My first issue as a self employed individual and a developer myself and all other areas of tech the main being cybersec analysis I am 100% against the business practice of most of these apps that work with 3rd party promos. Namely “AppHapps” make a kick back off this as well as the dev gets more exposure towards their work. No problem up to that point other than the user gets outed as what they do is say just for today you get the lifetime portion of the .ipa for free. The problem is if you have to restore or delete it temporarily to free up room, well you’ve lost your premium version of BudgetFlowExpenseTracker . This is not ok in any manner and should be tied to your Apple ID like any other purchase.
Next, aside of my feelings, on how they do business, BudgetFlowExpenseTracker does a lot nicely and I can’t take away from that because the way I feel about their business practices. The animations are nice, and seems to offer quite a bit . Even. Being self employed cIt can be very handy, however I am not a fan of the UI at at all. I have no problem saying this is not a $69.99 lifetime .ipa subscription and it also “over complicates” things that are very easy tasks, in other words, I feel there is a lot of filler that has no place in BudgetFlowExpenseTracker to kind of make it seem to be more than what it is. BudgetFlowExpenseTracker is a pretty simple straightforward .ipa and really adds more than what’s needed for a simple “budget app”.
This is just my honest opinion with all taken into consideration. Finally , and I hate to circle back to this but a lot of my data that was saved under the premise of that lifetime version was gone when it was time to restore from a back up as the lifetime was gone. It simply bad practice. I can only give this 2 stars as part of my business is being professional reviewer for other companies like Best Buy, Amazon and many other partner’s & affiliates, I say this not to name drop or show credentials but explain I see a lot of poor choices when it comes to promotion and it’s 9 out of 10 times it’s the user who gets dooped. That’s where my issue is.
I am all about peoples hustle & kickbacks but devs that are going to work with AppHapps or other affiliate companies and offer the lifetime subscription , why would you not allow that to carry over to you Apple ID? How bad caouksbthat affect your bottom line your offering it regardless and your overhead is typically low as I’ve submitted apps in both PlayStore and AppStore along with the fireOS store, to do this is misleading and is it worth you putting shade on your name? Not to mention, I lost a lot of work due to the practice of “ lifetime .ipa free just for. It to be taken back.
Again, tie it to the Apple ID used so you truly have a lifetime subscription as once it’s off your device so is the lifetime sub, aside from it being a bad look on you , it makes the rest of us in development look bad. I feel it’s very important for customers to know as this has happened to me with at least 6 other apps. Again, it’s a bad look for all of us when a few do things like this. I hope Apple does not censor this as it’s a real problem. I speak to the owner of AppHapps who are very open about how it works and what the dev , offers/gets, please do right buy the people that are going to support you or stop running the false lifetime subscriptions please because I can’t stress enough, for us white hatters, and proper devs , it makes us as a community look terrible . Thank you for your time. Apple please allow this review and hold the line for integrity as this is a major issue running rampant and users/customers should know. . Thank you once again .