it were actually possible without watching the dumb ad. This mechanic gets abused by the developers to get people to watch ads and it only gets progressively worse. I lost my winning streak and I am now stuck on level 20. I have tried many times to beat this level, 20 plus time, but every time I fail it feels more and more necessary to watch the ad which immediately takes away the fun out of the game. The fact that the game has to shove ads in your face so much just makes what ever game they are advertising completely unappealing becuase of how annoying the ads are. This single handedly ruined the entire game and so early too, at only level 20. Very very disappointed.


Very fun!

This game is JUST like the ad! That’s not something you always get. And there is little to no ads at all in the game! Super fun, relaxing, and just very entertaining. Honestly, ever since I downloaded this me and my friend have been playing and we are always seeing who’s on a higher level than the other and it’s pretty funny. Super realistic, and I very much recommend you to download it!


Meh, it’s okay.

I play Triple Match 3D and I absolutely LOVE it. I thought I would try this game to switch it up. It’s pretty fun for a while. Soon enough though, the game becomes more about luck than skill. They give you way too many matching options without enough spaces and it soon becomes a big game of chance. If you move the correct objects you COULD win but more often than not none of the behind items even match the items that you were given in the first place. I think they just want you to use up all your power items so you spend more money. I am more willing to spend money on games like Triple Match because the levels are beatable with skill even though it may take you several tries. This game is more about luck and I’m not going to waste my money knowing it’s going to run me dry. If you have the patience to keep playing until you get lucky this might be the game for you. But I like games that are more skill based.


ADS, ADS and more ADS, ADS, ADS

The crazy amount of ads makes it unplayable. I had no trouble until level 9. I don’t know why, but I just can’t get past it. It probably has something to do with no shelve space or the pop up that keeps that blocks a whole shelf that I have to X out of. I must have played it at least a dozen times. And your options to continue are use your gold, watch yet another ad or send them money. So if you have gold, you’ll blow through it in no time. The watching of ads to pass a level is crazy. Don’t we get more than enough ads being shoved down our throats? And sending them money to get more time or boosters is unacceptable. It’s only a game and I work too hard for what little money I have to waste it on a silly game. So I am going to delete it and move on to one of the other thousands of games to try.


A game that matches its ads, wow!'s glitchy, and laggy, and slow. The ingame ads seem to make the game glitch out and freeze whenever they change. I've had to quit and restart the game several times, just in the early stages. I'm not about to pay for a game that doesn't work well in the free/preview version. Which is a shame, because what little of it that I managed to play, I liked.

ETA: so I decided to try this game a bit further. Forget it. It's entirely luck & how money you're willing to spend on "buffs" that are needed to get past certain boards. And the so-called "tournament" play is not based on skill: you better be prepared to spend $$$ on buffs for each level, as the game ensures you cannot get past any screen without them.

Pass this one up. The devs here forgot that games are supposed to be fun, not excuses to money-grub.


This is an amazing game.. at first

I was addicted to this game, it’s like reorganizing an actual refrigerator. Accept I think for later levels it shouldn’t be nearly impossible to go on to the next level. Also.. this is a perfect game for a sandbox mode! Just incase you don’t know what I mean, sandbox means you can play with relaxation. I think there should be another option where you can play without the timer so you can actually find the end to some of the levels. Maybe in a sandbox mode the player could just keep playing it with no end, just finding matches. I hope this can be understood, I hope to see improvement with this game, I honestly think it could be great!


So annoyed

I started playing the free version and got hooked. This game is really fun. I was tired of all the ads so I thought about paying to remove them. A page popped up that looked almost EXACTLY like the game so I paid the $2.99. I have no idea what it is for. It’s not a new game I bought by mistake and it doesn’t remove the ads either. 🤷🏻‍♀️So, I went right to the beginning page, clicked “ads” and paid an additional $5.99 to remove them. It changed NOTHING! I tried updating the game and closing it out to no avail. To play the game I must watch two sets of ads that take forever and it happens in the middle of playing. Paying the $5.99 changed nothing from the free version. Don’t do it!


The new update

I’ve played this game more than I even want to admit. It’s a very fun game. I don’t even mind watching the ads to open the some boxes to get more items. However, the new update and new graphics are horrible. Honestly the game was fine as it was before. The new graphic makes it more difficult to even tell certain items apart. As much as I love this game.. the graphics are really turning me off from wanting to continue to play.. it’s actually horrible!


Bait & switch - don’t get what you pay for

It isn’t long before you have to start watching ads before you can play a level. Yes, ads plural. The paid version says that ads will be removed except for ads when you want to boost an award. Okay. Seems reasonable. Except that’s NOT what happens. The small banner at the bottom of the screen that you barely notice goes away, but you still have to watch ads to play the game. I asked for a refund, didn’t get it. Not surprising. I like the concept, but GoodsSort is monitized every which way. Just say no and download another match 3 app.


The best!! Download NOW

GoodsSort is honestly so interesting. Ive been addicted, I downloaded yesterday and I’m already on level 10. GoodsSort has almost NO adds, play on airplane mode for no adds at all. It has alot of items that you get to organize. It’s so amazing I love and recommend if your looking for an app with no internet!!


Fun at first

After level 16ish it’s almost impossible to complete a level without watching FULL ads + buying perks. I wouldn’t mind watching ads for more lives or perks, but you have to buy those. Ad options aren’t available.
To dev: To keep this game on phones you need to place ads in appropriate spots. Users shouldn’t have to watch ads to complete a level. Ads should be for perks. I understand money needs to be made but people won’t buy if they’re forced to. Let us get addicted to where we WANT to buy. Not have to.


AWFUL app. Wish i could give ZERO STARS.

Im calling this an app because its not a game at all. You cant even do anything without having to watch an ad, then exit out of like 5 different pop ups asking you to buy the game from the ad you just had to sit and watch. On top of that, you cant even enter & save your own name! It says you can, but you do it and it wont save. The game is a fun concept, i wish they could have actually put the work into GoodsSort and made it good. But that seems to be how it is with any “game” i try to download from GoodsSort store.


App Update

I used to play this game daily, enjoying it every day. I had no issues purchasing various packages in the past, but when I decided to get the summer pass, I encountered a problem. After the first purchase, nothing happened. Assuming it didn’t go through, I made a second purchase, only to find both payments were deducted without adding the summer pass to my game. Unfortunately, this experience has left me no desire to continue playing the game.


Fun but literally gets impossible unless you spend money after 20ish levels

Game is super fun and just like the adds and i don’t think there are too many adds in it, however after around 20 or so levels it’s literally impossible to beat unless you spend money for upgrades or watch an add for it, and most of the time you need more than one to actually finish the level.


I love this!!

this is not only an amazing game, but it also is very relaxing and fun! it allows me to forget everyone thing as i’m organizing a section of the game! it is basically just like the add except it is a little less realistic than shown. i love everything about this game 10/10 recommend!


Gets too hard after a few levels

I like a challenge but I’m only at level 14 and I’m done. I deleted GoodsSort . It gets way too hard to pass the next levels; you don’t get enough time. It gets frustrating after playing the same level 5+ times and still not being able to pass. I’d probably redownload if there was a game mode without the timer.


Love it, but…

This is an excellent game, unfortunately, it’s just too difficult for me to finish within the time allotted. I wish there was an option to play without the timer. Regrettably, I must delete.


A coupe issues

The game is really fun at first, but as others have stated, you can’t pass a level after level 20 without watching an ad. Very frustrating as I paid for no ads. Also, I had to reinstall GoodsSort a couple times, as I completed a level (all shelves cleared and all extra pieces showing “0” on the shelves and the timer kept going and did not give me my win.


Fun, but frustrating

I love this game but omg why can’t I listen to music on my phone while I’m playing it? I find that very freaking annoying. The game is really addictive and fun but like others have said, some levels are nearly impossible to beat without watching ads, or spending money on power ups. A mode to play without a timer would be a nice addition too.


Ruined at lvl 8

I really liked this game till lvl 8. I’m not sure if it’s my dyslexia or not but at this lvl the products in the back are visible and I cannot see what I am looking at. Since this is a timed game this makes it impossible. It just looks a like a jumbled mess with the pieces coming out of other pieces. I like the idea of something different and more challenging but unfortunately for me I won’t be able to advance to the next level


Fun but glitchy

Fun game, but frequently I complete a level (all goods from main shelves and auxiliary shelves matched and gone), but the timer continues counting down until zero, then I lose the level. Extremely frustrating, especially (1) when I’ve used powerups to get where I am, and (2) where they build your progress several levels at a time and you have to restart that progress when you lose that one level. If there is some additional element to this game that isn’t readily apparent, please explain it. If not, then please fix!!!


So fun

I am OBSESSED with this game. I play it everyday for maybe 1-2 hours a day. It is the only mobile game that has been able to keep my interest for over a week. Of course it is up to your own personal likes, but I have this thing where I cannot stand disorganized shelves. When I was young I even used to straighten the shelves in stores.

This game gives me that sense of delight without having to do it in real life. So no more awkward glances or people asking me questions thinking I work there.

No, this is not a bot response either. I am actually in awe with this game. It’s the best **free** mobile game I have played in a very long time.


Fun but frustrating

This is a fine version of this kind of game but it’s ad-intensive, and you WILL get stuck on particular levels and have to try again multiple times. It’s like solitaire, not every item shuffle is winnable and you have no option to replay a particular setup, you have to start with a different shuffle every time you lose. It may be easier if you pay or watch ads for upgrades, but I don’t do that - I think that vanilla gameplay needs to stand up on its own and this one really doesn’t. Play it for a while but don’t expect to play it long-term.


Stuck on Level 17

I was LOVING this game. Hadn’t lost a life or used more than a perk or two, then suddenly, on level 17, I used ALL my perks and ALL my lives at once and still couldn’t solve it. What can I do now but wait for lives to refill and continue to fail on the same level over and over? Spend real money to buy perks is the likely answer, but then it’s an investment and not a game and would likely just go a few more levels then do more of the same: require more real money to proceed.

Like any parasitic relationship, this is a unfortunate but necessary end for me and this game. I wish it wasn’t so!! 😭


Must pay a ton or watch ads all day

I enjoyed this game at first. I did buy the ad free because if I really like a game I will give them some money for it. Then it got to the point to were you cannot win, and that happens quite quickly. So in order to maybe win you must watch more ads to open up boxes to help or spend money on things. Developers::: I would pay 10 bucks to just play the game and not have a stupid timer on it. There seems to be a ton of other games like this so I will cut my losses here and look at others!


Something Fishy

So… I love this game. I introduced my husband to this game and he plays now as well. We love the versus battle(although I think their bots) it’s fun. I’m on level 84 and my husband is level 90 we get totally different boards. Mine are super hard with revolving/ rotating shelves and he isn’t getting any of these hard levels. Other than that it’s a cool lil game. Ads after you beat a level but not overbearing.



Was so stoked for the game even bought the no ads to be immersed, then level twenty hit and SUDDENLY WATCHING ADS IS PART OF THE GAMEPLAY TO PROGRESS. Probably the worst move ever, sorry was my $7 purchase of no ads not enough? Now I’m forced to watch two minute ads in order to get the item to match? Fire whoever did that, it’s annoying and I deleted the game + got a refund for the ‘no ads’ for false advertising service…😌 Call me back when the game actually has no ads for the people that bought no ads .


I’m on the fence…

I really want to love the game but there’s a few things about it that don’t sit right with me and give me the “ick”. The replenishing lives thing seems to drag HOURS! I know there’s a timer counting down till next life but like last night I played around 3am and it’s now 10:13am and lives are still only at 3? Why are they not full?!
Also OMG please fix this but I keep having to write my name cause the dang game keeps changing my name to like Jericho or some other weird name. What’s up with that?
I bought the no ads because I was starting to like the game but tbh I’m kinda regretting it with these issues it’s having.
I don’t just buy no ads for any game. It has to be a game I really start to like. But if this one won’t fix the bugs I’m going to feel like I wasted my time and money.
Please help.


Fun is limited

So I have no problem paying for ad free experience. But this particular game is clever in trying to include ads as a game mechanic on levels that you otherwise cannot beat without clicking the ad. Even then sometimes clicking the ad the level is unbeatable. In higher levels you notice that the level isn’t winnable at all. When you restart a level the items and sometimes layout will change. You almost have to fail enough times to luckily get a new version of the level where you have a chance to win. Using power ups are a waste at times because often times the level is unbeatable from jump. For me this game has ran it’s course, the unpredictable game play without a solution to each level is just frustrating. Shows the algorithm used isn’t even sophisticated to spit out levels that actual have a means to complete the level. I got my monies worth for about two months, but I wouldn’t suggest this game to anyone and it makes me seek out competitors with maybe a better game experience


Really good but

The game is good I actually like a quite a lot. It becomes challenging, and then it becomes easy and it’s actually quite nice. My only issue with it is the fact that sometimes actually most of the times I can’t play my music with it. Every time I enter GoodsSort and I’m already playing music and listening to it on my phone it just stops working and I can’t do it whatever I’m listening to. It just randomly pauses and just doesn’t let me listen even though any sound is shut off from the game. I wish you guys would fix this kind of destroys my happiness while playing it’s not like I wanna listen to the theme song, or whatever


Was good!!!!!!

Like I said above it was a good game. After the update I can’t quite figure out why they changed it cause I didn’t see anything wrong with it. I’ve been playing for several months. I’m on level 1050, and since the update date it seems like they made it to where you can’t get through a level without using all of your power ups to get through it. Yes there was times I would lose a life to get through a level before, but nothing like it is now. I really hope that they can let up a little with, cause I uninstall it if it stays this way. If they do fix it I will be more than happy to give 5 stars. I hope they read this. If you do Thank you ahead of time.


Good but too many ads

I absolutely love this game! It is very fun and I can play it for hours at a time, however there is an ad in between every single level, if you get stuck on a level you have to watch an ad to replay then watch another ad once you finish it.


The game is so much fun!

At least, up until you reach a certain point. Levels become literally unbeatable unless you use power-ups/items to assist you in clearing the shelves. I don't mind watching ads to support the developers, but it frustrates me to a point I don't even want to play anymore when the levels are clearly designed to force you into using your items. I hope the devs will read this and take it into consideration. I wasn't upset when I lost some levels because I ran out of time. At least I knew that it was possible to win and I just needed to find the solution to match everything faster. I don't appreciate getting back to back levels that I know I can't win on my own. Using items should be the players choice, not a game mechanic. There are so many people playing your game that will choose to watch ads for rewards, so it's a shame to see that winning is impossible. It just makes me want to delete GoodsSort and find something else to play.


please change back to old game piece graphics !

i love love love this game and play it everyday and i have been for months. i decided to update the game and was so disappointed to see the graphics for the game pieces changed and now look like cheap ugly versions of their pre-updated counterparts. i can’t stand the look of them and they look like every other match game graphics (the other games that copied this one) which is really upsetting. i honestly haven’t been able to play for more than 1 minute before i get frustrated by the cheap ugly game pieces, think about the old pieces, and close GoodsSort . i haven’t opened it more than twice since i updated it the other day and have only played for maybe a minute both of those times. i wish i would’ve seen the review written by penny back in june about the update and listened to her before it was too late and i was stuck with this version. this game had the best gameplay and prettiest graphics but the loss of the graphics has led to a decline in the quality of gameplay. if this is unable to be fixed then i’ll unfortunately have to stop playing this game and hope for a copycat replacement with better graphics for the game pieces :( please think about fixing this !


Not worth paying to remove ads because it doesn’t

I purchased the remove ads option. When playing tournaments there are blocks and they leave you no choice but to watch ads to unblock some of the boxes and it’s not playable if you don’t watch the ads. Also, the ads are stupidly long and take forever to allow you to X it out. In playing the game solo you still get blocked boxes which you can only release if you watch the ads which are ridiculously long. I guess what I paid for is to remove the ads that plays frequently while you play the game. I don’t think it’s worth $6.00 to play a game feeling annoyed the whole time because it’s set up to b not playable half the time.


Good until level 40

I love this game! It’s a good wind down game for me to just chill and sort! I love puzzle games so this is right up my alley. I usually will watch the ads to get the bonus features to use occasionally however once you get to level 40, it’s nearly impossible to complete the level without actually paying money to have those bonus features that help you to win the levels. I think if level 40 was more attainable I would still play but I’m just annoyed now.


Pop up ads during gameplay

Certain pop up ads stop background audio during game play. Very ANNOYING, please fix this. I can deal with the incessant ads after every game.. but during gameplay is excessive and unnecessary. $5.99 is a little steep to justify paying. Otherwise, this game is enjoyable.

I HATE having to wait for the ad to change in order for me to continue listening to my audio. Its almost unbearable to the point where I am thinking of finding another game with less annoying ads.


Pay to Play

As with any of these “free” games, if you want to advance, you have to pay. I probably spent $25 buying extra time and extra helps over the short time I’ve had the game. Today I spent $5 in 10 minutes trying to beat a level and I didn’t succeed. I’m tired of them making levels impossible without paying to get more helps. I’m done making rich ppl richer on this stupid game. It’s fun until it’s not. I don’t recommend. I get that all they care abt is money. But if you want to keep a customer, if they pay five dollars to beat a level, it better work. I’m done.


Fun but has bugs?

I have been enjoying playing this game for a few weeks but something that has bothered me is while during a match ads will randomly pop up. Also it won’t let me change my player name. Another bug is that just recently while in a match against another player, I barely started the match and just a few seconds in it tells me that I lost and shows our scores, I had 0 stars and my opponent only had 2 stars, normally a match will end with 50 or more stars. So I reloaded my game and tried again, had the same issue with the match ending very early after me only making a move or two. This needs to be fixed. I have made some purchases to get items and coins to get through some levels that are impossible to maneuver (level 70), moving an item or two to move the back items toward the front and have used many items in one round to still end up failing because there is literally no space to move to make matches. I can’t justify spending more than $3 to get past 1 level. It shouldn’t take 8 buffs to get through a level. Especially when one of the items is to reset the board and it shuffles the objects in a way that you cannot make a match and you’re stuck.


Goods Triple Game

I am a Senior person. We like to sit on our phone and match 3 items for an hour, find it very relaxing. I could care less about levels, points, free prizes or challenges. I am OK to ignore ads that come after each level.

Note to Game makers, there are people like us, playing these games, we are retired, with free time, all we need is to be able to play the game at each level and enjoy.

I got stuck at level 20 and did not know how to get past question marks. So I deleted GoodsSort . Really wish, these games were designed differently. We enjoy trying each level many times if we run out of time, but do not like to buy anything.


Fun game, But

This game is fun, but there is a glitch in the game in several places. For example: if you choose to watch the ad for free award attacks before you start the game it takes all your stored treasures first. Then on the dual section you are clearly wining the game, but then the game ends abruptly before 2-3 seconds go by. Also the ad lengths are never the same lengths. Some are 5 secs then 30 secs then at times 65 sec. There needs to be in more places to earn coins. Also why collect stars if you don’t use them for anything relevant. The game could be good


Good, could be better

I really like this game! But I think there are a few things that make it not amazing.
1) PLEASE add a chill gameplay setting. Sometimes I just want to do something calming and would love it if there was no time restriction. I want to be playing while watching a show or something and I can’t do that right now because I have to be paying attention to get done in time. I want there to be a setting to take away the time.
2) Why does it turn off my music/podcast when I go on GoodsSort ? Please fix this. It’s annoying. When it comes down to choosing between playing the game and listening to my podcast, I’ll pick my podcast and find another game to play. I have the music and sounds in GoodsSort muted but it still won’t let me play my podcasts in the background.
Overall, I like the game but a few things ruin it for me and make me turn it off when I would otherwise be playing.


Was fun, but now unplayable.

I had fun with this game for quite a while, but it has become unplayable. Overall, it is a relaxing and fun game, but there are some big limitations. First, the ads are definitely intrusive. There are some levels that can’t be beaten without watching extra ads, and the ads often last a really long time before you can continue on. The ads are also repetitive and sometimes offensive and I haven’t seen a way to stop certain ads from reappearing.
But the real issue that has me quitting the game is that the lives no longer reset. There is a 15 minute clock that you can watch count down, but at the end of the time there are no new lives granted. So basically I come into the game after a day or more, and there are still zero lives available. So it is literally unplayable. I’ve tried exiting out and restarting my device, but no luck.


Was fun until level 40

I’m usually pretty good at games and don’t give up easily, but level 40 has frustrated me to no end. I took a suggestion I saw online by uninstalling and reinstalling GoodsSort ….did that and I’m back to the first level. Not interested in starting over. What a shame cause this game was fun and addicting but you make too many hard levels too early. The amount of counts you have to spend just to get a time extension is insane and don’t even get me started on the ads!!!!!!! I’m glad I didn’t buy “no ads” (I really was enjoying this game!) but it seems like “no ads” to them is still a couple ads! On to the next game…


Level 56 Glitch - Game Unplayable

I want to change this to 5 stars, I LOVE this game. I downloaded recently & quickly paid the $6.99 for no ads so I could play uninterrupted. This is by far the best sorting game I’ve ever come across & the only one I’ve ever paid for. I still don’t regret that.

However now that I’ve reached level 56 there’s a glitch in my game. Only on the main level, not the levels where you compete against others. The glitch is that several of my objects are condensed into the middle of the screen on top of each other from the start of the level. You cannot move or access these objects and at the end of the level, you’re missing about 6 objects you need to compete it. They’re just stuck in the middle of the screen overlapping each other.

I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled. Nothing helps. It’s still there and I can no longer play until it’s fixed. The one-on-one levels aren’t the same and I don’t want to play only those. Please help 😭


Fun but

Just another game that is fun but as you progress they make it to where they control the outcome. Hiding items behind other items but wait, that item is behind another item. And then the item that is not there until you get rid of something blocking whatever item they decide to give you. Basically its the same psychological “they will most likely buy stuff if we keep them from winning” nonsense. Gotta squeeze as much money as they can out of it. The days where they make a fun game where you dont mind contributing is over. Fun game but a true waste of time


No way

I hate to do this. I did enjoy this game and liked it. But, there were so many ads, soooooooooooo many ads. Literally, you play the game, there is an ad, you fail and play again, another ad. You try to press the ads to gain bonuses and you lose and guess what? Another ad. I get it, the goal is to make money and no one should work for free. But, it’s so obviously about money. I could not get past Level 40 and I went online to ask questions and everyone mentioned that they were stuck on that level and they also mentioned having to pay lots of money for bonuses and they still didn’t win and unlike other games, Where you might get to Level 500 before they ask for money, it was way too early for me to start paying. So, I deleted it instead. There are way too many games to get caught up in this one.


Boring first few levels, fun a bit, then horrible

I think others have said this. But there is a point where levels were appropriately challenging, they were changing up formats to keep it interesting and I was really liking it. But then the levels get to a point where you can not beat them unless you watch at least 10-15 ads, 1 minute each. I kept trying for like 10 levels of this misery hoping it was just a fluke and things would go back to they way they were when the format switched again, but I was wrong. Enjoy it until that point and then time to delete. Don’t torture yourself. Don’t be like me. When the levels get too hard, just look for a new game.


My Mind Is NOT Playing Tricks On Me!

First off, I only gave the game 4 stars because the game is good and it is addictive. The first negative experience I had was after paying money to remove the ads. My iphone had an update and there were some apps that I had to update or remove and re-upload. When I uploaded the game the “remove ads” feature was no longer in place and was asking an additional fee to remove the ads. That was resolved and my money was reimbursed. Then I noticed that after getting higher up in levels—when I would move an item to another shelf it would go back to the shelf that I moved it from. I installed this same game on my ipad pro to see how it would act and the same thing happened. Whether it was a glitch or not — I don’t know. However, I do feel slighted because I could have had more matches than what I did but wasted time moving the same item several times until it finally stayed on the shelf. The developer needs to look into that because it feels somewhat like the game is being manipulated or fixed. If it weren’t for those negatives I would have given the game 5 stars.


Fun but buggy

I enjoy the graphics and the gameplay is fun. It does, as many games do, seem to have a bit of a functional paywall. There are glitches, such as items behind not becoming playable after the front items clear, or two items using the same space, making neither moveable. The generation of the items also often reaches a point of having no more moves, which requires you to use a power up type of tool to mix the items and such. But because you do not earn coins quickly, it becomes pay to play.
I do find organizing, sorting, and matching entertaining. I just think there are some game-stopping bugs that need to be taken care of, and i think that paywalls are a bit overused, personally.
You could use personalization options, or promote an exciting update that people could donate to fund for example.


I was tolerating the game until….40

The game was fun and challenging until I hit a wall. Although I found the ads overwhelming and oppressive in terms of enjoying gameplay, I was prepared to spend the six dollars to be able to continue to progress.
Then I hit level 40.

So I came back to the reviews to read what people are saying, and everyone’s experience has been the same as mine and the game continues to get poor reviews as a result of it.
My two star review is because in theory, it’s fun and challenging, otherwise I would give it a zero if I could for frustration and failure.

It seemed very confusing to me that the game would be set up for complete failure, no matter how much you threw at the level.
With all the five star reviews, I have to assume that at one point this game was not as ad heavy or failure prone in the beginning.
Because of the heavy ad content, you couldn’t even understand how to use any power ups during the initial rounds when you earned them.

My assumption is that the developers have chosen not to use the candy crush model to keep people engaged, but rather allow them to hit a point, spend the money, run through whatever they have, and then delete.
Oh well…. It’s just a game..



I was playing several times a day every day. It was so much fun! Then last night, it updated. Now for the tournament you have to watch an Ad. There’s an ad after every game, plus if you want to use special features you then have to watch another ad, which was fiiiiineeee…. But then to have to watch the full ad (no pressing X 5 seconds in) to play the Tournament against someone is HORRIBLE! ESPECIALLY when you have to watch the FULL AD just to play, and then you beat the person in 20 seconds (or get beat) your game play is less time then it took to have to watch the full ad. I felt like there were a lot of ads before but tolerable. Now with this update, I’ve pressed my Goods app a couple of times now, remembered the update and immediately jumped off, which is so sad! You have to watch the full Ad already to get the special help for each round, plus to play all the Skirmishes and now to play each tournament plus AFTER the tournament is now just too many.



This was my favorite game for a while until…it became very obvious that I would need to buy or watch ads for power ups or tools to get through the levels. I got stuck on level 32 and ended up deleting GoodsSort . A few weeks later I decided to try again. I got to level 38 this time and once again, I couldn’t get through it without getting lots of tools to use, and even then, sometimes the level was literally impossible to clear no matter how many ads you watched to earn helpers. I just deleted it again. It is frustrating that there are times you truly cannot proceed no matter what you do. Half of your time is used watching ads only to get stopped. There has to be some bugs because on level 38 there were times when every space was taken by an item, and you had no spaces to move anything to and the clock would keep counting down


More ads and detour hyperlinks than game:

Game concept is simple and fun, however, in the last 10 minutes of playing 7 of the 10 minutes were spent on ads.

Whether you mean to or not, you end up clicking on links and spend more time being cycled through all of the companies other game ads, feeling detoured and slightly manipulated.

I don’t know who is writing these other reviews, the game got a 4.9?! No way.

This game could be awesome, but I’ll never know because of the constant ads popping up.

It’s a shame that developers worked hard, and put a lot of effort into the artwork and the concept, which I genuinely love, only to be undermined by an insanely annoying advertising system.

Don’t waste your time. I’m uninstalling now, and making sure to add this company to my veto list because their marketing department has lost touch with the consumer.

I understand this is how many games are able to recoup money through advertising, but this particular game it is excessive and overwhelming.

If the developer is reading this, please get out of your own way and allow a person to get attached to the game before trying to sell them other games and make sure that the player can have more game than time wasted, watching previews of other games.


Money grabber game & Ads Don’t work

Yet another game that is fun for the first few times you play it, and then as the levels get harder it becomes impossible to beat without using extras, which of course you eventually run out of, and have to pay for. I honestly don’t mind spending money in games from time to time to enhance my experience, but when it’s a right out of the gate necessity, I know that the purpose of the game is only to make money, and make it just enjoyable enough that you might actually pay it.

Also, there’s a ridiculous amount of ads pushed at you. When I watch an ad to get a boost, it gets stuck on the ad, and I don’t even get the reward I watched it for because I have to restart the game. It’s really a shame because it’s a good fun game that’s ruined by the ad experience and the necessity to spend money. Go elsewhere!


Ad walled content

This game was pretty fun and I paid the money to actually remove the ads but now I have to watch ads to even participate in certain pieces of the game (tournaments and skirmishes), which feels kind of crappy when you pay to remove the ads from the game to begin with. I wish I could honestly refund my 6 bucks because it feels like a slap in the face. I used to be able to play tournament mode without ads so I didn’t really have an issue, skirmish always had an ad to play so I never really did them but after a recent update you get a ‘free’ play and then it makes you watch.

As someone also mentioned in their review, this game is absolutely impossible to play at some points without mass amounts of items (which mostly cost real money to gain coins or buy packs), watching ads of the same two games (which sometimes trigger on their own if you happen to swipe over the boxes they’re in!!!), or a combination of the two. It feels predatory and deceptive to allow folks to pay for an adsless experience and then fill the game with literal ad walls in levels and features to either increase people paying for items or packs or just getting revenue from paid players.


I like this game but… a suggestion

I want to start out saying the game is fun and I enjoy it. However, specifically level 27, I have started that level multiple times and had to immediately restart the level because from the get go there are no moves possible. That leaves me one of 2 options. Leave the level and lose my progress or use the refresh power up, which is hard to come by. I don’t think it’s fair that these are my only 2 options. I think the game should do an auto refresh and not penalize the player for the level starting off with absolutely no moves. Maybe it’s a glitch on my game, but either way I lost my progress the first time and the second time to use up my only refresh power up just to see that it got me nowhere and I had to end the level because there were no moves after just 3 moves. If the game could fix that, I would rate it higher for sure.


Very predatory practices

In the miss playing this game, it will force you to use the tool of getting unstuck even though you don’t want to, even though you may not need to, but it will navigate this way there, and if you don’t have enough coins, it will totally kick you out of your game and make you start all over again so essentially is forcing you to use coins you may not want to use or if you don’t have any coins if you want to continue on with the Game it will intentionally navigate you to a page to buy more coins. If you choose to X out because you don’t want this option, it will completely kick you out of the game and make you start from the beginning. It should be my choice where that I want to use to get unstuck tool, or at least have the option to exit out of that option and not be forced to start the game all over again or buy coins.


Fun but some levels are unplayable

This game is relaxing and soothing for someone with undiagnosed OCD like me. However, some levels have goods that can’t be sorted. These are the levels with boxes that go down each time to sort 3 items. More than a few times, the goods displayed end up un-sortable and new boxes don’t come down to give you more. You have no choice but to quit unless you have a refresh or have the money to buy them. Still, with no guarantee you’ll get a set of goods you can actually finish sorting.

The ads are also neverending. It’s anxiety-inducing to keep seeing King Robert “die” during these ads but yet have to endure and wait out the clock. I’m giving this game one more chance and then I’m out until they fix the bug.



Genuinely fun to play, but the ads are too long, too many, and too intrusive. I wouldn’t mind the ads if they were shorter, but they’re too long during gameplay. They’re extremely distracting and make it easy to lose your place. It’s also way too easy to make your level unplayable since it relies on a game item to reshuffle the board (there isn’t always 3 matching pieces to work with, so we either have to use an item, gamble and move items to delete a box for the chance that a match set will appear, or surrender the whole level, then subject yourself to more ads just to try to play the level again). There aren’t enough playable levels at the start to convince me that I like it enough to want to purchase the no ads option and keep playing.

I may consider redownloading if reshuffling was automatic like in Candy Crush, but as it is right now, I’ll have to put it down.


Unbeatable levels - practically an ad scam after a while

I really loved this game and played a lot. I made it to level 100, where I have been stuck for nearly two weeks. I’ve used every “power up,” watched every possible ad, everything, yet despite having gotten really good at this game cannot even get close to beating the level. Multiple times the level has started out unwinnable, with no sets available without filling up all the spots. Resetting the pieces, a power up, takes away the empty spots you’ve cleared, so it’s worse than useless, it sets you back.

The P2P battles come with no explanation on how to win, so I win or lose with no idea how points were calculated either way, and with no discernible pattern on amounts needed to win, time, or how to earn points.

I’m okay with levels being hard to beat, it keeps things interesting, but when it’s impossible to even come close with watching very long ads for bonuses, etc, it’s just not fun anymore. Plus you have to watch another at the end of the level (even if the level started out unbeatable and you just watched one 30 seconds ago) which just adds insult to injury.

At this point it feels like an ad farm instead of a game. I’ll go play something else.



This game is rigged! The first few rounds lure you in. Once you reach a certain level they become impossible to complete without spending a ton of money. The developers have purposely rigged it in order to make an ungodly amount of money. Once you run out of the boosts, you never get any more unless you purchase them and the coins that are earned with certain daily goals or winning a round is so small there’s almost never enough to buy any other booster. Also once you lose all 5 lives, you either have to buy more lives or wait an enormous amount of time to regenerate more lives. As a matter of fact, I thought it would take 15 min to regenerate one life so when I opened the game about an hour later, I still had no lives. I could see the timer counting down and when it got to zero on the clock, it did not regenerate a life. It’s unfortunate this game isn’t more poor people friendly and even though I’m not poor, I’m certainly not rich enough to spend $50-$100 a week playing it. Sad sad sad!
I rarely give a review either good or bad on a game or product unless one is really necessary and for this one a really bad review is absolutely necessary! Do not waste your hard earned money people!


Amended review

I was wrong. When you fail a level, you’re not forced to watch the long ad. I didn’t see the little skip buttons in the corners of the ads before. My mistake. It’s still very ad-heavy, but at least you can earn boosters via the ads instead of having to pay for them. I’m grateful to not have to shell out actual cash. Some levels are very hard and require multiple attempts over days to complete but others.. there will be days when I’m able to pass multiple levels and then I get stuck on the very hard level. I don’t like the cat levels because your frustration over the cat teaches you to hate that behavior. I mean, you’re trying to race both the cat and the clock! I have a cat and I find that harmful. I don’t want to hate my cat. I want to love it so I don’t like those levels.


Too much money

This is a fun and challenging game. It is quite addictive. But… I had to spend money really quickly to advance. You get stuck on a level because the game gave you nothing playable unless you use a power up. Some levels I had to use 3 or 4 power ups to get to playable time. This gets very expensive. Yes you give some free power ups, but when you have to use them repeatedly, you run out and have to buy more coins to buy more power ups which get more expensive. I found myself spending $5-$10 daily to keep up. I would play this game all the time if that wasn’t the case. Especially when the scene is unplayable do to no fault of the player, but the game itself. I don’t mind spending a little here and there, but this was a lot. Too much. Too often. Too bad. Too bad for both of us.


Fun, but too aggravating to continue

This game COULD be so fun and relaxing! I’m
finding that in the short time I’ve played this game, there are some bugs that make it nearly impossible to move an item from one box to another…especially if the item is going up rather than down. The ads are way way too long and super annoying! Like, the ad content is super annoying w/scenarios that make no sense at all. I’ve also played a few levels that I haven’t even made one move and I get a box that pops up saying that there are no more possible matches. Then I have to start over and lose a life through no fault of my own! Then, other times there won’t be any possible matches but the clock will just continue to run and there’s no way to back out of the level and restart w/out losing another life. If I could have given zero or negative stats, I would have!


ADHD/OCD worst nightmare!!!

The game as a concept is super great and I’m sure is terrific for typical personality types. But OMG this game stressed be out so bad. It’s timed which is the major reason for me deleting it. If you don’t finish the level in the given amount of time, it makes you start over. If you’re anything like me, you have to finish a task once you’ve started and it was so frustrating to not be able to finish. It was fine until about level 15. As the difficulty increased with each level, so did my stress. I’d be panicking as the clock ticked down because I didn’t want to lose my progress and sometimes there would be no way for me to win and I’d get stuck!!! The different levels got confusing after a while and I just had to give up. Soooooo NOT RELAXING!!!!! You’ve been warned


Love it, but turns unbeatable

I love playing this game. I even paid for the no adds because I am invested in playing the game long term. I can spend hours on this game, but the “Super Hard” levels aren’t super hard because you have to be strategic. It’s hard because there are literally no groups of threes available. You then lose your winning streak and when you use your special tokens to save yourself, sometimes those tokens literally do nothing to change the outcome. You have to keep losing the level and start over until you get a setup that you can solve. How can I almost clear all of the shelves, use 5 tokens, pull from the sides that have at least five mystery items per shelf, and it not give me a single group of three and then it fills up the entire page and then I lose.


Game glitches

This game is addictive and lots of fun but there seem to be a lot of glitches. It will tell me there are no more moves available and end the game but I can clearly see that there is an open space for me to move a piece to. It’s extremely frustrating. There are also times that I will start a game and as I begin to move the very first piece it will tell me I’m out of moves and end the game. How can I be out of moves when I haven’t even moved anything yet? I would never have paid to remove ads if I had known how many issues this game has.

The only good thing about the issues are that I will be out of lives, it will tell me I have zero and 5 minutes later I suddenly have 3 or 4 lives, it says zero but it continues to let me play.

Try not to put out a product and charge money for a product that has so many programming errors.


Unplayable by a certain

I really liked playing this game for awhile. But by level 28, it was rigged to the point of not being able to move past the level without having to buy “helps”. I’ve done the level again and again and no matter how much you try, it can’t be beaten without spending money. Also, when you use the helps, the game uses them up at the beginning of the level before you even get to move an object. You can’t hold onto them for later to help when you’re stuck. And like everyone else, the ads are irritating! I don’t mind ads here and there but to constantly be bombarded with ads is so annoying. I’m thinking I need to delete every single game I downloaded because I’m advertised to death! Brainwashing is what I’d call it at this point.


App uses BOTS in competitive move

I love the idea of this game, but I am giving it one star purely for the fact that their competitive mode is literally with bots that are UNBEATABLE. I'm fairly decent at games like this, I have been playing for one hour and I have not even come within 50% of beating a bot. All the players have normal American names, no real usernames, and they're always from a different country.

It's gross that a game does this and also makes people think they're just not winning when it's clear they have this coded to complete "matches". One round I just watched one of the bots. Explain to me how we get up to 6 minutes to do levels and I'm playing against someone who is supposedly so fast they're making 50 matches in 60 seconds. Make it make sense. That's basically a match A SECOND. There's literally almost no way to have a perfect run like that and it's aggravating developers would do that. While the game is fun, they won't get an ounce of my money for their poor practices within the game.


ads make it unplayable unless you have cash

Never have I ever experienced a game where I have to remove my SIM card and forget all wifi networks near me because airplane mode isn’t good enough for removing ads for free. Actually insane lol. And no, i will never think about paying a stupid fee for no ads forever. Why can’t you just price the game for $2.99 and just leave it at that with no ads. I wish it was 2015 again when devs cared more about their mobile games than revenue. I just wish I could play the game with no interruptions when Im so close completing a level, and me just wanting to quit because of a stupid ad, I hate it. To everyone who hates ads as much as I do, you have to turn on airplane mode before you enter GoodsSort , since it will cache the ads immediately when you turn it on.

There has been so many instances where I left GoodsSort , for 2 min, came back and a stupid ad came up with no x button, just a spinning circle, making me have to do the level over again because the ad wont go away. I am blaming all of this on you guys. And to make things worse, leaving GoodsSort or turning your phone off for more than 5 minutes will just reset the game. Ruining all your progress on your level, I don’t understand why and it makes me so mad. Why can’t you be like most games where you remember what I had up last launch or something, instead of resetting everything acting like theres no progress made, so stupid.


I love it but…..

This is probably the most challenging phone game I’ve ever come across which is the main reason why I love it so much. It’s so difficult to actually find a game that’s both challenging and rewarding, but this game did it perfectly. There is one level type that is so annoying to play though because even from the start you might not be able to make a move. It’s the levels where the boxes fall down from the top of your phone screen. The idea and concept is cool and I like that part of it, but almost every time I can’t make a single move after getting one box. The item randomization does not allow these levels to work properly and it either needs to be fixed or those levels need to be removed entirely. How am I supposed to progress when there’s not one single match on my screen after getting two right and sending down two new boxes of items that have nothing that’s already on my screen? It’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever encountered on a game which is surprising because of how well made this game is otherwise. I would like to give 5 stars, but I cannot.



At first the game seems fun and is easy to play, but as you progress a certain level is introduce and this type of level is actually impossible to complete. The game randomly assigns items to boxes, and these levels have a tower of boxes that require you to clear the lower boxes to reach the higher ones. I don't know if it's an issue with how the boxes generate, but it is impossible to clear the lower boxes because the items to finish the boxes are in the higher levels, and cant be reached without clearing said lower boxes. There becomes a point where you can't make anymore moves or make any progress whatsoever without using power ups or ads to change the assortment of items in the boxes, and even then, the likelihood you get enough of the same items in those lower boxes is so low that it wastes the power ups. Genuinely can't continue playing the game because you cant complete the level.

Is Goods Sort Safe?

Yes. Goods Sort™ -Triple Busters 3D is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 44,625 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Goods Sort Is 48.6/100.

Is Goods Sort Legit?

Yes. Goods Sort™ -Triple Busters 3D is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 44,625 Goods Sort™ -Triple Busters 3D User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Goods Sort Is 100/100..

Is Goods Sort™ -Triple Busters 3D not working?

Goods Sort™ -Triple Busters 3D works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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